10,264 research outputs found

    Experience with advanced instrumentation in a hot section cascade

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    The Lewis Research Center gas turbine Hot Section Test Facility was developed to provide a real engine environment with known boundary conditions for the aerothermal performance evaluation and verification of computer design codes. This verification process requires experimental measurements in a hostile environment. The research instruments used in this facility are presented, and their characteristics and how they perform in this environment are discussed. The research instrumentation consisted of conventional pressure and temperature sensors, as well as thin-film thermocouples and heat flux gages. The hot gas temperature was measured by an aspirated temperature probe and by a dual-element, fast-response temperature probe. The data acquisition mode was both steady state and time dependent. These experiments were conducted over a wide range of gas Reynolds numbers, exit gas Mach numbers, and heat flux levels. This facility was capable of testing at temperatures up to 1600 K, and at pressures up to 18 atm. These corresponded to an airfoil exit Reynolds number range of 0.5 x 10(6) to 2.5 x 10(6) based on the airfoil chord of 5.55 cm. The results characterize the performance capability and the durability of the instrumentation. The challenge of making measurements in hostile environments is also discussed. The instruments exhibited more than adequate durability to achieve the measurement profile. About 70 percent of the thin-film thermocouples and the dual-element temperature probe survived several hundred thermal cycles and more than 35 hr at gas temperatures up to 1600 K. Within the experimental uncertainty, the steady-state and transient heat flux measurements were comparable and consistent over the range of Reynolds numbers tested

    Gurses' Type (b) Transformations are Neighborhood-Isometries

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    Following an idea close to one given by C. G. Torre (private communication), we prove that Riemannian spaces (M,g) and (M,h) that are related by a Gurses type (b) transformation [M. Gurses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 367 (1993)] or, equivalently, by a Torre-Anderson generalized diffeomorphism [C. G. Torre and I. M. Anderson, Phys. Rev. Lett. xx, xxx (1993)] are neighborhood-isometric, i.e., every point x in M has a corresponding diffeomorphism phi of a neighborhood V of x onto a generally different neighborhood W of x such that phi*(h|W) = g|V.Comment: 10 pages, LATEX, FJE-93-00


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    Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) colonization of the eastern United States has resulted in expenditures of tens of millions of dollars spent by consumptive surface water users, in order to mitigate infrastructure impairment caused by this invasive species. Analogous to benefit-transfer analysis, a "cost-transfer" approach will be used to obtain general estimates of potential mitigation costs of zebra mussels in an area (Florida) that this invasive species has yet to establish itself. The goal of this research is to provide initial information about this issue to parties interested in, and/or charged with, invasive species management in the state of Florida.Bio-fouling, cost-transfer, economic impacts, Florida surface water users, monitoring and control, zebra mussels, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Optimal investment in prevention and control of a potential invader: the case of zebra mussels in Florida waterways

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    The probability of a severe infestation ranges from 2% to 98% depending on investment in monitoring, prevention, and response technology. Given the estimated potential for economic damages, preliminary results indicate that prudent investment in prevention and early response net a present value net return of $10 million over 20 years.Invasive species, bio-pollutant, control cost, cost transfer, surface water, risk, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Willingness to Pay for Biodiesel in Diesel Engines: A Stochastic Double Bounded Contingent Valuation Survey

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    The double bounded dichotomous choice format has been proven to improve efficiency in contingent valuation models. However, this format has been criticized due to lack of behavioral and statistical consistencies between the first and the second responses. In this study a split sampling methodology was used to determine whether allowing respondents to express uncertainty in the follow-up question would alleviate such inconsistencies. Results indicate that allowing respondents to express uncertainty in the follow-up question was effective at reducing both types of inconsistencies while efficiency gain is maintained.Biodiesel, diesel, environmental benefits, contingent valuation, willingness to pay, double bounded model, and statistical and behavioral inconsistencies, Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, I18, L91, Q42, Q51, Q53,

    Doppler Probe of Accretion onto a T Tauri star

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    The YY Ori stars are T Tauri stars with prominent time-variable redshifted absorption components that flank certain emission lines. One of the brightest in this class is S CrA, a visual double star. We have obtained a series of high-resolution spectra of the two components during four nights with the UVES spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. We followed the spectral changes occurring in S CrA to derive the physical structure of the accreting gas. We found that both stars are very similar with regard to surface temperature, radius, and mass. Variable redshifted absorption components are particularly prominent in the SE component. During one night, this star developed a spectrum unique among the T Tauri stars: extremely strong and broad redshifted absorption components appeared in many lines of neutral and ionized metals, in addition to those of hydrogen and helium. The absorption depths of cooler, low ionization lines peak at low velocities - while more highly ionized lines have peak absorption depths at high velocities. The different line profiles indicate that the temperature and density of the accretion stream increase as material approaches the star. We derive the physical conditions of the flow at several points along the accretion funnel directly from the spectrum of the infalling gas. We estimated mass accretion rates of about 10^(-7) solar masses per year, which is similar to that derived from the relation based on the strength of H alpha emission line. This is the first time the density and temperature distributions in accretion flows around a T Tauri star have been inferred from observations. Compared with predictions from standard models of accretion in T Tauri stars, which assume a dipole stellar magnetic field, we obtained higher densities and a steeper temperature rise toward the star.Comment: Replaces 1408.1846 4 pages, 4 figures. Appears in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201

    Intra-day Variability of Sagittarius A* at 3 Millimeters

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    We report observations and analysis of flux monitoring of Sagittarius A* at 3-mm wavelength using the OVRO millimeter interferometer over a period of eight days (2002 May 23-30). Frequent phase and flux referencing (every 5 minutes) with the nearby calibrator source J1744-312 was employed to control for instrumental and atmospheric effects. Time variations are sought by computing and subtracting, from each visibility in the database, an average visibility obtained from all the data acquired in our monitoring program having similar uv spacings. This removes the confusing effects of baseline-dependent, correlated flux interference caused by the static, thermal emission from the extended source Sgr A West. Few-day variations up to ~20% and intra-day variability of \~20% and in some cases up to ~40% on few-hour time scales emerge from the differenced data on SgrA*. Power spectra of the residuals indicate the presence of hourly variations on all but two of the eight days. Monte Carlo simulation of red-noise light curves indicates that the hourly variations are well described by a red-noise power spectrum with P(f) ~ f^(-1). Of particular interest is a ~2.5 hour variation seen prominently on two consecutive days. An average power spectrum from all eight days of data reveals noteworthy power on this time scale. There is some indication that few-hour variations are more pronounced on days when the average daily flux is highest. We briefly discuss the possibility that these few-hour variations are due to the dynamical modulation of accreting gas around the central supermassive black hole, as well as the implications for the structure of the SgrA* photosphere at 3 mm. Finally, these data have enabled us to produce a high sensitivity 3-mm map of the extended thermal emission surrounding SgrA*.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 8 pages, 4 figure
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