21 research outputs found

    Quality of life (GIQLI) and laparoscopic cholecystectomy usefulness in patients with gallbladder dysfunction or chronic non-lithiasic biliary pain (chronic acalculous cholecystitis) Calidad de vida (GIQLI) y utilidad de la colecistectom铆a laparosc贸pica en pacientes con disfunci贸n vesicular o dolor cr贸nico biliar aliti谩sico (colecistitis cr贸nica aliti谩sica)

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    Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence, clinical features and role of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis (CAC) in comparison with a control group of patients who underwent cholecystectomy for chronic calculous cholecystitis (CCC). Material and methods: prospective evaluation of 34 patients with CAC in contrast with 297 patients with CCC. Outcome measures: clinical presentation, quality of life using the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI), usefulness derived from the therapeutic procedure as measured in quality of life units by GIQLI, and clinical efficacy at one year of follow-up. Results: the incidence of complicated biliary disease was higher in CAC (27%), in comparison with CCC (13.8%). The histological study of the excised gallbladder revealed a higher incidence of cholesterolosis associated with chronic cholecystitis in the CAC group (64.9%). GIQLI showed significant differences between preoperative and postoperative measurements in both groups. The associated usefulness of LC was similar in both groups (73 versus 67.3 per cent), confirming an important increase in quality of life for both categories. Conclusions: the incidence of CAC is 11 per cent with a high association with cholesterolosis. Quality of life and LC usefulness are similar to those of patients with CCC. Due to the fact that cholecistogammagraphy is a technique not available in daily clinical practice, and that oral cholecystography and dynamic ultrasound are reliable when a positive result is obtained, extended clinical evaluation is still the most reliable indicator for cholecystectomy.<br>Objetivo: evaluar la incidencia, manifestaciones cl铆nicas y el papel de la colecistectom铆a laparosc贸pica (CL) en pacientes con diagn贸stico de colecistitis cr贸nica aliti谩sica (CCA) en comparaci贸n con un grupo control de pacientes intervenidos por colecistitis cr贸nica liti谩sica (CCL). Material y m茅todos: evaluaci贸n prospectiva de 34 pacientes con el diagn贸stico de CCA en comparaci贸n con un grupo control de 297 pacientes con CCL. En el presente estudio analizamos: categor铆a cl铆nica de presentaci贸n, repercusi贸n de la enfermedad sobre la calidad de vida determinada mediante el Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI), c谩lculo de la utilidad de la intervenci贸n terap茅utica (incremento de unidades de calidad de vida) mediante el GIQLI y efectividad cl铆nica del procedimiento al a帽o de la intervenci贸n. Resultados: la incidencia de enfermedad biliar complicada fue superior en el grupo de CCA (27%) en comparaci贸n con el de CCL (13,8%). El an谩lisis histol贸gico revel贸 una incidencia de colesterolosis asociada a colecistitis cr贸nica m谩s alta en el grupo de CCA (64,9%). La determinaci贸n del GIQLI permiti贸 evidenciar diferencias significativas entre el preoperatorio y el postoperatorio en ambos grupos de pacientes siendo la utilidad del procedimiento similar percentualmente en ambos grupos (73 vs 67.3%) implicando una importante mejor铆a en la calidad de vida de ambos grupos derivada de la intervenci贸n terap茅utica. Conclusiones: la incidencia de CCA es del 11 por cien en nuestro ambiente con una elevada asociaci贸n a colesterolosis en el examen histol贸gico. La repercusi贸n sobre la calidad de vida es comparable a la de la CCL siendo la utilidad de la colecistectom铆a laparosc贸pica similar. Dado que la colecistogammagraf铆a no es un m茅todo asequible en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica diaria y que la colecistograf铆a oral y la ecograf铆a din谩mica son herramientas 煤tiles s贸lo cuando se obtienen resultados positivos, la evaluaci贸n cl铆nica exhaustiva de los pacientes sigue siendo la base que permite la indicaci贸n de la CL sin temor al fracaso

    Outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A new gold standard for cholecystectomy? Colecistectom铆a laparosc贸pica ambulatoria: 驴El nuevo "gold standard" de la colecistectom铆a?

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    Objective: to contribute our experience for five years in the implemetation of outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Patients: between January 1999 and March 2004 we performed 504 outpatient LCs. We applied both exclusion and inclusion criteria, an anesthetic and surgical protocol, and discharge-specific criteria. Postoperative management in "fast track" regime. Postoperative period controlled by protocol, including phone calls after cholecystectomy. Results: the ambulatory percentage in the global series was 88.8%, and mean hospital stay was 6.1 hours. Fifty-one patients required overnight stays (10.1%), most of them for "social" causes. Five patients required admission (between 24 and 48 hours) for different causes (conversion to laparotomy, intraoperative neumothorax, and postoperative medical complications). Six patients (1.1%) were readmitted, and we observed 11.6% postoperative complications in the global series, with abdominal parietal pain being most frequent. Phone localization by 22.00 p.m. in the same day of surgery was 100% complete for outpatient cases. Postoperative surveillance within the first month after surgery was completed in 93.9%, and within th first year in 86.7% of patients. Conclusions: outpatient LC is safe and feasible, and probably represents a new "gold standard" in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis.<br>Objetivo: aportar nuestra experiencia durante cinco a帽os en la implantaci贸n de la colecistectom铆a laparosc贸pica (CL) en un programa de cirug铆a mayor ambulatoria (CMA). Pacientes: entre enero de 1999 y marzo de 2004, se realizaron 504 CL consecutivas en r茅gimen ambulatorio. Se aplicaron criterios de exclusi贸n e inclusi贸n, un procedimiento anest茅sico-quirurgico protocolizado, y criterios espec铆ficos al alta hospitalaria. El manejo postoperatorio se realiz贸 en r茅gimen de "fast track" o de recuperaci贸n r谩pida. Seguimiento postoperatorio estricto mediante protocolo de revisiones, incluido localizaci贸n telef贸nica el d铆a de la colecistectom铆a. Resultados: el 铆ndice de sustituci贸n de la serie global fue 88,8%, siendo la estancia hospitalaria media de este grupo de 6,1 horas. Cincuenta y un pacientes requirieron estancia nocturna en el hospital (10,1%), la mayor铆a por causas de 铆ndole "social". Cinco pacientes requirieron ingreso (entre 24 y 48 horas) por diferentes causas (conversi贸n a cirug铆a abierta, neumot贸rax intraoperatorio, y complicaciones m茅dicas postoperatorias). Seis pacientes (1,1%) fueron reingresados en nuestra cl铆nica y se observ贸 un 11,6% de complicaciones postoperatorias en la serie global, donde el dolor abdominal de tipo parietal fue la m谩s frecuente. El contacto obligatorio telef贸nico a las 22,00 horas del mismo d铆a de la cirug铆a se cumpli贸 en el 100% de los casos ambulatorios. El seguimiento postoperatorio al mes de la intervenci贸n fue del 93,9% y al a帽o, del 86,7% de los pacientes. Conclusiones: la CL en r茅gimen ambulatorio se puede realizar de manera segura y fiable, y probablemente representa el nuevo "gold standard" del tratamiento de la colelitiasis sintom谩tica

    Outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A new gold standard for cholecystectomy?

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    Objective: to contribute our experience for five years in the implemetation of outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Patients: between January 1999 and March 2004 we performed 504 outpatient LCs. We applied both exclusion and inclusion criteria, an anesthetic and surgical protocol, and discharge-specific criteria. Postoperative management in "fast track" regime. Postoperative period controlled by protocol, including phone calls after cholecystectomy. Results: the ambulatory percentage in the global series was 88.8%, and mean hospital stay was 6.1 hours. Fifty-one patients required overnight stays (10.1%), most of them for "social" causes. Five patients required admission (between 24 and 48 hours) for different causes (conversion to laparotomy, intraoperative neumothorax, and postoperative medical complications). Six patients (1.1%) were readmitted, and we observed 11.6% postoperative complications in the global series, with abdominal parietal pain being most frequent. Phone localization by 22.00 p.m. in the same day of surgery was 100% complete for outpatient cases. Postoperative surveillance within the first month after surgery was completed in 93.9%, and within th first year in 86.7% of patients. Conclusions: outpatient LC is safe and feasible, and probably represents a new "gold standard" in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis