19 research outputs found

    Aesthetical experience of bridge structures

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    Tendencje do właściwego - w kategoriach estetycznych - kształtowania obiektów mostowych coraz bardziej uwidaczniają się zarówno w Polsce, jak i na całym świecie. Historiografia pojęcia piękna uświadamia, że jest ono nieodłączną częścią ludzkiej egzystencji. Tezę tę w sposób szczególny można odnieść do obiektów mostowych. Są one konstrukcjami wyjątkowymi, a w literaturze fachowej wielokrotnie spotykamy się z przekonaniem, że budowa mostów jest sztuką.In paper the feeling the beauty of bridge construction, design and the observation and the aesthetical experiences as well as the classic and present principles creating of good picture of bridge construction be described. An influence of landscape, material and structural factors on the human impressions and aesthetical estimation of bridge structures is presented and discussed. Some relevant examples of existing bridges are given

    Calculation of first natural frequency of steel columns with variable cross-sections. Part I. Derivation of formulas

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    Calculation of first natural frequency of steel columns with variable cross-sections. Part II. Results

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    Model bionomii brosznicy jesionówki (Macrophya punctumalbum L.) (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae)

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    The aim of the paper is to construct a model which describes the life expectancy of privet sawfly females (Macrophya punctumalbum L.), including additional information on the number of eggs. The data on life expectancy of females and their fertility were obtained in the course of research on the bionomy of the privet sawfly. A variety of discrete distributions to modelling the lengths of life was provided, namely: the Poisson Distribution, the Negative Binomial Distribution and the Poisson-inverse Gaussian Distribution. The analysis the above distributions were applied along with the GAMLSS (Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape) and the resulting models were compared with the use of the Global Deviance criterion, the Akaike information criterion and the Schwarz Bayesian criterion. For the best model the expected value and the standard deviation were defined. The profile deviance plot of this parameters, analysis of the residuals, kernel density and Q-Q plot are presented, too. All analyses were performed in R with the GAMLSS package.Celem prezentowanej pracy jest zaproponowanie modelu statystycznego opisującego długość życia samic brosznicy jesionówki (Macrophya punctumalbum L.). Dane na temat długości życia samic i ich płodności zostały otrzymane w trakcie badania nad bionomią. Do modelowania długości życia z wykorzystaniem informacji o ilości składanych jaj zastosowano uogólniony addytywny model dla lokalizacji, skali i kształtu (GAMLSS) dla trzech rozkładów dyskretnych: rozkład Poissona, rozkład odwrotny Poissona oraz rozkład ujemny binomialny. Otrzymane modele porównano, stosując kryterium ogólnego odchylenia, kryterium Akaike i kryterium bayesowskie Schwarza. Uzyskano w ten sposób informacje, że najlepiej opisującym modelem badany problem jest model z rozkładem odwrotnym Poissona. Ostatnim etapem badań była estymacja wartości oczekiwanej i błędu standardowego dla najlepszego modelu oraz analiza tych wartości za pomocą wykresu dopasowania reszt dla wartości oczekiwanej, wykresu indeksów reszt, wykresu funkcji gęstości oraz wykresu typu Q-Q. Wszystkie analizy zostały wykonane za pomocą platformy obliczeniowej R z wykorzystaniem pakietu GAMLSS

    The phenology of occurrence of dominant predatory Syrphidae (Diptera) species in apple orchards and on their edges

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    The blooming wild plants in the vicinity of orchards may attract adult Syrphidae to these cultivations. Hence in 2008–2010 studies were conducted around Czempiń (western Wielkopolska) which covered the occurrence of the imagines of 5 dominant predatory Syrphidae species in apple orchards and on their edges. The phenology of Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer), Eupeodes corollae (F.), Melanostoma mellinum (L.), Sphaerophoria scripta (L.) and Syrphus vitripennis Meigen in apple orchards as well as in the neighbouring shrubberies and on the side of the road overgrown with trees and bushes was analysed. A greater abundance of imagines of the studied species was found on the edges than in the apple orchards. Also a preference for either orchards or their sides was indicated for Syrphidae, as they appeared in these biocenoses earlier or later, but not at the same time. A correlation between a mass catch of Syrphidae in the orchards and their edges was found. It was shown that the blooming plants of orchard edges, such as Tilia cordata, Symphoricarpos albus, Cirsium arvense and Galium aparine, could attract Syrphidae imagines to the orchards

    The number and abundance of ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera, Apocrita) subfamilies occurring in apple orchards and on their edges

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    Plant communities which form orchard edges are a vital element of ecological infrastructure enriching these agrocenoses. The research was conducted in an orchard environment made up of apple orchards and their edges in the form of agricultural cultivations, tree clumps and a road lined with trees and shrubberies. The study aim was to determine the impact of the orchard edge plant diversity onto the number and abundance of Ichneumonidae subfamilies in the orchards. The study showed that orchard environments made up of an apple orchard and edge plants of various species create better living conditions for Ichneumonidae parasitoids than the environment of an orchard and neighbouring agricultural cultivations. The diversity of orchard edge plants positively influences the abundance of the Ichneumonidae subfamilies rather than the number of subfamilies in the orchard. In the orchard habitat the following dominant subfamilies were found: Campopleginae, Cryptinae, Orthocentrinae and Pimplinae. These entomophages may control the abundance of pests infesting orchards