1,842 research outputs found

    Dicke-like quantum phase transition and vacuum entanglement with two coupled atomic ensembles

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    We study the coherent cooperative phenomena of the system composed of two interacting atomic ensembles in the thermodynamic limit. Remarkably, the system exhibits the Dicke-like quantum phase transition and entanglement behavior although the governing Hamiltonian is fundamentally different from the spin-boson Dicke Hamiltonian, offering the opportunity for investigating collective matter-light dynamics with pure matter waves. The model can be realized with two Bose-Einstein condensates or atomic ensembles trapped in two optical cavities coupled to each other. The interaction between the two separate samples is induced by virtual photon exchange

    Revised research about chaotic dynamics in Manko et al. spacetime

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    A recent work by Dubeibe et al. [Phys. Rev. D 75, 023008 (2007)] stated that chaos phenomenon of test particles in gravitational field of rotating neutron stars which are described by Manko, Sanabria-Gomez, and Manko (Manko et al.) metric can only occur when the stars have oblate deformation. But the chaotic motions they found are limited in a very narrow zone which is very close to the center of the massive bodies. This paper argues that this is impossible because the region is actually inside of the stars, so the motions cannot exist at this place. In this paper, we scan all parameters space and find chaos and unstable fixed points outside of stars with big mass-quadrupole moments. The calculations show that chaos can only occur when the stars have prolate deformation. Because real deformation of stars should be oblate, all orbits of test particles around the rotating neutron stars described by Manko et al. solutions are regular. The case of nonzero dipolar magnetic moment has also been taken into account in this study.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Forced and internal modes of variability of the East Asian summer monsoon

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    International audienceThe modern instrumental record (1979?2006) is analyzed in an attempt to reveal the dynamical structure and origins of the major modes of interannual variability of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and to elucidate their fundamental differences with the major modes of seasonal variability. These differences are instrumental in understanding of the forced (say orbital) and internal (say interannual) modes of variability in EASM. We show that the leading mode of interannual variation, which accounts for about 39% of the total variance, is primarily associated with decaying phases of major El Nino, whereas the second mode, which accounts for 11.3% of the total variance, is associated with the developing phase of El Nino/La Nina. The EASM responds to ENSO in a nonlinear fashion with regard to the developing and decay phases of El Nino. The two modes are determined by El Nino/La Nina forcing and monsoon-warm ocean interaction, or essentially driven by internal feedback processes within the coupled climate system. For this internal mode, the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and subtropical EASM precipitations exhibit an out-of-phase variations; further, the Meiyu in Yangtze River Valley is also out-of-phase with the precipitation in the central North China. In contrast, the slow and fast annual cycles forced by the solar radiation show an in-phase correlation between the ITCZ and subtropical EASM precipitation. Further, the seasonal march of precipitation displays a continental-scale northward advance of a rain band (that tilts in a southwest-northeastward direction) over the entire Indian and East Asian summer monsoon from mid-May toward the end of July. This uniformity in seasonal advance suggests that the position of the northern edge of the summer monsoon or the precipitation over the central North China may be an adequate measure of the monsoon intensity for the forced mode, while the intensity of the internal mode of EASM variability should measured by the intensity of Meiyu. Given the fact that the annual modes share the similar external forcing with orbital variability, the results presented here may help to understand the differences in the EASM variability on the interannual and orbital time scales

    Ground states of hard-core bosons in one dimensional periodic potentials

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    With Girardeau's Fermi-Bose mapping, we find the exact ground states of hard-core bosons residing in a one dimensional periodic potential. The analysis of these ground states shows that when the number of bosons NN is commensurate with the number of wells MM in the periodic potential, the boson system is a Mott insulator whose energy gap, however, is given by the single-particle band gap of the periodic potential; when NN is not commensurate with MM, the system is a metal (not a superfluid). In fact, we argue that there may be no superfluid phase for any one-dimensional boson system in terms of Landau's criterion of superfluidity. The Kronig-Penney potential is used to illustrate our results.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure