164 research outputs found

    Relativistic Mean Field Approximation in a Density Dependent Parametrization Model at Finite Temperature

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    In this work we calculate the equation of state of nuclear matter for different proton fractions at zero and finite temperature within the Thomas Fermi approach considering three different parameter sets: the well-known NL3 and TM1 and a density dependent parametrization proposed by Typel and Wolter. The main differences are outlined and the consequences of imposing beta-stability in these models are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Participation and satisfaction after spinal cord injury: results of a vocational and leisure outcome study

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    Study design: Survey. Objectives: Insight in (1) the changes in participation in vocational and leisure activities and (2) satisfaction with the current participation level of people with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) after reintegration in society. Design: Descriptive analysis of data from a questionnaire. Setting: Rehabilitation centre with special department for patients with SCIs, Groningen, The Netherlands. Subjects: A total of 57 patients with traumatic SCI living in the community, who were admitted to the rehabilitation centre two to 12 years before the current assessment. Main outcome measures: Changes in participation in activities; current life satisfaction; support and unmet needs. Results: Participation expressed in terms of hours spent on vocational and leisure activities changed to a great extent after the SCI. This was mainly determined by a large reduction of hours spent on paid work. While 60% of the respondents successfully reintegrated in work, many changes took place in the type and extent of the job. Loss of work was partially compensated with domestic and leisure activities. Sports activities were reduced substantially. The change in participation level and compensation for the lost working hours was not significantly associated with the level of SCI-specific health problems and disabilities. As was found in other studies, most respondents were satisfied with their lives. Determinants of a negative life satisfaction several years following SCI were not easily indicated. Reduced quality of life was particularly related to an unsatisfactory work and leisure situation. Conclusions: Most people with SCI in this study group were able to resume work and were satisfied with their work and leisure situation

    Relational Concurrent Refinement II: Internal Operations and Outputs

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    Two styles of description arise naturally in formal specification: state-based and behavioural. In state-based notations, a system is characterised by a collection of variables, and their values determine which actions may occur throughout a system history. Behavioural specifications describe the chronologies of actions -- interactions between a system and its environment. The exact nature of such interactions is captured in a variety of semantic models with corresponding notions of refinement; refinement in state based systems is based on the semantics of sequential programs and is modelled relationally. Acknowledging that these viewpoints are complementary, substantial research has gone into combining the paradigms. The purpose of this paper is to do three things. First, we survey recent results linking the relational model of refinement to the process algebraic models. Specifically, we detail how variations in the relational framework lead to relational data refinement being in correspondence with traces-divergences, singleton failures and failures-divergences refinement in a process semantics. Second, we generalise these results by providing a general flexible scheme for incorporating the two main ''erroneous'' concurrent behaviours: deadlock and divergence, into relational refinement. This is shown to subsume previous characterisations. In doing this we derive relational refinement rules for specifications containing both internal operations and outputs that corresponds to failures-divergences refinement. Third, the theory has been formally specified and verified using the interactive theorem prover KIV

    Religious socialisation and fertility: transition to third birth in the Netherlands

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    Although previous studies have demonstrated that religious people in Europe have larger families, the role played by religious socialisation in the context of contemporary fertility behaviour has not yet been analysed in detail. This contribution specifically looks at the interrelation between religious socialisation and current religiosity and their impact on the transition to the third child for Dutch women. It is based on data of the first wave of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (2002–2004) and uses event history analysis. The transitions to first, second and third birth are modelled jointly with a control for unobserved heterogeneity. The findings provide evidence for an impact of women’s current church attendance as well as religious socialisation measured by their fathers’ religious affiliation, when they were teenagers. A religious family background remains influential even when a woman has stopped attending church. The effects of religious indicators strengthen over cohorts. Moreover, the combined religious make-up of the respondent’s parents also significantly determines the progression to the third child.S’il est bien établi que les croyants en Europe ont plus d’enfants que les autres, le rôle de la socialisation religieuse dans le contexte de la fécondité contemporaine n’a pas encore été analysé à ce jour. Cette étude s’intéresse au lien entre la socialisation religieuse et la religiosité actuelle, et à leur impact sur la probabilité d’agrandissement de deux à trois enfants de la descendance des femmes néerlandaises. Les données exploitées sont celles de la première vague du Panel Néerlandais d’Etude de la Parenté (the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, 2002–2004). A l’aide des techniques de l’analyse des biographies, les probabilités d’agrandissement de rang 1, rang 2 et rang 3 ont été modélisées de façon conjointe, en contrôlant l’hétérogénéité non observée. Les résultats mettent en évidence l’impact de la fréquentation actuelle de l’église par les femmes et de leur socialisation religieuse, mesurée par l’appartenance religieuse de leur père quand elles étaient adolescentes. Il apparaît que la religiosité du contexte familial exerce une influence, même quand la femme ne fréquente plus l’église, et que les effets des indicateurs de pratique religieuse se renforcent d’une génération à l’autre. Enfin, l’appartenance religieuse conjointe des parents de la femme détermine significativement la probabilité d’avoir un troisième enfant

    The Nontradable Share Reform in the Chinese Stock Market

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    Participatory Approach in Decision Making Processes for Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean Basin

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    Entry and Exit Strategies in Migration Dynamics

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