19 research outputs found

    Glycerin as a factor for moderating quality changes in table eggs during storage

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    Glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, is non-toxic to humans and the environment. With the current increase in the demand for fuels obtained from biomass, the amount of glycerine waste production is increasing. There are many ways to dispose this substance (in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in chemical industry), but its utilization is still insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the possibility of limiting quality changes in table eggs during storage by coating the shells with a glycerol solution. The material used in this research consisted of 270 table chicken eggs collected on the same day. On the first day of the experiment, quality traits of 30 eggs were evaluated (initial control group). The remaining 240 eggs were divided into two equal groups: control (eggs that were not subjected to any treatment) and experimental (eggs that were coated with a 5&thinsp;% aqueous solution of glycerol). The eggs were placed on transport trays and stored at 14&thinsp;°C and 70&thinsp;% humidity. Quality evaluations were carried out after 14 and 28 days of storage. The depth of the air cell, mass and specific gravity of the egg, the shell characteristics (water vapour conductance, strength, mass, thickness, and density), and the content traits (pH of the albumen and yolk, Haugh units, and colour and weight of the yolk) were evaluated. The results obtained suggest that the use of glycerine may contribute to slowing adverse changes in egg quality during storage by limiting CO2 removal from the egg content, which allows the egg to maintain albumen structure. Due to the fact that glycerine is a safe, cheap, and easy-to-apply substance, its large-scale use in poultry raw material storage seems to be a very real possibility.</p

    Effect of washing on selected quality traits of hen egg shells during storage

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    Celem pracy była ocena zmian wybranych cech jakości jaj kurzych po umyciu powierzchni skorupy z uwzględnieniem czasu przechowywania. Materiał do badań stanowiły jaja pozyskane od niosek Hy-Line Brown w 33. tygodniu ich życia. Ptaki utrzymywano w jednym budynku z dostępem do wybiegów. Jaja rozdzielano na 2 grupy, po 540 sztuk, według kryterium czystości skorupy. Grupę I uznano za kontrolną, jaja z grupy II myto w wodzie o temp. 30 °C w ciągu ok. 3 min. Wszystkie jaja, przechowywane w temp. 15 ÷ 18 ºC i wilg. 50 - 70 %, zważono w dniu zniesienia oraz w 7., 14., 21., 28. dniu. Każdorazowo ustalano głębokość komory powietrznej. W 1. oraz 28. dniu z każdej grupy wybierano po 120 jaj do oceny jakości ich treści. Oceniano cechy skorupy (wytrzymałość, masę, grubość, gęstość), białka (masę, wysokość, pH) i żółtka (barwę, masę, pH). Większość analizowanych cech jaj zmieniała się podczas przechowywania. Mycie skorupy jaj nie wpłynęło na ubytek ich masy w czasie przechowywania. Zabieg ten różnicował wielkość komory powietrznej, grubość i wytrzymałość skorupy, a także nieznacznie masę i udział żółtka oraz liczbę jednostek Haugha po 28 dniach. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o tym, że zakaz mycia jaj klasy A, uzasadniany obniżaniem się ich cech jakościowych, wydaje się być nieuzasadniony.The objective of the research study was to assess the changes in selected quality traits of hen eggs after washing their shells and with focus on the storage time. The research material consisted of eggs produced by Hy-Line Brown laying hens during the 33rd week of their life. The birds were reared in one building and had access to green runs. Based on the shell cleanness criterion, the eggs were divided into 2 groups of 540 eggs each. Group I was a control group, the eggs in Group II were washed in water of 300C for 3 min. All the eggs, stored under a temperature of 15-18 ºC and a humidity of 50-70 %, were weighed on the day of laying and, next, on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th day. The depth of air in the storing place was determined on the day when the eggs were weighed. On the 1st and the 28th day, 120 eggs were taken to assess the quality of their content. The traits of egg shells were assessed (crushing strength, weight, thickness, density) as were the traits of albumen (weight, height, pH) and yolk (colour, weight, pH). The majority of egg traits analysed changed during storage. The washing of egg shells had no effect on the egg weight loss during storage. The washing diversified the depth of air cell, the thickness and strength of shell, and, slightly, the weight and content of yolk, as well as the number of Haugh units after 28 days. The results obtained prove that the ban on washing eggs from Class A, substantiated by the drop in their quality traits, seems to be unjustified

    Physico-chemical traits of meat from slaughter turkey females, kept in extensive management system

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    Celem pracy była ocena wpływu ekstensywnego utrzymania i żywienia na cechy fizykochemiczne mięśni piersiowych i udowych indyczek rzeźnych. Doświadczeniem objęto 200 indyczek dwóch typów mieszańców: BUT 9 i BIG 6. Do 6. tygodnia życia indyczki utrzymywano razem w warunkach chowu intensywnego, następnie ptaki każdego typu podzielono losowo na grupy: kontrolną (K) i ekstensywną (E). Ptaki z grup E przeniesiono na fermę wyposażoną w budynki otwarte z możliwością korzystania z trawiastego wybiegu. Wszystkie indyczki do 6. tygodnia odchowu otrzymywały mieszanki pełnoporcjowe dostosowane składem do ich wieku. Indyczki z grupy E od 7. tygodnia życia oprócz mieszanek otrzymywały dziennie 0,1 kg/szt. zielonki z pokrzyw, koniczyny i lucerny, a od 13. tyg. dodatkowo po 0,1 kg/szt. ziemniaków parowanych. Odchów ptaków trwał 16 tygodni. W trakcie uboju pobierano próby mięśni piersiowych i udowych. Ocena jakości mięsa obejmowała pomiar pH po 6 i 24 godzinach, pomiar przewodności elektrycznej mięsa po 24 i 48 godzinach od uboju, określenie zdolności utrzymywania wody własnej, wielkości wycieku naturalnego oraz termicznego. Oznaczono również parametry barwy (L*, a*, b*) i kruchość mięsa. Statystycznie istotną interakcję systemu utrzymania oraz typu użytkowego indyczek potwierdzono dla jasności mięśni piersiowych, a także dla pH po 6 godzinach od uboju, parametrów barwnych L* i b* oraz wycieku termicznego w mięśniu udowym. Na większość cech fizykochemicznych miał wpływ system utrzymania i żywienia indyczek. Mięso ptaków z chowu ekstensywnego odznaczało się nieco wyższym pH, mniejszą wodochłonnością i większym wyciekiem termicznym. Było także istotnie ciemniejsze i mniej kruche w stosunku do mięsa ptaków utrzymywanych intensywnie. Nie odnotowano wystąpienia wad mięsa, stwierdzono natomiast znaczną zmienność osobniczą badanych cech jakości mięsa.The aim of study was to estimate the influence of extensive system of feeding and management on physical traits of breast and thigh muscles of slaughter turkey females. The experiment included 200 turkey females of BUT 9 (middle heavy) and of BIG 6 (heavy) strain. Up to the 6th week of life the birds were reared together under intensive conditions. After this time, turkeys of both strains were randomly divided into two groups: C – control and E – extensive. Birds from the experimental group were transferred to the building with an open access to runs. During the first 6 weeks of rearing, all turkeys were fed with balanced mixtures composed appropriately to their age. Turkey females from E group were additionally given green fodder made of nettle, lucerne and grass in the amount of 0.1 kg daily per bird, and also from the 13th to 16th week, 0.1kg of steamed potatoes. Birds were reared for 16 weeks. During the slaughter, samples of breast and thigh muscles were collected. The quality evaluation of meat included the measurement of pH after 6 and 24 hours from slaughter, conductivity after 24 and 48 hours, water holding capacity, drip loss and cooking loss. The colour parameters (L*a*b*) as well as the shear force of muscles were determined. Statistically significant interaction between the rearing system and the birds strain were confirmed for breast muscle brightness, for pH measured one hour after the slaughter as well as the colour parameters L* and b* and thermal loss from thigh muscle. Most physical traits were influenced by feeding and management system of turkey females. The meat of birds derived from the extensive system was characterized by a slightly higher pH level, smaller water holding capacity and bigger thermal loss. This meat was also darker and less tender in relation to meat obtained from birds reared intensively. The occurrence of PSE-like meat was not noticed, however, considerably higher individual variability of evaluated traits was observed

    Sexual dimorphism in body weight of turkey chicks

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    Wpływ natłuszczania mieszanek paszowych na wyniki produkcyjne indyków rzeźnych odchowywanych ekstensywnie od 9 tygodnia życia

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    The Influence of Probiotic Bacteria (Bacillus Toyoi) on Livability and Performance of Young Meat-Type Turkeys

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    ABSTRACT The aim of study was to determine the impact of a probiotic preparation containing live bacteria Bacillus cereus var. toyoi on the performance of turkeys in order to define the effective dose of the preparation and to evaluate its influence on poults' livability in the first month of life. Three hundred and sixty B.U.T. 9 male turkey were divided into three groups. The control group (I) was fed a diet with no probiotic additive, and groups II and III were given a probiotic product containing 0.2x109 and 1x109B. toyoi CFU/kg of feed respectively. Body weight was recorded in weeks 1, 6, and 18. Livability, feed conversion ratio, and European Efficiency Factor (EEF) were estimated. In experiment II, the impact of a standardized probiotic dose on livability and performance parameters of B.U.T. 9 turkey poults were evaluated. Two groups were selected within each sex: control (C), feed without probiotic, and experimental (T), which feed contained the probiotic preparation. Mortality and body weight were registered. The better livability and performance of the turkeys fed probiotic justifies the use of bacteria Bacillus cereus var. toyoi to improve performance results and livability during the first weeks of the turkeys' life. The bacterium strain concentration of 1.0x109 CFU/kg of feed can be assumed as optimal

    Influence of different poultry production systems on hematological and biochemical indices in blood of turkey broilers

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    Chemical composition and fatty acid profile in meat of slaughter turkey females, managed in an extensive system

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    Celem pracy była ocena wpływu ekstensywnego systemu utrzymania i żywienia na skład chemiczny oraz profil kwasów tłuszczowych mięśni piersiowych i udowych indyczek rzeźnych. Doświadczeniem objęto 200 indyczek dwóch typów mieszańców: BUT 9 i BIG 6. Do 6. tygodnia życia indyczki utrzymywano razem w warunkach chowu intensywnego, następnie ptaki każdego typu podzielono losowo na 2 grupy: kontrolną (K) i ekstensywną (E). Ptaki z grup E przeniesiono na fermę wyposażoną w budynki otwarte z możliwością korzystania z trawiastego wybiegu. Wszystkie indyczki do 6. tyg. odchowu otrzymywały mieszanki pełnoporcjowe, dostosowane składem do ich wieku. Indyczki z grup E od 7. tyg. życia oprócz mieszanek otrzymywały dodatkowo codziennie zielonkę z pokrzyw, koniczyny i lucerny w ilości 0,1 kg/szt., a od 13. tyg. także 0,1 kg/szt. ziemniaków parowanych. Odchów ptaków trwał 16 tygodni. W trakcie uboju pobierano próby mięśni piersiowych i udowych. Oznaczono podstawowy skład chemiczny mięsa oraz profil kwasów tłuszczowych w obu mięśniach. Statystycznie istotną interakcję pomiędzy systemem chowu ptaków a typem mieszańca wykazano dla zawartości suchej masy oraz tłuszczu w mięśniu piersiowym, oraz dla suchej masy, tłuszczu i zawartości białka w mięśniu udowym. Sam typ mieszańca nie wpływał na skład chemiczny mięśni, ale zawartość suchej masy i tłuszczu pozostawała pod wpływem sposobu utrzymania indyczek. Interakcja między czynnikami doświadczalnymi istotnie wpłynęła na większość elementów profilu kwasów tłuszczowych w obu badanych mięśniach. Istotnie większa zawartość kwasów z grupy n-3 oraz wyższa wartość indeksu PI (Peroxidizability Index) w mięsie ptaków doświadczalnych mogą świadczyć o większej wartość prozdrowotnej mięsa pozyskanego od tych ptaków.The aim of study was to estimate the extensive feeding and management influence on chemical composition and fatty acid profile of slaughter turkeys’ breast and thigh muscles. The experiment included 200 turkey females of 2 hybrid types: BUT 9 and BIG 6. Until the 6th week of life, the turkeys were kept together under the intensive system of rearing conditions, then the birds of both types were randomly divided into 2 groups: control (C) and the extensive one (E). Birds from the E groups were transferred to the building with an open access to grass runs. All turkeys until the 6th week of rearing were fed with the balanced full-ration mixtures, composed appropriately to their age. Apart from this feed, E birds from 7th week of their life were given green fodder, consisting of nettle, lucerne and grass in amount of 0.1 kg daily per bird, and also from 13th to 16th week - 0.1 kg of steamed potatoes. The birds were reared for 16 weeks. During the slaughter, the samples of breast and thigh muscles were collected. The chemical composition of meat as well as the fatty acid profile was evaluated in both muscles. Statistically significant interactions between system of birds rearing and hybrid type were found for dry matter and fat content in breast muscle, as well as dry matter, fat and protein content in thigh muscle. The hybrid type did not affect chemical composition; dry matter and fat content were, however, influenced by the method of turkey females’ rearing. The interaction between the experimental factors significantly influenced almost all elements of fatty acid profile in both muscles. Considerably higher level of n-3 fatty acids and higher values of PI (Peroxidizability Index) in the experimental turkey meat could demonstrate the better health-related properties of meat obtained from these birds

    Ocena efektu zastosowania dezynfekcji promieniami UV na wylęgowość jaj kurzych i przepiórczych

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