7,872 research outputs found

    The destruction of inner planetary systems during high-eccentricity migration of gas giants

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    Hot Jupiters are giant planets on orbits a few hundredths of an AU. They do not share their system with low-mass close-in planets, despite these latter being exceedingly common. Two migration channels for hot Jupiters have been proposed: through a protoplanetary gas disc or by tidal circularisation of highly-eccentric planets. We show that highly-eccentric giant planets that will become hot Jupiters clear out any low-mass inner planets in the system, explaining the observed lack of such companions to hot Jupiters. A less common outcome of the interaction is that the giant planet is ejected by the inner planets. Furthermore, the interaction can implant giant planets on moderately-high eccentricities at semimajor axes <1<1 AU, a region otherwise hard to populate. Our work supports the hypothesis that most hot Jupiters reached their current orbits following a phase of high eccentricity, possibly excited by other planetary or stellar companions.Comment: Replaced with accepted versio

    The effects of external planets on inner systems: multiplicities, inclinations, and pathways to eccentric warm Jupiters

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    We study how close-in systems such as those detected by Kepler are affected by the dynamics of bodies in the outer system. We consider two scenarios: outer systems of giant planets potentially unstable to planet--planet scattering, and wide binaries that may be capable of driving Kozai or other secular variations of outer planets' eccentricities. Dynamical excitation of planets in the outer system reduces the multiplicity of Kepler-detectable planets in the inner system in ∼20−25%\sim20-25\% of our systems. Accounting for the occurrence rates of wide-orbit planets and binary stars, ≈18%\approx18\% of close-in systems could be destabilised by their outer companions in this way. This provides some contribution to the apparent excess of systems with a single transiting planet compared to multiple, however, it only contributes at most 25%25\% of the excess. The effects of the outer dynamics can generate systems similar to Kepler-56 (two coplanar planets significantly misaligned with the host star) and Kepler-108 (two significantly non-coplanar planets in a binary). We also identify three pathways to the formation of eccentric warm Jupiters resulting from the interaction between outer and inner systems: direct inelastic collision between an eccentric outer and an inner planet, secular eccentricity oscillations that may "freeze out" when scattering resolves in the outer system; and scattering in the inner system followed by "uplift", where inner planets are removed by interaction with the outer planets. In these scenarios, the formation of eccentric warm Jupiters is a signature of a past history of violent dynamics among massive planets beyond ∼1\sim1 au.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures. Accepted to MNRA

    Log-periodic route to fractal functions

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    Log-periodic oscillations have been found to decorate the usual power law behavior found to describe the approach to a critical point, when the continuous scale-invariance symmetry is partially broken into a discrete-scale invariance (DSI) symmetry. We classify the `Weierstrass-type'' solutions of the renormalization group equation F(x)= g(x)+(1/m)F(g x) into two classes characterized by the amplitudes A(n) of the power law series expansion. These two classes are separated by a novel ``critical'' point. Growth processes (DLA), rupture, earthquake and financial crashes seem to be characterized by oscillatory or bounded regular microscopic functions g(x) that lead to a slow power law decay of A(n), giving strong log-periodic amplitudes. In contrast, the regular function g(x) of statistical physics models with ``ferromagnetic''-type interactions at equibrium involves unbound logarithms of polynomials of the control variable that lead to a fast exponential decay of A(n) giving weak log-periodic amplitudes and smoothed observables. These two classes of behavior can be traced back to the existence or abscence of ``antiferromagnetic'' or ``dipolar''-type interactions which, when present, make the Green functions non-monotonous oscillatory and favor spatial modulated patterns.Comment: Latex document of 29 pages + 20 ps figures, addition of a new demonstration of the source of strong log-periodicity and of a justification of the general offered classification, update of reference lis

    Scaling Behavior of Quasi-One-Dimensional Vortex Avalanches in Superconducting Films

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    Scaling behaviour of dynamically driven vortex avalanches in superconducting YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7−δ_{7-\delta} films deposited on tilted crystalline substrates has been observed using quantitative magneto-optical imaging. Two films with different tilt angles are characterized by the probability distributions of avalanche size in terms of the number of moving vortices. It is found in both samples that these distributions follow power-laws over up to three decades, and have exponents ranging between 1.0 and 1.4. The distributions also show clear finite-size scaling, when the system size is defined by the depth of the flux penetration front -- a signature of self-organized criticality. A scaling relation between the avalanche size exponent and the fractal dimension, previously derived theoretically from conservation of the number of magnetic vortices in the stationary state and shown in numerical simulations, is here shown to be satisfied also experimentally.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Decay dynamics of quantum dots influenced by the local density of optical states of two-dimensional photonic crystal membranes

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    We have performed time-resolved spectroscopy on InAs quantum dot ensembles in photonic crystal membranes. The influence of the photonic crystal is investigated by varying the lattice constant systematically. We observe a strong slow down of the quantum dots' spontaneous emission rates as the two-dimensional bandgap is tuned through their emission frequencies. The measured band edges are in full agreement with theoretical predictions. We characterize the multi-exponential decay curves by their mean decay time and find enhancement of the spontaneous emission at the bandgap edges and strong inhibition inside the bandgap in good agreement with local density of states calculations.Comment: 9 pages (preprint), 3 figure

    A new approach to the inverse problem for current mapping in thin-film superconductors

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    A novel mathematical approach has been developed to complete the inversion of the Biot-Savart law in one- and two-dimensional cases from measurements of the perpendicular component of the magnetic field using the well-developed Magneto-Optical Imaging technique. Our approach, especially in the 2D case, is provided in great detail to allow a straightforward implementation as opposed to those found in the literature. Our new approach also refines our previous results for the 1D case [Johansen et al., Phys. Rev. B 54, 16264 (1996)], and streamlines the method developed by Jooss et al. [Physica C 299, 215 (1998)] deemed as the most accurate if compared to that of Roth et al. [J. Appl. Phys. 65, 361 (1989)]. We also verify and streamline the iterative technique, which was developed following Laviano et al. [Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16, 71 (2002)] to account for in-plane magnetic fields caused by the bending of the applied magnetic field due to the demagnetising effect. After testing on magneto-optical images of a high quality YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting thin film, we show that the procedure employed is effective

    The role of antibiotics in the treatment of chronic prostatitis: A consensus statement

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    Practical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic prostatitis are presented. Chronic prostatitis is classified as chronic bacterial prostatitis (culture-positive) and chronic inflammatory prostatitis (culture-negative). If chronic bacterial prostatitis is suspected, based on relevant symptoms or recurrent UTIs, underlying urological conditions should be excluded by the following tests: rectal examination, midstream urine culture and residual urine. The diagnosis should be confirmed by the Meares and Stamey technique. Antibiotic therapy is recommended for acute exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic inflammatory prostatitis, if there is clinical, bacteriological or supporting immunological evidence of prostate infection. Unless a patient presents with fever, antibiotic treatment should not be initiated immediately except in cases of acute prostatitis or acute episodes in a patient with chronic bacterial prostatitis. The work-up, with the appropriate investigations should be done first, within a reasonable time period which, preferably, should not be longer than 1 week. During this period, nonspecific treatment, such as appropriate analgesia to relieve symptoms, should be given. The minimum duration of antibiotic treatment should be 2-4 weeks. If there is no improvement in symptoms, treatment should be stopped and reconsidered. However, if there is improvement, it should be continued for at least a further 2-4 weeks to achieve clinical cure and, hopefully, eradication of the causative pathogen. Antibiotic treatment should not be given for 6-8 weeks without an appraisal of its effectiveness. Currently used antibiotics are reviewed. Of these, the fluoroquinolones ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin are recommended because of their favourable antibacterial spectrum and pharmacokinetic profile. A number of clinical trials are recommended and a standard study design is proposed to help resolve some outstanding issues
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