43 research outputs found

    Sequence diversity and unusual variability at the het-c locus involved in vegetative incompatibility in the fungus Podospora anserina

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    International audienceThe het-c locus of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina controls heterokaryon formation through genetic interaction with alleles of the unlinked loci het-e and het-d. We have isolated four wild-type and two mutant alleles of the het-c locus. A comparison of the predicted proteins encoded by the different wild-type alleles revealed an unusual high level of amino-acid replacements compared to silent polymorphisms but only one amino-acid difference is sufficient to modify the specificity of het-c alleles. Chimeric genes constructed in vitro may exhibit a new specificity different from that of any known wild-type allele

    A gene responsible for vegetative incompatibility in the fungus Podospora anserina encodes a protein with a GTP-binding motif and Gβ homologous domain

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    International audienceThe het-e-1 gene of the fungus Podospora anserina is responsible for vegetative incompatibility through specific interactions with different alleles of the unlinked gene, het-c. Coexpression of two incompatible genes triggers a cell death reaction that prevents heterokaryon formation. The het-e1 allele has been cloned to get information on the function of the locus. It encodes a putative 1356-amino-acid polypeptide that displays two sequence motifs that have not yet been reported to be present on a single polypeptide. They are a GTP-binding domain and a repeated region that shares similarity with that of the beta-transducin. Contrary to other members of the beta-transducin family, sequence conservation between the repeated units is very strong and the number of repeats is different in wild-type het-e alleles

    Mutational analysis of the [Het-s] prion analog of Podospora anserina. A short N-terminal peptide allows prion propagation.

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    The het-s locus is one of nine known het (heterokaryon incompatibility) loci of the fungus Podospora anserina. This locus exists as two wild-type alleles, het-s and het-S, which encode 289 amino acid proteins differing at 13 amino acid positions. The het-s and het-S alleles are incompatible as their coexpression in the same cytoplasm causes a characteristic cell death reaction. We have proposed that the HET-s protein is a prion analog. Strains of the het-s genotype exist in two phenotypic states, the neutral [Het-s*] and the active [Het-s] phenotype. The [Het-s] phenotype is infectious and is transmitted to [Het-s*] strains through cytoplasmic contact. het-s and het-S were associated in a single haploid nucleus to generate a self-incompatible strain that displays a restricted and abnormal growth. In the present article we report the molecular characterization of a collection of mutants that restore the ability of this self-incompatible strain to grow. We also describe the functional analysis of a series of deletion constructs and site-directed mutants. Together, these analyses define positions critical for reactivity and allele specificity. We show that a 112-amino-acid-long N-terminal peptide of HET-s retains [Het-s] activity. Moreover, expression of a mutant het-s allele truncated at position 26 is sufficient to allow propagation of the [Het-s] prion analog

    Two allelic genes responsible for vegetative incompatibility in the fungus Podospora anserina are not essential for cell viability

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    International audienceVegetative incompatibility is a lethal reaction that destroys the heterokaryotic cells formed by the fusion of hyphae of non-isogenic strains in many fungi. That incompatibility is genetically determined is well known but the function of the genes triggering this rapid cell death is not. The two allelic incompatibility genes, s and S, of the fungus Podospora anserina were characterized. Both encode 30 kDa polypeptides, which differ by 14 amino acids between the two genes. These two proteins are responsible for the incompatibility reaction that results when cells containing s and S genes fuse. Inactivation of the s or S gene by disruption suppresses incompatibility but does not affect the growth or the sexual cycle of the mutant strains. This suggests that these incompatibility genes have no essential function in the life cycle of the fungus

    Reactivity in vegetative incompatibility of the HE T-E protein of the fungus Podospora anserina is dependent on GTP-binding activity and a WD40 repeated domain

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    International audienceThe het-e gene of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina is involved in vegetative incompatibility. Co-expression of antagonistic alleles of the unlinked loci het-e and het-c triggers a cell death reaction that prevents the formation of viable heterokaryons between strains that contain incompatible combinations of het-c and het-e alleles. The het-elA gene encodes a polypeptide that contains a putative GTP-binding site and WD40 repeats. The role of these two domains in the reactivity of the HET-E protein in incompatibility was analyzed. An in vitro assay confirmed that the first domain is functional and can bind GTP and not ATP, suggesting that GTP-binding is essential for triggering the incompatibility reaction. The relationship between the number of WD40 repeats and the reactivity of the protein in incompatibility was investigated by estimating this number in different wild-type and mutant het-e alleles. It was deduced that reactive alleles contain a minimal number of ten WD40 repeats. These results demonstrate that the reactivity of the HET-E protein depends on two functional elements, a GTP-binding domain and several WD40 repeats. These motifs are present in separate polypeptides in trimeric G proteins, suggesting that HET-E polypeptides are also involved in signal transduction. Disruption of the het-e locus does not impair the phenotype of strains but DNA hybridization analyses revealed that het-e may belong to a multigenic family

    FFT et applications : caractérisation d'un CAN, choix d'une fenêtre de pondération et réponse en fréquence d'un système linéaire

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    Les transformées temps-fréquence (transformée de Fourier, transformée en ondelettes) sont aujourd'hui couramment utilisées en traitement du signal. Dans cet article on se focalise uniquement sur la transformée de Fourier et plus particulièrement sur la transformée de Fourier discrète rapide (FFT pour Fast Fourier Transform). L'interprétation d'une FFT reste cependant délicate car il s'agit avant tout du résultat d'un algorithme de calcul et une bonne dose de mathématiques est a priori nécessaire pour comprendre les subtilités de la FFT. Avec le développement considérable de l'informatique et de l'instrumentation, la FFT n'est plus la seule propriété des chercheurs et ingénieurs et l'outil FFT s'est largement “ démocratisé ” : pratiquement tous les oscilloscopes numériques sont aujourd'hui pourvus d'un menu FFT. En conséquence, de nombreux techniciens, maîtrisant peu ou mal les mathématiques, sont confrontés à l'interprétation des FFT. Plutôt que de longs développements mathématiques, nous proposons aux étudiants de niveau bac+2 de découvrir l'outil FFT et ses applications aux travers de diverses expériences décrites dans cet article

    In vivo aggregation of the HET-s prion protein of the fungus Podospora anserina

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    International audienceWe have proposed that the [Het-s] infectious cytoplasmic element of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina is the prion form of the HET-s protein. The HET-s protein is involved in a cellular recognition phenomenon characteristic of filamentous fungi and known as heterokaryon incompatibility. Under the prion form, the HET-s protein causes a cell death reaction when co-expressed with the HET-S protein, from which it differs by only 13 amino acid residues. We show here that the HET-s protein can exist as two alternative states, a soluble and an aggregated form in vivo. As shown for the yeast prions, transition to the infectious prion form leads to aggregation of a HET-s--green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. The HET-s protein is aggregated in vivo when highly expressed. However, we could not demonstrate HET-s aggregation at wild-type expression levels, which could indicate that only a small fraction of the HET-s protein is in its aggregated form in vivo in wild-type [Het-s] strains. The antagonistic HET-S form is soluble even at high expression level. A double amino acid substitution in HET-s (D23A P33H), which abolishes prion infectivity, suppresses in vivo aggregation of the GFP fusion. Together, these results further support the model that the [Het-s] element corresponds to an abnormal self-perpetuating aggregated form of the HET-s protein