58 research outputs found

    Study on the characteristics of top managers and strategic options in different industries over a time period

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    This research examines the effect of the characteristics of top managers on the strategic options of firms in different industries. The sample consists of 191 medium-sized industrial firms in the following industries: food, textiles and clothing, chemicals and plastics, and metallurgy and metallomechanics. Data refer to the beginning and end of the 1990s. The study was developed using upper echelon theory and demonstrates the existence of different relations between manager characteristics and strategic options, depending on the activity of firms. These relationships vary over time in association with the economic and social context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of corporate governance on the financial structure of listed firms

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the influence of corporate governance on the financial structure of listed firms. The analysis is founded on the capital structure and agency theories. Corporate governance literature indicates the existence of nonlinear relationships, and hence this research applies multiple linear regression to a sample of 100 firms listed on the London Stock Exchange, corresponding to a 3-year period. The results confirm the influence of corporate governance on the financial structure of listed firms, and in particular, the nonlinear effect of the percentage of executive members of the board.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organizational factors and customers' motivation effect on insurance companies' performance

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    This study associates organizational factors and customers' motivation with insurance companies' performance. Research model, according to resource-based view, considers the effects of age, size, and type of products. Sample comprises 202 insurance companies in Portuguese and Spanish markets between 2005 and 2007—before international financial crisis—and those companies' performance data between 2010 and 2012. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling methodology are tools for analysis. Results show that customers' necessities and confidence strongly affect organizational factors that, in turn, affect insurance companies' performance. Insurance companies' type of products and period also affect performance. This study provides important contributions to literature and practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between ‘position-port’, ‘hardport’ and ‘soft-port’ characteristics and port performance: conceptual models

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    This research study attempts to conceptualize models based on the relationship between characterization factors and port performance. By selecting a universe of the 230 largest European ports in terms of cargo throughput, 43 valid answers were obtained. Factor analysis and K–W (Kruskal–Wallis) tests were carried out taking as a reference the port performance theory. Findings reveal the existence of a relationship between port performance and its characterization factors, delving into the development of conceptualized models that contribute to deepen the knowledge of port competition structure and dynamics within Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of the characterisation factors of the european ports on operational performance: conceptual model testing

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    The study analyses the relationships between the characterisation factors and the operational performance of ports. The research model, based on performance theory, suggests the existence of a set of relationships between several factors that characterise ports, and argues that they influence the ports’ operational performance. Drawing on path analysis methodology supported by structural equation modelling (SEM), the results obtained from a sample of 43 of the largest European ports indicate that relationships between location, specialisation, size, shipping services and infrastructure, and operational performance do exist. The study also identifies the independent and mediating variables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of factors characterizing the performance of ports, measured by operational, financial and efficiency indicators

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of a port through its characterizing factors and understand their importance. Both Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and statistics of factor analysis were used, as well as linear regression. Based on a sample of 43 European ports, the results of this study indicate the existence of a relationship between performance and several variables that characterize the port. Additionally, they also confirm the impact of location, governance, size, infrastructure, specialization, logistic integration and maritime services in the ports operational and financial performance and efficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Allostasis and organizational excellence

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    Organizational excellence is critical towards the development of organizations and, considering organizations’ role in the modern world, for societies’ economic and social development. The ability of organizations to adapt and adjust to the contingencies of the change and recover the stability of organizational systems through organizations’ own dynamic process is known as allostasis. This research focuses on the relationship between allostasis and organizational excellence. Based on a sample of 205 firms from Portugal and Spain, and resorting to fuzzy-set QCA (fsQCA), this research reveals that there are different combinations (equifinality) of conditions inherent to allostasis (adaptive capacity, feedback capacity, stigmergy capacity and integration intensity) leading to sustainable high outcomes (employee satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational performance, jointly selected as proxies for organizational excellence). The analysis also shows that organizations that match those combinations simultaneously achieve high employee satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational performance (multifinality), which is aligned with the premises of organizational excellence. Finally, the results reveal that in the different contexts (countries) analyzed, the combinations leading to high outcomes differ, thus supporting the idea that the ability to adapt and adjust that characterizes allostasis is critical towards organizational excellence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From customer motivation to corporate performance. The role of strategic factors and distribution channels of financial service firms

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    This research analyzes the relationship between strategic factors and distribution channels and the performance of financial service firms, based on the theory of distribution channels and the resource-based view. Using structural equation modeling, the study examines a sample of 252 insurance firms operating in the Iberian Peninsula. The empirical analysis provides conclusive evidence that strategic factors have an influence on the firm’s distribution channels and performance. It also confirms that internal and external determinant factors as well as customer motivation have an influence on strategic factors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The container terminal characteristics and customer’s satisfaction

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    This paper attempts to evaluate and understand the port sector senior managers’ perception relative to the influence of the port characteristics and specific container terminals in customers’ satisfaction. The SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) methodology is used to confirm the investigation model. The sample is composed by 151 valid responses, each one of them regarding a specific terminal of a set of 12 Portuguese and Spanish container terminals. The results confirm the influence of the port and container terminal characteristics in customer’s satisfaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Green shipping effect on sustainable economy and environmental performance

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    This paper focuses on green shipping and its’ influence on the sustainable economy and environmental performance. Based on the green shipping approach, this empirical study examines a survey sample of 193 responses from Portuguese and Spanish executive managers and uses exploratory factor analysis and structural equation model. The Green shipping approach supports the green theory. The results show the importance of green efficiency, green management, and pollution impact. The confirmation of the sizeable influence of green shipping on the sustainable economy and environmental performance constructs constitutes a major contribution to the literature. Green management and green efficiency contribute to controlling the impact of pollution with practical effects on economic sustainability. Another contribution arises from the fact that tax and financial incentives and environmental sustainability regulations indicate the relevance of the pollution impact and sustainable economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
