790 research outputs found

    Coexistence of charge density wave and spin-Peierls orders in quarter-filled quasi-one dimensional correlated electron systems

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    Charge and spin-Peierls instabilities in quarter-filled (n=1/2) compounds consisting of coupled ladders and/or zig-zag chains are investigated. Hubbard and t-J models including local Holstein and/or Peierls couplings to the lattice are studied by numerical techniques. Next nearest neighbor hopping and magnetic exchange, and short-range Coulomb interactions are also considered. We show that, generically, these systems undergo instabilities towards the formation of Charge Density Waves, Bond Order Waves and (generalized) spin-Peierls modulated structures. Moderate electron-electron and electron-lattice couplings can lead to a coexistence of these three types of orders. In the ladder, a zig-zag pattern is stabilized by the Holstein coupling and the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion. In the case of an isolated chain, bond-centered and site-centered 2k_F and 4k_F modulations are induced by the local Holstein coupling. In addition, we show that, in contrast to the ladders, a small charge ordering in the chains, strongly enhances the spin-Peierls instability. Our results are applied to the NaV_2O_5 compound (trellis lattice) and various phases with coexisting charge disproportionation and spin-Peierls order are proposed and discussed in the context of recent experiments. The role of the long-range Coulomb potential is also outlined.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, 10 encapsulated figure

    At the margins of ideal cities: the dystopian drift of modern utopias

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    Contemporary political philosophy has critically reflected on—if not denounced—the theoretical constructions and political enterprises that have been encouraged by modern Utopian tradition. This process of critical reflection has constantly signaled the tension between the emancipatory aspirations of that thought and its dystopian drift. Many authors have highlighted the problems that affect the constitution of those ideal cities. However, this article will be focused on the exclusive and excluding character of those ideal narratives, of those unblemished ideal spaces, of those happy spaces that are, in the end, nonspaces. This article will explain the meanings of the modern utopias taking into account the postmodern point of view that shows the exclusion the modern utopias provoke. At the margins of the ideal cities live all those beings that the utopias have vomited out and expelled from their perfect world: monsters, abnormals, infamous, pariahs, and countryless refugees. Those beings— so well described by Arendt and Foucault, among others—are those who are not part of any ideal city; they are the stones that the builders of the perfect cities have used to build them or have discarded them

    Study of impurities in spin-Peierls systems including lattice relaxation

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    The effects of magnetic and non-magnetic impurities in spin-Peierls systems are investigated allowing for lattice relaxation and quantum fluctuations. We show that, in isolated chains, strong bonds form next to impurities, leading to the appearance of magneto-elastic solitons. Generically, these solitonic excitations do not bind to impurities. However, interchain elastic coupling produces an attractive potential at the impurity site which can lead to the formation of bound states. In addition, we predict that small enough chain segments do not carry magnetic moments at the ends

    A comparative study on two characteristic parametrizations for high energy pp and \=pp total cross sections

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    Available high energy data for both pp and \=pp total cross sections ($ 5 \ GeV \ < \ \sqrt s \ < \ 1.8 \ TeV)aredescribedbymeansoftwowellknowndistinctparametrizations,characteristicoftheoretical(Reggelike"expression)andexperimental(FroissartMartinlike"expression)practices,respectively.Botharecomparedfromthestatisticalpointofview.Forthewholesetofpresentdata,statisticalanalysis() are described by means of two well-known distinct parametrizations, characteristic of theoretical (``Regge-like" expression) and experimental (``Froissart-Martin-like" expression) practices, respectively. Both are compared from the statistical point of view. For the whole set of present data, statistical analysis (\chi^2/d.o.f.)seemstofavouraFroissartlike"((ln) seems to favour a ``Froissart-like" ((ln s))^{\gamma \approx 2})riseofthetotalcrosssectionratherthanaReggelike"( ) rise of the total cross section rather than a ``Regge-like" (s^{\epsilon}$) one

    Thermodynamical Properties of a Spin 1/2 Heisenberg Chain Coupled to Phonons

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    We performed a finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with nearest-neighbor interaction coupled to Einstein phonons. Our method allows to treat easily up to 100 phonons per site and the results presented are practically free from truncation errors. We studied in detail the magnetic susceptibility, the specific heat, the phonon occupation, the dimerization, and the spin-correlation function for various spin-phonon couplings and phonon frequencies. In particular we give evidence for the transition from a gapless to a massive phase by studying the finite-size behavior of the susceptibility. We also show that the dimerization is proportional to g2/Ωg^2/\Omega for T<2JT<2J.Comment: 10 pages, 17 Postscript Figure

    High Energy Hadron-Nucleus Cross Sections and Their Extrapolation to Cosmic Ray Energies

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    Old models of the scattering of composite systems based on the Glauber model of multiple diffraction are applied to hadron-nucleus scattering. We obtain an excellent fit with only two free parameters to the highest energy hadron-nucleus data available. Because of the quality of the fit and the simplicity of the model it is argued that it should continue to be reliable up to the highest cosmic ray energies. Logarithmic extrapolations of proton-proton and proton-antiproton data are used to calculate the proton-air cross sections at very high energy. Finally, it is observed that if the exponential behavior of the proton-antiproton diffraction peak continues into the few TeV energy range it will violate partial wave unitarity. We propose a simple modification that will guarantee unitarity throughout the cosmic ray energy region.Comment: 8 pages, 9 postscript figures. This manuscript replaces a partial manuscript incorrectly submitte

    Antiferromagnetism in doped anisotropic two-dimensional spin-Peierls systems

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    We study the formation of antiferromagnetic correlations induced by impurity doping in anisotropic two-dimensional spin-Peierls systems. Using a mean-field approximation to deal with the inter-chain magnetic coupling, the intra-chain correlations are treated exactly by numerical techniques. The magnetic coupling between impurities is computed for both adiabatic and dynamical lattices and is shown to have an alternating sign as a function of the impurity-impurity distance, hence suppressing magnetic frustration. An effective model based on our numerical results supports the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and dimerization in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.