360 research outputs found

    The Relevance of Integrity in Research and Publication

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    Scholarly publication is a verifiable indicator of academic achievement. The benefits of scholarly publications are numerous for authors: respect among peers, promotion, and global visibility. Of the existing outlets of dissemination, most scientists rely on journals to disseminate their work mainly because of peer review, a quality control mechanism in which an informed third party scrutinizes the rigor of the scientific methodology and the ethical integrity of the work described in the manuscript, before it is published by the journal

    Stock Market Development and Welfare in Nigeria: A VECM Approach

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    This study examined both long run and short run causality between stock market development and welfare in Nigeria. The indicators of stock market development were; market capitalization (CAP) and All Share Index (ASI) while the indicator for welfare was Human Development Index (HDI). Time series data for 34 years (1980 - 2014) were used. The variables were stationary at first difference I(1) which necessitate the use of Johansen co-integration test. Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) was used. The study found out that there was a long run causality running from stock market development to welfare in Nigeria with the speed of adjustment of about three years. The results of Wald test showed that short run causality runs from market capitalization to welfare and short run causality runs from All Share Index to welfare in Nigeria. We therefore recommended that policy makers should take note of the speed of adjustment in making policies relating to stock market in Nigeria in order to achieve improved welfare of Nigerians. Keywords:  Nigerian Stock Market, Welfare, VECM, Market Capitalizatio

    Youths and non-consensual sex: exploring the experiences of rape and attempted rape survivors in a tertiary institution in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Background: Non-consensual Sex (NCS) is a worldwide problem with far reaching effects on the survivors. This study explored the experiences of rape and attempted rape (AR) survivors in a tertiary institution in Nigeria.Methods: In-depth interviews with fourteen survivors of rape and AR were used to explore the context of experience of NCS, its consequences and help-seeking. Interviewees consisted two males and five females for each form of NCS who were identified during the quantitative aspect of the study. Interviews were subjected to content analysis.Results: Mean age of the respondents was 22.3±2.5 years. Context of non-consensual sexual experiences varied with sex. Female survivors reported use of physical violence on them by their perpetrators while males reported verbal threats, nudity, forceful hugging and kissing. Means of escape adopted by survivors of AR varied between the sexes. Female AR survivors used physical force as a means of escape while males employed deception/plea. Perpetrators were majorly acquaintances of the survivors. Consequences of the experiences reported include physical injuries and pregnancy among females and psychological disturbances among males. Majority, both males and females did not report, nor seek help due to shame and did not know appropriate methods of preventing future experience.Conclusion: Although both males and females reported they have experienced rape and AR, the context of the experiences and consequences reported varied between both sexes and most did not know how to prevent future experience. This call for urgent development of gender sensitive sexual violence prevention programmes to address this phenomenon.Keywords: rape, perpetrators, attempted rape, Students, non-consensual sexFunding: The study received grant support from The Gates Institute, John Hopkins University Baltimore, USA through The Centre for Population and Reproductive Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

    Green Synthesis of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles and its Application in the Degradation of Methyl Red

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    Environmental pollution is a threat to human health, with methyl red dye used in printing and textile dyeing being a notable pollutant that can cause eye, skin, and digestive system irritation. This study investigates the degradation of methyl red dye using nanoparticles of Nickel Oxide (NiO NPs) as photocatalysts. NiO NPs were synthesised at room temperature through thermal decomposition using antioxidant-rich extracts from strawberries (Fragaria ananassa), grapes (Vitis vinifera), and grapefruits (Citrus paradisi). Characterisation of the NiO NPs was performed using FTIR, UV-Vis spectroscopy and SEM. FTIR spectra confirmed the formation of NiO NPs with peaks between 577 – 585 cm–1. UV-Vis spectroscopy showed absorption wavelengths between 322-326 nm for the synthesised NiO NPs and a blue shift to 422-470 nm during methyl red degradation. This study presents a sustainable method for  synthesising NiO nanoparticles and demonstrates their effectiveness in environmental remediation, specifically for the removal of  pollutant dyes. 


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    In this paper, the authors discuss different reasons for the choice of Steve Jobs as a leader. It summarizes several primary concepts that shape matter about who is a leader? In addition, it attempts to provide collaborative evidence into argument about Leadership. Overall, it is about an exhibition of leadership. The methodology is to present, evaluate and analyze several qualities of a Leader that have been identified by some scholars. Conclusively, it asserts that it is expedient to concentrate on lessons learnt from various leaders and apply such lessons in a subsequent engagement with the subject of leadership

    Investigating the Normal Operating Mode of Abule-Egba Distribution Grid with Respect to Bus Voltages, Line Currents and Line Flow

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    This paper carries out the power flow studies of the distribution network of Abule-Egba regional area using the Run Load-Flow Functionality (RLFF) of the ETAP software developed algorithm. The part of real network of Abule-Egba distribution network was modeled and simulated through load- flow analysis. This work generates report on the load-flow and the real and reactive power loadings of each transformer unit of the network. This report was analyzed using simulation by the plotting of graph imported into Matlab software environment. The result obtained for the bus voltage and current level, transformer rating and load distribution efficien-cy based on voltage and current variations under the existing normal operational mode were compared and analyzed with the reaction of surrounding network under abnormal condition when a three-phase fault system is simulated. By comparing these results (as shown in table 1), the reaction of the electrical system of Abule-Egba to three-phase fault at the various feeders can be predicte

    Hosting the 16th AHILA Conference in Ibadan, Nigeria: organization, achievements, challenges and lessons learnt

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    Attending a scientific conference offers researchers several potential benefits including opportunity to present and receive constructive feedback from professional colleagues. Organizing such conference is also beneficial to the hosts who can acquire skills for coordination, communication and networking. However, the process is fraught with many challenges. One hundred and nine professionals attended the 16th AHILA conference from 22 countries in Africa, Europe and United States of America. The conference agenda was balanced, integrating skills acquisition, information for career development, sources of evidence-based free e-resources, including databases, and e-books for libraries covering health-related topics. This article describes achievement, challenges and lessons learnt in hosting the conference and could serve as a guide for health information professionals planning a similar conference in the future

    Automatic Control and Monitoring of Electrical Energy Consumption Using PIR Sensor Module

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    Low power consumption is a very good advantage in this energy hungry world. A microcontroller-based Automatic Light Control is designed and constructed to save the usage of electrical energy and to avoid wastage using a room as a study. This project takes over the task of controlling the room light. When a person enters the room, the lights are switched on automatically while it is switched off as the last person leaves. A Passive Infrared sensor is placed near the door and used to detect the presence of human beings. The output from this sensor is sent to the PIC16F84 microcontroller, which then controls the room lights via a relay. A pilot test carried out suggested a saving in the energy comsumptio

    Maternal factors influencing birth weight of term babies among women who received antenatal care at a Nigerian voluntary agency health care facility

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    Background: Birthweight is an important indicator of babies’ health status and a reliable predictor of their postnatal survival. Maternal factors are regarded as major contributors to birthweight outcome due to their direct effects on foetal growth. Proper knowledge of these factors is essential for implementing preventive measures against suboptimal birthweight. Objective of the study sought to determine the proportion of term babies with normal birthweight and identify the maternal factors that influence birthweight.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 257 booked pregnant women and their newborns delivered at the Sacred Heart Hospital (SHH), Abeokuta, Nigeria between August and November 2017. Selection was by systematic random sampling method. Data were collected with a pre-tested interviewer-administered questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS version 21 program.Results: The mean age of the women was 30.73±5.17 years. Among the women, 95.7% had at least senior secondary education, 95% of them were married and employed. The mean birthweight was 3.25±0.47 kg and male babies had higher mean weight (male: 3.30±0.54 kg; female: 3.21±0.39 kg). NBW was recorded among 92.6% of the babies with 3.5 and 3.9% as LBW and HBW, respectively. Only maternal booking BMI (p=0.005) and chronic hypertension (p=0.007) were significantly associated with birthweight.Conclusion: Most babies in this study had normal birthweights reflecting the influence of optimal maternal biological and socio-demographic characteristics. Chronic hypertension and subnormal booking BMI undermined achievement of optimal birthweight, underscoring the need for pre-conception care for intending mothers.

    Identification and Functional Clustering of Genes Regulating Muscle Protein Degradation from amongst the Known C. elegans Muscle Mutants

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    Loss of muscle mass via protein degradation is an important clinical problem but we know little of how muscle protein degradation is regulated genetically. To gain insight our labs developed C. elegans into a model for understanding the regulation of muscle protein degradation. Past studies uncovered novel functional roles for genes affecting muscle and/or involved in signalling in other cells or tissues. Here we examine most of the genes previously identified as the sites of mutations affecting muscle for novel roles in regulating degradation. We evaluate genomic (RNAi knockdown) approaches and combine them with our established genetic (mutant) and pharmacologic (drugs) approaches to examine these 159 genes. We find that RNAi usually recapitulates both organismal and sub-cellular mutant phenotypes but RNAi, unlike mutants, can frequently be used acutely to study gene function solely in differentiated muscle. In the majority of cases where RNAi does not produce organismal level phenotypes, sub-cellular defects can be detected; disrupted proteostasis is most commonly observed. We identify 48 genes in which mutation or RNAi knockdown causes excessive protein degradation; myofibrillar and/or mitochondrial morphologies are also disrupted in 19 of these 48 cases. These 48 genes appear to act via at least three sub-networks to control bulk degradation of protein in muscle cytosol. Attachment to the extracellular matrix regulates degradation via unidentified proteases and affects myofibrillar and mitochondrial morphology. Growth factor imbalance and calcium overload promote lysosome based degradation whereas calcium deficit promotes proteasome based degradation, in both cases myofibrillar and mitochondrial morphologies are largely unaffected. Our results provide a framework for effectively using RNAi to identify and functionally cluster novel regulators of degradation. This clustering allows prioritization of candidate genes/pathways for future mechanistic studies
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