12 research outputs found

    Zakonodavstvo Republike Slovačke vezano uz divljač i meso divljači

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    Basic legislative frame of breeding of game as farm animals is included in the Veterinary care law No. 488/2002 Z.z. with amendments, Food act No. 152/1995 Z.z. with amendments. Veterinary care law (488/2002 Z.z.) establishes veterinary requirements for live animals and also for products of animal origin, including animal products in relation to the public health protection. Government regulations were added to the Veterinary care law in the process of implementation of EU Directives into national legislation. Food act 152/1995 Z.z. establishes conditions of production of food and other animal products, their handling and placing on the market to support and protect consumers and their health, and the roles and organisation of food supervision and keeping of rules. Requirements for health safety, hygiene, composition and quality of food, ingredients, technological processes used in food production, packaging, marking, storage, transportation, handling and distribution, and also rules for sampling and sample analysis procedures are established in the Food code of the Slovak Republic.Osnovni zakonski okvir za uzgoj divljači na farmama uključen je u Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi br. 488/2002 Z.z. s izmjenama, Zakon o hrani br. 152/1995 Z.z. s izmjenama. Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi (488/2002 Z.z.) određuje veterinarske zahtjeve za žive životinje kao i za namirnice životinjskog porijekla, uključivši životinjske proizvode, a koji se odnose na zaštitu ljudskog zdravlja. U Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi dodani su državni propisi u procesu primjene EU propisa u nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Zakon o hrani br. 152/1995 Z.z. određuje uvjete proizvodnje hrane i drugih životinjskih proizvoda, rukovanje s istima te stavljanje namirnica životinjskog porijekla na tržište u cilju potpore i zaštite potrošača i njihovog zdravlja, kao i ulogu i organizaciju zdravstvenog nadzora namirnica, te poštivanje propisa. Zakon o hrani Republike Slovačke određuje zahtjeve za zdravstvenu i higijensku ispravnost namirnica, njihov sastav i kakvoću, sastojke, tehnološke procese koji se primjenjuju u proizvodnji hrane, opremanje, označavanje, skladištenje, prijevoz, rukovanje i promet, kao i propise za uzorkovanje i postupke analize uzoraka

    The first description of Setaria tundra (Issaitshikoff & Rajewskaya, 1928) in roe deer from Croatia

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    Genus Setaria, Viborg 1795, comprises 46 species that parasitize in the peritoneal cavity of Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla and Hyracoidea. The majority of these infections pass unnoticed, but occasionally they can induce severe peritonitis or neurological signs in aberrant hosts and, rarely, even in humans. In this paper we describe for the first time the finding of Setaria tundra in roe deer in Croatia. We examined 45 roe deer and determined the presence of Setaria nematodes in 24.4% of samples, which were subsequently diagnosed as Setaria tundra using molecular methods

    Pressure-induced antiferromagnetic dome in the heavy-fermion Yb2Pd2In1−xSnx system

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    In the heavy-fermion system Yb2Pd2In1−xSnx, the interplay of crystal-field splitting, Kondo effect, and Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interactions leads to complex chemical-, pressure-, and magnetic-field phase diagrams still to be explored in full detail. By using a series of techniques, we show that even modest changes of parameters other than temperature are sufficient to induce multiple quantum-critical transitions in this highly susceptible heavy-fermion family. In particular, we show that, above ∼10 kbar, hydrostatic pressure not only induces an antiferromagnetic phase at low temperature, but it likely leads to a reorientation of the Yb magnetic moments and/or the competition among different antiferromagnetic configurations