33 research outputs found

    Stability of periodic beams

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    Stacjonarne przewodnictwo ciepła w laminatach o nierównomiernym rozmieszczeniu warstw

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    In this paper it is analysed a stationary heat conduction in laminates made of two materials non-periodically distributed as microlaminas along one direction. It is assumed that this laminate has a functionally (transversally) graded macrostructure along this direction. Some effects of the microstructure in a distribution of a temperature are investigated using the tolerance modelling, cf. the book edited by Cz. Woźniak et al. [6].W pracy rozpatrywany jest stacjonarny problem przewodnictwa ciepła w laminatach charakteryzujących się "wolną" zmianą własności makroskopowych (uśrednionych) w kierunku prostopadłym do warstw. Przyjęto, że rozmieszczenie warstw jest nierównomierne. Wpływ mikrostruktury na rozkład temperatury całkowitej zbadano wykorzystując modelowanie tolerancyjne, por. Cz. Woźniak et al. [6]

    Free vibrations of medium thickness microstructured plates

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    A problem of free vibrations of medium thickness microstructured plates, which can be treated as made of functionally graded material on the macrolevel is presented. The size of the microstructure of these plates is of an order of the plate thickness. Averaged governing equations of these plates can be obtained using the tolerance modelling technique, cf. [18, 19, 9]. Because, the derived tolerance model equations have the terms dependent of the microstructure size, this model describes the effect of the microstructure size. Results can be evaluated introducing the asymptotic model. Calculated results can be compared to those from the finite element method or a similar tolerance model of thin plates, cf. [9]

    Stationary heat conduction in transversally graded laminates with uniform and non-uniform distribution of laminas

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    A problem of stationary heat conduction in laminates with transversally graded structure is analysed. These composites consist of two components, non-periodically distributed as laminas. Averaged (macroscopic) properties of these laminates are slowly and continuously varied along the axis normal to laminas. In this contribution the stationary heat conduction problem is analysed in the framework of the tolerance model, proposed by Jędrysiak and Radzikowska [2,6,3]

    “Small Wars” in Prussian military thought of 1815-1848

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    Współczesne dyskusje nad naturą wojny bardzo często odwołują się do dorobku Carla von Clausewitza. Poszczególni pisarze wojskowi próbują potwierdzić lub odrzucić użyteczność jego dla różnych koncepcji „nowych wojen”. Badacze ci pomijają niestety zwykle kontekst epoki w której żył pruski filozof wojny, jak również fakt, że problem działań nieregularnych oraz „małej wojny” był istotnym tematem rozważań środowiska, w którym tworzył. Podobnie jak teoretycy u progu XXI stulecia, pruscy pisarze wojskowi stanęli po zakończeniu wojen napoleońskich przed problemem warunkowanych społecznie dynamicznych przemian w sztuce wojennej. Jednym z ważnych elementów tej refleksji była koncepcja „małej wojny”, znana wprawdzie w czasach ancien regime, lecz nabierająca nowego znaczenia w postrewolucyjnej Europie. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja najważniejszych przejawów tej refleksji, mająca w zamierzeniu pełnić funkcję pomocniczą w próbach zarówno oceny samych koncepcji Clausewitza, jak również ich użyteczności we współczesnej refleksji nad wojną.Contemporary discussions on the nature of war very often refer to Carl von Clausewitz's achievements. Military writers are trying to confirm or deny his utility for the different concepts of "new wars". Unfortunately, researchers usually overlook the context of the era in which the Prussian philosopher of war lived, as well as the fact that the problems of irregular actions and the "small wars" were major discussion topics in the environment in which he created. Just as the theorists at the beginning of XXI century, at the end of the Napoleonic wars the Prussian military writers faced the problem of socially conditioned dynamic changes in the art of war. One of the important elements of this reflection was the concept of "small wars", although known at the time of the ancient regime, but they take on new significance in the post-revolutionary Europe. The aim of the article is the presentation of the most important signs of this reflection, which is intended to assist in every attempt of evaluating Clausewitz's concept, as well as their usefulness in contemporary reflections on war

    Geometrically nonlinear vibrations of thin visco-elastic periodic plates on a foundation with damping: non-asymptotic modelling

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    The objects under consideration are thin visco-elastic periodic plates with moderately large deflections. Geometrically nonlinear vibrations of these plates are investigated. In order to take into account the effect of microstructure size on behaviour of these plates a non- -asymptotic modelling method is proposed. Using this method, called the tolerance modelling, model equations with constant coefficients involving terms dependent on the microstructure size can be derived. In this paper, only theoretical considerations of the problem of nonlinear vibrations of thin visco-elastic periodic plates resting on a foundation with damping are presented

    Higher order vibrations of thin periodic plate bands with various boundary conditions

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    In this contribution there are considered thin periodic plates. The tolerance averaging method, cf. [12, 13, 4], is applied to model problems of vibrations of these plates. Hence, the effect of the microstructure size is taken into account in model equations of the tolerance model. Calculations are made for periodic plate bands using this model and the asymptotic model for various boundary conditions