32 research outputs found

    Dziennik antymetafizyczny. "Zeszyty 1957–1972" Emila M. Ciorana – szkic przekrojowy

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    The authors discuss  Notebooks by Emil Cioran. The first part of the article is devoted to the literary aspects of Cioran’s essential writings – the notes are analyzed from an anthropological and genetic perspective in order to present their purpose and function in Cioran’s output. The second part discusses the philosophical aspects of  Notebooks. The authors – applying hermeneutics as a general method of interpreting philosophical texts – present Cioran’s philosophical intuitions as a literary strategy that allows him to include his own metaphysics in strictly autobiographical writings. However, the authors point to the limitations of this strategy and suggest reading Cioran’s Notebooks as a reflection on his own work that focuses on the theme of the inability to create.Artykuł jest próbą wstępnej lektury Zeszytów Emila Ciorana. W pierwszej części, poświęconej zagadnieniom literaturoznawczym, staramy się określić gatunek, do jakiego należą quasi-diarystyczne zapiski Ciorana, a także – przy pomocy krytyki genetycznej lub, mówiąc ogólniej, metodologii z zakresu antropologii literatury – zrozumieć, jaką rolę odgrywały notatki dla filozofa. W drugiej części – korzystając z hermeneutyki jako ogólnej metody interpretacji tekstu – skupiamy się na filozoficznej treści Zeszytów. Zarysowując niektóre intuicje Ciorana, pozwalające zorientować się w gęstym i obszernym materiale tekstu, stawiamy pytanie o możliwość uprawiania metafizyki jako rozważań czysto autobiograficznych. Wskazując na wewnętrzne ograniczenia tej strategii, proponujemy odczytanie książki jako studium własnego pisarstwa, którego uniwersalne przesłanie antropologiczne ogniskuje się w temacie nietwórczości

    The fate of nitrogen in the urban area – The case of Zielona Góra, Poland

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    The anthropogenic change of the nitrogen (N) cycle is strongly triggered by urban demand (such as food and meat consumption, energy demand and transport). As a consequence of high population density, impacts on human health through water and air pollution also concentrate on a city environment. Thus, an urban perspective on a predominantly rural pollution becomes relevant. Urban N budgets may be considered less intrinsically connected, so that separation of an agri-food chain and an industry-combustion chain is warranted. Results have been obtained for Zielona Góra, Poland, a city of 140,000 inhabitants characterized by domestic and transport sources and forest-dominated surroundings. In addition to food imports in Zielona Gora amounting to about 30 %, in the suburban area a significant share of N amounting to 41 % is related to fertilizer imports. The remaining imports are in fuel, electronics, textiles, plastics and paper. Most of the agri-food N (45 %) is denitrified in wastewater treatment. N associated with combustion (mainly NOx emissions from vehicles) represents a much smaller share than N entering via the agri-food system, amounting to 22 % of the total N imports. This overall picture is maintained also when specifically addressing the city center, with the exception of mineral fertilizer that plays a much smaller role, with just 7 % of N imports to the city

    Posthumous interests of a person

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    Does the interest of a person go beyond the limits of her life? In the article we advocate the realistic view, proclaiming that interests of a person continues even after her death. In contemporary philosophy the realistic view of the post-mortem interests, already outlined by Aristotle, had been delivered by Joel Feinberg. The paper associates an ontological thread with a moral philosophy and general reflection on the notion of a person. Developing the Timothy Chappell’s idea, we introduce the term of personal stance, which is an aspect of the proleptic nature of the concept of a person. Since personal stance includes also a dead person, she belongs to the primary moral constituency. This fact clarifies our concern for the posthumous fate. Lastly, we argue that in the light of private law posthumous interests are to be understood as personal rights

    Optymizm P.F. Strawsona. Odpowiedzialność i kara w eseju "Freedom and Resentment"

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    Freedom and Resentment (1962) – reflecting the method and profoundness of descriptive metaphysics – has become perhaps the most commented and famous work by Peter F. Strawson. In this article I try to reconstruct the concept of responsibility, blame and punishment outlined in his essay. The text consists of three main parts: exhibition (subsections 2, 3), interpretation (4) and criticism (5). In the last part I argue that even if Strawson managed to repulse the pessimistic argumentation against compatibilism, his naturalistic position, as well as the traditional optimism, does not provide the right kind of ethical justification for reactive emotions and attitudes. The nerve of his reasoning is the premise that from the human point of view it is practically inconceivable to abandon them. Therefore, the succes of such argumentation depends on the meaning of practical inconceivability. One can distinguish its naturalistic (referring to the type- or token-naturalism) and transcendental interpretation. The latter, as I try to show, is unable to formally distinguish between the metaphysical and ethical content of Strawson’s position. On the other hand, the logical separation of both views is the main advantage of the interpretation in the spirit of type-naturalism. Consequently, its acceptance reveals both metaethical and anthropological allegations to which Strawson’s concept is exposed, without injuring the main part of his compatibilism

    Idea transcendentalizmu według Johna Rawlsa. Problem uzasadnienia w teorii sprawiedliwości

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    This paper aims at presenting a transcendental argument, so termed and constructed by John Rawls, as a justification of his theory of ‘justice as fairness’. The crucial stage in the chain of his reasoning is to establish the necessary condition of the political arrangement of the basic structure of society. This condition turns out to be acceptability of the publicly endorsed principles in the original position. However, the procedure of exercising free choice, as described by Rawls, presupposes a philosophical view of human nature, and consequently undermines the presumably purely theoretical basis for the principles of justice. The author discusses the impact of Kantian moral philosophy on Rawls’s theory of justification. He tries to show that the rejection of moral theory in favour of political philosophy was the result of a profound change in Rawls’s attitude to the idea of transcendentalism, as it is evidenced by his later thought

    Properties of the Organic Fraction Directed to Biostabilization in Mbt Installations During the Heating Season

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    In the professional literature, there is no information about the sieve and morphological composition OFMSW (<80 mm) subjected to biological processing in MBT installations during the heating season. Knowledge about the quality of this fraction is important because it significantly affects the course of the biostabilization process. The paper presents the morphological composition, sieve composition, humidity, loss on ignition and organic carbon content of <80 mm fraction separated from municipal waste delivered to 21 MBT installations in Poland, in winter. The results show that about 1/3 of the OFMSW (34.0 ± 10.6%) mass is a fine fraction (<20 mm), mainly furnace waste. The organics share was on average 39.3 ± 10.4%. The fraction “paper and cardboard” was also present in the bulk of OFMSW, an average of 10.5 ± 4.3%. The shares of other components did not exceed 5%. The large number of batteries in OFMSM was surprising, despite their widespread selective collection. The high content of fine fraction (ashes) and inert components in OFMSW during the heating season results in low hydration and low losses of waste incineration, which may even determine their inability to be processed biologically

    Wbrew humanizmowi. Racjonalizm transcendentalny Bogusława Wolniewicza

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    Recenzja wydanego jesienią 2016 r. IV tomu zbioru rozpraw Bogusława Wolniewicza pt. "Filozofii i wartości"

    Responsibility – an Anthropological Outline

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    In the article, I try to present an outline of the theory of responsibility. Its double root – based on the logical distinction between criterion and testimony – is derived from Abelard’s anthropology of action and the theory of personhood developed by Timothy Chappell. Initially, I discuss the metaphysical difficulties related to the problem of freedom (especially linked with determinism). Afterwards, following Abelard, I try to indicate an anthropological justification of punishment based on guilt. The last part of the paper is devoted to the attempt to enter the free will into a broader view of Chappell’s theory. The aim of the work is to prepare the ground for future studies on the proleptic notion of personhood and its further application within the philosophy of law

    Composting and Fermentation of Biowaste - Advantages and Disadvantages of Processes

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    In 2016, in EU Member States (EU), only less than half of the biowaste produced, i.e. around 40 million tonnes, was used to produce compost and, to some extent, biogas. Most of it was still incinerated or stored together with other waste. On 14 June 2018, amendments to 6 directives on waste management were published. One of the most important changes introduced in the Waste Framework Directive is the obligation for Member States to recycle biowaste at source or selectively collect it for composting or fermentation by 31 December 2023 at the latest. The article presents the potential of biowaste and its use for the production of compost and changes in directives concerning the handling of biowaste, which will shape the directions of development of this waste management in the EU after 2020. The composting and fermentation processes of biowaste were also compared, defining their advantages and disadvantages. This information can be helpful in the selection of technologies for its processing, making decisions on the construction of new or modernization of existing installations

    Rights – Person – Death. Part 1: Around Daniel Sperling’s Theory

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    Artykuł dzieli się na dwie części. W przedstawione tu pierwszej przedstawiamy argumentację na rzecz koncepcji interesów pośmiertnych. Interesy pośmiertne rozumiemy jako zdarzenia stanowiące krzywdę lub korzyść dla zmarłego, osoby, która już nie istnieje. Prawo podmiotowe to interes osoby uznany przez prawodawcę i chroniony prawem. W drugiej części, która zostanie wkrótce opublikowana, zastanawiamy się zatem nad możliwością zastosowania oraz rzeczywistym zastosowaniem teorii interesów pośmiertnych w polskim systemie prawnym. Nasze rozważania obejmują zagadnienia: tajemnicy w prawie medycznym, ochrony danych medycznych po śmierci pacjenta, prawa autorskiego niemajątkowego, ochrony kultu pamięci o osobie zmarłej, prawa o orderach i odznaczeniach, a także prawnego statusu zwłok ludzkich. Teoretyczną motywację dla powstania artykułu stanowiła książka Daniela Sperlinga Posthumous Interest, w której autor zarysował omawiany problem w perspektywie anglosaskiego reżimu prawnego.This article is divided into two parts. In the first part, presented here, we present arguments for the concept of post-mortem interests. Post-mortem interests are understood as events that constitute a detriment or a benefit or to the deceased person, a person who no longer exists. A right is an interest of the person recognized and protected by law. In the second part, which will be published shortly, we examine the possibility of applying and the actual application of the theory of post-mortem interests in the Polish legal system. We address the following issues: medical confidentiality, protection of medical data after the patient’s death, author’s moral rights, protection of the memory of the deceased, the law on orders and decorations, and the legal status of human corpses. The theoretical background for this article was the book by Daniel Sperling Posthumous Interest, in which the author outlined the problem discussed in the perspective of the common law regime