15 research outputs found

    Overview of scan parameters and delay correction for volunteer exams.

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    <p>Overview of scan parameters and delay correction for volunteer exams.</p

    <i>In vivo</i> head images–the effect of delay correction: Central sagittal slices of a volunteer’s head.

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    <p>(a) The reconstructed image of the single echo sequence without delay correction exhibits severe signal shifts compared to the images corrected with the system delay obtained from the template scan (b). Note the large signal voids in the uncorrected image (a), especially at the outer edges, like the chin and the face area. The same slice acquired with the dual echo reference sequence and with delay correction is shown in (c). The spoiling regime applied to the single echo sequence does not cause any visible artifacts (b) compared to the dual echo sequence with constant spoiler moments (c).</p

    Gradient delay calibration using <i>k</i>-phase: Shown are 45 spokes of the measured calibration data from the x-y plane to illustrate the concept.

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    <p>The magnitude is shown in (a), the phase in (b) and an enlarged central part of (b) is shown in (c). The colors characterize the spoke index using a continuous jet color map where blue is the first and red the last index. The dashed black line marks the expected position of the <i>k</i>-space center.</p

    UTE single breath-hold lung imaging: Maximum intensity projections of UTE lung images over 20 mm of a healthy volunteer.

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    <p>The original images were acquired with an isotropic resolution of (1.8 mm)<sup>3</sup> at 39% Nyquist sampling within a single breath hold of 29s. In (a) and (c) parts of the spine coil and the scanner table are seen. Due to the large FoV some image distortions are visible towards the edges of the images.</p

    Curved reformatted <i>In vivo</i> head images: Re-sliced UTE images obtained from the same data set as in Fig 6.

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    <p>(a) Curved reformatted slice displaying the sagittal suture. (b) Curvilinear reformatted view of the denture, mimicking a dental panorama image. The nerve canals, dentin and the jawbone are clearly delineated.</p

    Long-term prevalence of NIRF-labeled magnetic nanoparticles for the diagnostic and intraoperative imaging of inflammation

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    <p>Inflammation is a very common disease worldwide. In severe cases, surgery is often the method of choice. Today, there is a general need for the implementation of image-based guidance methodologies for reliable target resection. We investigated new near infrared fluorescence (NIRF)-nanoparticles (NPs) as a simple but effective bimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical contrast agent for diagnosis and intraoperative imaging of inflammation. Physicochemical analysis revealed that these NPs were highly fluorescent with similar characteristics like unlabeled NPs (hydrodynamic diameter about 130 nm and zeta potential about −10 mV). NP-uptake and NIR-dye labeling was biocompatible to macrophages (no impact on cellular ATP and reactive oxygen species production). These cells could successfully be tracked with MRI and NIRF-optical imaging. I.v. injection of fluorescent NPs into mice led to highly specific T<sub>2</sub>-weighted signal of edema due to uptake by phagocytic cells and subsequent migration to the site of inflammation. NIRF signals of the edema region were well detectable for up to 4 weeks, underlining the potential of the NPs for systematic planning and flexible time scheduling in intraoperative applications. NPs were degraded over a time period of 12 weeks, which was not altered due to inflammation. Redistribution of iron might be primarily due to inflammation and not to the presence of NPs per se in a concentration suitable for imaging. Our findings highlight the potential of the NPs to be used as a suitable tool for pre- and intraoperative imaging of inflammation.</p

    Group comparison of SWI images between ALS patients and healthy controls.

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    <p>ALS patients showed lower SWI signal in deep white matter tracts, including corpus callosum, corticospinal and superior longitudinal fascicle most prominent in its frontal parts. The statistical parametric maps are displayed at a threshold <i>P</i> < 0.05 and corrected for multiple comparisons using FWE.</p

    Horizontal GRE magnitude images, susceptibility weighted images and quantitative susceptibility maps of a 21 month old arcAβ mouse.

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    <p>Suspected microbleeds are indicated by white arrows, while structures corresponding to vessel cross-sections are indicated by red arrows. The scale bar indicates 1 mm. Topography of cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) of a an arcAβ mouse with high CMB load at 13 (A), 18 (B) and 21 (C) months of age. Average projections of the registration template over an acquired slab of 2.1 mm thickness. The brain regions affected are predominantly the cortex and olfactory bulb and to a lesser extent the hippocampus. The CMB load increases with increasing age. The frequency of overlapping CMBs in 3D assessed at a single time point is indicated by the colour bar.</p