32 research outputs found

    Feeding toasted field beans to dairy cows

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    Toasting field beans can improve the protein quality of field beans markedly. In the feed demonstrations carried out in Project EcoProtein testing a new method of toasting with a drum dryer, showed, however, only reduced effect on the protein quality due to a lower than optimal temperature. The toasted field beans were fed in two organic dairy herds, replacing a part of the concentrates in the ration in a cross-over design. Preliminary results showed no milk yield difference in herd 1, but a reduced milk yield level in herd 2


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    Hjemmeside for GrOBEat ved Center for Frilandsdy

    Growth and carcass quality of grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers slaughtered at 17 months of age

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    Across sexes, crossbreeding did not improve growth rate compared to HOL bulls Crossbreeding markedly improved conformation Heifers produced carcasses of acceptable fatness Fatness and lean/fat colour of pasture-fed bulls were not acceptabl

    Gode råd til bonding af kalve til ammetanter

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    Med de rette forudsætninger kan kalve bondes med ammetanter i løbet af en uge. I dette faktaark gives gode råd til hvordan bondingen udføres effektivt, så det ikke bliver en alt for tidskrævende proces


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    Kalve får god start på livet, når de passes af ammetanter i op til 6 måneder

    Stepwise emergence of azole, echinocandin and amphotericin B multidrug resistance in vivo in Candida albicans orchestrated by multiple genetic alterations.

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to characterize the underlying molecular mechanisms in consecutive clinical Candida albicans isolates from a single patient displaying stepwise-acquired multidrug resistance. METHODS: Nine clinical isolates (P-1 to P-9) were susceptibility tested by EUCAST EDef 7.2 and Etest. P-4, P-5, P-7, P-8 and P-9 were available for further studies. Relatedness was evaluated by MLST. Additional genes were analysed by sequencing (including FKS1, ERG11, ERG2 and TAC1) and gene expression by quantitative PCR (CDR1, CDR2 and ERG11). UV-spectrophotometry and GC-MS were used for sterol analyses. In vivo virulence was determined in the insect model Galleria mellonella and evaluated by log-rank Mantel-Cox tests. RESULTS: P-1 + P-2 were susceptible, P-3 + P-4 fluconazole resistant, P-5 pan-azole resistant, P-6 + P-7 pan-azole and echinocandin resistant and P-8 + P-9 MDR. MLST supported genetic relatedness among clinical isolates. P-4 harboured four changes in Erg11 (E266D, G307S, G450E and V488I), increased expression of ERG11 and CDR2 and a change in Tac1 (R688Q). P-5, P-7, P-8 and P-9 had an additional change in Erg11 (A61E), increased expression of CDR1, CDR2 and ERG11 (except for P-7) and a different amino acid change in Tac1 (R673L). Echinocandin-resistant isolates harboured the Fks1 S645P alteration. Polyene-resistant P-8 + P-9 lacked ergosterol and harboured a frameshift mutation in ERG2 (F105SfsX23). Virulence was attenuated (but equivalent) in the clinical isolates, but higher than in the azole- and echinocandin-resistant unrelated control strain. CONCLUSIONS: C. albicans demonstrates a diverse capacity to adapt to antifungal exposure. Potentially novel resistance-inducing mutations in TAC1, ERG11 and ERG2 require independent validation

    Udfordring eller mulighed for økologien

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    During one intensive week in October 2005, the authors were gathered to discuss the impact that globalisation has on the Organic Food Systems and the opportunities that globalisation opens up for developing these systems. The meeting took place as a Ph.D. course under the auspices of the Research School of Organic Farming and Food Systems (SOAR; www.soar.dk). All participants research within Organic Agriculture and Food Production in one way or another

    Leverbylder hos økologiske slagtekøer - sammenhæng til mælkeanalyser og andre besætningsdata

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    Ud fra data fra Kvægdatabasen har vi lavet en analyse af, hvilke forhold på besætningsniveau der viser sammenhæng til forekomsten af leverbylder. Resultaterne viser, at besætninger med lave fedtprocenter i tankmælk og med store svingninger i fedt- og proteinprocenter gennem året har en højere forekomst af leverbylder. Der var ingen sammenhæng mellem årsydelsen i kg EKM og forekomsten af leverbylder. Økologiske besætninger havde generelt en lavere fedtprocent end konventionelle besætninger