99 research outputs found

    On the (Im-)Possibility of Extending Coin Toss

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    We consider the task of extending a given coin toss. By this, we mean the two-party task of using a single instance of a given coin toss protocol in order to interactively generate more random coins. A bit more formally, our goal is to generate n common random coins from a single use of an ideal functionality that gives m < n common random coins to both parties. In the framework of universal composability, we show the impossibility of securely extending a coin toss for statistical and perfect security. On the other hand, for computational security, the existence of a protocol for coin toss extension depends on the number m of random coins that can be obtained “for free.” For the case of stand-alone security, i.e., a simulation-based security definition without an environment, we present a protocol for statistically secure coin toss extension. Our protocol works for superlogarithmic m, which is optimal as we show the impossibility of statistically secure coin toss extension for smaller m. Combining our results with already known results, we obtain a (nearly) complete characterization under which circumstances coin toss extension is possible

    Hardening the Security of Server-Aided MPC Using Remotely Unhackable Hardware Modules

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    Garbling schemes are useful building blocks for enabling secure multi-party computation (MPC), but require considerable computational resources both for the garbler and the evaluator. Thus, they cannot be easily used in a resource-restricted setting, e.g. on mobile devices. To circumvent this problem, server-aided MPC can be used, where circuit garbling and evaluation are performed by one or more servers. However, such a setting introduces additional points of failure: The servers, being accessible over the network, are susceptible to remote hacks. By hacking the servers, an adversary may learn all secrets, even if the parties participating in the MPC are honest. In this work, we investigate how the susceptibility for such remote hacks in the server-aided setting can be reduced. To this end, we modularize the servers performing the computationally intensive tasks. By using data diodes, air-gap switches and other simple remotely unhackable hardware modules, we can isolate individual components during large parts of the protocol execution, making remote hacks impossible at these times. Interestingly, this reduction of the attack surface comes without a loss of efficiency

    A CCA2 Secure Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem

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    The McEliece public-key encryption scheme has become an interesting alternative to cryptosystems based on number-theoretical problems. Differently from RSA and ElGa- mal, McEliece PKC is not known to be broken by a quantum computer. Moreover, even tough McEliece PKC has a relatively big key size, encryption and decryption operations are rather efficient. In spite of all the recent results in coding theory based cryptosystems, to the date, there are no constructions secure against chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model - the de facto security notion for public-key cryptosystems. In this work, we show the first construction of a McEliece based public-key cryptosystem secure against chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. Our construction is inspired by a recently proposed technique by Rosen and Segev

    Cybersecurity Research: Challenges and Course of Action

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    Completeness Theorems with Constructive Proofs for Finite Deterministic 2-Party Functions (full version)

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    In this paper we present simple but comprehensive combinatorial criteria for completeness of finite deterministic 2-party functions with respect to information-theoretic security. We give a general protocol construction for efficient and statistically secure reduction of oblivious transfer to any finite deterministic 2-party function that fulfills our criteria. For the resulting protocols we prove universal composability. Our results are tight in the sense that our criteria still are necessary for any finite deterministic 2-party function to allow for implementation of oblivious transfer with statistical privacy and correctness. We unify and generalize results of Joe Kilian (1991, 2000) in two ways. Firstly, we show that his completeness criteria also hold in the UC framework. Secondly, what is our main contribution, our criteria also cover a wide class of primitives that are not subject of previous criteria. We show that there are non-trivial examples of finite deterministic 2-party functions that are neither symmetric nor asymmetric and therefore have not been covered by existing completeness criteria so far. As a corollary of our work, every finite deterministic 2-party function is either complete or can be considered equivalent to a non-complete symmetric 2-party function---this assertion holds true with respect to active adversaries as well as passive adversaries. Thereby known results on non-complete symmetric 2-party functions are strengthened

    ETHTID: Deployable Threshold Information Disclosure on Ethereum

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    We address the Threshold Information Disclosure (TID) problem on Ethereum: An arbitrary number of users commit to the scheduled disclosure of their individual messages recorded on the Ethereum blockchain if and only if all such messages are disclosed. Before a disclosure, only the original sender of each message should know its contents. To accomplish this, we task a small council with executing a distributed generation and threshold sharing of an asymmetric key pair. The public key can be used to encrypt messages which only become readable once the threshold-shared decryption key is reconstructed at a predefined point in time and recorded on-chain. With blockchains like Ethereum, it is possible to coordinate such procedures and attach economic stakes to the actions of participating individuals. In this paper, we present ETHTID, an Ethereum smart contract application to coordinate Threshold Information Disclosure. We base our implementation on ETHDKG [1], a smart contract application for distributed key generation and threshold sharing, and adapt it to fit our differing use case as well as add functionality to oversee a scheduled reconstruction of the decryption key. For our main cost saving optimisation, we show that the security of the underlying cryptographic scheme is maintained. We evaluate how the execution costs depend on the size of the council and the threshold and show that the presented protocol is deployable on Ethereum with a council of more than 200 members with gas savings of 20--40\% compared to ETHDKG

    On the Composability of Statistically Secure Random Oblivious Transfer

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    We show that random oblivious transfer protocols that are statistically secure according to a definition based on a list of information-theoretical properties are also statistically universally composable. That is, they are simulatable secure with an unlimited adversary, an unlimited simulator, and an unlimited environment machine. Our result implies that several previous oblivious transfer protocols in the literature that were proven secure under weaker, non-composable definitions of security can actually be used in arbitrary statistically secure applications without lowering the security

    ETHTID: Deployable Threshold Information Disclosure on Ethereum

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    We address the Threshold Information Disclosure (TID) problem on Ethereum: An arbitrary number of users commit to the scheduled disclosure of their individual messages recorded on the Ethereum blockchain if and only if all such messages are disclosed. Before a disclosure, only the original sender of each message should know its contents. To accomplish this, we task a small council with executing a distributed generation and threshold sharing of an asymmetric key pair. The public key can be used to encrypt messages which only become readable once the threshold-shared decryption key is reconstructed at a predefined point in time and recorded on-chain. With blockchains like Ethereum, it is possible to coordinate such procedures and attach economic stakes to the actions of participating individuals. In this paper, we present ETHTID, an Ethereum smart contract application to coordinate Threshold Information Disclosure. We base our implementation on ETHDKG [1], a smart contract application for distributed key generation and threshold sharing, and adapt it to fit our differing use case as well as add functionality to oversee a scheduled reconstruction of the decryption key. For our main cost saving optimisation, we show that the security of the underlying cryptographic scheme is maintained. We evaluate how the execution costs depend on the size of the council and the threshold and show that the presented protocol is deployable on Ethereum with a council of more than 200 members with gas savings of 20-40% compared to ETHDKG