69 research outputs found

    Анализ влияния физико-химических методов воздействия на продуктивные пласты Ямбургского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения (ЯНАО)

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    Во введении раскрывается актуальность выбранной темы, цель и задачи выпускной квалификационной работы. В первой главе изложены теоретические основы методов воздействия, список методов, способы и технологии их проведения и влияние на пласт. Во второй главе дана характеристика изучаемого месторождения. Описана нефтегазоносность месторождения, характеристика коллектора и добываемого газа. В третьей главе проанализированы методы воздействия, применяемые на пласт на ЯНГКМ. В четвертой главе представлен анализ стоимости проведения ГРП. В пятой главе проведен анализ влияния вредных факторов и методы их избежания.The introduction reveals the relevance of the selected topic, the purpose and objectives of the final qualification work. The first chapter sets out the theoretical foundations of impact methods, methods and technologies for their implementation and the effect on the formation. The second chapter describes the studied field. The oil and gas content of the field, the characteristics of the reservoir and produced gas are described. The third chapter analyzes the methods of action applied to the reservoir. The fourth chapter presents an analysis of the cost of hydraulic fracturing. The fifth chapter analyzes the influence of harmful factors and methods of avoidance

    Изучение резонансного взаимодействия в многоатомной молекуле С2Н2D2- cis, основанное на высокоточных экспериментальных данных сильнорезонирующих полос: v10, v8, v7, v4, v6, v12, 2v10

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    Известно, что молекула этилена является естественной компонентой атмосферного воздуха, участвующей в процессах атмосферной химии и формировании глобального климата. Он играет значительную роль в химии тропосферы и генерации озона. Вследствие вышесказанного в течение многих лет спектры высокого разрешения этилена и его изотопологов являлись предметом пристального внимания. Однако, работ по изучению инфракрасных спектров молекулы cis-C2H2D2 ограниченное количество.Данная работа направлена на изучение спектров высокого разрешения молекулы cis-C2H2D2 в диапазоне 600-1200см-1.В результате исследования спектров определили количество найденных переходов в 2 раза больше с max квант. числами J и Ka, чем были определены в ранних работах. Следует отметить, что полосы ν10, v4 были исследованы впервыеEthylene is a naturally occurring compound in ambient air that affects atmospheric chemistry and the global climate. It plays a significant role in tropospheric chemistry and ozone generation. Therefore in recent years, HR infrared studies of ethylene and eseveral isotopic species have led to a better understanding of its molecular structure. However, high-resolution infrared investigation on cis-C2H2D2 remains limited. This master thesis is focused on the study of high resolution spectra of cis-d2-ethylene molecule in 600-1200 cm-1. As the result of analysis of the experimentally recorded spectra we were able to assign about two times more transitions with higher values of quantum number J and Ka than it was made before. The ν10, v4 and v8 bands were studied at the first time

    Uropathogenic E. coli Induce Different Immune Response in Testicular and Peritoneal Macrophages: Implications for Testicular Immune Privilege

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    Infertility affects one in seven couples and ascending bacterial infections of the male genitourinary tract by Escherichia coli are an important cause of male factor infertility. Thus understanding mechanisms by which immunocompetent cells such as testicular macrophages (TM) respond to infection and how bacterial pathogens manipulate defense pathways is of importance. Whole genome expression profiling of TM and peritoneal macrophages (PM) infected with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) revealed major differences in regulated genes. However, a multitude of genes implicated in calcium signaling pathways was a common feature which indicated a role of calcium-dependent nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) signaling. UPEC-dependent NFAT activation was confirmed in both cultured TM and in TM in an in vivo UPEC infectious rat orchitis model. Elevated expression of NFATC2-regulated anti-inflammatory cytokines was found in TM (IL-4, IL-13) and PM (IL-3, IL-4, IL-13). NFATC2 is activated by rapid influx of calcium, an activity delineated to the pore forming toxin alpha-hemolysin by bacterial mutant analysis. Alpha-hemolysin suppressed IL-6 and TNF-α cytokine release from PM and caused differential activation of MAP kinase and AP-1 signaling pathways in TM and PM leading to reciprocal expression of key pro-inflammatory cytokines in PM (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 downregulated) and TM (IL-1β, IL-6 upregulated). In addition, unlike PM, LPS-treated TM were refractory to NFκB activation shown by the absence of degradation of IκBα and lack of pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (IL-6, TNF-α). Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism to the conundrum by which TM initiate immune responses to bacteria, while maintaining testicular immune privilege with its ability to tolerate neo-autoantigens expressed on developing spermatogenic cells

    Seroprevalence of 34 Human Papillomavirus Types in the German General Population

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    The natural history of infections with many human papillomavirus (HPV) types is poorly understood. Here, we describe for the first time the age- and sex-dependent antibody prevalence for 29 cutaneous and five mucosal HPV types from 15 species within five phylogenetic genera (alpha, beta, gamma, mu, nu) in a general population. Sera from 1,797 German adults and children (758 males and 1,039 females) between 1 and 82 years (median 37 years) were analysed for antibodies to the major capsid protein L1 by Luminex-based multiplex serology. The first substantial HPV antibody reactions observed already in children and young adults are those to cutaneous types of the genera nu (HPV 41) and mu (HPV 1, 63). The antibody prevalence to mucosal high-risk types, most prominently HPV 16, was elevated after puberty in women but not in men and peaked between 25 and 34 years. Antibodies to beta and gamma papillomaviruses (PV) were rare in children and increased homogeneously with age, with prevalence peaks at 40 and 60 years in women and 50 and 70 years in men. Antibodies to cutaneous alpha PV showed a heterogeneous age distribution. In summary, these data suggest three major seroprevalence patterns for HPV of phylogenetically distinct genera: antibodies to mu and nu skin PV appear early in life, those to mucosal alpha PV in women after puberty, and antibodies to beta as well as to gamma skin PV accumulate later in life

    Non-invasive assessment of muscular function in children with obstetric plexus lesion

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