12 research outputs found
Novel biomarkers and emerging tools to identify causal molecular pathways in hypertension and associated cardiovascular diseases
Hypertension (HT) is a modifiable risk factor for life-threatening cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) including coronary artery disease, heart failure or stroke. Despite significant progress in understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease, the molecular pathways targeted by HT treatment still remain largely unchanged. This warrants the necessity for searching novel biomarkers, which are causally related to persistent high blood pressure (BP) and may be pharmacologically targeted. Data from large-scale biobanks, containing high-throughput genetic and biochemical data, such as OLINK and SomaScan-based proteomics or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-based metabolomics, as well as novel analytical tools including Mendelian randomisation (MR) approach enabling genetic casual inference, may create new treatment opportunities for HT and related CVDs. MR analysis may constitute an additional proof for observational studies and facilitate selection of druggable targets for clinical testing and have been already used to nominate potentially causal biomarkers for HT and CVDs such as circulating glycine, branched-chain amino acids, insulin-like growth factor 1 or fibronectin 1. Using MR framework, genetic proxies for targets of already known drugs, such as statins, PCSK9 and ACE inhibitors, may additionally inform about potential side effects and eventually contribute to a more personalized medicine. Finally, genetic causal inference may disentangle independent, direct effects of correlated traits such as lipid classes or markers of inflammation on cardiovascular clinical outcomes such as atherosclerosis and HT. While several novel HT-targeting drugs are currently under clinical investigation (e.g. brain renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors or endothelin-1 receptor antagonists), analysis of high-throughput proteomic and metabolomic data from well-powered studies may deliver novel druggable molecular targets for HT and associated CVDs
The role of microRNA-378a in the formation of choroidal microvasculature
Badania prowadzone na przestrzeni ostatnich lat wykaza艂y istotny wp艂yw miR-378a na proces tworzenia nowych naczy艅 krwiono艣nych, zar贸wno w aspekcie fizjologicznym, jak i patologicznym. W celu zbadania udzia艂u miRNA-378a w tworzeniu sieci ma艂ych naczy艅, czyli mikrowaskulatury, jako model badawczy zastosowano tak zwany test naczyni贸wkowy (ang. Choroid Sprouting Assay.Over the past years, research has revealed prominent impact of miR-378a in physiological and pathological angiogenesis. In order to investigate the contribution of miR-378a to microvascular developement, Choroid Sprouting Assay was performed
The role of heme oxygenase-1 in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activity
Oksygenaza hemowa-1 (HO-1), kt贸rej funkcj膮 metaboliczn膮 jest degradacja hemu do biliwerdyny, tlenku w臋gla oraz 偶elaza, jest enzymem o silnych w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach przeciwzapalnych, antyoksydacyjnych, cytoprotekcyjnych i proangiogennych. Jej ochronna rola oraz proangiogenne dzia艂anie sprawiaj膮, 偶e HO-1 mo偶e by膰 istotna w terapii chor贸b zwi膮zanych z zapaleniem, sercowo-naczyniowych czy nowotwor贸w. Takim schorzeniom cz臋sto towarzyszy膰 mo偶e zachwianie homeostazy tkanki kostnej i nasilona aktywno艣膰 osteoklast贸w, kom贸rek ko艣ciogubnych. W 艣wietle danych wskazuj膮cych na istotne znaczenie cytokin prozapalnych czy reaktywnych form tlenu w procesie osteoklastogenezy, potencjalny udzia艂 HO-1 tak偶e w regulacji proces贸w przebudowy tkanki kostnej jest prawdopodobny i m贸g艂by sugerowa膰 wielop艂aszczyznowe zastosowanie terapeutyczne tego enzymu. Celem pracy by艂o wi臋c zbadanie udzia艂u HO-1 w regulacji tego procesu, z uwzgl臋dnieniem wp艂ywu enzymu na prekursory osteoklast贸w, na wczesne etapy osteoklastogenezy oraz na aktywno艣膰 dojrza艂ych osteoklast贸w. Jako model badawczy zastosowano myszy z brakiem genu hmox1 koduj膮cego HO-1 (HO-1-/-) i myszy typu dzikiego (HO-1+/+) oraz lini臋 mysich makrofag贸w, RAW264.7. Dodatkowo sprawdzano wp艂yw wyciszenia ekspresji HO-1 przy u偶yciu siRNA oraz stosowano farmakologiczne induktory HO-1. W niniejszej pracy wykazano, 偶e niedob贸r HO-1 wp艂ywa na odsetek oraz kondycj臋 prekursor贸w osteoklast贸w w szpiku kostnym powoduj膮c, pomimo wzrostu odsetka populacji monocyt贸w, istotny spadek odsetka makrofag贸w, kt贸ry mo偶e by膰 zwi膮zany z nieznacznie zmniejszonym potencja艂em proliferacyjnym przy braku HO-1. Po stymulacji czynnikiem M-CSF nie odnotowano jednak r贸偶nic w liczebno艣ci i 偶ywotno艣ci ani produkcji RFT przez hodowane kom贸rki szpiku kostnego pomi臋dzy grupami HO-1-/- oraz HO-1+/+, pomimo tendencji do obni偶onego potencja艂u proliferacyjnego przy braku HO-1. Dalsze badania wykaza艂y, 偶e zar贸wno brak genu hmox1, jak i wyciszenie HO-1 w prekursorach makrofagowych, skutkuje zmniejszeniem potencja艂u r贸偶nicowania takich kom贸rek do osteoklast贸w, gdy偶 zaobserwowano spadek aktywno艣ci enzymu TRAP, a tak偶e zmniejszon膮 ekspresj臋 innych marker贸w osteoklastogenezy, NFAT-c1 i katepsyny K. Co ciekawe, hamuj膮cego efektu niedoboru HO-1 na osteoklastogenez臋 nie obserwowano, kiedy ekspresj臋 HO-1 wyciszano we wczesnych etapach r贸偶nicowania (po stymulacji czynnikiem RANKL indukuj膮cym r贸偶nicowanie). Zanotowano wr臋cz nieznaczny wzrost ekspresji markera r贸偶nicowania NFAT-c1. Ponadto, wyniki bada艅 in vivo wykaza艂y wzrost poziomu enzymu TRAP w osoczu krwi myszy HO-1-/-, co sugeruje wzrost aktywno艣ci resorpcyjnej osteoklast贸w przy braku HO-1. Podsumowuj膮c, wykazano, 偶e pomimo hamuj膮cego efektu niedoboru HO-1 w prekursorach makrofagowych na indukcj臋 procesu osteoklastogenezy, r贸偶nicowanie i aktywno艣膰 osteoklast贸w mog膮 by膰 wzgl臋dnie zwi臋kszone przy braku HO-1. Zgodnie z tym mo偶na wnioskowa膰, 偶e HO-1 jest istotny dla indukcji procesu osteoklastogenezy, ale dzia艂a hamuj膮co na aktywno艣膰 dojrza艂ych osteoklast贸w.Heme oxygenase-1 which functions as a catalyst of heme degradation producing carbon monoxide, biliverdin and ferrous ion has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cytoprotective and proangiogenic properties. Thanks to its protective role and proangiogenic function HO-1 may be useful in therapies of inflammatory, cardiovascular and cancer diseases. Such disorders often may be accompanied by imbalance in bone tissue homeostasis which is connected with an increased osteoclast activity. In the light of data showing the crucial role of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species in the process of osteoclastogenesis, the potential involvement of HO-1 in the regulation of bone remodeling is possible and might suggest a multi-faceted therapeutic use of this enzyme. The aim of this project was to analyze the role of HO-1 in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis with taking into account the effect of the enzyme on osteoclast precursors, the early stages of osteoclastogenesis and the activity of mature osteoclasts. As an experimental model mice lacking hmox1 gene encoding HO-1 (HO-1-/-) or wild type mice (HO-1+/+) and also RAW264.7 murine macrophage cell line were used. Moreover, the effect of silencing of the HO-1 expression using siRNA or the pharmacological inducers of HO-1 were used. Research has demonstrated that HO-1 deficiency affects number and condition of osteoclast precursors in bone marrow resulting in, despite increased percentage of monocyte population, significant decrease in macrophage abundance which may be associated with slightly reduced proliferative potential in the absence of HO-1. However, after M-CSF stimulation no significant differences nor in macrophage abundance and survival, neither in reactive oxygen species production in bone marrow cells derived from HO-1+/+ or HO-1-/- mice were reported, despite the tendency to decreased proliferative potential in absence of HO-1. Further studies indicated that both the lack of hmox1 gene and HO-1 deficiency in macrophages results in their decreased differentiation potential to osteoclast, as reduced TRAP activity and lowered expression of osteoclastogenesis markers such as NFAT-c1 and cathepsin K was observed. Interestingly, an inhibitory effect of HO-1 deficiency on osteoclastogenesis was not reported when HO-1 expression was silenced during early stages of differentiation (after RANKL stimulation). Even a slight increased expression of osteoclast marker NFAT-c1 was noted. Moreover, in vivo studies revealed increased level of TRAP enzyme in the plasma of HO-1-/- mice, which suggests increased resorptive activity of osteoclasts in the HO-1 absence. To summarize, it was demonstrated that despite an inhibitory effect of HO-1 deficiency in osteoclast precursor macrophages on the induction of osteoclastogenesis, differentiation and activity of osteoclast may be relatively elevated in the HO-1 absence. According to this, it can be concluded that HO-1 is important for osteoclastogenesis induction, but it inhibits mature osteoclast activity
Silencing of Sphingosine kinase 1 Affects Maturation Pathways in Mouse Neonatal Cardiomyocytes
Sphingosine kinase-1 (Sphk1) and its product, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) are important regulators of cardiac growth and function. Numerous studies have reported that Sphk1/S1P signaling is essential for embryonic cardiac development and promotes pathological cardiac hypertrophy in adulthood. However, no studies have addressed the role of Sphk1 in postnatal cardiomyocyte (CM) development so far. The present study aimed to assess the molecular mechanism(s) by which Sphk1 silencing might influence CMs development and hypertrophy in vitro. Neonatal mouse CMs were transfected with siRNA against Sphk1 or negative control, and subsequently treated with 1 碌M angiotensin II (AngII) or a control buffer for 24 h. The results of RNASeq analysis revealed that diminished expression of Sphk1 significantly accelerated neonatal CM maturation by inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing developmental pathways in the stress (AngII-induced) conditions. Importantly, similar effects were observed in the control conditions. Enhanced maturation of Sphk1-lacking CMs was further confirmed by the upregulation of the physiological hypertrophy-related signaling pathway involving Akt and downstream glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (Gsk3尾) downregulation. In summary, we demonstrated that the Sphk1 silencing in neonatal mouse CMs facilitated their postnatal maturation in both physiological and stress conditions
Serum and vascular stiffness biomarkers associated with the severity of degenerative aortic valve stenosis and cardiovascular outcomes
Background: Although degenerative aortic valve stenosis (DAS) is the most prevalent growth-up congestive heart valve disease, still little known about relationships between DAS severity, vascular stiffness (VS), echocardiographic parameters, and serum biomarkers in patients undergoing transcatheter (TAVR) or surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). The objective of this study was to identify biomarkers associated with DAS severity, and those that are associated with cardiovascular death (CVD) and episodes of chronic heart failure (CHF) exacerbation. Methods: A total of 137 patients with initially moderate-to-severe DAS were prospectively evaluated for the relationship between DAS severity, baseline VS, and serum biomarkers (uPAR, GDF-15, Gal-3, IL-6R伪, ET-1, PCSK9, RANTES/CCL5, NT-proBNP, and hs-TnT), and were followed-up for 48 months. The prognostic significance of each variable for CVD and CHF risk was measured by hazard ratio of risk (HR), which was calculated by Cox鈥檚 proportional hazard model. Results: DAS severity showed correlations with IL-6R伪 (r = 0.306, p 11.5 ng/mL increased the risk of CHF exacerbation episodes requiring hospital admission by 12%. Conclusions: Our study indicated that ET-1 and Gal-3 levels may be associated with the outcomes in patients with DAS