44 research outputs found

    Adatok a Mecsek fullánkos hártyásszárnyú (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) faunájához

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    In the latest decades, author collected more Aculeata species in the Mecsek Hills which are listed in this paper. Those species are also included which become known in this mountainous region during the revision of the Hungarian Chrysididae fauna. Chrysis taczanovskii (Chrysididae) is new to the fauna of Hungary. In Hungary, rare species are: Pseudospinolia uniformis (Chrysididae), Tachysphex plicosus (Crabronidae), Heriades rubicola, Hoplitis scutellaris (Megachilidae)

    A Dél-Dunántúl fémdarázs faunája (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)

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    Author lists the Chrysididae species collected in Southern Transdanubia in the last five decades. He also took into account the results of the Chrysididae revision carried out by Muskovits J. Table 1. contains the list of species and number of collecting sites of the various landscapes. The 123 species collected in Southern Transdanubis are 72% of the total number of species known from Hungary. Genera Chrysis and Chrysura are the dominants, 75% and 80% of Hungarian species were listed of these 2 genera. Table 2. shows the percentual distribution of the Chrysidyd species according to their zooography. Table 3. shows the percentage distribution of eco-faunistic characters of the species and table 4. shows the Jaccard indices of the investigated landscapes. Finally, in Table 5., the plants are listed visited by various Chrysidid species completed with the collected number of species from each plants. New species for the Hungarian fauna: Chrysis brevitarsis. Ch. calrinicollis, Ch. grohmanni krkiana, Ch. leptomandibularis, Ch. schencki, Ch. solida, Ch. taczanovskii. Ritka fajok: Elampus bidens, Hedychridium chloropygum, H. elegantulum, H. zelleri, Pseudomalus triangulifer (Elampini), Chrysis brevitarsis, Ch. chrysoprasina, Ch. gribodoi spilota, Ch. grohmanni krkiana, Ch. phryne, Ch. placida, Ch. pulcherrima, Ch. schencki, Chrysura hirsuta, Pseudospinolia uniformis, Spinolia unicolor (Chrysidini). A következő fajok magyarországi lelőhelyeinek jelentős része Dél-Dunántúlon van: Hedychridium elegantulum, H. monochroum, H. valesiense, Chrysidea disclusa, Chrysis distincta, Ch. germari, Ch. gracillima, Ch. graelsii, Ch. grohmanni, Ch. leachii, Ch. leptomandibularis, Ch. ragusae, Ch. taczanovskii, Chrysura trimaculata, Pseudospinolia uniformis

    Data to the Hymenoptera fauna of Sicily (Hymenoptera: Symphyta and Aculeata)

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    Results of Hymenoptera collections in Sicily are published. 11 Symphyta and 100 Aculeata species are listed mainly from the Nebrodi Mountains and from the Capo di Milazzo. Empria liturata (Gmelin, 1790) and Nomada glaucopis Pérez, 1884 are new records for Sicily

    Somogy megye fullánkos hártyásszárnyú (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) faunája = The Aculeata Fauna of Somogy county (Hymenoptera, Aculeata)

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    The checklist of the Aculeata fauna of Somogy county based on eight decade's researchwork is published by the author. In this area 992 species are known belonging to Scolioidea 29, Chrysidoidea 75, Pompiloidea 77, Vespoidea 64, Sphecoidea 221 Apoidea 526. 72 percentage of the Hungarian Aculeata fauna occurs in Somogy county. Crossocerus walkeri is a new species in the Hungarian Aculeata fauna

    New Agenioideus species (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) for the Hungarian fauna

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    Agenioideus ciliatus (Lepeletier, 1845) is new record for the fauna of Hungary. Known faunistic records from Hungary of all 4 Agenioideus species are listed and discussed

    Magyarországi almaültetvények ritkább fullánkos hártyásszárnyúi (Hymenoptera: Apocrita)

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    In the framework of different pest management system programs in Hungary organized by Viktor Markó, associate professor (Viktor Markó (Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Entomology, Budapest) the author identified the rarest Aculeata species. The aim of the research was to investigate the insect assemblages in the Hungarian orchards. A short evaluation of most important species is given from the faunistical point of view. Psenulus fulvicornis (Shuckard, 1857) is a new record for the Hungarian Aculeata fauna. The rarest species are: Anoplius alpinobalticus Wolf, 1956, Ceropales pygmaea Kohl, 1879 (Pompilidae), Didineis crassicornis Handlirsch, 1888, Lestiphorus bicinctus (Rossi, 1794), Mimumesa beaumonti (van Lith, 1949) (Crabronidae

    A Mecsek kaparódarázs faunájának (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea) faunisztikai, állatföldrajzi és ökofaunisztikai vizsgálata = Faunistical, zoogeographical and ecofaunistical investigation on the Sphecoids fauna of the Mecsek Mountains

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    The author publishes the list of the Sphecoids fauna of the Mecsek Mountains (SW Hungary) in this paper. He gives a characterisation of the fauna from faunistical, zoogeographical and ecofaunistical point of view. All data arc summarised in the tables 1-7. Mimumesa beaumonti (Lith.) Tachysphexfugax (Rad.) and Tachysphexplicosus (Costa) are new species in the Hungarian Specoids fauna

    A Barcsi borókás fullánkos faunája, III. (Hymenoptera: Aculeata)

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    Our 4 decades researches of the Aculeata fauna of Barcs Juniper Woodland were published in 2 papers (Józan 1983, 1985). This paper lists the species captured in the last 2 decades. The species check-list contains all Aculeata species of this area. The zoogeographycal and ecofaunistical analysis are given. The most characteristic species in family Vespidae: Aporinellus, Episyron and Evagetes spp.; in families Sphecidae and Crabronidae: Tachysphex, Tachytes and Oxybelus spp. Very rare species in the Hungarian fauna are Chrysis leptomandibularis (Chrysididae), Crossocerus heydeni, Didineis crassicornis and Cerceris bupresticida (Crabronidae)