29 research outputs found

    Limits of atomic entanglement by cavity-feedback : from weak to strong coupling

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    We theoretically investigate the entangled states of an atomic ensemble that can be obtained via cavity-feedback, varying the atom-light coupling from weak to strong, and including a systematic treatment of decoherence. In the strong coupling regime for small atomic ensembles, the system is driven by cavity losses into a long-lived, highly-entangled many-body state that we characterize analytically. In the weak coupling regime for large ensembles, we find analytically the maximum spin squeezing that can be achieved by optimizing both the coupling and the atom number. This squeezing is fundamentally limited by spontaneous emission to a constant value, independent of the atom number. Harnessing entanglement in many-body systems is of fundamental interest [1] and is the key requirement for quantum enhanced technologies, in particular quantum metrology [2]. In this respect, many efforts have been devoted to prepare entangled states in atomic ensembles because of their high degree of coherence and their potential for precision measurement. Spin squeezed states as well as number states have been produced following methods based either on coherent evolution in the presence of a non-linearity in the atomic field [3--5], or on quantum non-demolition measurement [6--8]. Among methods of the first kind, cavity feedback [5, 9] is one of the most promising: it has already allowed for the creation of highly squeezed states [5] and the effective non-linearity introduced by the atom-cavity coupling can be easily switched off, making it very attractive for metrol-ogy applications. In this Letter, we analyze the entangled states that can be produced by cavity feedback in different coupling regimes from weak to strong, and derive the ultimate limits of the metrology gain, extending the optimization of squeezing to unexplored domains of parameters values. After optimization of both the coupling strength and the atom number, we find a maximum squeezing limit that depends only on the atomic structure

    Enhanced and reduced atom number fluctuations in a BEC splitter

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    We measure atom number statistics after splitting a gas of ultracold 87Rb atoms in a purely magnetic double-well potential created on an atom chip. Well below the critical temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation T_c, we observe reduced fluctuations down to -4.9dB below the atom shot noise level. Fluctuations rise to more than +3.8dB close to T_c, before reaching the shot noise level for higher temperatures. We use two-mode and classical field simulations to model these results. This allows us to confirm that the super-shot noise fluctuations directly originate from quantum statistics

    Quantum bath engineering of a high impedance microwave mode through quasiparticle tunneling

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    We demonstrate a new approach to dissipation engineering in microwave quantum optics. For a single mode, dissipation usually corresponds to quantum jumps, where photons are lost one by one. Here, we are able to tune the minimal number of lost photons per jump to be two (or more) with a simple dc voltage. As a consequence, different quantum states experience different dissipation. Causality implies that the states must also experience different energy shifts. Our measurements of these Lamb shifts are in good agreement with the predictions of the Kramers-Kronig relations for single quantum states in a regime of highly non-linear bath coupling. This work opens new possibilities for quantum state manipulation in circuit QED, without relying on the Josephson effect

    Observation of the Unconventional Photon Blockade in the Microwave Domain

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    We have observed the unconventional photon blockade effect for microwave photons using two coupled superconducting resonators. As opposed to the conventional blockade, only weakly nonlinear resonators are required. The blockade is revealed through measurements of the second order correlation function g(2)(t)g^{(2)}(t) of the microwave field inside one of the two resonators. The lowest measured value of g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0) is 0.4 for a resonator population of approximately 10210^{-2} photons. The time evolution of g(2)(t)g^{(2)}(t) exhibits an oscillatory behavior, which is characteristic of the unconventional photon blockade

    Cavity-based single atom preparation and high-fidelity hyperfine state readout

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    We prepare and detect the hyperfine state of a single 87Rb atom coupled to a fiber-based high finesse cavity on an atom chip. The atom is extracted from a Bose-Einstein condensate and trapped at the maximum of the cavity field, resulting in a reproducibly strong atom-cavity coupling. We use the cavity reflection and transmission signal to infer the atomic hyperfine state with a fidelity exceeding 99.92% in a read-out time of 100 microseconds. The atom is still trapped after detection.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Towards a monolithic optical cavity for atom detection and manipulation

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    We study a Fabry-Perot cavity formed from a ridge waveguide on a AlGaAs substrate. We experimentally determined the propagation losses in the waveguide at 780 nm, the wavelength of Rb atoms. We have also made a numerical and analytical estimate of the losses induced by the presence of the gap which would allow the interaction of cold atoms with the cavity field. We found that the intrinsic finesse of the gapped cavity can be on the order of F ~ 30, which, when one takes into account the losses due to mirror transmission, corresponds to a cooperativity parameter for our system C ~ 1