732 research outputs found

    The sustainable delivery of sexual violence prevention education in schools

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    Sexual violence is a crime that cannot be ignored: it causes our communities significant consequences including heavy economic costs, and evidence of its effects can be seen in our criminal justice system, public health system, Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), and education system, particularly in our schools. Many agencies throughout New Zealand work to end sexual violence. Auckland-based Rape Prevention Education: Whakatu Mauri (RPE) is one such agency, and is committed to preventing sexual violence by providing a range of programmes and initiatives, information, education, and advocacy to a broad range of audiences. Up until early 2014 RPE employed one or two full-time positions dedicated to co-ordinating and training a large pool (up to 15) of educators on casual contracts to deliver their main school-based programmes, BodySafe – approximately 450 modules per year, delivered to some 20 high schools. Each year several of the contract educators, many of whom were tertiary students, found secure full time employment elsewhere. To retain sufficient contract educators to deliver its BodySafe contract meant that RPE had to recruit, induct and train new educators two to three times every year. This model was expensive, resource intense, and ultimately untenable. The Executive Director and core staff at RPE wanted to develop a more efficient and stable model of delivery that fitted its scarce resources. To enable RPE to know what the most efficient model was nationally and internationally, with Ministry of Justice funding, RPE commissioned Massey University to undertake this report reviewing national and international research on sexual violence prevention education (SVPE)

    The Pharmacological Potential of Mushrooms

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    This review describes pharmacologically active compounds from mushrooms. Compounds and complex substances with antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, antiallergic, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective and central activities are covered, focusing on the review of recent literature. The production of mushrooms or mushroom compounds is discussed briefly

    End-to-end distribution function for dilute polymers

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    We study the end-to-end distribution function for dilute polymers. We present a computation to order O(ϵ2)O(\epsilon^2), ϵ=4−d\epsilon = 4 - d, and discuss in detail its asymptotic behaviour for small and large distances. The theoretical predictions are compared with Monte Carlo results, finding good agreement.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX2e with 3 postscript figures, version to be published in Journal Of Chemical Physic

    Globalisierung in der Speisekammer - Band 2: Landwirtschaft und Ernährung im internationalen Kontext [Globalisation in the Pantry - Volume 2: Agriculture and Nutrition in the International Context]

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    Um für VerbraucherInnen etwas Licht in die komplizierten weltwirtschaftlichen und europäischen Zusammenhänge zu bringen und zu verdeutlichen, welchen Einfluss dies auf unser tägliches Leben und Einkaufen nimmt, wird die Studie sich in den Kapiteln 1-5 den Entwicklungen auf der internationalen Ebene von GATT und WTO und in den Kapiteln 6-8 auf europäischer Ebene widmen. Als praxisbezogener Einstieg in die internationale Thematik zu GATT und WTO werden zwei wichtige umweltrechtliche Entscheidungen dargestellt und sechs Fragen aufgeworfen. Diese Fragen werden im Rahmen des Überblick über die Entstehung, Aufgaben und Funktionsweise des GATT und der WTO sowie der Darstellung der im Agrar- und Lebensmittelbereich entscheidenden internationalen Abkommen und Institutionen beantwortet. Die dabei deutlich werdenden Verfahrenshemmnisse und Handlungsdefizite werden im Hinblick auf deren Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und die Agrarproduktion der Entwicklungsländer näher erläutert. Im zweiten Teil widmet sich die Arbeit dem europäischen Lebensmittel- und Agrarrecht. Die Agrar- und Lebensmittelpolitik wird unter dem Blickwinkel Risiken und politische Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten betrachtet und kommentiert. Zum Abschluss wird auf die Agenda 2000 eingegangen. Die Entstehung der Richtlinien und Verordnungen und die wichtigsten politischen Zuständigkeiten und das Gesetzgebungsverfahren werden zum vertieften Lesen im Anhang dargestellt. Die Gesamtstudie „Globalisierung in der Speisekammer“ besteht aus zwei Bänden. Vorliegende Arbeit stellt Band 2 der Studie dar und beruht auf der Rechtslage und den Entwicklungen bis einschließlich Februar 1999

    Characterization of the JUDIDT Readout Electronics for Neutron Detection

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    The Group for the development of neutron and gamma detectors in the Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA-2) at Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) has developed, in collaboration with European institutes, an Anger Camera prototype for improving the impact point reconstruction of neutron tracks. The detector is a chamber filled with 3He+CF4^3He+CF_4 gas for neutron capture and subsequent production of a tritium and a proton. The energy deposition by the ions gives rise to drifting electrons with an avalanche amplification as they approach a micro-strip anode structure. The scintillating light, generated during the electron drift and avalanche stage, is collected by four vacuum photomultipliers. The position reconstruction is performed via software algorithms. The JUDIDT readout electronics was modified at ZEA-2 to cope with the data acquisition requirements of the prototype. The results of the commissioning of the electronics are here presented and commented.Comment: Corresponding Author: R. Fabbri; 22 pa
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