5 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh injeksi media kultur embrio supernatan ke dalam uterus mencit 2 hari sebelum transfer embrio (TE) terhadap angka implantasi, yang diindikasikan oleh adanya embrio dan leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) pada uterus. Mencit jenis Swiss Albino dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yakni kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol, masing-masing terdiri atas 30 mencit. Kelompok perlakuan mendapat injeksi media kultur embrio supernatan (MKES) dalam uterus 2 hari sebelum TE sedangkan kelompok kontrol mendapat injeksi media kultur embrio (MKE) dalam uterus 2 hari sebelum TE. Dua hari setelah TE (h6 kebuntingan), mencit diperfusi dengan menggunakan larutan para formaldehid 4% dan diambil uterusnya. Uterus diproses untuk blok parafin dan dipotong dengan mikrotom setebal 5 µm. Preparat dideparafinisasi dan diproses imunohistokimia dengan kit ABC dan antibodi LIF. Preparat diperiksa di bawah mikroskop untuk melihat implantasi embrio, distribusi LIF, dan jumlah LIF di desidua dan non-desidua. Angka implantasi antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol masing-masing adalah 52,77 dan 40,88% (P0,05). Jumlah LIF desidua pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol masing-masing adalah 12,83 dan 8,83 (P0,05) sedangkan jumlah LIF di non-desidua antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol masing-masing adalah 8,00 dan 4,50. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa injeksi media kultur embrio supernatan 2 hari sebelum TE dapat meningkatkan angka implantasi pada mencit

    Iron Deficiency and the Well-being of Older Adults: Early Results From a Randomized Nutrition Intervention

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    Iron deficiency is widespread throughout the developing world. We provide new evidence on the effect of iron deficiency on economic and social prosperity of older adults drawing on data from a random assignment treatment-control design intervention. The Work and Iron Status Evaluation is an on-going study following over 17,000 individuals in Central Java, Indonesia. Half the respondents receive a treatment of 120 mg of iron every week for a year; the controls receive a placebo. Compliance is monitored carefully. Results from the first six months of the intervention are presented for adults age 30 through 70 years. Males who were iron deficient prior to the intervention and who are assigned to the treatment are better off in terms of physical health, psycho-social health and economic success. These men are more likely to be working, sleep less, lose less work time to illness, are more energetic, more able to conduct physically arduous activities and their psycho-social health is better. There is evidence that economic productivity of these males also increased. Among iron-deficient males assigned to the treatment who were also self-employed prior to the baseline, hourly earnings rose substantially and so they earned more on a monthly basis. Benefits for women are in the same direction but the effects are more muted. The results provide unambiguous evidence in support of the hypothesis that health has a causal effect on economic prosperity of males during middle and older ages

    Causal Effect of Health on Labor Market Outcomes: Experimental Evidence

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    Iron deficiency is widespread throughout the developing world. We provide new evidence on the effect of iron deficiency on economic and social prosperity of older adults drawing on data from a random assignment treatment-control design intervention. The Work and Iron Status Evaluation is an on-going study following over 17,000 individuals in Central Java, Indonesia. Half the respondents receive a treatment of 120 mg of iron every week for a year; the controls receive a placebo. Compliance is monitored carefully. Results from the first six months of the intervention are presented for adults age 30 through 70 years. Males who were iron deficient prior to the intervention and who are assigned to the treatment are better off in terms of physical health, psycho-social health and economic success. These men are more likely to be working, sleep less, lose less work time to illness, are more energetic, more able to conduct physically arduous activities and their psycho-social health is better. There is evidence that economic productivity of these males also increased. Among iron-deficient males assigned to the treatment who were also self-employed prior to the baseline, hourly earnings rose substantially and so they earned more on a monthly basis. Benefits for women are in the same direction but the effects are more muted. The results provide unambiguous evidence in support of the hypothesis that health has a causal effect on economic prosperity of males during middle and older ages