16 research outputs found

    Perubahan PH Dan Salinitas Tanah Pasir Dan Tanah Liat Setelah Penambahan Pembenah Tanah Dari Bahan Dasar Tumbuhan Akuatik

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    Soil acidity and salinity have important roles in determining soil fertility and plant productivity. Addition of soil conditioner to increase soil fertility and plant productivity should consider its acidity and salinity. In developing aquatic plants for soil conditioner, analyzes of their acidity and salinity property is necessary. The aim of this study is to analyze the acidity and salinity property from differnt sources of aquatic plants, i.e: fresh water, brackish water and marine plants. All collected aquatic plants were dried and mashed into powder. The resulted powder were then added by water to test their acidity and salinity using pH meter and refractometer. Results indicated that, fresh water aquatic plants have lower pH, whichi i 5.2, whereas from brackish and marine water have similar pH, i.e: 7. Soil conditioner from fresh water plant is suitable for base soil, while from brackish and marine plants are suitable for normal soil. However, Study from their salinity indicated that, their high salinity of brackish water plants (16 ppt) and marine water plants (43 ppt) need pretreatment by washing and diluting with fresh water

    The Role of Seaweeds Sargassum Polycistum and Gracilaria Verrucosa on Growth Performance and Biomass Production of Tiger Shrimp ( Penaeous Monodon Fabr)

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    Due to deterioration of shrimp farming environment, it is necessary to develop the technique of shrimp culture that environmentally friendly and sustainable. One of important technique to fulfill the need is integrated model with seaweeds. We investigated two different integrated model using different seaweeds species, Sargassum plagyophyllum and Gracilaria verrucosa. These two species seaweeds were cultured in tiger shrimp pond at density of 2 kg/m3. Density of tiger shrimp was 50 juvenile /m3. These experiments were conducted in 28 days. The shrimp productivity was evaluated from the rate of shrimp survival, final individual size, growth and biomass production. Seaweeds biomass production was also evaluated. Collected data was analyzed using one way ANOVA, continued by LSD test. Results indicated that the presence of both seaweeds tend to increase shrimp productivity, it was indicated by higher survival, individual size, growth rate and shrimp biomass production. The role of Gracilaria in increasing shrimp productivity was higher compared to Sargassum. It is recommended to use Gracilaria in integrated model with tiger shrimp

    Produksi Dan Konsumsi Oksigen Serta Pertumbuhan Ceratophyllum Demersum L. Pada Kerapatan Yang Berbeda Dalam Mendukung Potensinya Sebagai Bioaerator

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    Aquaculture is one of important economic activity in Indonesia. The main problem in aquaculture is the low water quality such lower oxygen level . Ceratophyllum demersum is one of aquatic plants that is hypothesized capable in increasing oxygen level through photosynthesis. However the growth of C. demersum it self will consume oxygen from the water through respiration. The aim of this study is to measure oxygen production and consumption by C. demersum at different density level. From this data, we will understand the potency of C.demersum as bioaerator to supplay oxygen in the water. This experiment was designed using Completed Randomized Designed (CRD). Three density level of C. demersum was apllied as treatment. They were 100g/100L, 200g/100L dan 300g/100L. Each treatment was replicated by 4 times. Results indicated that in density of 300g/100L produced the highest oxygen level ( 1,65 ppm). The highest growth rate of C. demersum was resulted by density level of 200g/100L

    Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Dasar Limbah Sawi Putih (Brassica Chinensis L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Manis

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    Liquid organic fertilizer was a fertilizer that comes from nature and served to increase the physical, chemical and biological condition of soil. It contains nutrient that be able to improve plants growth. The purpose of this experiment was to observe the effect of liquid organic fertilizer from waste of China cabbage on the growth of sweet corn. The research was conducted in Laboratory of Biology, Diponegoro University. The research design used was a completely randomized design witha single factor, namely the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer in 6 treatments and 5 replication that. The treatments were control (without fertilizer), 1 mL/L, 2 mL/L, 3 mL/L, 4 mL/L, 5 mL/L. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 95% significance level. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight. The results showed that treatment of liquid organic fertilizer spraying with different concentrations affect on all growth parameters. Concentration of 3 mL/L produced the highest plant, the concentration of 1 mL/Land 4 mL/L resulted in the highest number of leaves. The highest of fresh and dry weight were resulted by application of 1 mL/L liquid organic fertilizer

    Waktu Optimum Produksi Dan Konsumsi Oksigen Rumput Laut Gracilaria Verrucosa

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    Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa not only produce oxygen but also consume oxygen. Consider the production and consumption of the oxygen, we can determined that the production and consumption models of oxygen like a logistic models. Finally, in this paper presented a role to determine an optimum time of the oxygen production and consumption

    Aplikasi Sistem Vertical Dan Horizontal Sub Surface Flow Wetland Dalam Pengolahan Kembali Effluent Ipal Perusahaan Obat Dan Obat Tradisional

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    Penelitian ini mengolah effluent IPAL Perusahaan obat dan obat tradisional yang telah memenuhi baku mutu untuk di buang ke badan perairan. Pengolahan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas effluent IPAL agar dapat memenuhi klasifikasi air kelas III pada PP No 82 Tahun 2001. Pengolahan kembali effluent IPAL ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yang berbeda yakni metode lahan basah buatan (wetland) karena pengolahan sebelumnya telah menggunakan IPAL dengan metode pengolahan secara fisika dan kimia. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji peningkatan kualitas effluent IPAL Perusahaan obat yang telah diolah dengan menggunakan metode lahan basah buatan aliran bawah permukaan vertikal (VSSF Wetland) dan lahan basah buatan aliran bawah permukaan horizontal (HSSF Wetland) serta mengkaji efisiensinya.Parameter-parameter air limbah yang digunakan adalah BOD, COD, nitrit dan amonia yang masih melebihi baku mutu air kelas III. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan skala lab yang dilakukan menggunakan dua buah reaktor yang berukuran sama. Reaktor diisi dengan media tanam berupa pasir dan kerikil, serta menggunakan tanaman mendong (Frimbistylis globulosa). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan selama empat belas hari dimana pengujian kualitas sampel tersebut dilakukan sebanyak tujuh kaliHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas effluent setelah diolah menggunakan VSSF maupun HSSF Wetland lebih baik daripada sebelum dilakukan pengolahan menggunakan kedua metode tersebut. VSSF Wetland secara efektif dapat menurunkan BOD, COD, nitrit dan amonia dengan efisiensi berturut-turut sebesar 89.38%, 91.78%, 54.84% dan 71.58%; sedangkan efisiensi HSSF Wetland berturut-turut 93.56%, 94.64%, 74.19% dan 59.93%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan kualitas effluent yang diolah menggunakan sistem VSSF dan HSSF Wetland untuk variabel nitrit, amonia, COD dan BOD