199 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of σ\sigma-FeCr alloy as calculated with the charge and spin self-consistent KKR(CPA) method

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    Magnetic properties of a σ−\sigma-Fe16_{16}Cr14_{14} alloy calculated with the charge and spin self- consistent Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) and combined with coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) methods are reported. Non-magnetic state as well as various magnetic orderings were considered, i.e. ferromagnetic (FM) and more complex anti-parallel (called APM) arrangements for selected sublattices, as follows from the symmetry analysis. It has been shown that the Stoner criterion applied to non-magnetic density of states at the Fermi energy, EFE_F is satisfied for Fe atoms situated on all five lattice sites, while it is not fulfilled for all Cr atoms. In FM and APM states, the values of magnetic moments on Fe atoms occupying various sites are dispersed between 0 and 2.5 μB\mu_B, and they are proportional to the number of Fe atoms in the nearest-neighbor shell. Magnetic moments of Cr atoms havin much smaller values were found to be coupled antiparallel to those of Fe atoms. The average value of the magnetic moment per atom was found to be =0.55μB=0.55 \mu_B that is by a factor of 4 larger than the experimental value found for a σ−\sigma-Fe0.538_{0.538}Cr0.462_{0.462} sample. Conversely, admitting an anti- parallel ordering (APM model) on atoms situated on C and D sites, according to the group theory and symmetry analysis results, yielded a substantial reduction of to 0.20 $\mu_B$. Further diminution of to 0.15 μB\mu_B, which is very close to the experimental value of 0.14 μB\mu_B, has been achieved with the KKR-CPA calculations by considering a chemical disorder on sites B, C and D

    Wick's Theorem and a New Perturbation Theory Around the Atomic Limit of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    A new type of perturbation expansion in the mixing VV of localized orbitals with a conduction-electron band in the U→∞U\to\infty Anderson model is presented. It is built on Feynman diagrams obeying standard rules. The local correlations of the unperturbed system (the atomic limit) are included exactly, no auxiliary particles are introduced. As a test, an infinite-order ladder-type resummation is analytically treated in the Kondo regime, recovering the correct energy scale. An extension to the Anderson-lattice model is obtained via an effective-site approximation through a cumulant expansion in VV on the lattice. Relation to treatments in infinite spatial dimensions are indicated.Comment: selfextracting postscript file containing entire paper (10 pages) including 3 figures, in case of trouble contact author for LaTeX-source or hard copies (prep0994

    Quasiparticle states of the Hubbard model near the Fermi level

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    The spectra of the t-U and t-t'-U Hubbard models are investigated in the one-loop approximation for different values of the electron filling. It is shown that the four-band structure which is inherent in the case of half-filling and low temperatures persists also for some excess or deficiency of electrons. Besides, with some departure from half-filling an additional narrow band of quasiparticle states arises near the Fermi level. The dispersion of the band, its bandwidth and the variation with filling are close to those of the spin-polaron band of the t-J model. For moderate doping spectral intensities in the new band and in one of the inner bands of the four-band structure decrease as the Fermi level is approached which leads to the appearance of a pseudogap in the spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Unified decoupling scheme for exchange and anisotropy contributions and temperature-dependent spectral properties of anisotropic spin systems

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    We compute the temperature-dependent spin-wave spectrum and the magnetization for a spin system using the unified decoupling procedure for the high-order Green's functions for the exchange coupling and anisotropy, both in the classical and quantum case. Our approach allows us to establish a clear crossover between quantum-mechanical and classical methods by developing the classical analog of the quantum Green's function technique. The results are compared with the classical spectral density method and numerical modeling based on the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation and the Monte Carlo technique. As far as the critical temperature is concerned, there is a full agreement between the classical Green's functions technique and the classical spectral density method. However, the former method turns out to be more straightforward and more convenient than the latter because it avoids any \emph{a priori} assumptions about the system's spectral density. The temperature-dependent exchange stiffness as a function of magnetization is investigated within different approaches

    Disentanglement of the electronic and lattice parts of the order parameter in a 1D Charge Density Wave system probed by femtosecond spectroscopy

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    We report on the high resolution studies of the temperature (T) dependence of the q=0 phonon spectrum in the quasi one-dimensional charge density wave (CDW) compound K0.3MoO3 utilizing time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Numerous modes that appear below Tc show pronounced T-dependences of their amplitudes, frequencies and dampings. Utilizing the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory we show that these modes result from linear coupling of the electronic part of the order parameter to the 2kF phonons, while the (electronic) CDW amplitude mode is overdamped.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures + supplementary material, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Conductance through a potential barrier embedded in a Luttinger liquid: nonuniversal scaling at strong coupling

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    We calculate the linear response conductance of electrons in a Luttinger liquid with arbitrary interaction g_2, and subject to a potential barrier of arbitrary strength, as a function of temperature. We map the Hamiltonian in the basis of scattering states into an effective low energy Hamiltonian in current algebra form. First the renormalization group (RG) equation for weak interaction is derived in the current operator language both using the operator product expansion and the equation of motion method. To access the strong coupling regime, two methods of deducing the RG equation from perturbation theory, based on the scaling hypothesis and on the Callan-Symanzik formulation, are discussed. The important role of scale independent terms is emphasized. The latter depend on the regulaization scheme used (length versus temperature cutoff). Analyzing the perturbation theory in the fermionic representation, the diagrams contributing to the renormalization group beta-function are identified. A universal part of the beta-function is given by a ladder series and summed to all orders in g_2. First non-universal corrections beyond the ladder series are discussed and are shown to differ from the exact solutions obtained within conformal field theory which use a different regularization scheme. The RG equation for the temperature dependent conductance is solved analytically. Our result agrees with known limiting cases.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, REVTEX, final versio

    Neel to Spin-Glass-like Phase Transition versus Dilution in Geometrically Frustrated ZnCr_{2-2x}Ga_{2x}O_4

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    ZnCr2O4 undergoes a first order spin-Peierls-like phase transition at 12.5 K from a cubic spin liquid phase to a tetragonal Neel state. Using powder diffraction and single crystal polarized neutron scattering, we determined the complex spin structure of the Neel phase. This phase consisted of several magnetic domains with different characteristic wave vectors. This indicates that the tetragonal phase of ZnCr2O4 is very close to a critical point surrounded by many different Neel states. We have also studied, using elastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques, the effect of nonmagnetic dilution on magnetic correlations in ZnCr_{2-2x}Ga_{2x}O_4 (x=0.05 and 0.3). For x=0.05, the magnetic correlations do not change qualitatively from those in the pure material, except that the phase transition becomes second order. For x= 0.3, the spin-spin correlations become short range. Interestingly, the spatial correlations of the frozen spins in the x=0.3 material are the same as those of the fluctuating moments in the pure and the weakly diluted materials

    The problem of "macroscopic charge quantization" in single-electron devices

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    In a recent Letter by the authors [I.S. Burmistrov and A.M.M. Pruisken, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 056801 (2008)] it was shown that single-electron devices (single electron transistor or SET) display "macroscopic charge quantization" which is completely analogous to the quantum Hall effect observed on very different electron systems. In this investigation we present more detail on these new findings. Based on the Ambegaokar-Eckern-Schoen (AES) theory of the Coulomb blockade we introduce a general response theory that probes the sensitivity of SET to changes in the boundary conditions. This response theory defines a new set of physical observables and we establish the contact with the standard results obtained from ordinary linear response theory. The response parameters generally define the renormalization behavior of the SET in the entire regime from weak coupling with large values of the tunneling conductance all the way down to the strong coupling phase where the system displays the Coulomb blockade. We introduce a general criterion for charge quantization that is analogous to the Thouless criterion for Anderson localization. We present the results of detailed computations on the weak coupling side of the theory, i.e. both perturbative and non-perturbative (instantons). Based on an effective theory in terms of quantum spins we study the quantum critical behavior of the AES model on the strong coupling side. Consequently, a unifying scaling diagram of the SET is obtained. This diagram displays all the super universal topological features of the theta-angle concept that previously arose in the theory of the quantum Hall effect.Comment: RevTex, 22 pages, 10 figure

    Fast electrochemical membrane actuator:Design, fabrication and preliminary testing

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    An actuator based on water electrolysis with a fast change of voltage polarity is presented. It demonstrates a new actuation principle allowing significant increase the operation frequency of the device due to fast termination of the produced gas. The actuator consists of a working chamber with metallic electrodes and supplying channels filled with an electrolyte. The chamber is formed in a layer of SU-8 and covered by a flexible polydimethylsiloxane membrane, which deforms as the pressure in the chamber increases. Design, fabrication procedure, and first tests of the actuator are described

    Diagrammatic analysis of the Hubbard model:Stationary property of the thermodynamic potential

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    Diagrammatic approach proposed many years ago for strong correlated Hubbard model is developed for analyzing of the thermodynamic potential properties. The new exact relation between such renormalized quantities as thermodynamic potential, one-particle propagator and correlation function is established. This relation contains additional integration of the one-particle propagator by the auxiliary constant. The vacuum skeleton diagrams constructed from irreducible Green's functions and tunneling propagator lines are determined and special functional is introduced. The properties of such functional are investigated and its relation to the thermodynamic potential is established. The stationary properties of this functional with respect to first order changing of the correlation function is demonstrated and as a consequence the stationary properties of the thermodynamic potential is proved.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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