57 research outputs found

    Promjene razina perifernih hormona u štakorica nakon pobačaja izazvanog aglepristonom u sredini gravidnosti.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in concentrations of plasma hormones after midgestation termination of pregnancy with aglepristone in albino rats. Methods: Fifteen (15) pregnant albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly allocated to two groups. Aglepristone (Alizin®) was administered to group I (n = 7) subcutaneously at a dose of 10 mg/kg b.w. on days 10 and 11 of gestation (24 h apart) whereas group II (n = 8) were injected with an equivalent volume (0.33 mL/kg) of sterile water for injection (Dana®) via the same route and on the same days as indicated for group I. Blood samples for hormonal assay were collected from both groups and the mean serum concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol, LH and FSH on gestation days 8 (prior to treatment), 12, 16, and 20 were determined using the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) technique. Results: Bloody vulval discharges (abortion) were observed in all the aglepristone-treated rats within 24.7 ± 3.8 h after the first injection of aglepristone and lasted for 47 ± 5.7 h post-treatment. By day 16 post-mating (6 days after first treatment), the aglepristone-treated rats had significantly (P<0.05) lower serum concentrations of oestradiol (17.07 ± 3.54 pg/mL) and progesterone (11.64 ± 4.3 ng/mL) than group II (34.19 ± 6.98 pg/mL; 88.44 ± 18.52 ng/mL respectively). By day 20 post-mating, the mean serum FSH level of group I was significantly higher (13.61 ± 10.21 mIU/mL) than that of group II (3.84 ± 0.87 mIU/mL; P<0.05). Conclusion: Aglepristone was very effective in termination of pregnancy when administered mid-gestation to albino rats. However, the hormonal changes observed following the termination of pregnancy with aglepristone in rats differed from the reports in dogs and cats.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti promjene u koncentraciji hormona plazme albino štakora nakon što je u sredini gravidnosti izazvan pobačaj aglepristonom. Petnaest gravidnih albino štakorica (Rattus norvegicus) razdvojeno je slučajnim izborom u dvije skupine. Aglepriston (Alizin®) je bio primijenjen u skupini I (n = 7) potkožno u dozi od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase 10. i 11. dana gravidnosti (u razmaku od 24 sata) dok je skupini II (n = 8) u iste dane i na isti način bio primijenjen volumni ekvivalent (0,33 mL/kg) sterilne vode za injekcije (Dana®). Uzorci krvi za određivanje hormona bili su prikupljeni od obiju skupina te je, uz pomoć imunoenzimne analize (EIA), 8. dana gravidnosti (prije tretmana), a zatim 12., 16. i 20. dana u serumu utvrđena srednja koncentracija progesterona, estradiola LH i FSH. Krvavi iscjedak iz vulve (pobačaj) ustanovljen je u svih štakorica kojima je dan aglepriston unutar 24,7 ± 3,8 sati od prve injekcije. Iscjedak je trajao 47 ± 5,7 sati nakon davanja. Šesnaestog dana nakon parenja (6 dana nakon prvog davanja), štakorice koje su dobile aglepriston imale su statistički značajno (P<0,05) nižu serumsku koncentraciju estradiola (17,07 ± 3,54 pg/mL) i progesterona (11,64 ± 4,3 ng/mL) u odnosu na štakorice druge skupine (34,19 ± 6,98 pg/mL; 88,44 ± 18,52 ng/mL). Do 20. dana nakon parenja, srednja serumska razina FSH u skupini I bila je statistički značajno viša (13,61 ± 10,21 mIU/mL) u odnosu na skupinu II (3,84 ± 0,87 mIU/mL; P<0,05). Zaključuje se da je aglepriston, primijenjen u srednjoj trećini gravidnosti, bio vrlo učinkovit za prekidanje gravidnosti albino štakorica. Ipak, hormonske promjene utvrđene nakon prekida gravidnosti štakorica aglepristonom, bile su različite od izvješća za pse i mačke

    Experimental Trypanosoma brucei infection at immediate post partum period: effects on dam and the offspring

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    AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the effects of immediate post-partum infection with Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) on dam and offspring.MethodsSixty female Albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) weighing between 130-170 g were used as animal model. The animals were divided as follows: 25 infected between 1-5 days post partum; 10 infected unbred as positive controls; and 25 uninfected as negative controls. The following parameters were evaluated: packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia, survival time, litter size and litter weight at birth and on days 7, 14 and 21 post delivery, using conventional methods. Possible trans-mammary transmission of infection to litter through milk was also assessed.ResultsThe results showed a comparatively (P< 0.05) higher mean PCV value for the uninfected negative control on the 8th day post infection compared with the infected groups which corresponded with the increasing level of parasitaemia in the two infected groups. Mean litter size and litter weights were higher (P< 0.05) in the uninfected controls on the 21st day. Survival time in the infected groups were similar. No evidence of trans-mammary transfer of infection was recorded. Conclusion: T. brucei infection during immediate post partum period is detrimental to the dam and impairs growth of the offspring

    Promjene razina perifernih hormona u štakorica nakon pobačaja izazvanog aglepristonom u sredini gravidnosti.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in concentrations of plasma hormones after midgestation termination of pregnancy with aglepristone in albino rats. Methods: Fifteen (15) pregnant albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly allocated to two groups. Aglepristone (Alizin®) was administered to group I (n = 7) subcutaneously at a dose of 10 mg/kg b.w. on days 10 and 11 of gestation (24 h apart) whereas group II (n = 8) were injected with an equivalent volume (0.33 mL/kg) of sterile water for injection (Dana®) via the same route and on the same days as indicated for group I. Blood samples for hormonal assay were collected from both groups and the mean serum concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol, LH and FSH on gestation days 8 (prior to treatment), 12, 16, and 20 were determined using the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) technique. Results: Bloody vulval discharges (abortion) were observed in all the aglepristone-treated rats within 24.7 ± 3.8 h after the first injection of aglepristone and lasted for 47 ± 5.7 h post-treatment. By day 16 post-mating (6 days after first treatment), the aglepristone-treated rats had significantly (P<0.05) lower serum concentrations of oestradiol (17.07 ± 3.54 pg/mL) and progesterone (11.64 ± 4.3 ng/mL) than group II (34.19 ± 6.98 pg/mL; 88.44 ± 18.52 ng/mL respectively). By day 20 post-mating, the mean serum FSH level of group I was significantly higher (13.61 ± 10.21 mIU/mL) than that of group II (3.84 ± 0.87 mIU/mL; P<0.05). Conclusion: Aglepristone was very effective in termination of pregnancy when administered mid-gestation to albino rats. However, the hormonal changes observed following the termination of pregnancy with aglepristone in rats differed from the reports in dogs and cats.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti promjene u koncentraciji hormona plazme albino štakora nakon što je u sredini gravidnosti izazvan pobačaj aglepristonom. Petnaest gravidnih albino štakorica (Rattus norvegicus) razdvojeno je slučajnim izborom u dvije skupine. Aglepriston (Alizin®) je bio primijenjen u skupini I (n = 7) potkožno u dozi od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase 10. i 11. dana gravidnosti (u razmaku od 24 sata) dok je skupini II (n = 8) u iste dane i na isti način bio primijenjen volumni ekvivalent (0,33 mL/kg) sterilne vode za injekcije (Dana®). Uzorci krvi za određivanje hormona bili su prikupljeni od obiju skupina te je, uz pomoć imunoenzimne analize (EIA), 8. dana gravidnosti (prije tretmana), a zatim 12., 16. i 20. dana u serumu utvrđena srednja koncentracija progesterona, estradiola LH i FSH. Krvavi iscjedak iz vulve (pobačaj) ustanovljen je u svih štakorica kojima je dan aglepriston unutar 24,7 ± 3,8 sati od prve injekcije. Iscjedak je trajao 47 ± 5,7 sati nakon davanja. Šesnaestog dana nakon parenja (6 dana nakon prvog davanja), štakorice koje su dobile aglepriston imale su statistički značajno (P<0,05) nižu serumsku koncentraciju estradiola (17,07 ± 3,54 pg/mL) i progesterona (11,64 ± 4,3 ng/mL) u odnosu na štakorice druge skupine (34,19 ± 6,98 pg/mL; 88,44 ± 18,52 ng/mL). Do 20. dana nakon parenja, srednja serumska razina FSH u skupini I bila je statistički značajno viša (13,61 ± 10,21 mIU/mL) u odnosu na skupinu II (3,84 ± 0,87 mIU/mL; P<0,05). Zaključuje se da je aglepriston, primijenjen u srednjoj trećini gravidnosti, bio vrlo učinkovit za prekidanje gravidnosti albino štakorica. Ipak, hormonske promjene utvrđene nakon prekida gravidnosti štakorica aglepristonom, bile su različite od izvješća za pse i mačke

    Sexual Abuse of Children in Awka, Anambra State Nigeria

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    This exploratory study used sixty six (66) children as research participants aimed at establishing the following: the incidence of sexual abuse of children in Awka, the Anambra State Capital of Nigeria, and its environs; the profiles of the victims and assailants; the motivational factors associated with the problem. Findings revealed a high incidence of sexual abuse among children in Awka and its environment. The result also showed that almost every child is vulnerable to being sexually abused by parents, guardians, relatives, caretakers or strangers. Based on this, a viable child protection policy by government was advocated. Keywords: Sexual Abuse, Children in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeri

    Izloženost štakora mononatrijevu l-glutamatu od prenatalne do odrasle dobi: učinci na razine testosterona, kolesterola, proteine i aktivnost enzima u serumu te na testise i zalihu spermija u epididimisu.

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    This study investigated the effects of exposure of male rats to monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) from prenatal life to adulthood on the serum levels of testosterone, cholesterol and proteins, serum enzymes, epididymal sperm reserves and testicular allometric weights. Forty-eight albino rats (40 females and 8 males) were used as starting animals for the study. Being a generational study, the 48 mature albino rats eventually gave birth to the 64 male offspring which were used to conclude the study. Initially, the 40 starting females were randomly assigned into four groups (A, B, C and D) of 10 female rats each, while the 8 males were assigned to the four groups (2 for each) for mating. Females of groups A, B, C and D received 0.0 %, 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2.0 % of MSG respectively in their drinking water. The treatment with MSG for the starting females, which was on a daily basis, started four weeks prior to the introduction of the mating males, and lasted throughout the mating period, pregnancy and delivery, and ended three weeks post-partum. The mating males did not receive MSG as the starting females had access to drinking water containing MSG during the day, and to the mating males during the night. Outside this mating period, the starting females had access to MSG in drinking water for 24 hours daily until 3 weeks post-partum. At the point of weaning (3 weeks post-partum), 64 male offspring (16 each from each of the four groups) were randomly assigned into 16 sub-groups of 4 male offspring each. The 16 male offspring from group A were divided into four sub-groups (A1, A2, A3 and A4), those of B were divided into four sub-groups (B1, B2, B3 and B4), those of C were also divided into four sub-groups (C1, C2, C3 and C4) and those of D were divided into four sub-groups (D1, D2, D3 and D4), all of 4 offspring per sub-group. From that point of weaning, the A1, B1, C1 and D1 sub-groups started receiving 0.0 % of MSG, A2, B2, C2 and D2 sub-groups started receiving 0.5 % of MSG, A3, B3, C3 and D3 sub-groups started receiving 1.0 % of MSG, and A4, B4, C4 and D4 sub-groups started receiving 2.0 % of MSG, all in their drinking water, until adulthood at 16 weeks of age. At 16 weeks of age, the serum levels of testosterone, cholesterol and total protein, serum activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were assayed. Caudal epididymal sperm reserves and testicular allometric weights were also determined. The testes were dissected out for histomorphological studies. Results showed that only the sub-groups that were exposed to MSG from weaning age to adulthood (A2, A3 and A4) had mean testosterone levels that were significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of the untreated control (A1). The mean serum cholesterol levels of some of the treated sub-groups were significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of the untreated control. The mean caudal epididymal sperm reserves, testicular allometric weights, and serum ALT and AST activities of all the treatment sub-groups were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of the untreated control (A1). The mean serum total protein levels of groups A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, C4, D1 and D2 were significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of the untreated control (A1). Although the mean serum total cholesterol levels of all the treatment sub-groups were lower than that of the untreated control (A1), it was only the values of sub-groups B2, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, D3 and D4 that showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease. No obvious lesions were observed on the testes of any of the sub-groups. It was concluded that exposure of rats to MSG at the doses used for the study from prenatal life to adulthood led to a significant reduction in serum testosterone and cholesterol levels, mean testicular allometric weights, cauda epididymal sperm reserves, serum activities of ALT and AST, and an increase in serum total protein.Istraženi su učinci mononatrijeva l-glutamata (MNG) na razine testosterona, kolesterola, proteina i aktivnost enzima u serumu te na testise, zalihu spermija u epididimisu kao i alometrijske težine testisa u štakora od prenatalne do odrasle dobi. Istraživanje je započelo odabirom 40 albino štakorica i 8 štakora. S obzirom na to da je riječ o istraživanju učinka na potomcima, od navedenog broja ženki i mužjaka za istraživanje su uzeta 64 muška potomka. Na početku pokusa 40 ženki bilo je nasumce raspoređeno u četiri skupine (A, B, C i D). U svaku skupinu od 10 ženki dodana su i dva mužjaka za parenje. Štakoricama skupine A nije bio primijenjen MNG, onima skupine B bio je primijenjen u koncentraciji 0,5 %, skupini C od 1,0 % i skupini D u koncentraciji od 2,0 % u vodi za piće. Dnevna primjena MNG početnim skupinama ženki započela je četiri tjedna prije uvođenja mužjaka u njihove skupine te je trajala kroz razdoblje parenja, skotnosti i dok su se kotile, a završila je tri tjedna nakon što su se okotile. Mužjacima s kojima su se parile nije bio primijenjen MNG budući da su početne ženke imale pristup pitkoj vodi koja ga je sadržavala samo tijekom dana, a mužjaci tijekom noći. Izvan razdoblja parenja početne ženke imale su pristup pitkoj vodi s MNG tijekom 24 sata sve do trećeg tjedna nakon koćenja. U trenutku zalučenja (tri tjedna nakon koćenja), 64 muška potomka (po 16 iz svake od četiri skupine) bili su nasumce razvrstani u 16 podskupina, po četiri mužjaka u svakoj. Tako je 16 muških potomaka skupine A bilo podijeljeno u 4 podskupine (A1, A2, A3 i A4), skupine B u četiri (B1, B2, B3 i B4), skupine C u četiri (C1, C2, C3 i C4) te one skupine D također u četiri podskupine (D1, D2, D3 i D4) pa su se tako po četiri potomka nalazila u svakoj podskupini. Od trenutka odbijanja od sise podskupine A1, B1, C1 i D1 bile su kontrolne i nisu dobivale MNG. Podskupine A2, B2, C2 i D2 počele su dobivati 0,5 % MNG, podskupine A3, B3, C3 i D3 počele su dobivati 1,0 % MNG, a podskupine A4, B4, C4 i D4 2,0 % MNG u vodi za piće sve do odrasle dobi odnosno do dobi od 16 tjedana. U toj dobi svi su bili pretraženi na razine testosterona, kolesterola i ukupnih proteina u serumu te na aktivnost alanin-aminotransferaze (ALT) i aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST). Također su bile određene rezerve sperme u kaudalnom dijelu epididimisa kao i alometrijske težine testisa. Tkivo testisa bilo je uzeto i za histološku pretragu. Rezultati su pokazali da su samo štakori podskupina koje su bile izložene MNG od trenutka odbijanja od sise do odrasle dobi (A2, A3 i A4) imali srednje razine testosterona značajno manje (P<0,05) nego oni u kontrolnoj skupini (A1). Srednje razine kolesterola u nekih pokusnih podskupina bile su značajno niže (P<0,05) nego u onih kontrolne skupine. Srednje razine zaliha sperme u epididimisu, alometrijske težine testisa, te aktivnosti ALT i AST u svih pokusnih podskupina bile su značajno (P<0,05) niže nego u kontrolne skupine (A1). Srednje razine ukupnih serumskih proteina skupina A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, C4, D1 i D2 bile su značajno (P<0,05) više od onih u kontrolnoj skupini (A1). Iako su srednje vrijednosti razina kolesterola u serumu svih pokusnih podskupina bile niže nego u kontrola (A1), samo su vrijednosti u podskupinama B2, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, D3 i D4 bile značajno smanjene (P<0,05). Oštećenja testisa nisu bila primijećene ni u jednoj podskupini. Zaključuje se da izloženost štakora primijenjenim dozama MNG-a od prenatalne do odrasle dobi dovodi do značajnog smanjenja razina testosterona i kolesterola u serumu, do samnjenja alometrijskih težina testisa, smanjenja zaliha sperme u epididimisu, aktivnosti ALT i AST u serumu te povećanja ukupnih serumskih proteina

    Učinak invazije vrstom Trypanosoma brucei na involuciju maternice nakon partusa.

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    This study investigated the effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection on post-partum (PP) uterine involution in the albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Ninety-six rats (80 females and 16 males) were used for the study. The females were divided into 2 equal groups of 40 infected and 40 uninfected. The males which were uninfected were used for mating with the females. From each of the 2 female groups, 5 were humanely sacrifi ced daily from day 0 to day 7 PP. Body mass (BM), uterine mass (UM), uterine mass as a percentage of body mass (UMPBM), uterine histomorphology, packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia (LOP) and rectal temperature (RT) were evaluated in the females. Results showed that both the UM and the UMPBM of the infected rats were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the uninfected between days 1 and 7 PP. Uterine histomorphology showed that between days 3 and 7 PP, involution was more advanced in the uninfected group. Uterine sections of the infected rats had more glands, which were also larger in size. Endometrial stroma was less cellular in the uninfected rats and the myometrium showed higher nuclei density for myofi brils, which suggests some loss of cytoplasm. The PCV of the infected rats was significantly lower than that of the uninfected (P<0.01) between days 9 and 14 post-infection (PI), while the RT of the infected rats was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the uninfected between days 5 and 14 PI. It was therefore concluded that T. brucei infection led to a significant delay in PP uterine involution, as evidenced by the higher UM and UMPBM, and the uterine histomorphological findings in the infected rats.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka protozoona Trypanosoma brucei na postpartalnu involuciju maternice u albino štakora (Rattus norvegicus). Za istraživanje je rabljeno 96 štakora (80 ženki i 16 mužjaka). Ženke su bile podijeljene u dvije jednake skupine tako da je 40 ženki pripadalo kontrolnoj, a 40 invadiranoj skupini. Neinvadirani mužjaci su poslužili za parenje. Iz svake skupine bilo je eutanazirano pet ženki i to svaki dan (od nultog do sedmog dana). Za svaku ženku bila je određena tjelesna masa, masa maternice, odnos mase maternice i tjelesne mase, histološki nalaz maternice, ukupan broj krvnih stanica, razina parazitemije i rektalna temperatura. Rezultati su pokazali da je u invadiranih štakorica maternica bila značajno teža kao što je bila i značajno veća masa maternice u odnosu na tjelesnu masu ženke (P<0,01) u razdoblju od prvog do sedmog dana nakon partusa. Histološkom pretragom dokazano je da je involucija maternice u razdoblju od trećeg do sedmog dana bila izraženija u neinvadiranih ženki što je dokazano i većim brojem povećanih žlijezdi. Stroma endometrija neinvadiranih životinja sadržavala je manje stanica. U miometriju je dokazana veća gustoća jezgara u miofibrilima što govori u prilog gubitku citoplazme. Ukupan broj krvnih stanica u invadiranih štakorica bio je značajno manji u odnosu na neinvadirane (P<0,01) u razdoblju od devetog do četrnaestog dana nakon invazije. Invadirane štakorice imali su višu tjelesnu temperaturu (P<0,01) u razdoblju od petoga do četrnaestoga dana. Na temelju postignutih rezultata zaključuje se da invazija vrstom Trypanosoma brucei dovodi do značajnog kašnjenja involucije što je potvrđeno većom masom maternice, većom masom u odnosu na tjelesnu masu te histomorfološkim nalazom u invadiranih ženki

    Izloženost štakora mononatrijevu l-glutamatu od prenatalne do odrasle dobi: učinci na razine testosterona, kolesterola, proteine i aktivnost enzima u serumu te na testise i zalihu spermija u epididimisu.

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    This study investigated the effects of exposure of male rats to monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) from prenatal life to adulthood on the serum levels of testosterone, cholesterol and proteins, serum enzymes, epididymal sperm reserves and testicular allometric weights. Forty-eight albino rats (40 females and 8 males) were used as starting animals for the study. Being a generational study, the 48 mature albino rats eventually gave birth to the 64 male offspring which were used to conclude the study. Initially, the 40 starting females were randomly assigned into four groups (A, B, C and D) of 10 female rats each, while the 8 males were assigned to the four groups (2 for each) for mating. Females of groups A, B, C and D received 0.0 %, 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2.0 % of MSG respectively in their drinking water. The treatment with MSG for the starting females, which was on a daily basis, started four weeks prior to the introduction of the mating males, and lasted throughout the mating period, pregnancy and delivery, and ended three weeks post-partum. The mating males did not receive MSG as the starting females had access to drinking water containing MSG during the day, and to the mating males during the night. Outside this mating period, the starting females had access to MSG in drinking water for 24 hours daily until 3 weeks post-partum. At the point of weaning (3 weeks post-partum), 64 male offspring (16 each from each of the four groups) were randomly assigned into 16 sub-groups of 4 male offspring each. The 16 male offspring from group A were divided into four sub-groups (A1, A2, A3 and A4), those of B were divided into four sub-groups (B1, B2, B3 and B4), those of C were also divided into four sub-groups (C1, C2, C3 and C4) and those of D were divided into four sub-groups (D1, D2, D3 and D4), all of 4 offspring per sub-group. From that point of weaning, the A1, B1, C1 and D1 sub-groups started receiving 0.0 % of MSG, A2, B2, C2 and D2 sub-groups started receiving 0.5 % of MSG, A3, B3, C3 and D3 sub-groups started receiving 1.0 % of MSG, and A4, B4, C4 and D4 sub-groups started receiving 2.0 % of MSG, all in their drinking water, until adulthood at 16 weeks of age. At 16 weeks of age, the serum levels of testosterone, cholesterol and total protein, serum activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were assayed. Caudal epididymal sperm reserves and testicular allometric weights were also determined. The testes were dissected out for histomorphological studies. Results showed that only the sub-groups that were exposed to MSG from weaning age to adulthood (A2, A3 and A4) had mean testosterone levels that were significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of the untreated control (A1). The mean serum cholesterol levels of some of the treated sub-groups were significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of the untreated control. The mean caudal epididymal sperm reserves, testicular allometric weights, and serum ALT and AST activities of all the treatment sub-groups were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of the untreated control (A1). The mean serum total protein levels of groups A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, C4, D1 and D2 were significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of the untreated control (A1). Although the mean serum total cholesterol levels of all the treatment sub-groups were lower than that of the untreated control (A1), it was only the values of sub-groups B2, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, D3 and D4 that showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease. No obvious lesions were observed on the testes of any of the sub-groups. It was concluded that exposure of rats to MSG at the doses used for the study from prenatal life to adulthood led to a significant reduction in serum testosterone and cholesterol levels, mean testicular allometric weights, cauda epididymal sperm reserves, serum activities of ALT and AST, and an increase in serum total protein.Istraženi su učinci mononatrijeva l-glutamata (MNG) na razine testosterona, kolesterola, proteina i aktivnost enzima u serumu te na testise, zalihu spermija u epididimisu kao i alometrijske težine testisa u štakora od prenatalne do odrasle dobi. Istraživanje je započelo odabirom 40 albino štakorica i 8 štakora. S obzirom na to da je riječ o istraživanju učinka na potomcima, od navedenog broja ženki i mužjaka za istraživanje su uzeta 64 muška potomka. Na početku pokusa 40 ženki bilo je nasumce raspoređeno u četiri skupine (A, B, C i D). U svaku skupinu od 10 ženki dodana su i dva mužjaka za parenje. Štakoricama skupine A nije bio primijenjen MNG, onima skupine B bio je primijenjen u koncentraciji 0,5 %, skupini C od 1,0 % i skupini D u koncentraciji od 2,0 % u vodi za piće. Dnevna primjena MNG početnim skupinama ženki započela je četiri tjedna prije uvođenja mužjaka u njihove skupine te je trajala kroz razdoblje parenja, skotnosti i dok su se kotile, a završila je tri tjedna nakon što su se okotile. Mužjacima s kojima su se parile nije bio primijenjen MNG budući da su početne ženke imale pristup pitkoj vodi koja ga je sadržavala samo tijekom dana, a mužjaci tijekom noći. Izvan razdoblja parenja početne ženke imale su pristup pitkoj vodi s MNG tijekom 24 sata sve do trećeg tjedna nakon koćenja. U trenutku zalučenja (tri tjedna nakon koćenja), 64 muška potomka (po 16 iz svake od četiri skupine) bili su nasumce razvrstani u 16 podskupina, po četiri mužjaka u svakoj. Tako je 16 muških potomaka skupine A bilo podijeljeno u 4 podskupine (A1, A2, A3 i A4), skupine B u četiri (B1, B2, B3 i B4), skupine C u četiri (C1, C2, C3 i C4) te one skupine D također u četiri podskupine (D1, D2, D3 i D4) pa su se tako po četiri potomka nalazila u svakoj podskupini. Od trenutka odbijanja od sise podskupine A1, B1, C1 i D1 bile su kontrolne i nisu dobivale MNG. Podskupine A2, B2, C2 i D2 počele su dobivati 0,5 % MNG, podskupine A3, B3, C3 i D3 počele su dobivati 1,0 % MNG, a podskupine A4, B4, C4 i D4 2,0 % MNG u vodi za piće sve do odrasle dobi odnosno do dobi od 16 tjedana. U toj dobi svi su bili pretraženi na razine testosterona, kolesterola i ukupnih proteina u serumu te na aktivnost alanin-aminotransferaze (ALT) i aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST). Također su bile određene rezerve sperme u kaudalnom dijelu epididimisa kao i alometrijske težine testisa. Tkivo testisa bilo je uzeto i za histološku pretragu. Rezultati su pokazali da su samo štakori podskupina koje su bile izložene MNG od trenutka odbijanja od sise do odrasle dobi (A2, A3 i A4) imali srednje razine testosterona značajno manje (P<0,05) nego oni u kontrolnoj skupini (A1). Srednje razine kolesterola u nekih pokusnih podskupina bile su značajno niže (P<0,05) nego u onih kontrolne skupine. Srednje razine zaliha sperme u epididimisu, alometrijske težine testisa, te aktivnosti ALT i AST u svih pokusnih podskupina bile su značajno (P<0,05) niže nego u kontrolne skupine (A1). Srednje razine ukupnih serumskih proteina skupina A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, C4, D1 i D2 bile su značajno (P<0,05) više od onih u kontrolnoj skupini (A1). Iako su srednje vrijednosti razina kolesterola u serumu svih pokusnih podskupina bile niže nego u kontrola (A1), samo su vrijednosti u podskupinama B2, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, D3 i D4 bile značajno smanjene (P<0,05). Oštećenja testisa nisu bila primijećene ni u jednoj podskupini. Zaključuje se da izloženost štakora primijenjenim dozama MNG-a od prenatalne do odrasle dobi dovodi do značajnog smanjenja razina testosterona i kolesterola u serumu, do samnjenja alometrijskih težina testisa, smanjenja zaliha sperme u epididimisu, aktivnosti ALT i AST u serumu te povećanja ukupnih serumskih proteina

    Učinak invazije vrstom Trypanosoma brucei na involuciju maternice nakon partusa.

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    This study investigated the effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection on post-partum (PP) uterine involution in the albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Ninety-six rats (80 females and 16 males) were used for the study. The females were divided into 2 equal groups of 40 infected and 40 uninfected. The males which were uninfected were used for mating with the females. From each of the 2 female groups, 5 were humanely sacrifi ced daily from day 0 to day 7 PP. Body mass (BM), uterine mass (UM), uterine mass as a percentage of body mass (UMPBM), uterine histomorphology, packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia (LOP) and rectal temperature (RT) were evaluated in the females. Results showed that both the UM and the UMPBM of the infected rats were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the uninfected between days 1 and 7 PP. Uterine histomorphology showed that between days 3 and 7 PP, involution was more advanced in the uninfected group. Uterine sections of the infected rats had more glands, which were also larger in size. Endometrial stroma was less cellular in the uninfected rats and the myometrium showed higher nuclei density for myofi brils, which suggests some loss of cytoplasm. The PCV of the infected rats was significantly lower than that of the uninfected (P<0.01) between days 9 and 14 post-infection (PI), while the RT of the infected rats was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the uninfected between days 5 and 14 PI. It was therefore concluded that T. brucei infection led to a significant delay in PP uterine involution, as evidenced by the higher UM and UMPBM, and the uterine histomorphological findings in the infected rats.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka protozoona Trypanosoma brucei na postpartalnu involuciju maternice u albino štakora (Rattus norvegicus). Za istraživanje je rabljeno 96 štakora (80 ženki i 16 mužjaka). Ženke su bile podijeljene u dvije jednake skupine tako da je 40 ženki pripadalo kontrolnoj, a 40 invadiranoj skupini. Neinvadirani mužjaci su poslužili za parenje. Iz svake skupine bilo je eutanazirano pet ženki i to svaki dan (od nultog do sedmog dana). Za svaku ženku bila je određena tjelesna masa, masa maternice, odnos mase maternice i tjelesne mase, histološki nalaz maternice, ukupan broj krvnih stanica, razina parazitemije i rektalna temperatura. Rezultati su pokazali da je u invadiranih štakorica maternica bila značajno teža kao što je bila i značajno veća masa maternice u odnosu na tjelesnu masu ženke (P<0,01) u razdoblju od prvog do sedmog dana nakon partusa. Histološkom pretragom dokazano je da je involucija maternice u razdoblju od trećeg do sedmog dana bila izraženija u neinvadiranih ženki što je dokazano i većim brojem povećanih žlijezdi. Stroma endometrija neinvadiranih životinja sadržavala je manje stanica. U miometriju je dokazana veća gustoća jezgara u miofibrilima što govori u prilog gubitku citoplazme. Ukupan broj krvnih stanica u invadiranih štakorica bio je značajno manji u odnosu na neinvadirane (P<0,01) u razdoblju od devetog do četrnaestog dana nakon invazije. Invadirane štakorice imali su višu tjelesnu temperaturu (P<0,01) u razdoblju od petoga do četrnaestoga dana. Na temelju postignutih rezultata zaključuje se da invazija vrstom Trypanosoma brucei dovodi do značajnog kašnjenja involucije što je potvrđeno većom masom maternice, većom masom u odnosu na tjelesnu masu te histomorfološkim nalazom u invadiranih ženki

    An unusual presentation of Castleman's Disease:a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Castleman's disease (CD), a rare condition of uncertain etiology, involves a massive proliferation of lymphoid tissues and typically presents as mediastinal masses. We describe a patient with CD who presented with diffuse adenopathy involving the inguinal, paratracheal, retroperitoneal, axillary, and pelvic regions. CASE PRESENTATION: Case report describing presentation, work-up, management and clinical course of a patient with Castleman's disease in the setting of a county hospital in metropolitan area. Patient was treated with chemotherapeutic agents. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this represents the first case of CD involving an HIV-positive patient with a negative Human Herpes Virus (HHV-8) viral panel. Because patients with similar clinical histories are at high risk for the development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Kaposi sarcoma, regular medical surveillance is recommended

    Multitasking, but for what benefit? The dilemma facing Nigerian university students regarding part-time working.

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    Students working part-time while studying for a full-time university degree are commonplace in many Western countries. This paper however, examines the historically uncommon part-time working activities and career aspirations among Nigerian university students. In particular, how working is perceived to contribute to developing employability skills, and whether it is influenced by their self-efficacy. Survey data from 324 questionnaires was collected from a federal university, although the data analysis used a mixed-method. The findings indicate that despite low levels of part-time working generally among students, older, more experienced, higher level and female students, place a premium on the skills that part-time work can develop. Moreover, self-efficacy and being female, is a significant predictor in understanding part-time work and career aspirations. This study offers originality by focusing on students’ part-time work, the value working provides, and its link with career aspirations, within a relatively unexplored context of Nigeria