18 research outputs found

    Local wavelet features for statistical object classification and localisation

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    This article presents a system for texture-based probabilistic classification and localisation of 3D objects in 2D digital images and discusses selected applications. The objects are described by local feature vectors computed using the wavelet transform. In the training phase, object features are statistically modelled as normal density functions. In the recognition phase, a maximisation algorithm compares the learned density functions with the feature vectors extracted from a real scene and yields the classes and poses of objects found in it. Experiments carried out on a real dataset of over 40000 images demonstrate the robustness of the system in terms of classification and localisation accuracy. Finally, two important application scenarios are discussed, namely classification of museum artefacts and classification of metallography images

    Natural human interaction in virtual immersive environments

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    REVERIE (REal and Virtual Engagement in Realistic Immersive Environments [1]) targets novel research to address the demanding challenges involved with developing state-of-the-art technologies for online human interaction. The REVERIE framework enables users to meet, socialise and share experiences online by integrating cutting-edge technologies for 3D data acquisition and processing, networking, autonomy and real-time rendering. In this paper, we describe the innovative research that is showcased through the REVERIE integrated framework through richly defined use-cases which demonstrate the validity and potential for natural interaction in a virtual immersive and safe environment. Previews of the REVERIE demo and its key research components can be viewed at www.youtube.com/user/REVERIEFP7

    A Review of the "Digital Turn" in the New Literacy Studies

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    Digital communication has transformed literacy practices and assumed great importance in the functioning of workplace, recreational, and community contexts. This article reviews a decade of empirical work of the New Literacy Studies, identifying the shift toward research of digital literacy applications. The article engages with the central theoretical, methodological, and pragmatic challenges in the tradition of New Literacy Studies, while highlighting the distinctive trends in the digital strand. It identifies common patterns across new literacy practices through cross-comparisons of ethnographic research in digital media environments. It examines ways in which this research is taking into account power and pedagogy in normative contexts of literacy learning using the new media. Recommendations are given to strengthen the links between New Literacy Studies research and literacy curriculum, assessment, and accountability in the 21st century

    A framework for human-like behavior in an immersive virtual world

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    Just as readers feel immersed when the story-line adheres to their experiences, users will more easily feel immersed in a virtual environment if the behavior of the characters in that environment adheres to their expectations, based on their life-long observations in the real world. This paper introduces a framework that allows authors to establish natural, human-like behavior, physical interaction and emotional engagement of characters living in a virtual environment. Represented by realistic virtual characters, this framework allows people to feel immersed in an Internet based virtual world in which they can meet and share experiences in a natural way as they can meet and share experiences in real life. Rather than just being visualized in a 3D space, the virtual characters (autonomous agents as well as avatars representing users) in the immersive environment facilitate social interaction and multi-party collaboration, mixing virtual with real

    Advancements and challenges towards a collaborative framework for 3D tele-immersive social networking

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    Social experiences realized through teleconferencing systems are still quite different from face to face meetings. The awareness that we are online and in a, to some extent, lesser real world are preventing us from really engaging and enjoying the event. Several reasons account for these differences and have been identified. We think it is now time to bridge these gaps and propose inspiring and innovative solutions in order to provide realistic, believable and engaging online experiences. We present a distributed and scalable framework named REVERIE that faces these challenges and provides a mix of these solutions. Applications built on top of the framework will be able to provide interactive, truly immersive, photo-realistic experiences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the experience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    REVERIE: Natural Human Interaction in Virtual Immersive Environments

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    REVERIE (REal and Virtual Engagement in Realistic Immersive Environments [1]) targets novel research to address the demanding challenges involved with developing state-of-the-art technologies for online human interaction. The REVERIE framework enables users to meet, socialise and share experiences online by integrating cutting-edge technologies for 3D data acquisition and processing, networking, autonomy and real-time rendering. In this paper, we describe the innovative research that is showcased through the REVERIE integrated framework through richly defined use-cases which demonstrate the validity and potential for natural interaction in a virtual immersive and safe environment. Previews of the REVERIE demo and its key research components can be viewed at www.youtube.com/user/REVERIEFP7

    Tools for user interaction in immersive environments

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    REVERIE -- REal and Virtual Engagement in Realistic Immersive Environments -- is a large scale collaborative project co-funded by the European Commission targeting novel research in the general domain of Networked Media and Search Systems. The project aims to bring about a revolution in 3D media and virtual reality by developing technologies for safe, collaborative, online environments that can enable realistic interpersonal communication and interaction in immersive environments. To date, project partners have been developing component technologies for a variety of functionalities related to the aims of REVERIE prior to integration into an end-to-end system. In this demo submission, we first introduce the project in general terms, outlining the high-level concept and vision before briefly describing the suite of demonstrations that we intend to present at MMM 2014

    A multi-modal dance corpus for research into interaction between humans in virtual environments

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    We present a new, freely available, multimodal corpus for research into, amongst other areas, real-time realistic interaction between humans in online virtual environments. The specific corpus scenario focuses on an online dance class application scenario where students, with avatars driven by whatever 3D capture technology is locally available to them, can learn choreographies with teacher guidance in an online virtual dance studio. As the dance corpus is focused on this scenario, it consists of student/teacher dance choreographies concurrently captured at two different sites using a variety of media modalities, including synchronised audio rigs, multiple cameras, wearable inertial measurement devices and depth sensors. In the corpus, each of the several dancers performs a number of fixed choreographies, which are graded according to a number of specific evaluation criteria. In addition, ground-truth dance choreography annotations are provided. Furthermore, for unsynchronised sensor modalities, the corpus also includes distinctive events for data stream synchronisation. The total duration of the recorded content is 1 h and 40 min for each single sensor, amounting to 55 h of recordings across all sensors. Although the dance corpus is tailored specifically for an online dance class application scenario, the data is free to download and use for any research and development purposes