5 research outputs found

    Application MuTsunami in Mentawai Island Indonesia

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    Software MuTsunami as research tool in Coastal Research Group Institut Teknologi Bandung, was applied to simulate propagation of tsunami and sediment transport in Mentawai. The Tsunami occurred in 25 October 2010, 21:42:22 (GMT +7). The hydrodynamic model was based on Non-Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate in spherical coordinate. The results of simulation were compared with observational data, which was collected by group of researcher from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Waseda University, and Yokohama National University. The agreement between the model and observational data are very good

    Application MuTsunami in Mentawai Island Indonesia

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    Software MuTsunami as research tool in Coastal Research Group Institut Teknologi Bandung, was applied to simulate propagation of tsunami and sediment transport in Mentawai. The Tsunami occurred in 25 October 2010, 21:42:22 (GMT +7). The hydrodynamic model was based on Non-Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate in spherical coordinate. The results of simulation were compared with observational data, which was collected by group of researcher from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Waseda University, and Yokohama National University. The agreement between the model and observational data are very good

    Studi Kelayakan Perlindungan Pesisir Berkelanjutan melalui Integrasi Pemecah Gelombang Bambu dan Budidaya Kerang Hijau

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    One pressing issue posing a significant threat to the coastal ecosystem is abrasion. Therefore, it is imperative to implement an effective and stable coastal protection structure using readily available and cost-effective materials combined with green mussel cultivation to bolster economic benefits for the community. The methodology employed in this study encompasses the integration and analysis of secondary data and the collection of archival information. The findings indicate that the ecological conditions of the waters in Bedono Village, Sayung District at Demak Regency meet the necessary criteria for green mussel cultivation. Bamboo with a minimum length of 7.5 meters and a planting depth of 2 meters is utilized. Financially, this approach proves to be quite advantageous, yielding a Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp1,202,383 for the stake method of green mussel cultivation. The Net Benefit-Cost Ratio (Net B/C) for the stake method of green mussel cultivation is 1.20. Based on the NPV and Net B/C feasibility criteria, the stake method of green mussel cultivation is considered viable. This structural concept is evaluated as adhering to ecological principles across all its components.Salah satu permasalahan yang cukup berat dan mengancam ekosistem di wilayah pesisir adalah abrasi. Untuk itu diperlukan struktur pelindung pantai yang efektif dan stabil dengan material yang mudah dan murah dengan kombinasi sebagai budidaya kerang hijau untuk menambah nilai ekonomi untuk masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni dengan mengombinasikan dan menganalisis data sekunder serta pengumpulan data arsip. Didapatkan hasil bahwa kondisi ekologis perairan Desa Bedono, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak memenuhi syarat untuk dapat digunakan sebagai lokasi budidaya kerang hijau. Bambu digunakan dengan panjang minimal 7.5 meter dan kedalaman pemancangan 2 meter. Dari sisi kelayakan finansial cukup menguntungkan dengan nilai NPV pada usaha budidaya kerang hijau metode tancap sebesar Rp1,202,383. Nilai Net B/C pada usaha budidaya kerang hijau metode tancap sebesar 1.20. Berdasarkan kriteria kelayakan NPV dan Net B/C, usaha budidaya kerang hijau dengan metode tancap layak dijalankan. Konsep struktur ini dianggap memenuhi prinsip ekologi berdasarkan assessment pada setiap komponennya