121 research outputs found

    Contrasting synergistic heterobimetallic (Na-Mg) and homometallic (Na or Mg) bases in metalation reactions of dialkylphenylphosphines and dialkylanilines : lateral vs ring selectivities

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    A series of dialkyl phenylphosphines and their analogous aniline substrates have been metallated with the synergistic mixedmetal base [(TMEDA)Na(TMP)(CH2SiMe3)Mg(TMP)] 1. Different metallation regioselectivities for the substrates were observed, with predominately lateral or meta-magnesiated products isolated from solution. Three novel heterobimetallic complexes [(TMEDA)Na(TMP)(CH2PCH3Ph)Mg(TMP)] 2, [(TMEDA)Na(TMP)(m- C6H4PiPr2)Mg(TMP)] 3 and [(TMEDA)Na(TMP)(m- C6H4NEt2)Mg(TMP)] 4 and two homometallic complexes [{(TMEDA)Na(EtNC6H5)}2] 5 and [(TMEDA)Na2(TMP)(C6H5PEt)]2 6 derived from homometallic metalation have been crystallographically characterised. Complex 6 is an unprecedented sodium-amide, sodium-phosphide hybrid with a rare (NaNNaP)2 ladder motif. These products reveal contrasting heterobimetallic deprotonation with homometallic induced ethene elimination reactivity. Solution studies of metallation mixtures and electrophilic iodine quenching reactions confirmed the metallation sites. In an attempt to rationalise the regioselectivity of the magnesiation reactions the C-H acidities of the six substrates were determined in THF solution using DFT calculations employing the M06-2X functional and cc-pVTZ Dunning’s basis set

    Ultrafast structure and dynamics in ionic liquids: 2D-IR spectroscopy probes the molecular origin of viscosity

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    The viscosity of imidazolium ionic liquids increases dramatically when the strongest hydrogen bonding location is methylated. In this work, ultrafast two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of dilute thiocyanate ion ([SCN] -) in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4C1im][NTf2]) and 1-butyl-2,3- dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4C 1C12im][NTf2]) shows that the structural reorganization occurs on a 26 ± 3 ps time scale and on a 47 ± 15 ps time scale, respectively. The results suggest that the breakup of local ion-cages is the fundamental event that activates molecular diffusion and determines the viscosity of the fluids. © 2014 American Chemical Society

    Hydrogen Bonding Constrains Free Radical Reaction Dynamics at Serine and Threonine Residues in Peptides

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    Free radical-initiated peptide sequencing (FRIPS) mass spectrometry derives advantage from the introduction of highly selective low-energy dissociation pathways in target peptides. An acetyl radical, formed at the peptide N-terminus via collisional activation and subsequent dissociation of a covalently attached radical precursor, abstracts a hydrogen atom from diverse sites on the peptide, yielding sequence information through backbone cleavage as well as side-chain loss. Unique free-radical-initiated dissociation pathways observed at serine and threonine residues lead to cleavage of the neighboring N-terminal C_α–C or N–C_α bond rather than the typical Cα–C bond cleavage observed with other amino acids. These reactions were investigated by FRIPS of model peptides of the form AARAAAXAA, where X is the amino acid of interest. In combination with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the experiments indicate the strong influence of hydrogen bonding at serine or threonine on the observed free radical chemistry. Hydrogen bonding of the side-chain hydroxyl group with a backbone carbonyl oxygen aligns the singly occupied π orbital on the ÎČ-carbon and the N–C_α bond, leading to low-barrier ÎČ-cleavage of the N–C_α bond. Interaction with the N-terminal carbonyl favors a hydrogen-atom transfer process to yield stable c and z‱ ions, whereas C-terminal interaction leads to effective cleavage of the C_α–C bond through rapid loss of isocyanic acid. Dissociation of the C_α–C bond may also occur via water loss followed by ÎČ-cleavage from a nitrogen-centered radical. These competitive dissociation pathways from a single residue illustrate the sensitivity of gas-phase free radical chemistry to subtle factors such as hydrogen bonding that affect the potential energy surface for these low-barrier processes

    Benchmark thermochemistry of the C_nH_{2n+2} alkane isomers (n=2--8) and performance of DFT and composite ab initio methods for dispersion-driven isomeric equilibria

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    The thermochemistry of linear and branched alkanes with up to eight carbons has been reexamined by means of W4, W3.2lite and W1h theories. `Quasi-W4' atomization energies have been obtained via isodesmic and hypohomodesmotic reactions. Our best atomization energies at 0 K (in kcal/mol) are: 1220.04 n-butane, 1497.01 n-pentane, 1774.15 n-hexane, 2051.17 n-heptane, 2328.30 n-octane, 1221.73 isobutane, 1498.27 isopentane, 1501.01 neopentane, 1775.22 isohexane, 1774.61 3-methylpentane, 1775.67 diisopropyl, 1777.27 neohexane, 2052.43 isoheptane, 2054.41 neoheptane, 2330.67 isooctane, and 2330.81 hexamethylethane. Our best estimates for ΔHf,298K∘\Delta H^\circ_{f,298K} are: -30.00 n-butane, -34.84 n-pentane, -39.84 n-hexane, -44.74 n-heptane, -49.71 n-octane, -32.01 isobutane, -36.49 isopentane, -39.69 neopentane, -41.42 isohexane, -40.72 3-methylpentane, -42.08 diisopropyl, -43.77 neohexane, -46.43 isoheptane, -48.84 neoheptane, -53.29 isooctane, and -53.68 hexamethylethane. These are in excellent agreement (typically better than 1 kJ/mol) with the experimental heats of formation at 298 K obtained from the CCCBDB and/or NIST Chemistry WebBook databases. However, at 0 K a large discrepancy between theory and experiment (1.1 kcal/mol) is observed for only neopentane. This deviation is mainly due to the erroneous heat content function for neopentane used in calculating the 0 K CCCBDB value. The thermochemistry of these systems, especially of the larger alkanes, is an extremely difficult test for density functional methods. A posteriori corrections for dispersion are essential. Particularly for the atomization energies, the B2GP-PLYP and B2K-PLYP double-hybrids, and the PW6B95 hybrid-meta GGA clearly outperform other DFT functionals.Comment: (J. Phys. Chem. A, in press

    Addition-fragmentation kinetics of fluorodithioformates (F-RAFT) in styrene, vinyl acetate, and ethylene polymerization: An Ab initio investigation

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    The kinetics and thermodynamics of the addition-fragmentation equilibrium in fluorodithioformate (S=C(F)SR; F-RAFT) mediated polymerization of styrene and vinyl acetate were investigated via high-level ab initio molecular orbital calculations. The fragmentation efficiencies of a wide range of leaving groups (R = C(CH3)2CN, CH2CN, C(CH3) 2Ph, CH(Ph)CH3, CH2Ph, CH(COOCH 3)CH3, CH2COOCH3, CH(OCOCH 3), CH2-OCOCH3, C(CH3)3, CH2CH3, CH3) were also investigated. The calculations confirm earlier predictions, on the basis of thermodynamic considerations alone, that these agents are likely to function as genuine multipurpose RAFT agents. Thus, stable propagating radicals (as in styrene polymerization) are capable of adding to the RAFT agent with high rate coefficients (1.8 × 106 L mol-1 s-1 at 333.15 K), comparable to those observed with normal dithioesters such as S=C(CH3)SR (3.8 × 106 L mol-1 s -1). Concurrently, unstable propagating radicals (as in vinyl acetate polymerization) are capable of undergoing fragmentation with significantly higher rate coefficients (1.7 × 104 s -1) than that for S=C(CH3)SR (8.4 s-1) and are not expected to be rate retarded. On the basis of an examination of leaving group abilities and known reinitiation rate coefficients, the agents S=C(F)SC(CH3)2CN or S=C(F)SC(CH3) 2Ph are identified as optimal F-RAFT agents for styrene polymerization, while S=C(F)SCH2-CN or S=C(F)SC(CH3) 3 are identified as optimal F-RAFT agents for vinyl acetate and ethylene polymerization. The potential suitability of employing F-RAFT to invoke living free radical polymerization of ethylene has been tested by a general kinetic screening exercise as well as specific simulations that employ quantum chemically predicted F-RAFT rate coefficients. These results indicate that F-RAFT is expected to control ethylene free radical polymerization. © 2006 American Chemical Society
