8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions

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    Purpose-The main aim of this paper is to examine the effect of entrepreneurial education on students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Also the study sought to determine whether such intention usually give rise to entrepreneurial start-up among students.Design/methodology/approach-Primary data comes from 250 students who currently have entrepreneurship as one of their courses in their institution of higher leaning within the south west of the country. Respondents filled in a detailed questionnaire on their background and other related items as regards to their entrepreneurship education. A model of regression analysis was considered most appropriate for the data analysis of the study used. The use of regression analysis results from the fact that it will enable the study to test the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable and also to ascertain the rate of change in the dependent variable as determined by increase or decrease in the independent variables.Findings-The results of the regression analysis revealed that student’s exposure to entrepreneurship education has a positive influence on the students’entrepreneurial intentions. Research Limitations/implications-Examining the impact of entrepreneurial education on students’ entrepreneurial activities tends to raise or provide some useful insights into some theoretical issues on one hand. And on the other hand, it raises some practical implications for policy makers both in the government and universities. However, this study is limited based on the information available when the research is carried out. Further research could look at the effect of the entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial activities after graduation. This study hence recommends that the Nigeriangovernment should make entrepreneurship education a compulsory course in Nigerian schools (primary, secondary and tertiary institutions). This will help to influence youth’s attitude towards entrepreneurship. Originality /value-The study makes empirical and theoretical contribution by focussing on the research area that has received less attention especially in the context of study environmen

    Assessment of the Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Intentions among Academics

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    This paper focused on assessing the entrepreneurial characteris tics, intentions and motivation among academics. The data covers survey study of 120 sample size drawn of academics from an institution of higher learning in Ogun State, Nigeria. Both descriptive and statistical tool were used to analyze the data collected. The results from the correlation analysis revealed that there is a strong relationship between the entrepreneurial characteristics and intentions to start up an enterprise among academics. Based on the findings, it was recommended that there is need to organize empowerment programmes and provide an enabling environment that will motivate the academics into entrepreneurial actions

    The Impact of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on The Real Gross Domestic Product of Nigeria 1970-2003

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    This paper builds and estimates a model of national income (proxied by the gross domestic product, GDP), with a view to testing the impact of monetary and fiscal policies on aggregate demand and economic growth. The estimation technique used is the Error Corre.:tion Model (ECM). This approach points to the existence of a long-run equilibrium in the growth of real GDP as ajimction ofmoney supply, export and other regressors in the period I 970- 2003. The empirical results tend to suggest non-neutrality of monetary policy while fiscal policy appears to corroborate thepolicy ineffectiveness proposition (PIP). From the findings it is apparent that regulatory authorities need a judicious combination ofmonetary andfiscal policies in order to ensure long-run economic growth

    Investment: General Issue

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    To an economist, investment refers to net capital formation. Hence we can refer it to su::h capital expenditure on consumer durables, residential construction (buildings), plants a·1d machinery. Investment also covers the purchase of real tangible assets. These include machines, factories, and stock of raw materials. A broader consider'ation of investm c·nt involves the sacrifice of certain present values of consumption for fut ure value/consumption. Investment is one component of the Keynesian model of income determination. Investment is a component of aggregate spending. Investment fluctu a· es more than other components of national income. Investment indeed is the most dynan tic and erratic element of all macroeconomic aggregates. It is very difficult to formulate a model that can explain or predict the behaviour of investment with reasonable degree of accuracy

    Examining the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial Action: Implications for Academic Entrepreneurship

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    In this paper, we focus on examining the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial action by academics. The data covers survey answers by II 0 people representing the sample size of the academics from Covenant University in Ogun State, Nigeria. The Humanistic learning theory was adopted as the theoretical framework. Both descriptive and statistical tool were used to analyze the data collected. The result from the chi square analysis revealed that there is a positive relationshi!f between academics and entrepreneurship. To transfer entrepreneurial skill to students, it was recommended that the entrepreneurial characteristics of academics should be explored by exposing them to constant training in the industry on entrepreneurial issues and practices

    The role of the Universities in Promoting Entrepreneurship Education and the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This paper basically explored the role of universities in promoting entrepreneurship education and the development of small and medium enterprises. The paper observed that the role of tertiary institutions in the development of SMEs cannot be overemphasized since small and medium enterprises occupy a predominant position in both developed and developing economies alike. The paper therefore calls for the establishment of a university owned holding company to promote fledgling academic entrepreneurs