338 research outputs found

    Localized intersection of currents and the Lefschetz coincidence point theorem

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    We introduce the notion of a Thom class of a current and define the localized intersection of currents. In particular we consider the situation where we have a smooth map of manifolds and study localized intersections of the source manifold and currents on the target manifold. We then obtain a residue theorem on the source manifold and give explicit formulas for the residues in some cases. These are applied to the problem of coincidence points of two maps. We define the global and local coincidence homology classes and indices. A representation of the Thom class of the graph as a Cech-de~Rham cocycle immediately gives us an explicit expression of the index at an isolated coincidence point, which in turn gives explicit coincidence classes in some non-isolated components. Combining these, we have a general coincidence point theorem including the one by S. Lefschetz

    Immunohistochemical Expressions of Main PGE2 Biosynthesis-related Enzymes and PGE2 Receptor in Rat Nephrogenesis

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    Endogenous prostaglandin (PG) E2 plays important roles in renal homeostasis. Immunoexpressions of PGE2 biosynthesis-related enzymes, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and microsomal PGE2 synthetase (mPGES)-1 and EP4 (a PGE2 receptor), were investigated in renal development. Kidney tissues were obtained from fetuses on gestation days 18 and 21 and neonates on days 1 to 18. In fetuses and early neonates, the expressions of COX-2, mPGES-1 and EP4 were observed in developing renal tubules, indicating that COX-2 and its product, PGE2, play important roles in blastemal cell-derived renal tubular development via EP4. Cyclin D1 expression was seen in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of the developing tubules. These findings differed from the decreased COX-2 expression and exclusive nuclear expression of cyclin D1 seen in abnormal epithelial regeneration of injured renal tubules in cisplatin-treated rats in our previous articles. Collectively, PGE2, induced by COX-2, regulates renal tubular epithelial formation via EP4

    Comparative Gene Expression Analysis in the Skeletal Muscles of Dysferlin-deficient SJL/J and A/J Mice

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    Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis was conducted to determine whether or not there are interstrain or site-dependent differences in the gene expression profiles of skeletal muscles in SJL/J and A/J mice as dysferlinopathy models. Upon analysis by qRT-PCR, SJL/J mice showed a trend of increased gene expression level of uncoupling protein 2 in the rectus femoris and longissimus lumborum at 30 weeks of age when dystrophic lesions became histopathologically pronounced. Heme oxygenase 1 and S100 calcium binding protein A4 were upregulated in the rectus femoris, longissimus lumborum and abdominal muscles, in which dystrophic lesions occur more commonly in SJL mice. The gene expression levels of heat shock protein 70 in most muscles of A/J mice were lower than those of BALB/c mice as control. SJL/J mice exhibited a marked lowering of decay-accelerating factor 1/CD55 gene expression level in all studied muscles except for the heart at all ages compared with that of BALB/c mice. This study showed that there were some interstrain differences in the gene expres sion profiles of skeletal muscles between SJL/J and A/J mice. Further investigation is required to reveal whether these alterations of the expression levels are the cause of dystrophic changes or occur subsequent to muscle damage

    Thy-1 Expressing Mesenchymal Cells in Rat Nephrogenesis in Correlation with Cells Immunoreactive for α-Smooth Muscle Actin and Vimentin

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    Thy-1 expression may influence myofibroblast development. Through the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), injured renal epithelial cells undergo regression to the metanephric mesenchymal phenotype and then acquire a myofibroblastic nature (expressing α-smooth muscle actin; α-SMA). Because the metanephric blastema differentiates into mesenchymal and renal epithelial cells, we investigated Thy-1 immunoexpression during nephrogenesis in F344 rats in correlation with vimentin and α-SMA expressions. Kidney samples were obtained from fetuses on gestation days 18 and 21, neonates on days 1-18 and adults at 6 weeks of age. Mesangial cells in S-shaped bodies and immature and mature glomeruli continuously expressed both Thy-1 and α-SMA during early nephrogenesis (fetuses and neonates on days 1-9). During early nephrogenesis, loosely-arranged blastemal cell-derived mesenchymal cells in the cortex and medulla also exhibited Thy-1 and α-SMA, although the α-SMA expression was weaker than that of Thy-1. Vimentin expression coincided with that of Thy-1. These findings indicate that the derivation of α-SMA-expressing myofibroblastic cells may be related to mesangial or blastemal cells expressing both Thy-1 and α-SMA. Interestingly, there was a difference in Thy-1 expression between cortical and medullary tubulointerstitial cells from late nephrogenesis (neonates on days 12-18) and those from adults in that the cortical cells reacted faintly or negatively to Thy-1, whereas the medullary cells reacted strongly to Thy-1; additionally, bundle-arranged mesenchymal cells that were only observed in the neonates on days 1-12 reacted strongly to α-SMA, but faintly to Thy-1. Blastemal cell-derived mesenchymal cells seem to alter the immunoexpressions of Thy-1 and α-SMA, depending on the conditions which they develop. Thy-1 immunoexpression would be useful for investigation of reverse embryogenesis, which might occur in fibrotic kidneys

    Endurance training facilitates myoglobin desaturation during muscle contraction in rat skeletal muscle.

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    At onset of muscle contraction, myoglobin (Mb) immediately releases its bound O2 to the mitochondria. Accordingly, intracellular O2 tension (PmbO2) markedly declines in order to increase muscle O2 uptake (mVO2). However, whether the change in PmbO2 during muscle contraction modulates mVO2 and whether the O2 release rate from Mb increases in endurance-trained muscles remain unclear. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to determine the effect of endurance training on O2 saturation of Mb (SmbO2) and PmbO2 kinetics during muscle contraction. Male Wistar rats were subjected to a 4-week swimming training (Tr group; 6 days per week, 30 min × 4 sets per day) with a weight load of 2% body mass. After the training period, deoxygenated Mb kinetics during muscle contraction were measured using near-infrared spectroscopy under hemoglobin-free medium perfusion. In the Tr group, the VmO2peak significantly increased by 32%. Although the PmbO2 during muscle contraction did not affect the increased mVO2 in endurance-trained muscle, the O2 release rate from Mb increased because of the increased Mb concentration and faster decremental rate in SmbO2 at the maximal twitch tension. These results suggest that the Mb dynamics during muscle contraction are contributing factors to faster VO2 kinetics in endurance-trained muscle

    Relationship of Cell Proliferating Marker Expressions with PGE2 Receptors in Regenerating Rat Renal Tubules after Cisplatin Injection

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    Cisplatin, an anticancer drug, is well known to have nephrotoxicity as an adverse effect. We investigated the expressions of cell cycle markers and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) receptors (EP) in the affected renal tubules in rats injected with a single dose (6 mg/kg body weight) of cisplatin. On days 1–3 after dosing, the affected renal epithelial cells were almost desquamated, showing necrosis. On day 5 onwards, the renal tubules were rimmed by flattened or cuboidal epithelial cells with basophilic cytoplasm; BrdU-immunopositive cells began to significantly increase, indicating regeneration. Simultaneously, TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells were also seen. On days 1–5, cyclin D1-immunopositive cells were decreased with an increased expression in p21 mRNA, indicating G1 arrest in the cell cycle. The affected renal epithelial cells began to react to EP4 receptor, but not to EP2 receptor. Some EP4 receptor-reacting epithelial cells gave a positive reaction to BrdU or cyclin D1. Collectively, the affected renal tubules underwent various alterations such as necrosis, apoptosis, regeneration and G1 arrest; the aspects might be influenced by endogenous PGE2 through EP4 receptor

    A Rhabdomyosarcoma Arising in the Larynx of a Dog

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    A neoplastic nodular lesion, 2 × 3 cm in diameter, was found in the larynx of a 6-year-old spayed female dog. The tumor was ill-circumscribed, consisting histologically of large round cells with abundant cytoplasm interspersed with small round cells with less cytoplasm and occasional multinucleated cells (myotubes). Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for myoglobin, desmin and vimentin in varying degrees, but negative for S-100 protein, GFAP or cytokeratin. Cytoplasmic myofilaments/myofibrils with a dense Z-line-like structure were seen, the fine structures of which were complemented by PTAH stain. Based on these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a rhabdomyosarcoma, a very rare tumor in the larynx of dogs