6 research outputs found

    Removal of suspended solids from the effluents of a shrimp farm by the Blood Ark Anadara tuberculosa (Sowerby, 1833)

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    The potential of Anadara tuberculosa for bioremediation of shrimp farm effluents was evaluated in five field experiments performed in a semi-intensive shrimp farm in Sonora (NW Mexico), and yielded mean filtration, clearance and biodeposition rates of 33.10 mg/h/g, 0.41 L/h/g and 31.19 mg/h/g, respectively. This study demonstrates that A. tuberculosa adults can remove the particulate matter of a semi-intensive shrimp farms effluents

    Budget and discharges of nutrients to the Gulf of California of a semi-intensive shrimp farm (NW Mexico)

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    A previous study conducted in 1998 assessed yearly nutrient discharge by the Sinaloa and Sonora shrimp farms to the coastal areas of the Gulf of California (1,509.4 and 438.7 tons of N and P corresponding to 2.1 and 1.05% of the total nutrient discharges to the Gulf along those two states coastlines). However, that estimate did not take into account other nutrient sources, nor the high daily water exchanges of the farms of Sonora, that are likely to increase the calculated amount of nutrients discharged. The evaluation of the nutrient budget of one semi-intensive shrimp farm of Sonora, including the nutrient sources not measured in other studies, showed that during one production cycle this farm discharged 547 kg N路ha-1 and 73 kg P路ha-1, with respective net exports of 122 kg N路ha-1 and 14 kg P路ha-1. Based on the results of this study, the recalculated totals for Sinaloa and Sonora, including rivers, agricultural runoff, and urban wastewater were 77,007.7 and 38,108.3 tons of N and P, and those of shrimp farms 3,556 tons of N and 620.7 tons of P (4.8 and 1.6%). The total discharges of 2003 may be estimated at 78,798.2 and 38,874.1 tons of N and P. In view of its high groth rate, the contributions of shrimp culture would be 10.1% and 3.3%

    Contenido de Cd, Cu, Pb y Zn en el camar贸n blanco Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) de seis lagunas costeras de Sinaloa, NW de M茅xico

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    Litopenaeus vannamei is the most important shrimp species in the traditional fishery of the coastal lagoons of the State of Sinaloa (NW Mexico), and most of the landings are consumed locally. Since these lagoons receive important volumes of agricultural, industrial and urban effluents, consumption of this shrimp could pose risks to human health. The mean content of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn determined in the hepatopancreas of shrimp from commercial landings from six lagoons of Sinaloa were higher than those of the muscle. There was a weak correlation between the Zn content of the two tissues (P.0.05) and the correlations were not significant for Cd, Cu and Pb (P>0.1). The concentrations found in the shrimp muscle were comparable or lower than those determined in commercial landings of different crustaceans from other geographic areas. According to our results the consumption of local shrimp poses no risks to human health.El camaron Litopenaeus vannamei es la especial mas importante en la pesqueria tradicional de las lagunas costeras del estado de Sinaloa (NW de Mexico), y la mayoria de sus capturas son consumidas localmente. Estas lagunas reciben grandes volumenes de efluentes agricolas, industriales y urbanos, por lo cual el consumo del camaron podria representar un riesgo para la salud humana. El contenido medio de Cd, Cu, Pb y Zn en el hepatopancreas de las capturas comerciales en seis lagunas de Sinaloa fue mayor que su respectivo valor en el musculo; no se observo una correlacion entre el contenido de Cd, Cu y Pb de los dos tejidos (P>0,1); en el caso de Zn la correlacion resulto significativa con un bajo nivel de probabilidad (P.0,05). La concentracion en el musculo del camaron fue similar o menor que la determinada en capturas comerciales de otros crustaceos en otras regiones. Con base en estos resultados, el consumo de los camarones locales no constituye un riesgo para la salud humana