18 research outputs found

    Instrumentalna metoda oceny pillingu płaskich wyrobów włókienniczych

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    W serii gł. Nr 1158Instrumental method of pilling assessment is based on computer processing and analysis of the images of textile fabric samples. The principle of method consists in taking an image of fabric sample under defined conditions of machine vision scene, performing an image processing operation using RGB channel’s mix algorithm, making an image segmentation and calculating the value of the degree of surface filling by pilling. The degree of surface filling by pilling is the ratio of surface area occupied by the pilling to the total surface area of the sample. This paper presents the construction of a measuring stand and the procedure for pilling measurement using instrumental method. Then the qualitative model of the method was defined and potential factors, which may influence the measurement results, were identified and examined. These factors include adjusting parameters of measuring stand and environmental conditions. Furthermore, the metrological characteristics analysis of instrumental method was conducted as regards discrimination threshold and sensitivity. The analysis of adequacy of both instrumental and standard, organoleptic method shows that the test results obtained with both methods are closely correlated.W niniejszym referacie jest opisana instrumentalna metoda oceny intensywności pillingu płaskich wyrobów włókienniczych. Obecnie w praktyce laboratoryjnej jest stosowana organoleptyczna, subiektywna metoda oceny zjawiska pillingu, zawarta m.in. w normach PN-EN ISO 12945-1/2:2002. Celem pracy było opracowanie i scharakteryzowanie w ujęciu metrologicznym nowej, instrumentalnej metody oceny pillingu opartej na komputerowym przetwarzaniu i analizie obrazu spillingowanej próbki. W pracy została przedstawiona budowa stanowiska pomiarowego oraz procedura pomiaru pillingu. Następnie został określony model jakościowy metody, zostały zidentyfikowane i zbadane czynniki mogące mieć potencjalny wpływ na wyniki pomiaru. Zostały także określone metrologiczne cechy metody instrumentalnej, jak czułość, próg pobudliwości. Została także zbadana zależność korelacyjna z wynikami uzyskanymi metodą znormalizowaną

    Clinical course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in multiple sclerosis patients treated with disease-modifying therapies — the Polish experience

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to report the course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients treated with disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in Poland. A major concern for neurologists worldwide is the course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with MS treated with different DMTs. Although initial studies do not suggest an unfavourable course of infection in this group of patients, the data is limited.Materials and methods. This study included 396 MS patients treated with DMTs and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection from 28 Polish MS centres. Information concerning patient demographics, comorbidities, clinical course of MS, current DMT use, as well as symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, need for pharmacotherapy, oxygen therapy, and/or hospitalisation, and short-term outcomes was collected up to 30 January 2021. Additional data about COVID-19 cases in the general population in Poland was obtained from official reports of the Polish Ministry of Health.Results. There were 114 males (28.8%) and 282 females (71.2%). The median age was 39 years (IQR 13). The great majority of patients with MS exhibited relapsing-remitting course (372 patients; 93.9%). The median EDSS was 2 (SD 1.38), and the mean disease duration was 8.95 (IQR 8) years. Most of the MS patients were treated with dimethyl fumarate (164; 41.41%). Other DMTs were less frequently used: interferon beta (82; 20.70%), glatiramer acetate (42; 10.60%), natalizumab (35;8.84%), teriflunomide (25; 6.31%), ocrelizumab (20; 5.05%), fingolimod (16; 4.04), cladribine (5; 1.26%), mitoxantrone (3; 0.76%), ozanimod (3; 0.76%), and alemtuzumab (1; 0.25%). The overall hospitalisation rate due to COVID-19 in the cohort was 6.81% (27 patients). Only one patient (0.3%) died due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and three (0.76%) patients were treated with mechanical ventilation; 106 (26.8%) patients had at least one comorbid condition. There were no significant differences in the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection regarding patient age, duration of the disease, degree of disability (EDSS), lymphocyte count, or type of DMT used.Conclusions and clinical implications. Most MS patients included in this study had a favourable course of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The hospitalisation rate and the mortality rate were not higher in the MS cohort compared to the general Polish population. Continued multicentre data collection is needed to increase the understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection impact on the course of MS in patients treated with DMTs

    The Algorithms of Image Processing and Analysis in the Textile Fabrics Abrasion Assessment

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    The abrasion resistance and susceptibility of textiles to surface damage is an important issue for their utility properties. The currently used test method for abrasion resistance assessment has been based on criteria that define the breakage point of fabrics, visually identified and highly depended on observer perception. Taking under consideration the character of abrasion assessment process the efforts were made to elaborate the new alternative test technique which supports this evaluation. The abrasion resistance tests using instrumental method (based on image analysis tools) parallel with standard method were carried out. There were two steps of analysis. Firstly, the preliminary analysis for selecting the most effective and sensitive algorithm was carried out. Secondly, the final analysis, involving whole range of captured image samples, using chosen algorithm, based on image histogram calculation was done. Summarizing the abrasion resistance tests results obtained using both standard and instrumental methods it was found that the instrumental method gave more complex results during identification of surface changes caused directly by the abrasion process. The instrumental method is more sensitive to surface texture modifications and colour fade and its discrimination threshold is significantly lower than standard methods with qualitative breakage criteria (such as broken threads, loss of pile)

    Industrial washing conditions as factor that influence the cellulose structure and mechanical strength of bed linens

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    Abstract It is crucial for companies providing rental and maintenance services to hotels and hospitals to tackle the problem of decreased physical longevity caused by frequent laundering procedures in the industrial textile sector. Proper maintenance of bed linens is vital as they undergo multiple rigorous preservation techniques, such as being treated with chlorine to remove tough stains and sanitize the fabrics. The mechanical strength of fabric made of 100% cotton fibre products greatly relies on the degree of polymerization of cellulose-cotton fibre material. The study evaluated the washing performance of five cotton fabrics. Two weaving pattern variations were used and the fabrics were composed either of 100% cotton or a blend of 50% cotton and 50% polyester fibres. The washing methods included commercial and chlorine-based laboratory washing. 100% cotton fabrics, especially in plain weave show higher tensile strength falls then blended ones. The pure cotton fabric loss much more of its initial strength after only few chlorine-based washings than after hundred commercial ones. Limiting viscosity number values drop in half after hundred commercial washings for cotton fibres taken from tested woven fabrics. In comparison, decline of this parameter after only ten chlorine-based washings is more than 80% of their initial values. Performing the maintenance process without free chlorine, while still retaining its high effectiveness, can notably augment the frequency of maintenance procedures and preserve the mechanical durability of cotton fabrics over a longer time span. This leads to a reduction in textile waste residues

    Animalistic monsters in children’s and youth literature

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    Świat potworów budził emocje wśród ludzi już w czasach prehistorycznych. Obecność bestii w kulturze europejskiej jest dostrzegalna niemal w każdej epoce i ma widoczny wpływ na całą cywilizację. Głównym celem pracy było ukazanie funkcji potworów w literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży. Choć pozornie wydaje się, że bestie mają przede wszystkim straszyć, to jednak po analizie utworów literackich wywodzących się z różnych epok i regionów świata okazuje się, że wzbudzenie strachu jest jedynie środkiem do osiągnięcia innego, ważniejszego celu. Funkcją nadrzędną bestii jest wskazanie dzieciom wzorców postaw, które warto realizować w swoim życiu. W pracy za przykłady utworów literackich posłużyły dwie baśnie braci Grimm – Czerwony Kapturek i Niedźwiedzia Skóra, powieść oksfordzkiego matematyka Lewisa Carrolla Alicja po drugiej stronie lustra oraz ciesząca się wielkim zainteresowaniem wśród dzieci i młodzieży pierwsza część serii Zwiadowcy. Ruiny Gorlanu. Analiza tych dzieł pomogła w stworzeniu konspektów lekcji przeznaczonych dla szkoły podstawowej, które ukazały że motyw potwora można funkcjonalnie użyć w pracy z dziećmi na lekcjach języka polskiego.The world of monsters has excited people since the prehistoric times. Beast presence in European culture is seen in almost every epoch and has a significant impact on the whole civilization. The main objective of the work was to show monsters function in children and youth literature. Although it seems that the beasts are primarily meant to scare, after the analysis of literary works deriving from different eras and regions, it turns out that inducting fear is only a mean to achieve another, more important objective. The main reason of showing beastly creatures is to show patterns of behavior that are worth realizing to the children.In the work there were many examples of such literary works – Grimm's Red Riding Hood and Bearskin, Lewis Carroll's Alice: Through the Looking-Glass and, really well loved by children and youth, the first volume of Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan. Analysis of these works helped in creating syllabuses of lesson assigned for elementary school students, which showed that the monster theme can be functionally used while working with children during Polish language lessons

    Selected Bible themes in modern cultural education

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    Temat niniejszej pracy brzmi: „Wybrane motywy biblijne we współczesnej edukacji kulturowej”. Jej głównym celem jest ukazanie motywów biblijnych, jako ponadczasowych, będących nieprzerwanie inspiracją dla artystów wszystkich dziedzin sztuki.Praca składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej dokonana jest analiza dramatu Johna Miltona Samson walczący, obrazu flamandzkiego malarza Petera Paula Rubensa Samson i Dalila oraz piosenki Samson autorstwa współczesnej amerykańskiej artystki Reginy Spektor. Wszystkie dzieła nawiązują do starotestamentowej historii Samsona i Dalilii opisanej w Księdze Sędziów. Część druga poświęcona została motywowi Matki Bożej Bolesnej (łac. stabat Mater Dolorosa). W tym celu analizie zostały poddane: wiersz Józefa Wittlina Stabat Mater, szesnastowieczny obraz nieznanego autora Matka Boża Bolesna, znajdujący się w kościele w Staniątkach, oraz fotografia Dorothei Lange Migrant Mother będąca ikoną Wielkiego Kryzysu w Stanach Zjednoczonych.Analiza powyżej wymienionych dzieł stała się inspiracją do stworzenia pomocy dydaktycznych dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych, pragnących wzbogacić i urozmaicić lekcje języka polskiego o inne formy, niż standardowe konspekty lekcji. Do pierwszej części została zaproponowana gra miejska w oparciu o Biblię oraz dzieła opisane w niniejszej pracy, natomiast w drugiej został przedstawiony projekt edukacyjny, w którym lekcja wstępna nawiązuje do analizowanych w pracy tekstów kultury związanych z motywem stabat Mater Dolorosa.The topic of the work is „Selected Bible themes in modern cultural education”. Its main point is to show Bible themes as timeless and still inspirational for artists of many areas.This master's thesis consists of two parts. There are three analyses in the first part: John Milton's tragedy called „Samson Agonites”, Peter Paul Rubens' painting „Samson and Delilah” and modern American singer Regina Spektor's song „Samson”. All works refer the story of Samson and Delilah described in The Book of Judges. The second part focuses on the theme of Mother of Sorrows (Latin: Stabat Mater Dolorosa). Three works were analysed in order to acomplish for this purpose: Jozef Wittlin's poem Stabat Mater, unknown author's sixteenth century paining „Lady of Sorrows”, located in the church in Staniątki, and the photography by Dorothei Lande „Migrant Mother”, which is the icon of Great Depression in the United Stated of America.Analysis of above mentioned works was an inspiration to create didactic help for secondary and high school teachers willing to use other means of conducting a lesson than standard lesson outlines. Author offers a city game based on the Bible and works described in this work for the first part of the lesson and a educational project for the second part, in which the introductory lesson is based on analysed cultural texts connected with the topic of Stabat Mater Dolorosa.The topic of the work is „Selected Bible themes in modern cultural education”. Its main point is to show Bible themes as timeless and still inspirational for artists of many areas.This master's thesis consists of two parts. There are three analyses in the first part: John Milton's tragedy called „Samson Agonites”, Peter Paul Rubens' painting „Samson and Delilah” and modern American singer Regina Spektor's song „Samson”. All works refer the story of Samson and Delilah described in The Book of Judges. The second part focuses on the theme of Mother of Sorrows (Latin: Stabat Mater Dolorosa). Three works were analysed in order to acomplish for this purpose: Jozef Wittlin's poem Stabat Mater, unknown author's sixteenth century paining „Lady of Sorrows”, located in the church in Staniątki, and the photography by Dorothei Lande „Migrant Mother”, which is the icon of Great Depression in the United Stated of America.Analysis of above mentioned works was an inspiration to create didactic help for secondary and high school teachers willing to use other means of conducting a lesson than standard lesson outlines. Author offers a city game based on the Bible and works described in this work for the first part of the lesson and a educational project for the second part, in which the introductory lesson is based on analysed cultural texts connected with the topic of Stabat Mater Dolorosa

    Ocena właściwości odpowiadających za komfort odzieży z zastosowaniem badania z udziałem cykloergometru

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    The aim of study was to present an evaluation of sports underwear under different conditions and applying two measurement techniques. The test was performed on a ergometer simulating real conditions of wearing clothes. Moreover, the material parameters of knitted fabric selected were evaluated according to standards. The utility tests performed by the ergometer allow one to assess fabric under the action of the human thermoregulation mechanism. and therefore such tests more effectively characterise the article under testing. Test results of the underclothing micro-climate of sports underwear showed a statistically significant dependence on the person participating in the tests.Publikacja miała na celu prezentację analizy i oceny bielizny sportowej poddanej badaniu z zastosowaniem dwóch technik pomiarowych w zróżnicowanych warunkach prowadzenia badania. Pomiary były wykonane z udziałem cykloergometru, co pozwoliło symulować rzeczywiste warunki użytkowania odzieży. Ponadto dokonano oceny wybranych właściwości dzianin z których skonfekcjonowana była bielizna. Badania użytkowe wykonane z zastosowaniem cykloergometru pozwoliły dokonać oceny badanych wyrobów w rzeczywistych warunkach, gdy podlegają one oddziaływaniu mechanizmu termoregulacji człowieka uczestniczącego w teście. Powyższe podejście pozwoliło na efektywną ocenę przedmiotowych wyrobów. Wyniki badania warunków panujących w mikroklimacie pododzieżowym dla badanej bielizny sportowej wykazały statystycznie istotną zależność od cech osobniczych osoby uczestniczącej w teście

    The Influence of Structure of Multilayer Woven Fabrics on Their Mechanical Properties

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    Multilayer woven fabrics used for conveyor belts must be characterized by high mechanical strength. The design process of multilayer woven fabrics for such application requires taking into account the structural characteristics of the fabric, which allows to adjust the final product properties to the dedicated use. The geometry of warp threads—means stuffer and binding is the decisive aspect, which influences the strength properties of multilayer woven fabrics and materials made with their use as well. The aim of this work was to examine the possibility of shaping mechanical strength and bending rigidity of multilayer woven fabrics by changing the order of introducing weft threads into individual layers. The eight variants of multilayer woven fabrics were manufactured using laboratory harness loom. They were produced using different structural models in two weft variants, then tested. The mechanical features were determined, such as breaking force, recovered and unrecovered elongations in cyclic tensile test, stiffness rigidity. The analysis of the obtained results confirmed, that both the model and the order in which the weft threads were introduced into individual layers influence the mechanical strength and bending rigidity of multilayer woven. It was found, that the strength properties characterized by the above mentioned indicators are influenced by the number of threads weaved as both the stuffer and binding warp

    Influence of Low-Pressure RF Plasma Treatment on Aramid Yarns Properties

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    The aim of the study was to modify the surface free energy (SFE) of meta- (mAr) and para-aramid (pAr) yarns by their activation in low-pressure air radio frequency (RF) (40 kHz) plasma and assessment of its impact on the properties of the yarns. After 10 and 90 min of activation, the SFE value increased, respectively, by 14% and 37% for mAr, and by 10% and 37% for pAr. The value of the polar component increased, respectively by 22% and 57% for mAr and 20% and 62% for pAr. The value of the dispersion component for mAr and pAr increased respectively by 9% and 25%. The weight loss decreased from 49% to 46% for mAr and 62% to 50% for pAr after 90 min of activation. After 90 min, the specific strength for mAr did not change and for pAr it decreased by 40%. For both yarns, the 10 min activation in plasma is sufficient to prepare their surface for planned nanomodification