10 research outputs found

    Grand average event-related potentials (ERP) in the ASD group vs. the control group, presented separately for each category of stimuli (own, close-other, famous, unknown), each analyzed centro-parietal scalp position (CP3, CPz, CP4), and each type of stimuli (face, name).

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    <p>Grand average event-related potentials (ERP) in the ASD group vs. the control group, presented separately for each category of stimuli (own, close-other, famous, unknown), each analyzed centro-parietal scalp position (CP3, CPz, CP4), and each type of stimuli (face, name).</p

    Grand average event-related potentials (ERP) in the N170 time window in the ASD group vs. the control group, separately for each analyzed scalp position (PO7, PO8).

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    <p>upper panels present response to face stimuli, bottom panels present response to name stimuli, with all categories taken together. For faces, amplitudes of N170 (peak-to-peak vs. P100) were higher on PO8 than on PO7 and for names amplitudes were higher on PO7 than on PO8.</p

    Distribution of genotypes and analysis of the association between rs6943555 and suicide.

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    <p>P values <0.05 were <b>boldfaced</b><sup>1</sup> comparison with all controls; <sup>2</sup> comparison with controls with BDI ≤ 11, HWE - Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, <sup>3</sup>for 8 subjects from suicide cohort II there were no data on blood ethanol concentration</p

    Characteristics of suicide subjects.

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    *<p>We observed statistically significant difference regarding gender between cases and controls (47.11% males for controls, <i>p</i><0.001 vs. suicides)</p>**<p>We observed statistically significant difference regarding age between cases and controls (mean = 45.70, SD = 14.91 for controls, <i>p</i> = 0.003 vs. suicides)</p

    Distribution of genotypes and analysis of the association between rs9939609 and suicide.

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    <p><i>P</i> values <0.05 are <b>boldfaced</b>; <i>P<sub>cor</sub></i> – <i>P</i> values corrected for multiple testing with Bonferroni method;</p><p>* comparison with controls.</p><p>Distribution of genotypes and analysis of the association between rs9939609 and suicide.</p