2 research outputs found

    POTENSI PRODUKSI MINYAK IKAN DARI JEROAN IKAN PATIN (The Potential of Fish Oil Production from Catfish Viscera)

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    Catfish cultivation in Indonesia has continued to increase rapidly since 2008. The increase in catfish production will be accompanied by an increase in the production of catfish waste. The meat yield that can be utilized in processing catfish is only 49%, the remaining 51% is waste consisting of head, skin, offal and bone Waste has the potential to be processed into products that are more economically valuable, such as fish oil. the innards contain 93.92% of fat, the innards are the richest part of the fat than the other parts of the catfish. One extraction method that is often used in fish oil is the rendering method. The rendering method consists of dry rendering and wet rendering. The dry rendering method can produce fish oil yield greater than the wet rendering method. Fish oil purification can be done by methods I and II. Based on the number of free fatty acids, peroxide numbers, and fatty acid profiles, the best quality catfish oil is purified oil using method I


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    Kabupaten Pinrang menempati posisi keempat sebagai kabupaten dengan kasus gizi buruk tertinggi di Sulawesi Selatan, yaitu mencapai 32%. Salah satu potensi sumber daya lokal yang dapat dimanfaatkan di Kabupaten Pinrang adalah ikan gabus. Otak-otak sebagai salah satu olahan ikan gabus mengandung albumin yang cukup tinggi sehingga diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan gizi buruk di Kabupaten Pinrang. Selain itu, pemanfaatan ikan gabus menjadi otak-otak juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat setempat melalui pengembangan industri rumah tangga berbasis olahan ikan gabus. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah sosialisasi dalam bentuk ceramah materi dan pelatihan. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Benteng Sawitto, Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diawali dengan sosialisasi dalam bentuk ceramah materi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pangan aman dan sehat, sanitasi dan higienitas produksi di lingkungan UMKM, serta strategi memulai usaha pangan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan pembuatan otak-otak ikan gabus berbasis surimi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan khalayak mitra. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu masyarakat dapat mengolah ikan gabus menjadi otak-otak berbasis surimi sebagai salah satu alternatif pangan sehat dan bergizi untuk menekan kasus gizi buruk di Kabupaten Pinrang. Tujuan yang lain yaitu untuk memberikan nilai tambah dari ikan gabus yang dapat diolah menjadi otak-otak sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Kabupaten Pinrang. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa khalayak mitra sangat antusias dalam mengikuti sosialisasi dan pelatihan yang diberikan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kehadiran semua peserta yang diundang dan keaktifan dalam mengikuti semua kegiatan. Ketersediaan ikan gabus di Kabupaten Pinrang cukup melimpah sehingga pengolahan otak-otak ikan gabus memiliki prospek yang sangat baik. Kata kunci: Gizi buruk, ikan gabus, otak-otak, surimi.   ABSTRACT Pinrang Regency occupies the fourth position as the regency with the highest malnutrition cases in South Sulawesi, reaching 32%. One of the potential local resources that can be utilized in Pinrang is snakehead fish. Otak-otak, as one of the processed snakehead fish, contains high albumin that can overcome the problem of malnutrition in Pinrang Regency. In addition, the use otak-otak also expected to improve the economy of the local community through the development of a home industry based on processed snakehead fish. The method used in the implementation of the activity is socialization in the form of material lectures and training. The service activity was carried out at Benteng Sawitto Village, Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. This community service activity begins with socialization in the form of material lectures that aim to increase understanding about safe and healthy food, sanitation and hygiene of production in the UMKM environment, and strategies for starting a food business. Then continued with training on making otak-otak based surimi of snakehead fish to improve the skills of partner audiences. The purpose of this service activity is that the community can process snakehead fish into surimi-based otak-otak as an alternative to healthy and nutritious food to suppress cases of malnutrition in Pinrang Regency. Another goal is to provide added value from snakehead fish which can be processed into otak-otak so that it can improve the economy of the people from Pinrang Regency. The results of community service show that the partner audience was very enthusiastic in participating in the socialization and training provided. That can be seen from the presence of all invited participants and active participation in all activities. The availability of snakehead fish in Pinrang Regency is quite abundant so that the processing of snakehead fish brains has very good prospects. Keywords: Malnutrition, otak-otak, snakehead fish, surimi