8 research outputs found

    Reaktive Thymushyperplasie infolge der Therapie ACTH-produzierender Tumoren [Reactive thymus dysplasia following therapy for ACTH-producing tumors]

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    Surgical or conservative treatment of ACTH-producing tumors results in acute drop of the previously excessively high cortisol levels. The following associated pathophysiological changes also occur in the organism's recovery from stress, such as trauma, operation or chemotherapy of tumors. Both cases result in a regeneration of the immune system, which might even be exalted. The corresponding radiographic feature is the "rebound" enlargement of the thymus occurring about six months after remission of hypercortisolism. Histological examination reveals benign thymus hyperplasia. Especially in cases of still unknown primary tumor the appearance of this anterior mediastinal mass can lead to misdiagnosis. We present the cases of two patients with diffuse thymic hyperplasia following surgical and medical correction of hypercortisolism. One patient suffered from classic Cushing's disease responding to transsphenoidal resection of an ACTH-secreting pituitary microadenoma. Six months later CT of the chest incidentally demonstrated an anterior mediastinal mass known as thymic hyperplasia. The second patient presented with an ectopic, still unkown source of ACTH-production. Six months after medical correction of hypercortisolism CT of the thorax showed an enlargement of the anterior mediastinum. Thymectomy was performed in order to exclude thymus carcinoid. Histological examination revealed benign thymus hyperplasia with negative immunostaining. CONCLUSION: Radiologists and clinicians should be familiar with the pathophysiological changes resulting from precipitously dropping cortisol levels in order to prevent diagnostic errors and unnecessary operations

    Surgical management of single supratentorial cavernomas: outcome in 99 cases

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    Epiphysenfugenverletzungen der distalen Tibia. Sinnvolle Mehrinformation durch die MRT? [Epiphyseal injuries of the distal tibia. Does MRI provide useful additional information?]

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    Plain film radiography often underestimates the extent of injury in children with epiphyseal fracture. Especially Salter-Harris V fractures (crush fracture of the epiphyseal plate) are often primarily not detected. MRI of the ankle was performed in 10 children aged 9-17 (mean 14) years with suspected epiphyseal injury using 1.0-T Magnetom Expert. The fractures were classified according to the Salter-Harris-Rang-Odgen classification and compared with the results of plain radiography. In one case MRI could exclude epiphyseal injury; in four cases the MRI findings changed the therapeutic management. The visualisation of the fracture in three orthogonal planes and the possibility of detection of cartilage and ligamentous injury in MR imaging makes this method superior to conventional radiography and CT. With respect to radiation exposure MRI instead of CT should be used for the diagnosis of epiphyseal injuries in children