5 research outputs found

    Hygiene Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices of Suya Producers in Nigeria

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    The street food sector continues to grow in Nigeria in a largely unregulated environment. The lack of regulation poses a significant public health risk for consuming unsafe street foods such as suya. Quantitative research has revealed high levels of microbiological contamination of suya, despite qualitative findings that suggest that food handlers are knowledgeable about safe food handling practices. This discrepancy reveals a gap in understanding about what influences safe food handling practices besides knowledge. This qualitative study was therefore designed to gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs and attitudes that influence hygienic practices among suya producers. Guided by the social cognitive theory, a phenomenological design was used to investigate and describe the hygiene phenomenon. Ten suya operators were recruited in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, to participate in the study. Data were collected from interviews and observation of participants. Semistructured, open-ended questionnaires were used in face-to-face interviews to elicit participants\u27 views on hygiene. Hygiene practices among participants were also observed. Information gathered was recorded, stored, transcribed, and analyzed using the NVivo software and based on emerging themes. The findings revealed that participants\u27 understanding of hygiene was related to popular culture rather than science. Furthermore, findings also revealed that family, religious, and cultural beliefs, as well as environmental factors such as consumer attitude influenced their hygiene practices. These findings may provide evidence-based guidance for public health interventions for safer suya production processes with positive social change implications for improved consumer health

    United against rabies forum:The one health concept at work

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    Human deaths from rabies are preventable and can be eliminated by applying a systematic One Health approach. However, this ancient disease still threatens the lives of millions of people in up to 150 countries and kills an estimated 59, 000 people every year. Rabies today is largely a disease of poverty, almost always linked to dog bites, with most deaths occurring in neglected communities in Africa and Asia. The disease places an immense economic burden on its victims, a cost that far outweighs the investment needed to control it. A global framework for rabies elimination in humans is set out in Zero by 30: The Global Strategic Plan to end human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030. Despite the existence of proven control strategies and agreement on the path to eliminating human rabies deaths, mortality numbers from rabies remain high, and COVID-19 has set back efforts even further. But COVID-19 has also highlighted the value of a One Health approach to zoonotic disease and pandemic prevention. Rabies control programs offer a practical route to building One Health capacities that can also address other zoonotic threats, including those with pandemic potential. The United Against Rabies Forum aims to accelerate progress on rabies elimination while applying a One Health approach. The Forum promotes cross-sector collaboration among stakeholders and supports countries in their rabies elimination efforts. Increased political engagement and resource mobilization, both internationally and nationally, will be needed to achieve global rabies goals and can also make One Health implementation a reality

    Long-term cortisol levels in hair of children and adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome

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    Context: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is characterized by hypothalamic dysfunction. In children with PWS, stress-induced central adrenal insufficiency (CAI) has been described, however, daily life cortisol production may be normal. Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) is a marker of long-term systemic cortisol production. Cortisol awakening response (CAR) is the increase in cortisol level after awakening. A negative CAR might suggest hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis reactivity problems. Little is known about HCC and CAR in children with PWS. Objective: To investigate long-term cortisol levels in hair and CAR in children with PWS. Design: Cross-sectional study. Patients: 41 children with PWS. Setting: Dutch PWS Reference Center. Main outcome measures: HCC and salivary cortisol measured by LCMS. Results: Median (IQR) HCC was 1.90 (1.02–3.30

    Operationalizing the ECOWAS regional one health coordination mechanism (2016–2019): Scoping review on progress, challenges and way forward

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    Based on recommendations from two consultative meetings held in Dakar, Senegal (2016) and Abuja, Nigeria (2017) the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) implemented a Regional One Health Coordination Mechanism (R-OHCM). This study analyzed the process, challenges and gaps in operationalizing the R-OHCM in West Africa. We utilized a scoping review to assess five dimensions of the operation of an R-OHCM based on political commitment, institutional structure, management and coordination capacity, joint planning and implementation, as well as technical and financial resources. Information was gathered through a desk review, interview of key informants, and the viewpoints of relevant stakeholders from ECOWAS region during a regional One Health technical meeting in Lomé, Togo in October 2019. It was found that political commitment at regional meetings and the countries adoption of regional frameworks were key strengths of the R-OHCM, although there are continued challenges with commitment, sustainability, and variability of awareness about One Health approach. ECOWAS formulated regional strategic documents and operationalized the One Health secretariat for strengthening coordination. The R-OHCM has technical working groups however, there is need for engagement of more specialized workforce and a harmonized reporting structure. Furthermore, inadequate focus on operational research, and weak national OHCM are identified as main gaps. Finally, the support of technical and financial partners will help to address the lack of funding which limits the implementation of the R-OHCM. West Africa has demonstrated profound effort in adopting the One Health approach at regional level but is presently deterred by challenges such as limited skilled One Health workforce, especially in the animal and environmental health sectors, and access to quality of One Health surveillance