24 research outputs found

    Multi-omics analyses reveal ClpP activators disrupt essential mitochondrial pathways in triple-negative breast cancer

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    ClpP activators ONC201 and related small molecules (TR compounds, Madera Therapeutics), have demonstrated significant anti-cancer potential in vitro and in vivo studies, including clinical trials for refractory solid tumors. Though progress has been made in identifying specific phenotypic outcomes following ClpP activation, the exact mechanism by which ClpP activation leads to broad anti-cancer activity has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we utilized a multi-omics approach to identify the ClpP-dependent proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic changes resulting from ONC201 or the TR compound TR-57 in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Applying mass spectrometry-based methods of proteomics and metabolomics, we identified āˆ¼8,000 proteins and 588 metabolites, respectively. From proteomics data, 113 (ONC201) and 191 (TR-57) proteins significantly increased and 572 (ONC201) and 686 (TR-57) proteins significantly decreased in this study. Gene ontological (GO) analysis revealed strong similarities between proteins up- or downregulated by ONC201 or TR-57 treatment. Notably, this included the downregulation of many mitochondrial processes and proteins, including mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial matrix proteins. We performed a large-scale transcriptomic analysis of WT SUM159 cells, identifying āˆ¼7,700 transcripts (746 and 1,100 significantly increasing, 795 and 1,013 significantly decreasing in ONC201 and TR-57 treated cells, respectively). Less than 21% of these genes were affected by these compounds in ClpP null cells. GO analysis of these data demonstrated additional similarity of response to ONC201 and TR-57, including a decrease in transcripts related to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix, cell cycle, and nucleus, and increases in other nuclear transcripts and transcripts related to metal-ion binding. Comparison of response between both compounds demonstrated a highly similar response in all -omics datasets. Analysis of metabolites also revealed significant similarities between ONC201 and TR-57 with increases in Ī±-ketoglutarate and 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and decreased ureidosuccinic acid, L-ascorbic acid, L-serine, and cytidine observed following ClpP activation in TNBC cells. Further analysis identified multiple pathways that were specifically impacted by ClpP activation, including ATF4 activation, heme biosynthesis, and the citrulline/urea cycle. In summary the results of our studies demonstrate that ONC201 and TR-57 induce highly similar and broad effects against multiple mitochondrial processes required for cell proliferation

    Mitochondrial Protease ClpP is a Target for the Anticancer Compounds ONC201 and Related Analogues

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    ONC201 is a first-in-class imipridone molecule currently in clinical trials for the treatment of multiple cancers. Despite enormous clinical potential, the mechanism of action is controversial. To investigate the mechanism of ONC201 and identify compounds with improved potency, we tested a series of novel ONC201 analogues (TR compounds) for effects on cell viability and stress responses in breast and other cancer models. The TR compounds were found to be āˆ¼50-100 times more potent at inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing the integrated stress response protein ATF4 than ONC201. Using immobilized TR compounds, we identified the human mitochondrial caseinolytic protease P (ClpP) as a specific binding protein by mass spectrometry. Affinity chromatography/drug competition assays showed that the TR compounds bound ClpP with āˆ¼10-fold higher affinity compared to ONC201. Importantly, we found that the peptidase activity of recombinant ClpP was strongly activated by ONC201 and the TR compounds in a dose- and time-dependent manner with the TR compounds displaying a āˆ¼10-100 fold increase in potency over ONC201. Finally, siRNA knockdown of ClpP in SUM159 cells reduced the response to ONC201 and the TR compounds, including induction of CHOP, loss of the mitochondrial proteins (TFAM, TUFM), and the cytostatic effects of these compounds. Thus, we report that ClpP directly binds ONC201 and the related TR compounds and is an important biological target for this class of molecules. Moreover, these studies provide, for the first time, a biochemical basis for the difference in efficacy between ONC201 and the TR compounds

    The ClpP activator ONCā€212 (TRā€31) inhibits BCL2 and Bā€cell receptor signaling in CLL

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    Abstract Despite advances in therapy, a significant proportion of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) relapse with drug resistant disease. Novel treatment approaches are required, particularly for high risk disease. The imipridones represent a new class of cancer therapy that has been investigated in preā€clinical and clinical trials against a range of different cancers. We investigated the effects of the imipridone, ONCā€212, against CLL cells cultured under conditions that mimic aspects of the tumour microenvironment and a TP53ko CLL cell line (OSUā€CLLā€TP53ko). ONCā€212 induced doseā€dependent apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and reduced the migration of CLL cells in vitro, including cells from patients with TP53 lesions and OSUā€CLLā€TP53ko cells. The effects of ONCā€212 were associated with protein changes consistent with activation of the mitochondrial protease, CIpP, and the integrated stress response. We also observed inhibition of pathways downstream of the Bā€cell receptor (BCR) (AKT and MAPKā€ERK1/2) and a proā€apoptotic shift in the balance of proteins of the BCL2 family of proteins (BCL2, MCL1, BCLxL, BAX and NOXA). In conclusion, the study suggests ONCā€212 may represent an effective treatment for high risk CLL disease by inhibiting multiple facets of the BCR signaling pathway and the proā€survival effects of the BCL2ā€family proteins

    Image2_Multi-omics analyses reveal ClpP activators disrupt essential mitochondrial pathways in triple-negative breast cancer.JPEG

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    ClpP activators ONC201 and related small molecules (TR compounds, Madera Therapeutics), have demonstrated significant anti-cancer potential in vitro and in vivo studies, including clinical trials for refractory solid tumors. Though progress has been made in identifying specific phenotypic outcomes following ClpP activation, the exact mechanism by which ClpP activation leads to broad anti-cancer activity has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we utilized a multi-omics approach to identify the ClpP-dependent proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic changes resulting from ONC201 or the TR compound TR-57 in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Applying mass spectrometry-based methods of proteomics and metabolomics, we identified āˆ¼8,000 proteins and 588 metabolites, respectively. From proteomics data, 113 (ONC201) and 191 (TR-57) proteins significantly increased and 572 (ONC201) and 686 (TR-57) proteins significantly decreased in this study. Gene ontological (GO) analysis revealed strong similarities between proteins up- or downregulated by ONC201 or TR-57 treatment. Notably, this included the downregulation of many mitochondrial processes and proteins, including mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial matrix proteins. We performed a large-scale transcriptomic analysis of WT SUM159 cells, identifying āˆ¼7,700 transcripts (746 and 1,100 significantly increasing, 795 and 1,013 significantly decreasing in ONC201 and TR-57 treated cells, respectively). Less than 21% of these genes were affected by these compounds in ClpP null cells. GO analysis of these data demonstrated additional similarity of response to ONC201 and TR-57, including a decrease in transcripts related to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix, cell cycle, and nucleus, and increases in other nuclear transcripts and transcripts related to metal-ion binding. Comparison of response between both compounds demonstrated a highly similar response in all -omics datasets. Analysis of metabolites also revealed significant similarities between ONC201 and TR-57 with increases in Ī±-ketoglutarate and 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and decreased ureidosuccinic acid, L-ascorbic acid, L-serine, and cytidine observed following ClpP activation in TNBC cells. Further analysis identified multiple pathways that were specifically impacted by ClpP activation, including ATF4 activation, heme biosynthesis, and the citrulline/urea cycle. In summary the results of our studies demonstrate that ONC201 and TR-57 induce highly similar and broad effects against multiple mitochondrial processes required for cell proliferation.</p

    DataSheet7_Multi-omics analyses reveal ClpP activators disrupt essential mitochondrial pathways in triple-negative breast cancer.xlsx

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    ClpP activators ONC201 and related small molecules (TR compounds, Madera Therapeutics), have demonstrated significant anti-cancer potential in vitro and in vivo studies, including clinical trials for refractory solid tumors. Though progress has been made in identifying specific phenotypic outcomes following ClpP activation, the exact mechanism by which ClpP activation leads to broad anti-cancer activity has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we utilized a multi-omics approach to identify the ClpP-dependent proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic changes resulting from ONC201 or the TR compound TR-57 in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Applying mass spectrometry-based methods of proteomics and metabolomics, we identified āˆ¼8,000 proteins and 588 metabolites, respectively. From proteomics data, 113 (ONC201) and 191 (TR-57) proteins significantly increased and 572 (ONC201) and 686 (TR-57) proteins significantly decreased in this study. Gene ontological (GO) analysis revealed strong similarities between proteins up- or downregulated by ONC201 or TR-57 treatment. Notably, this included the downregulation of many mitochondrial processes and proteins, including mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial matrix proteins. We performed a large-scale transcriptomic analysis of WT SUM159 cells, identifying āˆ¼7,700 transcripts (746 and 1,100 significantly increasing, 795 and 1,013 significantly decreasing in ONC201 and TR-57 treated cells, respectively). Less than 21% of these genes were affected by these compounds in ClpP null cells. GO analysis of these data demonstrated additional similarity of response to ONC201 and TR-57, including a decrease in transcripts related to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix, cell cycle, and nucleus, and increases in other nuclear transcripts and transcripts related to metal-ion binding. Comparison of response between both compounds demonstrated a highly similar response in all -omics datasets. Analysis of metabolites also revealed significant similarities between ONC201 and TR-57 with increases in Ī±-ketoglutarate and 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and decreased ureidosuccinic acid, L-ascorbic acid, L-serine, and cytidine observed following ClpP activation in TNBC cells. Further analysis identified multiple pathways that were specifically impacted by ClpP activation, including ATF4 activation, heme biosynthesis, and the citrulline/urea cycle. In summary the results of our studies demonstrate that ONC201 and TR-57 induce highly similar and broad effects against multiple mitochondrial processes required for cell proliferation.</p

    DataSheet3_Multi-omics analyses reveal ClpP activators disrupt essential mitochondrial pathways in triple-negative breast cancer.xlsx

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    ClpP activators ONC201 and related small molecules (TR compounds, Madera Therapeutics), have demonstrated significant anti-cancer potential in vitro and in vivo studies, including clinical trials for refractory solid tumors. Though progress has been made in identifying specific phenotypic outcomes following ClpP activation, the exact mechanism by which ClpP activation leads to broad anti-cancer activity has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we utilized a multi-omics approach to identify the ClpP-dependent proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic changes resulting from ONC201 or the TR compound TR-57 in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Applying mass spectrometry-based methods of proteomics and metabolomics, we identified āˆ¼8,000 proteins and 588 metabolites, respectively. From proteomics data, 113 (ONC201) and 191 (TR-57) proteins significantly increased and 572 (ONC201) and 686 (TR-57) proteins significantly decreased in this study. Gene ontological (GO) analysis revealed strong similarities between proteins up- or downregulated by ONC201 or TR-57 treatment. Notably, this included the downregulation of many mitochondrial processes and proteins, including mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial matrix proteins. We performed a large-scale transcriptomic analysis of WT SUM159 cells, identifying āˆ¼7,700 transcripts (746 and 1,100 significantly increasing, 795 and 1,013 significantly decreasing in ONC201 and TR-57 treated cells, respectively). Less than 21% of these genes were affected by these compounds in ClpP null cells. GO analysis of these data demonstrated additional similarity of response to ONC201 and TR-57, including a decrease in transcripts related to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix, cell cycle, and nucleus, and increases in other nuclear transcripts and transcripts related to metal-ion binding. Comparison of response between both compounds demonstrated a highly similar response in all -omics datasets. Analysis of metabolites also revealed significant similarities between ONC201 and TR-57 with increases in Ī±-ketoglutarate and 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and decreased ureidosuccinic acid, L-ascorbic acid, L-serine, and cytidine observed following ClpP activation in TNBC cells. Further analysis identified multiple pathways that were specifically impacted by ClpP activation, including ATF4 activation, heme biosynthesis, and the citrulline/urea cycle. In summary the results of our studies demonstrate that ONC201 and TR-57 induce highly similar and broad effects against multiple mitochondrial processes required for cell proliferation.</p

    DataSheet1_Multi-omics analyses reveal ClpP activators disrupt essential mitochondrial pathways in triple-negative breast cancer.xlsx

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    ClpP activators ONC201 and related small molecules (TR compounds, Madera Therapeutics), have demonstrated significant anti-cancer potential in vitro and in vivo studies, including clinical trials for refractory solid tumors. Though progress has been made in identifying specific phenotypic outcomes following ClpP activation, the exact mechanism by which ClpP activation leads to broad anti-cancer activity has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we utilized a multi-omics approach to identify the ClpP-dependent proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic changes resulting from ONC201 or the TR compound TR-57 in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Applying mass spectrometry-based methods of proteomics and metabolomics, we identified āˆ¼8,000 proteins and 588 metabolites, respectively. From proteomics data, 113 (ONC201) and 191 (TR-57) proteins significantly increased and 572 (ONC201) and 686 (TR-57) proteins significantly decreased in this study. Gene ontological (GO) analysis revealed strong similarities between proteins up- or downregulated by ONC201 or TR-57 treatment. Notably, this included the downregulation of many mitochondrial processes and proteins, including mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial matrix proteins. We performed a large-scale transcriptomic analysis of WT SUM159 cells, identifying āˆ¼7,700 transcripts (746 and 1,100 significantly increasing, 795 and 1,013 significantly decreasing in ONC201 and TR-57 treated cells, respectively). Less than 21% of these genes were affected by these compounds in ClpP null cells. GO analysis of these data demonstrated additional similarity of response to ONC201 and TR-57, including a decrease in transcripts related to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix, cell cycle, and nucleus, and increases in other nuclear transcripts and transcripts related to metal-ion binding. Comparison of response between both compounds demonstrated a highly similar response in all -omics datasets. Analysis of metabolites also revealed significant similarities between ONC201 and TR-57 with increases in Ī±-ketoglutarate and 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and decreased ureidosuccinic acid, L-ascorbic acid, L-serine, and cytidine observed following ClpP activation in TNBC cells. Further analysis identified multiple pathways that were specifically impacted by ClpP activation, including ATF4 activation, heme biosynthesis, and the citrulline/urea cycle. In summary the results of our studies demonstrate that ONC201 and TR-57 induce highly similar and broad effects against multiple mitochondrial processes required for cell proliferation.</p