10 research outputs found

    Visceral artery aneurysms - review

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    Introduction: Visceral artery aneurysms remain a rare condition. A rupture is the dangerous complication, which occurs in about 10-20% of the cases, they have a high mortality rate estimated up to 70%. Rupture percentage is higher in pregnancy, up to 50%, with considerable mortality rates of 75% for the pregnant and 95% for the foetus. The most common location of abdominal aneurysm is splenic artery with prevalence of 60% out of visceral aneurysms affecting this vessel. Since they are asymptomatic in 95% of cases, they are usually a random finding of examinations performed for other indications.  State of knowledge: Patients with a suspected visceral aneurysm are qualified for ultrasound as the first line examination, but currently computed tomography is the most favourable method. Catheter-based angiography is considered to be the gold standard. It allows precise identification of the location of aneurysm and its morphology. For the treatment of visceral artery aneurysms numerous ways are available, however the endovascular method is recommended as the first choice in most cases. Conclusions: Visceral artery aneurysms are a rare but potentially fatal pathology. The silent nature makes it difficult to diagnose. When recognised, aneurysms should be treated immediately, since rupture is associated with a considerable high mortality rate. Open and endovascular interventions are equally durable for elective repair of visceral artery aneurysms, but endovascular interventions are considered to be safe and effective, resulting in lower morbidity and mortality rate. There is a need for further large studies evaluating effectiveness and long-term outcome of endovascular treatment

    Prophylaxis of thromboembolic complications in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery

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      Venous thromboembolism is undoubtedly one of the frequent and dangerous complications after orthopedic surgery. If not detected  in time, it can lead to very serious consequences concerning the patient's health and life. Therefore, it is crucial to know the risk factors for thromboembolic incidents. Among these factors, we can distinguish those related to the patient, his or her health status, lifestyle and factors that depend on the type of orthopedic intervention performed. Each patient should undergo an individual assessment of risk factors before undergoing surgery. Undoubtedly, an important role is played by observing the patient to detect early and late symptoms, as well as appropriate care in the postoperative period to reduce the risk of thromboembolic incidents. It is important to catch the disease at an early stage and undertake appropriate diagnostics to exclude or confirm the disease. The risk of venous thromboembolism can be lowered by using thromboprophylaxis. Various forms of prevention are available, which include various methods and means of prevention. An appropriate approach to the problem of the occurrence of this type of complication after orthopedic surgery affects not only the results of the treatment of orthopedic conditions, but also the overall health and functioning of the patient and his prognosis

    The role of psychotherapy in chronic pain management

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    IntroductionAs chronic pain occurs in about 20% of the population, pain management is becoming a more and more crucial branch of medicine and its importance in many fields of medicine increases and is more appreciated. Pain is not only a physical experience, but also has a sensory and emotional component so the modern approach to pain treatment should not be limited to pharmacological treatment alone, but also should provide appropriate multifaceted psychological support to the patient and his relatives.State of knowledgePathophysiological mechanisms of developing pain can not be unmentioned while analyzing the pain management and effectiveness of psychotherapy , because physiological and psychological aspects of the human body's functioning are inextricably connected. Knowledge of pain assessment methods is always crucial to lead the psychotherapy in a proper and effective way. The mainstay of pain management is pharmacotherapy, using drug groups such as opioids and non-opioid analgesics , but the role of psychotherapy is also very important and there is much research, which proves it. SummaryMultidisciplinary treatment of patients with chronic pain is widely recommended, as well as paying attention not only to the somatic aspect, but also to the need for psychological management of these patients. It plays an extremely important role in palliative medicine and the treatment of cancer patients, as well as in neuropathic pain and neurological disease

    Interactions between asthma and the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanying us in our daily lives for more than 2.5 years and so far there are no indications that it will leave us soon. Updating information and knowledge about it is therefore still incredibly important. Sars-CoV-2 is a virus with a high affinity for the respiratory system, so it is worth tracing its correlations with one of the more common lung diseases, asthma. Patients with this disease are concerned about whether they are at risk of contracting COVID-19 more frequently and severely, whether they face a higher risk of death if infected and how the pandemic will affect exacerbations of their underlying disease. For physicians who encounter the virus on a daily basis, it is important to know how well to manage asthmatic patients if COVID-19 is confirmed in them. State of knowledge: In medicine, not everything is clear-cut. Much depends on our patient's age, condition and other comorbidities. And also on his/her adherence to medical advice, type and degree of asthma control. In this article, we will address all these aspects and summarise the current knowledge on the interplay between COVID-19 and asthma. Conclusions: With the review of recent reports collected here, it can be thought that asthma is not an independent factor for either a higher frequency or severity of COVID-19, but neither does it affect the higher risk of death with Sars-CoV-2 infection. In terms of treatment, it is important not to interrupt the current therapy and to maintain good asthma control. This is the most optimal treatment and reduces the risk of severe COVID-19. Drugs registered for the treatment of asthma are safe and, moreover, it has been suggested that corticosteroids protect against infection to some extent

    Diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

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    Introduction: The human digestive tract contains 38 trillion bacteria in the colon. Physiologically, there is much less of them in other parts of digestive tract. The concentration of bacterial colonies grows along the intestine. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is characterized by an increased number of bacteria in the small intestine that correlates with gastrointestinal symptoms. The main symptoms of SIBO are bdominal bloating and diarrhea. Diagnostic methods used in SIBO include measuring methane or hydrogen levels. However, the use of antibiotics is prevalent, there is still a necessity to search for the gold standard of treatment.     Objective: The purpose of this paper is to review the current knowledge on the management of patients with proliferative small intestinal bacterial flora syndrome. Particular attention was paid to the types of diagnosis and treatment of this ailment in recent years.   Material and methods: The review includes publications published in 2001- 2022. Data were collected using PubMed or az published online American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) 2020 guidelines.   Results: SIBO is an incompletely understood disease. Its symptoms are nonspecific and found in many gastrointestinal disorders, and its diagnosis is not fully specified. The gold standard for diagnosis is the collection of a small bowel aspirate during endoscopic examination. Antibacterial treatment is given empirically, mainly rifaximin, while other types of treatment are not strongly established in the publications.   Conclusions: The lack of standardized management and the lack of sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of current methods make SIBO a recurrent complaint. All above aspects confirm that SIBO requires a lot of research to provide better life quality for these patients

    Effects of regular yoga practice on neurological conditions and mental health

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    Introduction Nowadays it is pointed out how important it is to take care of both mental and physical health. It is also undeniable that one affects the other and vice versa. That is why it is so important to nurture your body. Yoga as one of the physical activities has a proven effect on psychosomatic symptoms. Yoga is increasingly recommended mainly to relieve anxiety or stress. It brings great solace and even greater attentiveness. Lifestyle activities are increasingly considered an important component of treatment.   State of knowledge Medical conditions such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, headaches, PTSD, depression are mainly treated with drugs. Yoga, as a non-pharmacological treatment, alleviates psychological conditions, as it reduces stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and enhances attentiveness to one's self, self-control and a different perspective on traumatic situations.   Conclusions A review of the following works has shown the effects of yoga on mental health and common neurological conditions. With regular practice, it is possible to develop cognitive function, reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches. In Parkinson's disease, mindfulness exercises lead to an increase in muscle strength, a decrease in muscle tremors, and therefore improved rehabilitation. Most of the examples below mention a decrease in anxiety, stress, depressive symptoms and an increase in mindfulness, greater emotional and physical flexibility. The works cited point out that more in-depth research is needed to delve deeper into the effects of yoga on health

    Cystic fibrosis, with a focus on new therapies for causal treatment - CFTR protein modulators

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    INTRODUCTION: Cystic fibrosis is a severe, multi-system involvement genetic disease. It is estimated that 1 in 2,500 people are affected, most commonly Europeans.  It used to lead to death in childhood, but patients now live to adulthood. STATE OF KNOWLEDGE: Thanks to screening tests carried out in many countries, the disease can be detected quickly at birth and treatment can be implemented as soon as possible. Following the discovery of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR), in which the mutation responsible for cystic fibrosis occurs, a great deal of research has been done to discover the best pathway for causal treatment. A new group of drugs called modulators, which improve the function of the CFTR protein, was developed. These preparations have been approved for clinical use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Approximately 85-90% of patients are eligible for treatment, based on the mutations they have. Importantly, from the beginning of 2022, the aforementioned causative therapies will appear on the Polish list of reimbursed drugs. SUMMARY: Thanks to genetics and biology, it was possible to discover modulators of the CFTR protein. With a quick diagnosis and the fastest possible initiation of targeted treatment, patients have a chance for a longer and better life. Today, the median age to which people with CF live is 46.2 years. It is said that these innovative therapies can not only alleviate the course of this incurable disease, but also prevent the occurrence of severe complications. Unfortunately, we do not know the far-reaching effects of the preparations, so at the moment we can only hope for as many studies as possible showing the effects of their use

    The use of dietary supplements in preconception phase of women in Lublin province in the era before the COVID pandemic

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    Introduction and purpose Nutrition in the preconception phase as well as during pregnancy represents one of the most important factors that affect the development and well-being of the fetus and newborn. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary supplements during preconception among Polish women from the Lublin Province.   Material and methods The survey was conducted in a population of 260 women, who were randomly included in the study. The women were asked to anonymously complete a questionnaire regarding the possible intake of supplementation. The questions included in the questionnaire concerned the frequency and type of dietary supplements taken.   Results A slight majority of women (53%) did not take dietary supplements during the contraceptive period. The most commonly used was folic acid (45%), the least frequently - vitamin A (2%). The frequency of using dietary supplements by women in the pre-conception period does not correlate with the level of their place of residence, financial situation or age, however, it is related to the level of education - people with higher education used supplementation more often before pregnancy. Women's awareness of supplementation during pregnancy increases significantly. Women take many more supplements during pregnancy than they took before pregnancy. The average supplementation before pregnancy was 0.48, and during pregnancy it increases significantly and amounts to 0.83.   Conclusions Women's awareness of supplementation during pregnancy increases significantly. Women take many more supplements during pregnancy than they took before pregnancy.The awareness of women should be increased and supplementation of recommended nutrients should be improved in order to prevent the effects of supplements deficiency

    Hallux valgus treatment and new methods

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    Introduction: Hallux valgus is a common disease more common in women In this article, we reviewed the epidemiology, symptoms, and various surgical techniques for the treatment of hallux valgusMaterial and methods: The work was based on medical articles collected in PubMed, websites and medical books. The research was conducted by looking at keywords such as: "hallux treatment", "hallux disease"Results: There are many methods of treating hallux valgus, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical treatment.Conclusions: The interdisciplinary approach to the patient and innovative surgical techniques can provide us with many new solutions in the treatment of the disease.Doctors have to adjust treatment to provide the best therapeutic effects

    Diagnosis of malignant bone tumors in children

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    Bone cancers occur mainly in adolescents and young adults, and benign lesions are more frequent than malignant ones. The most common malignant tumors include osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma and chondrosarcoma. The course of the disease may not be obvious and symptoms may be ambiguous, so it is important to catch them early and take appropriate action.  Laboratory tests such as CRP, ESR, LDH, ALP may prove useful in the diagnosis of bone neoplasms in children. All children with suspected malignant bone cancer should undergo an x-ray examination. MRI, CT scans are performed to expand the diagnosis and determine the extent of the disease. The basis of diagnosis is histopathological examination. The result of this study is very important in the selection of therapeutic procedures, it influences decisions regarding the scope and degree of radicality of the operation. It is crucial that the entire diagnostic process is carried out in highly specialized centers that have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant bone tumors in children. It is most beneficial to conduct diagnosis and treatment at the same center, and preferably by the same team of specialists. This team should include doctors from orthopedics, radiology, oncology, radiation therapy and pathomorphology. Conducting diagnosis and treatment in highly specialized centers has a positive effect on the prognosis and quality of life of patients. The purpose of this article is to highlight the early and uncharacteristic symptoms of bone cancer in children and to present the complexity of the diagnostic process, as well as the importance of carrying it out in highly specialized centers with extensive experience in treating pediatric bone malignancies