40 research outputs found

    School Life and Career Formation in Junior and Senior High School

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    In order to get some hint on the consequences of comprehensivization of senior high schools on (1) the relation between parents\u27 social class and the academic achievements of students (2) the formation of self-identity and social-vocational development, this study tried to compare the process in junior high scools and the process in senior high schools whereby (1) the academic achievements is determined by various factors (parents\u27 social class, like and dislike of mathematics or English, academic motivation, etc) (2) the sense of fate control (control over one\u27s own destiny) is strengthened and the crystallization of career choice and vocational preference occurs. Analysis shows (1) that there exists correlation between parents\u27 social class and students\u27 academic achievements in junior high schools, but that this correlation disappears in senior high. The cause of this phenomenon is suspected to lie in (1) the property of subjects (especially mathematics and English) (2) ability and social class composition (heterogeneous in junior-high v.s. homogeneous in senior-high). (2) that vocational senior-highs strengthen self-identity of students a little more than general or academic senior-highs. This stands against the stereo-typed image of academic-general-vocational schools. (3) that engineering senior high school exerts an extraordinary strong influence on the crystallization of students\u27 vocational preference. This suggests that it might be difficult to adapt engineering courses to comprehensive senior-high system


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    日本教育社会学会第42回大会, 1990年10月(香川大学), Ⅲ-5部会 高等教育(2

    A Study of Student Subculture and School Organization in Japanese High Schools (1)

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    We studied "Appropriate Size of Upper Secondary Schools" in 1976, which was reported in this bulletin in 1978. Then we found the status and the organization of the school had the determinative effects on its student sub-culture. We reviewed other articles on student sub-culture, so we reconstruct the frame of research. It includes two factors, e. g. school organization and teachers\u27 perspectives as intervening \u27 variables. The number of the survey objects include ll high schools, 6 staffs a school, 1,375 students and 604 teachers


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    The edition known as Yüan-k'an-pen ku-chin tsa-chu san-shih-chung 元刊雜劇三十種, published in facsimile edition by Kyoto University in 1914, and more recently in photo offset by the Publication Committee for Rare Dramatic Texts in Peking, is well known as the oldest extant text of Yuan dramas. The format of the edition is very crude, and in most cases only the texts of the songs alone are included, with very little dialogue. As the late Professor Kano 狩野直喜, when he was editor of the Kyoto University edition, demonstrated, the texts must originally have been in the nature of pamphlets distributed to the audiences of the time. A comparison of the edition with the Yüan-ch'ü-hsüan 元曲選, the most popular edition of Yüan drama, reveals many differences. Recently Professor Sun K'ai-ti 孫楷第 suggested that the original text of this edition was formerly owned by a famous Ming literateur named Li K'ai-hsien 李開先. Prof. Sun based this supposition on the evidence of book catalogues. The present author has endeavored to confirm this supposition by careful text criticism. The notes of the early Ch'ing scholar Ho Huang 何煌, which appear in the Mo-wang-kuan ch'ao-chiao-pen ku-chin tsa-chü 脈望館鈔校本古今雜劇, reveal that he compared later manuscripts with an early edition of four plays which he says was originally in the library of Li K'aihsien. The variant readings which he records prove that this early edition was none other than that reproduced by Kyoto University and the Peking committee for rare dramatic texts. After Ho Huang availed himself of this edition, it passed through the hands of a number of collectors such as Ku Jo-lin 顧若霖 and Huang P'ilieh 黃丕烈, until it was finally bought by Lo Chen-yü, 羅振玉 from whom Kyoto University borrowed it to make the reprint in 1914. Now it is preserved in the National Library of Peking

    宋代演劇窺管 : 陸游劉克莊詩を資料として

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    Our understanding of the early development of the drama in China is hampered by the fact that, although we know that tsachü 雜劇 were performed during the Sung, and yüan-pen 院本 during the Chin, no texts from these two types of drama survive. Our only source of knowledge about them are lists of the various acts of which the tsa-chü of the Southern Sung were composed, and lists of the yüan-pen of the Chin. Our information on how the dramas were actually performed is likewise scanty. Recently, however, carved tiles which depict the tsa-chü of the Northern Sung, paintings of the tsa-chü of the Southern Sung, and models of the Chin period stage, have all come to light. As a result, we are able to determine something about what the performances were like, though there are many points that remain unclear. The present study has utilized a type of material not heretofore used in research on the early drama, namely, the references to dramatic performances in the poetic works of the Sung period, particularly the poems describing performances by the Southern Sung poets Lu Yu 陸游 and Liu K'ochuang 劉克莊. Other material taken not from actual poems but from anecdotes about poetry or essays has also been used. It has long been thought that the drama of the Chin period was considerably more advanced than that of the Southern Sung. The present writer, however, as a result of his researches, has determined that, although the drama of the Northern Sung was still a rather crude affair focusing upon laugh-provoking stunts and jokes, the drama of the Southern Sung had fixed casts of actors and dealt with the life history of an individual or the account of some fairly complex happening. Thus not only the Chin, but the Southern Sung as well, must be recognized as one of the periods which contributed to the eventual emergence of the Yüan and Ming drama

    [書評] 八木澤元「明代劇作家硏究」

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