11 research outputs found


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    Clinical observation of conservative treatment of the left hemi-liver haemangioma by propranolol in the full-term newborn with initial symptoms of cardiac failure is presented. Extensive hepatic haemangioma was diagnosed prenatally on the 23–24th week of a gestation. After the birth the clinical diagnosis was confirmed by means of ultrasound investigation (the size — 50×30 mm) and by the data of computer tomography. The starter dose of propranolol made 0.5 mg/kg per day with further increase to 1,5 mg/kg per day; the preparation was prescripted at the age of 2 days of life. Episodes of decrease in cardiac rate to 95 b/min are noted among side effects. The child was dismissed for out-patient observation at the age of 12 days of life in a stable state. The positive dynamics is registered during ultrasound investigation in 6 months after initiation of treatment: lesion was significantly decreased in the size, and there was a considerable decrease in a blood flow. Treatment by propranolol in a dose of 1,5 mg/kg per day was continued. Modern data on possible mechanisms of propranolol effect at haemangiomas in children, regimen, side effects and complications are provided in discussion. It is noted that this drug can be considered as the agent of choice in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas in children of difficult localization since the neonatality period.Представлено клиническое наблюдение консервативного лечения пропранололом гемангиомы левой доли печени у доношенного новорожденного с начальными признаками сердечной недостаточности. Обширная гемангиома печени диагностирована внутриутробно на 23–24-й нед гестации. После рождения клинический диагноз был подтвержден при помощи ультразвукового исследования (размеры 50×30 мм) и данными компьютерной томографии. Стартовая доза пропранолола составила 0,5 мг/кг в сут с дальнейшим увеличением до 1,5 мг/кг в сут; препарат был назначен в возрасте 2 сут жизни. Из побочных эффектов отмечены эпизоды снижения частоты сердечных сокращений до 95 уд./мин. В возрасте 12 сут жизни в стабильном состоянии ребенок был выписан на амбулаторное наблюдение. Через 6 мес от начала лечения при ультразвуковом исследовании зарегистрирована положительная динамика: образование существенно уменьшилось в размерах, и произошло значительное снижение кровотока. Лечение пропранололом в дозе 1,5 мг/кг в сут было продолжено. В обсуждении приведены современные данные о возможных механизмах действия пропранолола при гемангиомах у детей, схемы его назначения, побочные эффекты и осложнения. Отмечено, что данное средство может рассматриваться как препарат выбора при лечении инфантильных гемангиом у детей сложной локализации, начиная с периода новорожденности

    On the possibility of christian philosophy

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    The article analyzes the correlation between theology and philosophy and discusses the fundamental possibility of creating Christian philosophy. Historical and experimental theoretical grounds for the possibility of developing Christian philosophy within the framework of Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy are consistently analyzed. On the basis of the historical and philosophical analogy, the authors trace the origin of those positions and approaches that have received their detailed substantiation and justification for the relationship with philosophy within these confessions. The problems on the way to the creation of Christian philosophy are revealed. The role of Christian philosophy in Catholicism is examined on the basis of the Thomist concept of the coexistence of theology and philosophy. The approach to the building of Christian philosophy from the standpoint of Protestantism is represented both by its radical branch and by its alternative “cultural Protestantism”. As the specific characteristics of the Eastern Christian knowledge of God the unity of the contemplative and activity-based path, spiritual cognition and theology are singled out. The importance for Orthodox thought of the apophatic way of cognition, the apophatics of the individual instead of the apothatics of the essence is emphasized (G. Palamas, V. Lossky, D. Stăniloae). In the final statements, the authors come to the conclusion of the possibility of Christian philosophy in the Orthodox version, which is the possibility coordinated with Christian dogmatics, an experience of its living, and therefore reasonable comprehension. © SACRI

    Responses in Arctic marine carbon cycle processes: conceptual scenarios and implications for ecosystem function

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