5 research outputs found

    Uticaj sirovine na kvalitet rakija od šljive

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    The quality of plum brandy, its chemical composition and sensory characteristics are affected by a variety of plum and applied technological process. To determine the impact on quality of plum brandy which is made by plum varietes, we researched plum cultivars Stanley, Čačanska lepotica, Čačanska rodna and Požegača. Chemical analysis and sensory evaluation of obtained brandies was carried out after their processing. It was found that the characteristics of plum brandy depend primary on variety of plums. Best results were achived with brandies made of Pozegaca, Cacanska rodna and Cacanska lepotica while a sample obtained from Stanley was rated slightly lower.Na kvalitet šljivovice, njen hemijski sastav i senzorne karakteristike, utiču sorta šljive i tehnološki postupak proizvodnje. Da bismo utvrdili uticaj sorte šljive na kvalitet šljivovice, ispitivane su sorte šljive Stenli, Čačanska lepotica, Čačanska rodna i Požegača. Nakon prerade izvršena je hemijska analiza i senzorna ocena dobijenih rakija. Utvrđeno je da karakteristike šljivovica zavise prvenstveno od sorte šljive. Najbolje rezultate pokazale su rakije od sorti Požegača, Čačanska rodna i Čačanska lepotica, dok se uzorak rakije od sorte Stenli pokazao nešto slabijim

    Impact of Genes and Proportional Contribution of Parental Genotypes to Inheritance of Root Yield and Sugar Content in Diploid Hybrids of Sugar Beet

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    This paper analyzes the impact of genes and proportional contribution of parental genotypes on the inheritance of root yield and sugar content in diploid hybrids of sugar beet. The survey included two diploid male-sterile monogerm lines and three single (SC) male-sterile hybrids as maternal components, while three multigerm diploids were used as pollinators. The partitioning of genotypic variance into additive and dominant components was performed by half sibling (HS) and full sibling (FS) covariance. The proportional contribution of individual components of crossbreeding (lines, testers, and interactions) was exhibited in the expression of certain characteristics of F1 generation. Genotypic variance components showed a significant effect of nonadditive gene action (dominance) in the inheritance of root yield and sugar content, while the additive effect of genes was less significant. Maternal components had a greater proportional contribution to root yield, while lines, pollinators, and their interactions had an equal contribution to sugar content

    Comparative analysis of unilateral removable partial denture and classical removable partial denture by using finite element method

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    Introduction. Various mobile devices are used in the therapy of unilateral free-end saddle. Unilateral dentures with precise connectivity elements are not used frequently. In this paper the problem of applying and functionality of unilateral freeend saddle denture without major connector was taken into consideration. Objective. The aim was to analyze and compare a unilateral RPD (removable partial denture) and a classical RPD by calculating and analyzing stresses under different loads. Methods. 3D models of unilateral removable partial denture and classical removable partial denture with casted clasps were made by using computer program CATIA V5 (abutment teeth, canine and first premolar, with crowns and abutment tissues were also made). The models were built in full-scale. Stress analyses for both models were performed by applying a force of 300 N on the second premolar, a force of 500 N on the first molar and a force of 700 N on the second molar. Results. The Fault Model Extractor (FME) analysis and calculation showed the complete behavior of unilateral removable partial denture and abutments (canine and first premolar), as well as the behavior of RPD under identical loading conditions. Applied forces with extreme values caused high stress levels on both models and their abutments within physiological limits. Conclusion. Having analyzed stresses under same conditions, we concluded that the unilateral RPD and classical RPD have similar physiological values.Uvod. U lečenju jednostrane krezubosti koriste se različiti oblici mobilnih nadoknada. Jednostrane kompleksne proteze sa preciznim veznim elementima nisu često u upotrebi. Radi rasvetljenja problema jednostrano slobodnog sedla i primene proteze koja ne poseduje veliku spojnicu, u ovom radu je prikazano istraživanje funkcionalnosti ove manje poznate nadoknade. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju i uporede dobijeni naponi jednostrane kompleksne i konvencionalne parcijalne skeletirane proteze pod opterećenjem. Metode rada. U kompjuterskom programu CATIA V5 napravljeni su trodimenzionalni modeli jednostrane kompleksne proteze s odgovarajućim potpornim strukturama (retencioni zubi - očnjak i prvi premolar s namenskim krunicama, alveole i parodontalni prostor) i klasične skeletirane proteze s livenim kukicama. Radi validnosti dobijenih rezultata, modeliranje je obavljeno u prirodnoj veličini. Primenom metode konačnih elemenata izvršena je komparativna analiza vrednosti dobijenih napona pri opterećenju silama od 300 N u predelu drugog premolara, 500 N u predelu prvog molara i 700 N u predelu drugog molara. Rezultati. Proračun je dao sliku ponašanja celog modela jednostrane kompleksne parcijalne proteze s retencionim zubima i sliku celog modela klasične skeletirane parcijalne proteze koje su predstavljene u obliku napona pri različitim uslovima opterećenja. Uneta opterećenja izazvala su visok nivo napona na modelu i zubima nosačima, ali u granicama fiziološke podnošljivosti. Zaključak. Naponi na potpornim strukturama jednostrane kompleksne proteze koji su nastali usled dejstva primenjenih sila bili su u podnošljivim fiziološkim granicama. U uslovima istog opterećenja primenom metode konačnih elemenata dobijaju se veoma slične vrednosti napona jednostrane kompleksne proteze i konvencionalne skeletirane proteze

    Difference in apolipoprotein E genotype distribution between dentate and edentulous elderly patients with Alzheimer disease

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    Association between dementia and tooth loss has been shown although the nature of that association is not clear. It has also been shown that risk of dementia was increased in apolipoprotein E4 allele carriers. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of APOE alleles and their association with the dental status in elderly demented patients. Dental status of 67 patients with dementia was recorded. DNA was isolated from buccal swabs and genotyping was done by PCR-RFLP. The majority of participants had E3/E4 genotype (55.2%) and these heterozygotes were significantly more frequent than any other genotype (p lt 0.001). There was no significant association between dental status and genotype. However, partial edentulousness with very few teeth in both jaws (1-9 teeth) was significantly more frequent among demented patients with E3/E4 genotype (p=0.021). Patients with Alzheimer disease most frequently had E3/E4 genotype and had very few or no teeth

    Retention force of overdenture retained with telescopic crowns: A comparison of polyether ether ketone and zirconia ceramic telescopic crowns

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    Introduction/Objective. Recently, new materials for double crowns have been introduced, such as zirconia and polyether ether ketone (PEEK). However, some characteristics of these materials, such as retentive force and duration of “settling in phase,” have not been investigated sufficiently. During the “settling in phase,” telescopic overdenture has not yet achieved its definitive retention force, and it can be harmful for periodontal tissue if the value is above optimal for a long period of time. The objective was to measure the in vitro overall pull-off force of telescopic crowns where primary crowns were made from zirconia ceramics and a survey of the “settling in phase” duration. Methods. Forty zirconia primary telescopic crowns were produced on prepared canine teeth. Twenty secondary crowns were of PEEK and other 20 of zirconia with electroplated gold copings. The pull-off force measurements were conducted utilizing a dynamometer until a constant value was obtained. Results. The specimens of the PEEK group showed higher initial retentive force values. Settling in phase was finished between 800 and 900 cycles of separation for both groups. Comparing the value of the pull-off force between individual different cycles, a statistically significant reduction was recorded up to the 800th cycle, while between the 800th and the 900th cycle there was no difference. Conclusions. The settling in phase was finished between 800 and 900 cycles of separation in both groups. Final retentive force values for both tested telescopic groups were in the optimal range which is 5–9 N per one telescopic crown.Uvod/Cilj Poslednjih godina uvedeni su u praksu novi materijali za dvostruke krune, kao što su cirkonija i polietereterketon (PEEK). Međutim, neke karakteristike ovih materijala nisu dovoljno ispitane, kao što su retenciona sila i trajanje "faze uhodavanja". "Faza uhodavanja" je inicijalni period upotrebe teleskopske proteze kada finalna retenciona sila još uvek nije postignuta, i može imati štetni uticaj na parodontalno tkivo ako su u tom periodu sile previsoke i predugo traju. Cilj je bio da se izmeri in vitro ukupna sila razdvajanja teleskopskih kruna, gde su primarne krune izrađene od cirkonijumske keramike, i ispitati trajanje faze uhodavanja. Metode Četrdeset primarnih teleskopskih kruna od cirkonijumske keramike je izrađeno na preparisanim očnjacima. Dvadeset sekundarnih kruna je izrađeno od PEEK-a, i još 20 kruna od cirkonije sa galvanizovanim zlatom. Za merenje sile razdvajanja korišćen je dinamometar. Spajanje i razdvajanje teleskopskih kruna i merenje sile razdvajanja je vršeno dok nije dobijena konstantna vrednost. Rezultati Uzorci iz grupe PEEK pokazali su višu inicijalnu vrednost retencione sile. Faza uhodavanja je završena između 800 i 900 ciklusa razdvajanja kod obe grupe. Kada se uporede individualne vrednosti sile razdvajanja između različitih ciklusa, statistički značajno smanjenje je zabeleženo do 800. ciklusa, dok između 800. i 900. ciklusa nije bilo razlike. Zaključak Faza uhodavanja je završena između 800 i 900 ciklusa razdvajanja u obe grupe. Finalna retenciona sila kod obe testirane grupe pokazala je optimalne vrednosti, koje iznose 5-9 N po teleskopskoj kruni