26 research outputs found
Cilj je ovog Älanka prikazati Äinjenice vezane uz kirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje stopala kod pacijenata s reumatoidnim artritisom. Reumatski upalni proces pogaÄa vezivno tkivo, zglobove, ligamente, tetive, hrskavicu i kosti uzrokujuÄi deformaciju, bol i gubitak funkcije. Osobito je razoran na stopalima. Deformacije zbog reumatoidnog artritisa veÄe su nego u
drugim reumatskim bolestima. Äesta deformacija prednjeg dijela reumatoidnog stopala jest haluks valgus. Na metatarzofalangealnim
zglobovima ostalih prstiju, osobito drugom, Äeste su subluksacija i potpuna dislokacija, a na prstima se razvijaju fleksija proksimalnog interfalangealnog zgloba te fleksija ili ekstenzija distalnog interfalangealnog zgloba. Stražnji dio stopala postupno, poslije i u manjoj mjeri biva zahvaÄen boleÅ”Äu. UÄinjen je velik napredak u lijeÄenju reumatskih bolesti lijekovima i kirurÅ”ki. Primjenjuje se nekoliko rekonstruktivnih metoda. Za deformacije prvog traka stopala: artrodeza prvoga metatarzofalangealnog zgloba, Kellerova resekcija ili resekcija Mayova tipa, implantacijska artroplastika, sinoviektomija, osteotomija prve metatarzalne kosti. Za ostale metatarzofalangealne zglobove: tenotomije i produživanje tetiva ekstenzora, otvoreno opuÅ”tanje metatarzofalangealnih zglobova, sinoviektomija, resekcija baze proksimalne falange, metatarzalna kondilektomija, resekcija metatarzalne glavice, osteotomija metatarzalne kosti. Za prste: proksimalna interfalangealna resekcija, proksimalna interfalangealna artrodeza, distalna interfalangealna resekcija, stabilizacija prstiju sindaktilijom. Resekcijske artroplastike, skraÄujuÄi koÅ”tane strukture, poboljÅ”avaju pokretljivost, ali je njihov rezultat nepredvidiv. Za stražnji dio stopala: artrodeza talonavikularnog, suptalarnog, kalkaneokuboidnog zgloba i zgloba gležnja ili aloartroplastika gležnja. Na vrijeme indicirano, dobro planirano i provedeno kirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje obiÄno daje dobre rezultate. Ono nalaže intenzivnu suradnju pacijenta, reumatologa i ortopeda.The aim of this article is to present certain facts associated with rheumatoid foot surgery. Arthritic disease processes attack the joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bones, causing deformity, pain, and loss of function. Their effect on the feet can be devastating. Deformities secondary to rheumatoid arthritis are more severe than those in
other forms of arthritic diseases. A common deformity of the forefoot is hallux valgus. The lesser metatarsophalangeal joints, especially the second one, commonly show lateral subluxation and total dislocation, and the toes develop flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint and flexion or extension of the distal interphalangeal joint. The hindfoot is less affected by the disease process, most oft en only in the late stage of the disease. Great progress has been made in the medical and surgical treatment of arthritic diseases. Several reconstructive procedures can be performed. For first ray deformities: first metatarsophalangeal joint fusion, Mayo or Keller resection, implant arthroplasty, synovectomy, proximal osteotomy of the first metatarsal, and metatarsocuneiform fusion. For lesser metatarsophalangeal joints: extensor tenotomies, open metatarsophalangeal joint release, synovectomy, base resection, metatarsal condylectomy, metatarsal head resection, base and metatarsal head resection, and lesser metatarsal osteotomy. For the toes: proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, proximal interphalangeal joint fusion, distal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, proximal phalangeal base resection, and digital stabilization by syndactylization. Resection arthroplasty improves motion by shortening skeletal structures and providing new gliding surfaces, but the results are unpredictable. For the rheumatoid
hindfoot, arthrodesis of the talonavicular, subtalar, calcaneocuboid, and tibiotalar joints or ankle arthroplasty can be performed. The results of a well-planned and performed surgical treatment, indicated in time, are usually good. Co-operation between the patient, rheumatologist, and surgeon is required
Disekantni osteohondritis na koljenu adolescenta iz starohrvatskoga groblja Gluvine kuÄe (deveto stoljeÄe n.e.)
Although osteochondritis dissecans of the knee has been known for a long time, we still do not fully understand why it develops. This prompted us to present and describe an example of osteochondritis dissecans identified in the Osteological Collection of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The case of osteochondritis dissecans described in this report was recovered from the Gluvine kuÄe cemetery in the Dalmatian hinterland, approximately 28 km north-east of Split. A total of 77 graves were excavated and the individual exhibiting osteochondritis dissecans was recovered from grave number 16 that belongs to the younger phase of the cemetery that lasted during the second half of the 9th century A.D. Osteochondritis dissecans was noted in a subadult individual. The pathological changes consistent with osteochondritis dissecans are present on both medial femoral condyles. The lesion on the right femoral condyle is an oval crater-like defect with well defined margins and a porous floor of rough trabecular bone. The lesion on the left femoral condyle is basically, with two small provisions, identical to the one on the right side. The first is that it is slightly smaller, while the second is that unlike its antimere, it has a well preserved bone fragment that fits perfectly into the ostechondritic pit. Radiographic analyses of the femoral condyles support a diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans and show a well-demarcated radiolucent defect in the articular surfaces of both joints surrounded by a thin sclerotic repair zone. According to the classification systems this degree of change corresponds to stage 3 or grade 3 osteochondritis dissecans ā a detached but non-displaced fragment. Returning, for a second, to the opinion that prompted us to present this case, it is clear that during the last 1100 years there have been no significant morphological or radiological changes in the characteristics of osteochondritis dissecans.Disekantni osteohondritis, osobito onaj u podruÄju femoralnih kondila, poznat je stoljeÄima, ali se joÅ” uvijek raspravlja o uzrocima njegova nastanka. To nas je potaknulo da prikažemo sluÄaj osteohondritisa u podruÄju kondila femura iz OsteoloÅ”ke zbirke Zavoda za arheologiju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Kostur na kojem je naÄen disekantni osteohondritis otkopan je na arheoloÅ”kom nalaziÅ”tu Gluvine kuÄe u Dalmatinskom zaleÄu oko 28 kilometara sjeveroistoÄno od Splita. Na nalaziÅ”tu je ukupno otkopano 77 grobova, a kostur s patoloÅ”kim nalazom naÄen je u grobu broj 16 koji se vremenski datira u drugu polovinu 9. stoljeÄa poslije Krista. Disekantni osteohondritis je naÄen na kosturu osobe koja je u trenutku smrti imala 13,5 do 15 godina. Kostur je dobro oÄuvan, sa svijetlo smeÄim kostima Äiji je korteks imao relativno malo post-mortalnih oÅ”teÄenja. PatoloÅ”ke promjene u smislu nalaza disekantnog osteohondritisa prisutne su na medijalnim kondilima obaju koljena. Lezija na desnom medijalnom kondilu femura imala je jasno omeÄene rubove, a dno mu je Äinila gruba trabekularna kost. Gotovo jednaka lezija naÄena je i na lijevom medijalnom kondilu, samo Å”to je ova bila neÅ”to manjeg promjera i, Å”to je naroÄito zanimljivo, posjedovala je slobodni fragment kosti koji je toÄno odgovarao defektu na kondilu femura. Radiografska analiza medijalnih kondila obaju femura pokazala je karakteristiÄnu radiolucentnu demarkacijsku liniju na zglobnoj ploÅ”tini obaju kondila okruženu sklerotiÄnom zonom kosti, Å”to je tipiÄan radioloÅ”ki nalaz kao i kod danaÅ”njih nativnih rendgenograma. U skladu s postojeÄim klasifikacijama u stupnjeve patoloÅ”kih promjena pri postojanju disekantnog osteohondritisa u prikazanom sluÄaju radilo se o 3. stupnju, tj. stupnju s demarkiranim fragmentom. Na temelju naÅ”eg prikazanog sluÄaja može se zakljuÄiti da u proteklih 1100 godina nije doÅ”lo do morfoloÅ”kih i radioloÅ”kih promjena u slici disekantnog osteohondritisa u podruÄju koljena
Sindrom prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice može se javiti kao akutni oblik s brzim razvojem ishemiÄnih promjena, osobito u prednjem tibijalnom miÅ”iÄu, zbog Äega se i naziva "sindrom m. tibialis anteriora" ili "tibialis anterior syndrome", ili u kroniÄnom obliku koji nastaje postepeno i koji se ubraja u sindrome prenaprezanja i jedan je od uzroka nastanka tegoba poznatih pod imenom ātrkaÄka potkoljenicaā. Iznosimo prikaz sluÄaja akutnog oblika sindroma prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice u sportaÅ”a rekreativca, a osim toga po zanimanju poÅ”tara koji je prije nastanka sindroma uÄestalo nosio terete po stepenicama. Bolesnik u dobi od 40 godina javio se u ortopedsku ambulantu zbog otoka i nesnosnih bolova u podruÄju prednjeg dijela lijeve potkoljenice. Odmah je postavljena kliniÄka dijagnoza poÄetnog akutnog sindroma prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice s joÅ” uvijek oÄuvanom arterijskom cirkulacijom i bez neuroloÅ”kih ispada..Rutinski laboratorijski nalazi su bili u granicama normale osim nalaza kreatin-kinaze koja je iznosila 1124 U/L (referentne vrijednosti do 177).
Indicirana je hitna fasciotomija,tj. dekompresija prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice, koja je izvedena otvorenim pristupom. Intraoperativno bile su vidljive poÄetne ishemiÄne promjene miÅ”iÄa,ali bez znakova nekroze miÅ”iÄnog tkiva. Nakon provedene fasciotomije stavljeni su rijetki adaptacijski Å”avovi kože. Postoperacijski tijek je protekao uredno,a kontrolirani laboratorijski nalazi kreatin -kinaze drugi postoperacijski dan iznosili su 422 U/L dok su peti dan veÄ bili na normali,tj. inosili su 112 U/L. Nakon uredno zaraslog postoperacijskog ožiljkas i provedene ambulantne fizikalne terapije bolesnik se vratio sportskim aktivnostima i redovnom poslu 5 tjedana nakon poÄetka lijeÄenja. Za akutni sindrom prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice bitno je posumnjati na postojanje sindroma i postaviti ranu dijagnozu, a nakon
potvrÄene dijagnoze hitno izvesti fasciotomiju kao metodu izbora u lijeÄenju. Nalaz poviÅ”enih vrijednosti kreatin ākinaze doprinosi potvrÄivanju sumnje na akutni oblik sindroma, a dinamika vrijednosti kreatin-kinaze može pomoÄi u praÄenju i procjeni tijeka poslije operacijeAnterior compartment syndrome of the leg may appear in an acute form characterized by a rapid development of ischemic changes, especially in the anterior tibial muscle, which is why it is called āsyndrome m. tibialis anterioraā or ātibialis anterior syndrome,ā or in a chronic form which develops gradually and is considered an overuse injury and can lead to the condition known as shin splints or ārunner\u27s leg.ā We present a case involving an acute form of anterior compartment syndrome in a recreational sportsman, a postman who often had to climb stairs carrying heavy packages prior to the onset of the syndrome. The patient, 40 years of age, checked into the orthopedics clinic complaining of swelling and unbearable pain in the anterior part of the left lower leg, He was immediately diagnosed with an early stage of acute anterior compartment syndrome with arterial circulation still intact and no neurological incidents. Routine laboratory tests showed normal results except the creatine kinase value, which was 1124 U/L (the upper limit of the reference range is 177). He was processed for an urgent fasciotomy, a decompression of the anterior compartment, which was performed as an open procedure. During the surgery we found ischemic muscle changes, but no signs of muscle tissue necrosis. After the fasciotomy the skin was sutured using adaptive stitches. Postoperatively the patient was well, and control laboratory tests revealed creatine kinase values of 422 U/L on the second day following the surgery and 112 U/L, or normal, on the fifth day after the surgery. After the scar healed nicely and the patient completed physical therapy, he went back to work and resumed his athletic activities five weeks after starting the treatment. With regard to anterior compartment syndrome, the condition should be suspected and diagnosed as early as possible. After confirmation of the diagnosis, an urgent fasciotomy should be performed as a first-line treatment option. The presence of elevated creatine kinase levels may be used, at least in part, to confirm a suspected acute form of the syndrome, while changes in creatine kinase levels may be used to help monitor and evaluate a patientās postoperative progress
Sindrom kompresije nervus tibialisa ili njegovih
ogranaka n.plantaris medialis et lateralis u podruÄju
tarzalnog kanala (tunela) poznat je od 1962. godine kao
sindrom tarzalnog kanala (tunela). Tarzalni kanal je
koŔtano-vezivni kanal (tunel) smjeŔten ispod medijalnog
gležnja (maleola) stopala, a koji kanal se naziva i āhilus
stopalaā, jer kroz taj tunel na taban dolaze sve anatomske
strukture od tetiva do živaca i krvnih žila. Kanal se dijeli
na dva dijela, tj. na lacuna tendinum za prolaz tetiva
m.tibialis posterior, m.flexor hallucis longus i m. flexor
digitorum longus i na lacuna vasonervorum za prolaz
neurovaskularnog snopa. Lacuna vasonervorum dijeli se
opet u dva kanala i to medijalni (gornji) za prolaz n.
plantaris medialis i istoimene arterije i vena te lateralni
(donji) za prolaz n.plantaris lateralis te arterije i vena.
Medijalni (gornji) kanal je u neposrednom odnosu s
lacuna tendinum Å”to je i jedan od uzroka ÄeÅ”Äe kompresije
n.plantaris medialis. Uzroci nastanka sindroma tarzalnog
kanala su zauzimanje prostora u kanalu (ganglion,
anomalni miÅ”iÄ i sl.) ili zbog izvanjskog pritiska na
strukture u kanalu. Postoje i idiopatski oblici sindroma
tarzalnog kanala kada se ne može otkriti izravni uzrok
nastanka karakteristiÄnih simptoma u smislu žarenja,
peÄenja, bockanja i smanjene osjetljivosti osobito u prva
tri prsta tabana. Uz kliniÄku dijagnostiku nove
moguÄnosti MRI i ultrazvuÄne dijagnostike smanjuju
broj tzv. idiopatskih oblika sindroma tarzalnog kanala, a
korisne su i za evaluiranje eventualnog neuspjeŔnog
kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja .
Sindrom tarzalnog kanala u ŔportaŔa opisuje se
relativno rijetko, a ÄeÅ”Äe se javlja u sportovima gdje su
prisutni sprintanje, skokovi ili neki specifiÄni pokreti
(judo), a pojava simptoma povezana je i s biomehaniÄkim
promjenama u podruÄju gležnja i stopala. Idiopatske
oblike sindroma tarzalnog kanala koji se ÄeÅ”Äe nalaze u
Å”portaÅ”a može se objasniti uÄestalim ponavljajuÄim
istezanjima (trakcijom) živaca ili tendinitisima u podruÄju
lacuna tendinum, a Ŕto se sve može svrstati u sindrome
prenaprezanja. Iako se neÅ”to rjeÄe opisuje nego u opÄoj
populaciji potrebno je misliti na moguÄnost pojave
sindroma tarzalnog kanala u Å”portaÅ”a, a ne postojeÄe
tegobe pripisivati spuŔtenom stopalu ili proŔirenim
venama.Tibial nerve compression syndrome or its affiliate\u27s
branches n. plantaris medialis and lateralis in the fragment
of tarsal canal (tunnel) are known since 1962. as tarsal
tunnel syndrome. Tarsal channel is bone-connective
tissue tunnel located under medial part of the ankle, and
that channel is called the "hilum foot", because through
that tunnel all the anatomical structures from tendon to the
nerves and blood vessels are coming to the sole. The
tunnel is divided into two parts ā on lacuna tendinum for
passage of m. tibialis posterior tendon, m. flexor hallucis
longus and m. flexor digitorum longus and on lacuna
vasonervorum for passage of the neurovascular bundle.
Lacuna vasonervorum is divided again into two parts ā
into medial (upper tunnel) for the passage of n. plantaris
medialis and homonymous artery and veins and to lateral
(lower tunnel) for passage of n. plantaris lateralis, artery
and veins. Medial (upper) tunnel is in direct relation with
lacuna tendinum, which is one of the most common causes
of compression of n. plantaris medialis. Causes of tarsal
tunnel syndrome onset are found in possible space
engagement in the tunnel (by ganglion, anomalous muscle
or similar) or due to external pressure on the structures in
the tunnel. There are also idiopathic forms of the tarsal
tunnel syndrome, when you cannot detect a direct cause of
the characteristic symptoms in terms of firing, burning,
picking and reduced sensitivity especially in the first three
fingers of the feet. Besides the clinical diagnosis, new
opportunities of MRI and ultrasound diagnosis
procedures reduce the number of so-called idiopathic
forms of tarsal tunnel syndrome, and are useful for the
evaluation and for eventual failure of surgical treatment.
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is relatively rare described in
athletes and does occur more often in sports where
sprinting, jumping, or some specific movements (like in
judo) are present. The occurrence of symptoms is also
associated with biomechanical changes in the ankle and
foot. Idiopathic forms of tarsal tunnel syndrome, which
are more often found in athletes, may be explained by
frequent repetitive stretching (traction) of the nerve or by
tendinitis in the lacuna tendinum and can be classified as
overuse injuries. Although less frequently described than
in the general population, it is necessary to think of the
possibility of tarsal tunnel syndrome in athletes, and not
attribute present symptoms to the foot deformities or
varicose veins
Simultaneous surgical correction of hallux valgus and lesser toes deformity
Svrha rada je prikazati rezultate istovremenog kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja haluksa valgusa i deformacije ostalih prstiju stopala. U Službi za ortopediju OpÄe bolnice Karlovac u razdoblju od 2000. do 2009. godine trodimenzionalnom (3-D) osteotomijom za haluks valgus (metoda po LucijaniÄu), kombiniranoj s operacijom ostalih prstiju stopala, operirana su 74 pacijenta (87 stopala). Ispravljanje deformacija prstiju ukljuÄivalo je proksimalnu interfalangealnu resekcijsku artroplastiku, produživanje tetive dugog ekstenzora,
resekciju baze drugog i treÄeg prsta sa subtotalnom sindaktilizacijom. Weilova osteotomija je primijenjena u bolesnika s predugim drugim metatarzalnim kostima.
KliniÄka i radioloÅ”ka evaluacija operiranih bolesnika provedena je nakon prosjeÄno 60,5 mjeseci (raspon 12-127 mjeseci). ProsjeÄna dob pacijenata u vrijeme operacije bila je 56,5 godina (27-70 godina), a 97,3% su bile žene. ProsjeÄni postoperacijski haluks valgus kut je znaÄajno smanjen s 33,5Ā° +- 8 na 11,4Ā° +- 6,8,
dok je intermetatarzalni kut znaÄajno smanjen sa 14,3Ā° +- 3,6 na 6,1Ā° +- 3,2. ProsjeÄno smanjenje prve metatarzalne kosti od 7,1 milimetara kompenzirano je plantarnim pomakom glave prve metatarzalne kosti u zoni osteotomije. KliniÄki parametri su znaÄajno poboljÅ”ani prema AOFAS ljestvici s prosjeÄno 37,1 +- 11,2
prijeoperativno na 87,8 +- 9,5 poslijeoperativno (p < 0,001). Rezultat je ocijenjen kao odliÄan i dobar u 85% sluÄajeva, uz 10 zadovoljavajuÄih i 3 loÅ”a ishoda. Komplikacije su ukljuÄivale recidiv deformacije u Å”est sluÄajeva. Jedan sluÄaj luksacije drugog metatarzofalangealnog zgloba je izazvao pogorÅ”anje veÄ prije
prisutne metatarzalgije. Bio je jedan sluÄaj povrÅ”ne infekcije i jedan venske tromboze, dva tjedna nakon operacije.
Rezultat ove studije potvrdio je LucijaniÄevu metodu kao vrlo uspjeÅ”nu u kirurÅ”kom lijeÄenju umjerene do teÅ”ke deformacije haluksa valgusa, a u kombinaciji s razliÄitim postupcima kirurÅ”koga lijeÄenja deformacija ostalih prstiju, osigurava se potpuno ispravljanje glavnine poremeÄaja prednjega dijela stopala.The purpose of this study was to present results of simultaneous correction of hallux valgus and lesser toes deformity. In the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Karlovac General Hospital, between 2000 and 2009, 74 patients (87 feet) underwent new three-dimensional (3-D) osteotomy for hallux valgus (LucijaniÄ\u27s method) combined with lesser toes surgery or lesser metatarsal osteotomy. Correction deformities included proximal interphalangeal resection arthroplasty, extensor tendon lengthening, resection of both bases of the second and third toes with a subtotal webbing of toes two and three (syndactylisation).The Weil osteotomy on the lesser metatarsal was performed in 11 cases with excess of the lesser metatarsal length. Clinical and radiological evaluation was performed with an average follow up of 60.5 months (range: 12-127 months).
The average patient age at the time of surgical treatment was 56.5 years (27-70), 97.3% were women. The average hallux valgus angle significantly decreased from 33.5 +- 8 to 11.4 +- 6.8 while the intermetatarsal angle significantly decreased from 14.3 +- 3.6 to 6.1 +- 3.2. The first metatarsal distal articular surface angle
was reduced in average from 16.8 +- 6.7 to -1.4 +- 7.4. The first metatarsophalangeal joint congruence of
average 1.3 +- 0.9 grade was corrected to 0.2 +- 0.5. The sesamoid position was corrected from an average preoperative grade of 2.5 +- 0.7 to a grade of 0.4 +- 1.2 at final follow-up. The first metatarsal declination angle was increased from 22.6 +- 3.7 to 28.5 -+ 4.6. The first metatarsal pronation angle was corrected from 7.2 +- 6.9 to 0.2 -+- 5.6. The relative length of the first and the second metatarsals was reduced from 2.4 +- 3.7 to -4.7 +- 3.7 millimetres. The first metatarsal shortened an average of 7.1 millimetres compensated with
plantar displacement of the metatarsal head at the osteotomy site.
The preoperative AOFAS\u27 hallux-metatarsophalangeal-interfhalangeal score averaged 37.1 +- 11.2 which increased significantly to 87.8 +- 9.4 postoperatively (p < 0.001). The overall outcome was rated as
excellent and good in 85% of cases (10 fair, 3 poor). Complication included recurrence of deformity in six cases. Prolonged swelling was found in three cases. There were one case of superficial infection and one case of vein thrombosis two weeks after surgery. The results of this study confirmed the author\u27s procedure as very useful surgical technique for correction of a moderate to sever hallux valgus deformity. Its combination with various procedures for lesser toes ensures complete correction of main forefoot disorders
Prikazujemo operacijsku tehniku i rezultate lijeÄenja za novu, trodimenzionalnu metodu korekcije haluksa valgusa razvijenu u OB Karlovac koju je uveo dr. Ivica LucijaniÄ. Bolesnici obuhvaÄeni istraživanjem lijeÄeni su od 2001. do 2008. godine. KliniÄki i radioloÅ”ki evaluirani su prije i prosjeÄno 4,5 godina poslije lijeÄenja. Po bodovnoj ljestvici American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society stanje je poboljÅ”ano s 48,56 na 92,34 boda. Vrijeme oporavka do povratka na posao bilo je prosjeÄno 7,7 tjedana. Rezultat je bio odliÄan i dobar u 93%, zadovoljavajuÄi u 5% i loÅ” u 2% stopala. Kut haluksa valgusa smanjen je nakon operacije s prosjeÄno 29,7Ā° na 9,3Ā°. Prvi intermetatarzalni kut smanjen je prosjeÄno s 12,5Ā° na 5,2Ā°. Kut nagiba prve metatarzalne kosti u sagitalnoj ravnini poveÄan je prosjeÄno za 5,3Ā°. Kongruencija prvog metatarzofalangealnog zgloba i položaj medijalne sezamoidne kosti su ispravljeni. Nova metoda omoguÄuje korekciju haluksa valgusa u sve tri ravnine u prostoru te rjeÅ”ava problem metatarzalgije.We present the operative technique and treatment results for a new three-dimensional method for hallux valgus correction. LucijaniÄ procedure was developed at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, General Hospital Karlovac, where patients enrolled in this study were treated from 2001 to 2008. Clinical and radiological evaluation was performed in 100 cases with a mean follow-up of 4.5 years. Mean American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score improved from 48.56 preoperatively to 92.34 points postoperatively. Average recovery time and return to work was 7.7 weeks. Result was excellent or good in 93%, fair in 5% and poor in 2% of feet. On the average hallux valgus angle decreased from 29.7Ā° to 9.3Ā° and on the average intermetatarsal angle decreased from 12.5Ā° to 5.2Ā°. First metatarsal inclination angle on average increased 5.3Ā°. First metatarsophalangeal joint congruence and tibial sesamoid position were corrected. The new method allows for correction of hallux valgus deformity in all three planes and for metatarsalgia attenuatio
Hallux limitus/ rigidus odreÄuje ograniÄenje
dorzalne fleksije metatarzofalangealnog zgloba palca
usljed stvaranja osteofita uokolo dorzalnog ruba glave
prve metatarzalne kosti. Navode se mnogi uzroci nastanka
ukljuÄujuÄi i traumu. LijeÄenje je konzervativno ili
kirurÅ”ko, a primjenjuje se viÅ”e vrsta kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja.
Autori prikazuju sportaŔicu s hallux limitusom (drugi
stupanj bolesti) operiranu u njezinoj 19. godini života s
postoperativnim praÄenjem od 10 godina. Bolesnica je
operirana metodom po LucijaniÄu izvorno opisanom za
kirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje hallux valgusa.Uosnovi primjenjenog
kirurŔkog postupka je 3D distalna osteotomija prve
metatarzalne kosti, njeno skraÄivanje i plantarizacija
glave te osteosinteza kompresivnim vijkom. Opisana je
kliniÄka i radioloÅ”ka slika te nalaz podobarografije prije i
nakon operacije. Dorzalna fleksija u prvom metatarzofalangealnom
zglobu je prije operacije iznosila 20Ā°.
Deset godina nakon operacije pacijentica se bavi
rekreacijskim trÄanjem i uglavnom je bez bola i s
dobrim opsegom kretnji u prvom metatarzofalangealnom
zglobu, tj. dorzalna fleksija u zglobu iznosi 55
stupnjeva.Hallux limitus/rigidus is defined as the limitation of
dorsiflection in the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the
big toe due to the formation of osteophytes around the
dorsal aspect of the articular margin of the head of the first
metatarsal. Many ethiologies have been proposed
including trauma. More types of the conservative and
surgical treatment are practised. The autors report a case
of the 19 years female sportist with hallux limitus
(grade -2 disease) proceeded to open surgery with
postoperative follow-up of ten years. The surgical
procedure had been described before by LucijaniÄ
originaly for treatment of hallux valgus. In the base of
applied procedure is 3D distal osteotomy of the first
metatarsal, shortening and plantar displacement of the
metatarsal head and osteosynthesis using a compression
screw. The clinical, radiological and pedobarography
feature before and after surgery is described.The
preoperative first metatarsophalangeal joint dorsiflexion
was 20Ā°. Ten years after surgery the patient is mainly
pain-free and with good range of motion of the first
metatarsophalangeal joint and dorsiflexion is 55 degrees.
She is capable for recreational long running
Impact of pharmacotherapeutic education on medication adherence and adverse outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a prospective, randomized study
Aim To evaluate the impact of pharmacotherapeutic education
on 30-day post-discharge medication adherence
and adverse outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM).
Methods The prospective, randomized, single-center
study was conducted at the Medical Department of University
Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, between April and June
2018. One hundred and thirty adult patients with T2DM
who were discharged to the community were randomly
assigned to either the intervention or the control group.
Both groups during the hospital stay received the usual
diabetes education. The intervention group received additional
individual pre-discharge pharmacotherapeutic
education about the discharge prescriptions. Medication
adherence and occurrence of adverse outcomes (adverse
drug reactions, readmission, emergency department visits,
and death) were assessed at the follow-up visit, 30 days after
discharge.Results The number of adherent patients was significantly
higher in the intervention group (57/64 [89.9%] vs 41/61
[67.2%]; Ļ2 test, P = 0.003]. There was no significant difference
between the groups in the number of patients who
experienced adverse outcomes (31/64 [48.4%] vs 36/61
[59.0%]; Ļ2 test, P = 0.236). However, higher frequencies of
all adverse outcomes were consistently observed in the
control group.
Conclusion Pharmacotherapeutic education of patients
with T2DM can significantly improve 30-day post-discharge
medication adherence, without a significant reduction
in adverse clinical outcomes
Red cell distribution width is a potent prognostic parameter for in-hospital and post-discharge mortality in hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 patients: a registry-based cohort study on 3941 patients
Aim To investigate clinical and prognostic associations of
red cell distribution width (RDW) in hospitalized coronavi
rus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients.
Methods We retrospectively analyzed the records of 3941
consecutive COVID-19 patients admitted to a tertiary-level
institution from March 2020 to March 2021 who had avail
able RDW on admission.
Results The median age was 74 years. The median Charl
son comorbidity index (CCI) was 4. The majority of pa
tients (84.1%) on admission presented with severe or criti
cal COVID-19. Patients with higher RDW were significantly
more likely to be older and female, to present earlier dur
ing infection, and to have higher comorbidity burden, worse
functional status, and critical presentation of COVID-19 on
admission. RDW was not significantly associated with C-re
active protein, occurrence of pneumonia, or need for oxy
gen supplementation on admission. During hospital stay,
patients with higher RDW were significantly more likely to
require high-flow oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation,
intensive care unit, and to experience prolonged immobi
lization, venous thromboembolism, bleeding, and bacte
rial sepsis. Thirty-day and post-hospital discharge mortality
gradually increased with each rising RDW percent-point. In
a series of multivariate Cox-regression models, RDW demon
strated robust prognostic properties at >14% cut-off level.
This cut-off was associated with inferior 30-day and postdischarge survival independently of COVID-19 severity, age,
and CCI; and with 30-day survival independently of COVID
severity and established prognostic scores (CURB-65, 4Cmortality, COVID-gram and VACO-index).
Conclusion RDW has a complex relationship with COVID19-associated inflammatory state and is affected by prior
comorbidities. RDW can improve the prognostication in
hospitalized COVID-19 patients
The associations of age, sex, and comorbidities with survival of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019: data from 4014 patients from a tertiary-center registry
Aim To investigate how age, sex, and comorbidities affect the survival of hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) patients.
Methods We retrospectively analyzed the records of 4014
consecutive adults hospitalized for COVID-19 in a tertiarylevel institution from March 2020 to March 2021.
Results The median age was 74 years. A total of 2256
(56.2%) patients were men. The median Charlson-comor
bidity-index (CCI) was 4 points; 3359 (82.7%) patients had
severe or critical COVID-19. A significant interaction be
tween age, sex, and survival (
<0.05) persisted after ad
justment for CCI. In patients <57 years, male sex was re
lated to a favorable (odds ration [OR] 0.50, 95% confidence
interval [CI] 0.29-0.86), whereas in patients ā„57 years it was
related to an unfavorable prognosis (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.04-
1.37). Comorbidities associated with inferior survival inde
pendently of age, sex, and severe/critical COVID-19 on ad
mission were chronic heart failure, atrial fibrillation, acute
myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular insult, history
of venous thromboembolism, chronic kidney disease, ma
jor bleeding, liver cirrhosis, mental retardation, dementia,
active malignant disease, metastatic malignant disease,
autoimmune/rheumatic disease, bilateral pneumonia, and
other infections on admission.
Conclusion Among younger patients, female sex might
lead to an adverse prognosis due to undisclosed reasons
(differences in fat tissue distribution, hormonal status, and
other mechanisms). Patient subgroups with specific co
morbidities require additional considerations during hos
pital stay for COVID-19. Future studies focusing on sex differences and potential interactions are warranted