58 research outputs found


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    Å ećerna repa je vrlo značajna kultura u SAD. Zbog osjetljivosti europskih sorata, koje su u početku uzgajane, američki oplemenjivači su počeli s oplemenjivanjem na otpornost prema kovrčanju lista (Curly Top Virus) i cerkospori (Cercospora beticola Sacc.). Otkrićem citoplazmatske muÅ”ke sterilnosti (CMS) i O-tipa, omogućeno je koriÅ”tenje heterozisa za prinos korijena, a otkrićem monogermnosti omogućena je sjetva na konačni razmak u redu. Posao oko Å”ećerne repe objedinjava Beet Sugar Development Foundation (BSDF), zbog Å”to veće i kvalitetnije proizvodnje korijena za Å”ećerane. BSDF sudjeluje u istraživanjima, ali i podučavanju proizvođača korijena. Glavno proizvodno područje korijena Å”ećerne repe je u području Minnesote i North Dakote, gdje je 1994. godine proizvedeno 11 miliona t korijena, Å”to je 36% od ukupne proizvodnje u SAD. Proizvodnja korijena je organizirana kroz zadruge, a proizvođači samostalno odlučuju, s liste priznatih sorata, koju će sortu sijati. Proizvedeni korijen se plaća na osnovu kvalitete.Sugarbeet is a very important crop in the U. S. A. Because of the susceptible European sugarbeet varieties, which are grown in the beginning, U. S. sugarbeet breeders are started with development of sugarbeet with resistance to Curly Top (Curly Top Virus) and Cercospora Leaf Spot (Cercospora beticola Sacc.). The discovery of cytoplasmically inherited male sterility (CMS) and O-type is made possible to use heterosis for root yield, and the discovery of monogerm seed made possible to plant on final distance in row. The sugarbeet business is connected by non-profit Beet Sugar Development Foundation (BSDF), because of increasing quantity and quality of sugarbeet root production for sugarbeet factories. The BSDF is involved in a research, and also in education of the sugarbeet root producers. Main area for sugarbeet root production is in Minnesota and North Dakota, where is produced in 1994 year 11 million t of sugarbeet root, what is 36% of total U. S. A. production. The production of sugarbeet root is organized through cooperatives, and producers independently make decision which approved variety will plant. The produced sugarbeet root is paid on the quality basis


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    Å ećernu repu uzgajamo zbog korijena koji se koristi za dobivanje Å”ećera. Prinos tehnoloÅ”kog Å”ećera je rezultat prinosa korijena, sadržaja Å”ećera i njegovog iskoriÅ”tenja. Na iskoriÅ”tenje Å”ećera značajan utjecaj ima sadržaj natrija kalija i "Å”tetnog" duÅ”ika. Individualnom analizom se određuje sadržaj Å”ećera, natrija, kalija i "Å”tetnog" duÅ”ika pojedinačnih korjenova. IskoriÅ”tenje Å”ećera za repu je jako praktično svojstvo u izboru korjenova, jer objedinjava sadržaj Å”ećera,natrija,kalija i "Å”tetnog" duÅ”ika. Povećanjem mase korijena do 800 g, povećava se sadržaj Å”ećera, a zatim se smanjuje. Slična je situacija s iskoriÅ”tenjem Å”ećera. Sadržaj kalija, natrija i "Å”tetnog" duÅ”ika se povećava s povećanjem mase korijena. Na prinos tehnoloÅ”kog Å”ećera najveći utjecaj ima masa korijena, te se zato povećanjem mase korijena povećava i prinos tehnoloÅ”kog Å”ećera. ZavrÅ”na ocjena je izbor na osnovu oblika korijena. Korijen treba biti pravilnog, konusnog oblika, male glave i plitkih uzdužnih brazdica. Na osnovu rezultata, korjenovi se dijele u 3 grupe: matice, super-elita i elita, a najloÅ”iji korjenovi se odbacuju.Sugar beets are grown because of root that is used for sugar production. The yield of technological sugar is a result of root yield, sugar content and utilization of sugar. On the utilization of sugar, a significant effects have a conent of sodium, potassium and "harmful" nitrogen. By the individual analyses, we determine a content of sugar, sodium, potassium and "harmful" nitrogen of the individual sugar beet rots. The utilization of sugar per beet is very practical property in the selection of roots, because it combines conent of sugar, sodium, potassium and "harmful" nitrogen. With the increasing of root mass up to 800 g, the content of sugar increases, and later decreases. Similar situation is with the utilization of sugar. The content of potassium, sodium and "harmful" nitrogen increases with the increasing of root mass. On the yield of technological sugar, the most influence has root mass. With the increasing of root mass, the yield of technological sugar is increasing also. The final selection is on the basis of the root shape. The regular and conical shape of root with the low head and the shallow longitudinal furrows is required. On the basis of results, the roots are divided in the three groups: the mother roots, the super-elite roots, the elite roots, and the worst roots are discarded

    Quantitative analysis of oil yield and its components in sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)

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    Increasing of oil yield is one of the most important goals in sunflower, (Helianthus annuus L.) breeding programs. The objectives of this research were to assess the interrelationships between oil yield and its components on 14 sunflower hybrids developed within a breeding program of the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia. Field trials were set up according to completely randomized block design, (CRBD) on three locations during two growing seasons, (2002 and 2003). Plant height, 1,000 grain weight, test weight, grain yield, oil content and oil yield were analyzed. Phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were highest for grain yield, followed by oil yield and 1,000 grain weight. High values of heritability were estimated for oil content and plant height, medium for 1,000 grain weight and test weight, and low values for grain and oil yield. Highly significant positive correlation was estimated between grain yield and oil yield, but the association between grain yield and oil content was negative and low. A positive correlation coefficient was estimated between 1000 grain weight and grain yield, and a negative one between 1000 grain weight and oil content. Grain yield and oil content expressed the strongest direct effect on oil yield


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    Field trials were set during a two year period under field conditions in Osijek. The aim was to confirm an influence of irrigation rate, nitrogen (N) fertilization and soybean varieties on seed yield and some yield components. The irrigation treatments were: control (A1); soil moisture content from 60% to 100% retention water capacity (RWC, A2) and soil moisture content from 80% to 100% RWC (A3). Rate of N was sub sub-factor: 0 (B1); 100 (B2) and 200 kg N ha-1 (B3), were applied. Una (C1) and Anica (C2) soybean varieties were a sub-sub factor (C). Mean soybean seed yields were 3082 kg ha-1 and 3538 kg ha-1 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Irrigation resulted high statistically influence in soybean seed yield in both investigated years. Variety Una yielded (3179 kg ha-1) statistically very higher than Anica in 2006. Irrigation had significant effect in pod number plant-1 only in year 2007. Interactions AB and AC were significant in pod number plant-1, in one year, while BC interaction was in both years. Thousand seed weight (g) resulted in significant effect in irrigation treatment in both years, N fertilization effect in year 2007, while variety Una had highly significant higher value than variety Anica, in both years. Irrigation, N fertilization and variety had statistical very significant influence on seed weight plant-1 in one year, only. Seed weight plant-1 interaction effects AB, BC and ABC were very significant in one year, while BC interaction was in both years. Irrigation and variety had significant influence on seed number plant-1 in both years, while interactions AB, AC, BC and ABC showed significant effect in both years or very significant once.Na području Osijeka tijekom dvije godine postavljeni su poljski pokusi. Cilj je rada bio utvrditi utjecaj navodnjavanja, gnojidbe duÅ”ikom (N) i kultivara soje na urod i neke komponente uroda. Varijante navodnjavanja bile su kontrola (A1); održavanje sadržaja vode u tlu od 60% do 100% retencijskoga kapaciteta za vodu (RKV, A2) i održavanje sadržaja vode u tlu od 80% do 100% RKV (A3). Količina N bio je podfaktor: 0 kg N ha-1 (B1); 100 (B2) i 200 kg N ha-1 (B3). Sorte Una (C1) i Anica (C2) bile su pod-podfaktor (C). Prosječan urod zrna soje bio je 3082 i 3538 kg ha-1 2006., odnosno 2007. godine. Navodnjavanje je rezultiralo statistički vrlo značajnom razlikom u urodu zrna soje u obje godine. Sorta Una imala je (3179 kg ha-1) statistički značajno veći urod od Anice u 2006. godini. Navodnjavanje je rezultiralo statistički značajnom razlikom u broju mahuna po biljci samo u 2007. godini. Interakcija AB i AC na broj mahuna po biljci bila je statistički značajna u jednoj godini, a interakcija BC u obje godine. Masa tisuću zrna (g) rezultirala je značajnim učinkom navodnjavanja u obje godine, učinak gnojidbe N u 2007. godini, dok je sorta Una bila vrlo značajno veća od Anice u obje godine. Navodnjavanje, gnojidba N i sorta soje rezultiralo je sa statistički značajnom masom zrna po biljci samo u jednoj godini. Interakcije AB, BC i ABC bile su vrlo značajne u masi zrna po biljci u jednoj godini, dok je interakcija BC bila značajna u obje godine. Navodnjavanje i sorta soje rezultirali su vrlo značajnim utjecajem na broj zrna po biljci u obje godine istraživanja, dok su interakcije AB, AC, BC i ABC bile značajne u obje godine ili vrlo značajne u jednoj godini

    Influence of Fungicides Application and Seed Processing on Sunflower Seed Quality

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    The aim of the research was to determine influence of methods of seed processing and application of fungicides on mass of 1000 seeds, intergrowth energy and seed germination of sunflower hybrids ā€˜Favoritā€™ and ā€˜Apolonā€™ in 2005 and 2006. Selected untreated seeds of both sunflower hybrids (control) had a minimal mass of 1000 seeds (55-59 g), intergrowth energy (18-37 %) and seed germination (39-52 %). In both years of research maximal seed quality, mass of 1000 seeds (67-69 g), intergrowth energy (84-85 %) and seed germination (87-89 %) were after application of the method of seed processing T-4 and aft er the fungicides application TF-4. The results showed that unfavorable weather conditions over the production year result with low quality seeds. However, by applying the target methods of seed processing and optimal combination of fungicide doses we can produce the sunflower seeds with regular legislation quality for the market


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    Oplemenjivački rad na suncokretu u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek započeo je prije 30-ak godina. Tada je počeo proces stvaranja inbred linija pretežito iz visokouljnih ruskih sorti suncokreta koje su se tada uzgajale u Hrvatskoj. Prije 25 godina u oplemenjivačkom radu počeli smo koristiti izvore citoplazmatske muÅ”ke sterilnosti (cms) ,te izvore restorer gena (rf) za obnavljanje fertilnosti u Fā‚ hibridnoj generaciji. Tijekom proteklog razdoblja stvoreno je mnogo samooplodnih linija dobrih općih i specifičnih kombinatornih sposobnosti (OKS i SKS). Oplemenjivanje suncokreta, kao i ostalih ratarskih kultura, najučinkovitiji je i za okoliÅ” najprihvatljiviji način za povećanje količine i kakvoće hrane. Glavni cilj naÅ”eg rada je stvaranje novih, superiornih, hibrida visokog uroda zrna (iznad 5 t/ha), sadržaja ulja (iznad 50%), te visokog i stabilnog uroda ulja (iznad 2 t/ha). Za ostvarenje ovih ciljeva potrebno je stvoriti hibride niske do srednje visoke stabljike, povećati otpornost na polijeganje i suÅ”u, te povećati žetveni indeks. Posebna pozornost posvećuje se stvaranju linija s naglaÅ”enom tolerantnoŔću prema dominantnim patogenima: Plasmopara halstedii, Alternaria helianthi, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phoma macdonaldi, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum i Phomopsis helianthi. Osim toga, potrebno je stvoriti hibride kraće vegetacije (110-120 dana), s dužim trajanjem lisne povrÅ”ine (Leaf area duration - LAD). Rezultat dosadaÅ”njeg rada je 12 priznatih hibrida suncokreta, koji su uvelike doprinjeli povećanju proizvodnje suncokreta u Republici Hrvatskoj.Također su dva hibrida suncokreta Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek priznata u Republici Slovačkoj. Kvalitetno sjemenarstvo suncokreta najznačajniji je proces u održavanju genetske čistoće linija i hibrida. U Hrvatskoj se sve čeŔće susrećemo s problemom pronalaženja odgovarajućih povrÅ”ina i potrebne prostorne izolacije. Budući da nova generacija naÅ”ih hibrida suncokreta ima visok sadržaj ulja, posebna pozornost mora se posvetiti pravovremenoj žetvi i brzoj dopremi sjemena u doradbene kapacitete.Sunflower breeding in the Agricultural Institute Osijek started 30 years ago. At that time began a process of creation inbred lines from high oil Russian sunflower varieties that were grown then in Croatia. In breeding work, we began with usage sources of cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) and restorer genes (rf) for fertility restoring in Fā‚ hybrid generation 25 years ago. During last period, a plenty of inbred lines with good general and specific combining abilities (GCA and SCA) have created. Sunflower breeding as well as breeding of other field crops is the most efficient and environmentally the most accepted way for increasing food quantity and quality. Main goal of our work is creation of new superior hybrids with high grain yield (over 5 t/ha), oil content (over 50%), and high and stable oil yield (over 2 t/ha). For realization of these goals, it is needed to create hybrids with short to middle high stalk, increase resistance to logging and drought, and increase harvesting index. Special attention is devoted to creation inbred lines with emphasized tolerance to dominant pathogens: Plasmopara halstedii, Alternaria helianthi, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phoma macdonaldi, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Phomopsis helianthi. Furthermore, it is necessary to create hybrids of shorter vegetation (120- 125 days), with longer duration of leaf area (Leaf area duration - LAD). Result of hereunto work is 12 approved sunflower hybrids that have given a large contribution to increasing sunflower production in Republic of Croatia. Also, in Republic of Slovakia have approved two sunflower hybrids of the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Sunflower qualitative seed production is the most important process in maintenance of genetic purity of lines and hybrids. In Croatia, we often meet a problem of finding appropriate areas and required space isolation. Due to high oil content of our new sunflower hybrids generation, a special attention have to be given to on time harvesting and fast delivery of seed to processing facilities


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    Intenzivan rad na oplemenjivanju kulture Å”ećerne repe domaćih i stranih selekcionera rezultirao je stvaranjem većeg boja novih kultivra. Kako je kod Å”ećerne repe poznato postojanje vrlo jake interakcije između sorte i čimbenika vanjske sredine u 1994. i 1995. godini kroz pokuse na dva lokaliteta izučavan je, kod 13 hibrida, značaj ovih faktora u ostvarivanju visokih proizvodnih rezultata. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su značajan utjecaj na prinos i kvalitetu korijena Å”ećerne repe imali ispitivani faktori godina i lokalitet. Utjecaj sorte u jednim uvjetima bio je velik i statistički opravdan, a u drugim mali i nedovoljan da bi govorili o značajnim razlikama. Najmanji utjecaj sorte ispoljen je na visinu prinosa korijena pa su u prosjeku za godine i lokalitet sve sorte bile u istom rangu tj. razlike između sorata u postignutom prinosu nisu bile statistički opravdane. Kod drugih ispitivanih svojstvima razlike između sorata bile su veće i najčeŔće statistički opravdane. U prosjeku godine i lokalitet najveći sadržaj Å”ećera utvrđen je kod hibrida Os Sana. Najmanje učeŔće melasotvornih tvari, a time i najniža količina Å”ećera koja pri preradi odlazi u melasu, dobivena je kod hibrida KW Antonija, KW Lena i Sirius. Rezultati ostvarenog prinosa tehnoloÅ”kog Å”ećera pokazuju razlike između sorata za vrijednosti koje su statistički opravdane. U prvom (a) rangu sa najvećim prinosom ostvarenog Å”ećera po jedinici povrÅ”ine nalaze se tri hibrida Kawe Maja, KW Antonija i Os Sana. U drugom (ab) rangu nalazi se većina (9) ispitivanih hibrida, a u trećem (b) jedan i to Maraton.Intensive work on sugar beet crop breeding of domestic and foreign selectors resulted in new cultivars creation. Since a very intensive interaction between variety and outside factors is well known at sugar beet, the significance of these factors in reference to high productive results achievement was being researched with 13 hybrids through trials on two localities in 1994 and 1995. The obtained results show that significant influence on yield and sugar beet root quality had investigated factors of years and locality. Variety influence in some conditions was high and statistically justified whereas in others it was low and insufficient to be important for significant differences. The lowest influence of a veriety is visible on root yield height, so, all varieties were in the same rank considering year and locality average i. e. differences among varieties in achieved yield haven\u27t been statistically justified. As for the other investigated properties differences among varieties were higher and very often statistically justified. On the average of year and locality the most sugar content was determined at Os Sana hybrids. The lowest participation of molasses making substances and the lowest sugar content, which during processing becomes melasses, was obtained with KW Antonia, KW Lena and Sirius hybrids. The results of the achieved technological sugar yield show differences among varieties by values which are statistically justified. In the first rank (a) there are three hybrids of KW Maja, KW Antonia and Os Sana with the highest yield of obtained sugar per area unit. In the second (ab) rank there are most (9) of investigated hybrids and in the third (b) there is one - Maraton

    Korovi u proizvodnji suncokreta u Hrvatskoj i njihovo suzbijanje

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    Sunflower is the most important oil crop in the Republic of Croatia. In the last two decades, it has been grown on average on 33,506 ha with a average grain yield of 2.66 t/ha. Weeds represent one of the most important causes of biotic stress, and their action is reflected in the competition for nutrients, water, light and space. The weed flora in sunflower crops in Croatia is extremely diverse, and we will most often meet: Polygonum persicaria L., Polygonum lapathifolium L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium polyspermum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Solanum nigrum L. emend Miller, Abutilon theophrasti Medik, Datura stramonium L., Xanthium strumarium L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Pb., Setaria glauca (L.) Pb., Setaria viridis (L.) Pb., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Panicum spp. and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. For many years, weed control was based on the intensive use of chemical preparations, which were most often used after sowing and before emergence, in double or triple combinations. In addition to a number of advantages of using chemicals in sunflower production, the problem of broadleaf weeds was not satisfactorily solved until the advent of Clearfield, Clearfield plus and Express sun technology, i.e. hybrids tolerant to herbicides from the group of imidazolinone (imazamox) and sulfonyl-urea (tribenuron-methyl) at the beginning of this century. Integrated plant protection, including integrated weed management, with its holistic approach and greater application of direct and indirect non-chemical measures, is only environmental quality solution for controlling weeds in sunflowers.Suncokret je u Republici Hrvatskoj najvažnija uljarica. U posljednja dva desetljeća prosječno se uzgajao na 33.506 ha s prinosom zrna od 2,66 t/ha. Korovi predstavljaju jedan od najvažnijih uzročnika biotičkog stresa, a njihovo djelovanje ogleda se kroz kompeticiju za hranjiva, vodu, svjetlost i prostor. Korovna flora u usjevima suncokreta u Hrvatskoj iznimno je raznolika, a najčeŔće susrećemo: Polygonum persicaria L., Polygonum lapathifolium L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium polyspermum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Solanum nigrum L. emend. Miller, Abutilon theophrasti Med., Datura stramonium L., Xanthium strumarium L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cirsium arvense L. Scop., Echinochloa crus-galli L. Pb., Setaria glauca L. Pb., Setaria viridis L. Pb., Digitaria sanguinalis L. Scop., Panicum spp. i Sorghum halepense L. Pers. Dugi niz godina borba protiv korova u suncokretu bazirala se na intenzivnoj primjeni kemijskih sredstava, koji su se najčeŔće koristili nakon sjetve i prije nicanja, u dvostrukim ili trostrukim kombinacijama pripravaka. I pored niza prednosti upotrebe herbicida u proizvodnji suncokreta, problem Å”irokolisnih korova, zbog ograničenog izbora herbicida, nije na zadovoljavajući način rijeÅ”en. Pojavom kultivara Clearfield, Clearfield plus i Express sun tehnologije, odnosno kultivara tolerantnih na herbicide iz kemijske skupine imidazolinona (imazamoksa) i sulfonilurea (tribenuron-metila) herbicida, početkom ovog stoljeća znatno je olakÅ”ano suzbijanje Å”irokolisnih korovnih vrsta u suncokretu. Osim spomenutih mogućnosti, a u skladu s novim trendovima, integrirana zaÅ”tita bilja od korova holističkim pristupom, odnosno primjenom izravnih i neizravnih nekemijskih mjera pruža ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivo rjeÅ”enje u borbi s korovima u suncokretu

    Breeding of sunflower quantitative traits in function of increasing grain and oil yield

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    U oplemenjivanju suncokreta krajnji cilj je stvoriti hibride visokog uroda zrna i ulja. Budući da su ovo vrlo kompleksna svojstva, veće ili manje heritabilnosti, važno je raditi na poboljÅ”anju onih biomorfoloÅ”kih svojstava koja na direktan ili indirektan način utječu na ekspresiju ovih svojstava. Na ova svojstva veliki utjecaj ima okolina, te je potrebno razlučiti genetske i negenetske parametre, poznavati heritabilnost kvantitativnih svojstava suncokreta i njihovu međusobnu povezanost. Provedena istraživanja na dvanaest OS hibrida suncokreta i osam svojstava ukazuju na statistički značajne razlike između hibrida u visini biljke, promjeru glave, broju zrna po glavi, urodu zrna, sadržaju ulja i urodu ulja. Većina hibrida imala je visok sadržaj ulja u zrnu (iznad 50%), visok urod zrna (iznad 3500 kg/ha), te visok urod ulja (iznad 1600 kg/ha). Urod zrna bio je u značajno pozitivnoj korelaciji s promjerom glave (r= 0,337*) i masom zrna po glavi (r= 0,351*), te visoko značajno pozitivnoj korelaciji s visinom biljke (r= 0,513**) i urodom ulja (r= 0,971**). Između uroda ulja, mase zrna po glavi i visine biljke utvrđena je slaba (r= 0,333*) do srednje jaka (r= 0,412*) značajna pozitivna korelacija. Path analizom je utvrđeno da je najveći direktan utjecaj na urod ulja imao urod zrna, zatim slijedi sadržaj ulja, a preostala svojstva su u neznatnoj mjeri utjecala na urod ulja.The ultimate goal of sunflower breeding is to create hybrids with high grain and oil yield. As these traits are very complex, with larger or lower heritability, it is very important to work on improving of bio-morphologic traits that on direct or indirect way have influence on expression of these traits. On these traits, a large influence has environment, and therefore is needed to resolve genetic and non-genetic parameters, to know heritability of sunflower quantitative traits and their interconnection. The investigations on the twelve OS sunflower hybrids and eight traits pointed on statistical significant differences among the hybrids for plant height, head diameter, grain number per head, grain yield, oil content and oil yield. Majority of the hybrids had high oil content in grain (over 50%), high grain yield (over 3500 kg/ha), and high oil yield (over 1600 kg/ha). Grain yield was in significant positive correlation with head diameter (r=0,337*) and grain mass per head (r=0,351*), as well as in highly significant positive correlation with plant height (r=0,513**) and oil yield (r=0,971**). Among oil yield, grain mass per head and plant height are found low (r=0,333*) to medium strong (r=0,412*) significant positive correlation. By path analysis is found that the largest direct influence on oil yield had grain yield, then oil content, and remain traits had slightly influence on oil yield
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