14 research outputs found


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    Due to the increasing occurrence of major pests ON corn, hybrid seed is necessary to be protected against pests and seed corn should be treated with appropriately insecticides. Choosing better technological solutions and choosing and appropriate insecticide seed treatment for corn can significantly reduce pest attack and thus enhance the production of corn. The aim of this research was to obtain based upon result information on the impact of treatment on quality of maize seed as well as the means to improve the conditions of storage and preservation of semen quality. Investigation and checking if insecticide treated seed adverse phytotoxic effect on plant growth and development in field conditions. The results indicate a significant effect of insecticide seed treatments on germination energy and non standard germination. A very significant influence of treated seed storage was also found on quality seeds. Looking at the impact of the treated hybrid on germination vigor and standard germination, a very significant hybrid impact was found out. The highest quality of the seed semen during the study was noticed with the seed of hybrid ā€œH2ā€, followed by hybrid ā€œH1ā€, while the hybrids ā€œH3ā€ and ā€œH4ā€ possessed less. The research shows that hybrids ā€œH2ā€ and ā€œH1ā€ are more suitable for seed treatment with insecticides than ā€œH3ā€ and ā€œH4ā€ hybrids. The field observations and research results obtained indicate a very significant impact of the treated seed on the above ground parts of plants, above ground mass, stem thickness and a very significant impact on plant spacing. The positive effect of treatment with ā€œT1ā€ and ā€œT3ā€ insecticides is visible in all conducted field researches. Plants treated with common fungicides and insecticides ā€œT1ā€ and ā€œT3ā€ had a greater height of the above ground plant parts, a larger mass of the above ground stems, greater stem thickness and better plant density treatments, compared to the control ā€œKā€ at all research localities

    Influence of Khorasan wheat (Triticum turgidum Turanicum) sowing rate on seed yield and quality

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    U strukturi sjetve strnih žitarica Khorasan pÅ”enica u Hrvatskoj zauzima najmanje povrÅ”ine. Globalne klimatske promjene ukazuju na potrebu uzgoja starih vrsta i odabira norme sjetve u svrhu ostvarivanja visokih prinosa dobre kakvoće. Tijekom 2020. godine provedena su poljska ispitivanja o visini prinosa i kakvoći sjemena s različitim varijantama norme sjetve. KoriÅ”tene su sljedeće varijante norme sjetve 150 kg/ha, 180 kg/ha i 220 kg/ha. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok rasporedu u HAPIH - Centru za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo u Osijeku (N 45Ā°31Ā“, E 18Ā°40Ā“) s tri varijante norme sjetve u tri repeticije. Prema dobivenim rezultatima analize varijance najveći prinos i hektolitarsku masu ostvarila je varijanta 3 (220 kg/ha), te su utvrđene statistički opravdane razlike. Između varijanti norme sjetve na sadržaj proteina nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike (n.s.). Cilj provedenog ispitivanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj najpovoljnije norme sjetve na prinos i kakvoću sjemena khorasan pÅ”enice.In the structure of sowing small cereals, khorasan wheat occupies the smallest area in Croatia. Global climate change indicates the need of breeding old species and select a sowing rate in order to achieve high yields of good quality. During 2020, field study was conducted on yield and quality of seed with different variants of the sowing rate. The following variants of sowing rate were used 150 kg/ha, 180 kg/ha and 220 kg/ha. The experiment was based on a random block at the CAAF - Center for Seed and Seedlings in Osijek (N 45Ā°31Ā“, E 18Ā°40Ā“) with three variants of sowing rate in two repetitions. According to the obtained results of the variance analysis for different variants of sowing rate the highest yield (kg/ha) and hectolitre mass (kg/hl) was achieved by the variant 3 (220 kg/ha) and there are statistically justified differences. No statistically significant differences (n.s.) were found between the variants of sowing rate for the protein content. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the most favorable sowing rate on seed yield and quality for khorasan wheat

    Influence of buckwheat sowing rate on seed yield and quality

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    U strukturi sjetve žitarica heljda u Hrvatskoj zauzima najmanje povrÅ”ine. Zbog visokih nutritivnih vrijednosti sve su veće potrebe za heljdom na tržiÅ”tu. Globalne klimatske promjene ukazuju na potrebu odabira norme sjetve u svrhu ostvarivanja visokih prinosa dobre kakvoće. Tijekom 2019. godine provedena su poljska ispitivanja o visini prinosa i kakvoći sjemena s različitim varijantama norme postrne sjetve. KoriÅ”tene su sljedeće varijante norme sjetve 88 kg/ha, 106 kg/ha, 124 kg/ha, 142 kg/ha i 160 kg/ha. U pokus je uvrÅ”tena jedina domaća Hrvatska populacija heljde s područja Varaždina. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok rasporedu u HAPIH - Centru za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo u Osijeku (N 45Ā°31Ā“, E 18Ā°40Ā“) sa pet varijanti norme sjetve u četiri repeticije uz primjenu standardne agrotehnike za heljdu. Rezultati ispitivanja za prinos (kg/ha) pokazali su kako među ispitivanim varijantama nisu utvrđene statistički opravdane razlike (n.s.). Najveću hektolitarsku masu (kg/hl) ostvarila je varijanta (142 kg/ha) koja je imala najmanji prinos sjemena. Između varijanti norme sjetve na apsolutnu masu (g) nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike (n.s.). Cilj provedenog ispitivanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj najpovoljnije norme sjetve na prinos i kakvoću sjemena u postrnoj sjetvi, a rezultati ispitivanja pozitivno će doprinijeti rjeÅ”avanju problema izbora norme sjetve kako bi se osigurali najbolji prinosi sjemena.In the structure of sowing cereals, buckwheat occupies the smallest area in Croatia. Due to high nutritional values, market needs for buckwheat are increasing. Global climate change indicates the need to select a sowing rate in order to achieve high yields of good quality. During 2019, field study was conducted on yield and quality of seed with different variants of the sowing rate. The following variants of sowing rate were used 88 kg/ha, 106 kg/ha, 124 kg/ha, 142 kg/ha and 160 kg/ha. The only domestic Croatian buckwheat population from the area of Varaždin was included in the study. The experiment was based on a random block at the CAAF - Center for Seed and Seedlings in Osijek (N 45Ā°31Ā“, E 18Ā°40Ā“) with five variants of sowing rate in four repetitions using standard buckwheat agrotechnics. The test results for yield (kg/ha) showed no statistical significant differences (n.s.) between the tested variants . The highest hectolitre mass (kg/hl) was achieved by the variant (142 kg/ha) which had the lowest seed yield. No statistically significant differences (n.s.) were found between the variants of sowing rate for the absolute mass (g). The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the most favorable sowing rate on seed yield and quality in the second planting, and the results of the study will positively contribute to solving the problem of choosing the sowing rate to ensure the best grain yields


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    U strukturi sjetve strnih žitarica jara zob zauzima sve veći udio. Zbog visokih nutritivnih vrijednosti koristi se u prehrani ljudi i hranidbi stoke. Cilj provedenih istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj roka sjetve na prinos jare zobi tijekom dvije godine. Globalne klimatske promjene ukazuju na potrebu odabira roka sjetve u svrhu ostvarivanja visokih prinosa zrna zobi. Pokus je postavljen po blok metodi sa slučajnim rasporedom (RCBD) na lokaciji Čokadinci (N 45Ā°29\u27, E 18Ā°25\u27) tijekom dvije vegetacijske godine (2010-2011.) s dva kultivara jare zobi (Flamingsstern i Baranja), u tri roka sjetve (rani, srednji i kasni). Tijekom godina obavljena su ispitivanja utjecaja roka sjetve, sorata i njihovih interakcija na visinu prinosa. Utvrđene su statistički opravdane razlike u visini prinosa, između ispitivanih kultivara, rokova sjetve i njihove interakcije. Kultivar Flamingsstern ostvario je znatno veći prinos u svim rokovima sjetve i ispitivanim godinama u odnosu na sortu Baranja. U 2010. godini ostvaren je prosječni prinos od 3,76 t/ha, Å”to je bilo znatno manje u odnosu na 2011. godinu (4,32 t/ha). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost povećanja prinosa pravilnim odabirom sorte i ranijih rokova sjetve. Najveći prinosi zrna jare zobi ostvareni su u ranim rokovima sjetve tijekom obije godine ispitivanja.The structure of sowing spring oats occupies a growing share. Due to the high nutritional value oat is used in food for people and livestock. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of sowing date on yield of spring oats over two years. Global climate changes indicate the need for selection of sowing date in order to achieve high grain yield of oats. The experiment was set up by a random distribution (RCBD) at the Čokadinci (N 45 Ā° 29 \u27E 18 Ā° 25\u27) during two growing seasons (2010 and 2011) with two varieties of oats (Flamingsstern and Baranja) and three sowing dates (early, middle and late). Over the years effects of sowing dates, cultivars and their interaction on yields have been examined. Significant differences in yields among the tested varieties, planting dates, and their interactions have been determined. Variety Flamingsstern achieved a significantly higher yield at all planting dates and years in relation to the variety of Baranja. In 2010 average yield of 3.76 t/ha was significantly lower compared to the 2011 (4.32 t/ha). These results indicate the possibility of increasing yields by appropriate choice of varieties and earlier planting dates. The highest yield of oats grain was achieved in early planting dates in both years


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    Ulaskom Hrvatske u EU dozvoljena je sjetva požetog materijala na vlastitom poljoprivrednom imanju (tzv farmerovo sjeme). Sjetvom certificiranog sjemena druge generacije (C2) proizvođaču se jamči sortna pripadnost i minimalno propisani zahtjevi kakvoće kao Å”to su čistoća, klijavost i zdravstveno stanje. Međutim, kod sjetve požetog materijala ne postoji nikakvo jamstvo sortne pripadnosti i kakvoće sjemena. Pokus je postavljen po blok metodi sa slučajnim rasporedom (RCBD) na lokaciji Čepin (N 45Ā°31\u27, E 18Ā°34\u27) tijekom vegetacijske godine 2013./2014. s kultivarom Apache, u tri repeticije, s dvije varijante, odnosno certificirano sjeme druge generacije (C2) i požeti materijal (farmerovo sjeme). Utvrđene su statistički opravdane razlike (P<0,05) u visini prinosa i hektolitarskoj masi te statistički opravdane razlike (P<0,1) u sadržaju proteina, glutena i sedimetacijske vrijednosti (Zeleny test) u korist certificiranog sjemena. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na veći prinos i bolju kakvoću sjemena odabirom certificiranog sjemena druge generacije (C2).When Croatia accession to the EU then allowed the planting material harvested on their own farm (farmer\u27s seed). Sowing of certified seed of second generation (C2) producers have guarantee varietal belonging to a prescribed minimum level of quality requirements (purity, germination and health status), while the farmer\u27s sowing seeds there is no guarantee varietal identity and quality of seeds. The experiment was set up by the randomized (RCBD) at the location Čepin (N 45 Ā° 31 \u27E 18 Ā° 34\u27) during the crop year 2013 /2014 th the cultivar Apache in three replications, with two variants_(certified_and_farmer\u27s_seed). Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) in grain yield and hectoliter weight, and statistically significant differences (P<0.1) in protein content, gluten and sedimentation value (zeleny test) in favor of certified seed second generation (C2). The results indicate an increase in yield and quality by choosing certified seed second generation (C2)


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    Istraživanjem je analizirana energija klijanja i klijavost sjemena hibrida kukuruza OS 499 i OSSK 617 nakon skladiÅ”tenja od 36 mjeseci (2006.- 2009.) u podno betonskom skladiÅ”tu (temperatura zraka 15Ā°C i relativna vlaga zraka 70%). Na temelju dobivenih rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da hibrid OS 499 u odnosu na hibrid OSSK 617 u istim uvjetima skladiÅ”tenja bolje održava energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena. Tretman sjemena značajno je utjecao na smanjenje energije i klijavost sjemena. Sjeme tretirano Vitavax XL 035 u odnosu na kontrolu kod oba hibrida je imao najveće smanjenje energije i klijavosti. U prosjeku tretirano sjeme nakon skladiÅ”tenja od 36 mjeseci imalo je u odnosu na kontrolu smanjenje energije klijanja kod hibrida OS 499 za 10%, a kod hibrida OSSK 617 za 17%, te klijavosti sjemena kod hibrida OS 499 za 12% i hibrida OSSK 617 za 10%.The aim this research was to analyse germination energy and germination of maize hybrids OS 499 and OSSK 617 after storage period of 36 month in the floor concrete storage. Based on the obtained results determined was that hybrid OS 499 compared to hybrid OSSK 617 in the same storage conditions had better germination energy and germination of seed. Seed tretment significantly reduced germination energy and seed germination. Treatment with Vitavax XL 035 (karboksin+tiram) 500 ml/100 kg + Gaucho FS 600 (imidaklopirid) 0,6 l/100 kg of bot hybrids, compared to control the most reduced germination energy and seed germination. After storage period of 36 months germination energy of hybrid OS 499 was reduced for 10% and of hybrids OSSK 617 for 17% while seed germination of hybrid OS 499 was reduced for 12% and of hybrid OSSK 617 for 10%

    Influence of growth stimulators on the initial growth of maize hybrids

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    Tretiranje sjemena kukuruza stimulatorima rasta novija je mjera u procesu dorade i proizvodnje sjemena. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih stimulatora rasta na početni porast mladih biljaka kukuruza. Tijekom 2020. godine u Osijeku su provedena istraživanja na tri hibrida kukuruza čije je sjeme tretirano uz mjeÅ”avinu fungicida i insekticida s joÅ” četiri komercijalne varijante tretmana stimulatora rasta. Nakon nicanja provedena su mjerenja visine biljke i mase nadzemnog dijela biljke u vegetacijskoj fazi početnog porasta kukuruza. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su statistički vrlo značajan utjecaj stimulatora rasta na visinu biljke, a isto tako i na masu nadzemnog dijela biljke. Najveći pozitivan učinak izmjeren je kod hibrida kukuruza OSSK 403 za oba promatrana agronomska svojstva. Primjena stimulatora rasta na sjemenu hibrida kukuruza je vrlo jednostavna u samom postupku dorade te se zbog kasnijeg pozitivnog učinka na početni porast hibrida kukuruza može preporučiti u proizvodnji kukuruza. Pozitivno djelovanje stimulatora rasta na metabolizam biljaka u mnogome pomažu biljci kukuruza prevladavanju negativnih agroekoloÅ”kih utjecaja.Treatment of corn seeds with growth stimulants is a newer measure in the process of seed processing and production. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different growth stimulators on the initial growth of young maize plants. The research was conducted on three maize hybrids whose seeds were treated with four commercial variants of growth stimulator treatment. After germination, measurements of plant height and mass of the aboveground part of the plant in the vegetation phase of the initial growth of maize were performed. The results of the research showed a statistically very significant influence of growth stimulators on the height of the plant and also on the mass of the aboveground part of the plant. The greatest positive effect was measured in maize hybrids OSSK 403 for both observed agronomic traits. The application of growth stimulators on maize hybrid seeds is very simple in the finishing process and due to the subsequent positive effect on the initial growth of maize hybrids can be recommended in maize production. The positive effects of growth stimulants on plant metabolism greatly help the maize plant to overcome negative agroecological impacts


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    Jedan od najvažnijih zadataka oplemenjivača jest poboljÅ”anje svojstava oplemenjivačkoga materijala (sorata, linija) i stvaranje nove genetske varijabilnosti. Ciljevi ovoga istraživanja bili su sljedeći: tijekom dvije uzastopne godine (2019. i 2020.) procijeniti agronomsku vrijednost devet novostvorenih oplemenjivačkih linija jaroga stočnog graÅ”ka, kao i procijeniti stabilnost komponenata prinosa te odabrati najperspektivnije genotipove za daljnji oplemenjivački postupak. Rezultati analize varijance pokazali su da postoje značajne razlike između istraživanih genotipova i okolina za većinu istraživanih svojstava i da u okviru identificiranih izvora varijacije najveći utjecaj ima varijacija uslijed utjecaja genotipova. Procjena stabilnosti obavljena je metodom grupiranja prema Francisu i Kannenbergu, na temelju koje su genotipovi L ā€“ OSMBK 1, L ā€“ OSMBK 3 za prinos zrna/biljci L ā€“ OSMBK 1, L ā€“ OSMBK 8, L ā€“ OSMBK 3, L ā€“ OSMBK 9 za masu 1000 zrna i L ā€“ OSMBK 9 za visinu biljke bili u skupini I, koja se odlikuje visokim vrijednostima i malim koeficijentom variranja svojstva te predstavljaju najstabilnije, a time i oplemenjivački najperspektivnije, genotipove.One of the most important tasks of breeders is to improve the properties of breeding material (varieties, lines) and to create a new genetic variability. The study goals were as follows: during two consecutive years (2019 and 2020), to evaluate the agronomic value of nine newly created spring breeding lines of fodder pea, as well as to evaluate the stability of yield components and to select the most promising genotypes for further breeding. The results of the study demonstrate that there are significant differences between the tested genotypes in the tested environments for most of the analyzed properties and that the variation of genotypes within the identified sources of experimental variation exerts the greatest influence . Based on the investigated property values, subsequent to stability evaluation the desirable genotypes L - OSMBK 1, L - OSMBK 3 ā€“ for the grain/plant yield L - OSMBK 1, L - OSMBK 8, L - OSMBK 3, L - OSMBK 9 ā€“ for the mass of 1,000 grains, and L ā€“ OSMBK 9 ā€“ for plant height were identified as the stable genotypes, with a high breeding and agronomic properties