62 research outputs found

    Imaginal and ovicidal effect of some insecticides against Bruchus pisorum L. (Coleoptera: Chrisomelidae)

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    peer-reviewedTrials were conducted in 2011 and 2012 at the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria, in order to study the imaginal and possible ovicidal effect of some insecticides against Bruchus pisorum under field conditions. Treatments with insecticides were started after the appearance of the first pea weevils eggs on pods located on the bottom two nodes. It was found that treatment with acetamiprid; thiacloprid; thiacloprid+deltamethrin; 50 g cypermethrin+480 g chlorpyrifosethyl, 50 g cypermethrin+500 g chlorpyrifosethyl and zeta-cypermethrin resulted in the cessation of additional oviposition on the lower nodes by Bruchus pisorum, due to the toxic effect of the insecticides on the pea weevil. It was found that spraying with acetamiprid and zeta-cypermethrin was the most effective. These insecticides significantly reduced the proportion of infected pods in comparison with the proportion of pods with eggs before the treatment by 30.2 and 27.4% and by 15.8 and 24.0% in 2011 and 2012, respectively. The use of acetamiprid and zeta-cypermethrin was also associated with the lowest percentage of infected seeds (21.7 and 23.6%, respectively), with the lowest percentage of infected seed in infected pods (40.5 and 42.5%, respectively) and the highest weight of 1000 infected seeds (161.94 and 182.04 g, respectively). It was concluded that the management of pea weevils in the crop with acetamiprid and zetacypermethrin can lead to satisfactory results when spray timing is chosen when the first eggs are visible

    Moral Issues in the Recent History of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church

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    Over the past centuries Bulgarian people experienced severe religious and ethnic threats due to which they have developed defense mechanisms and a strong sense of sympathy for persecuted ethnic and social groups. In recent history, this reflex was manifested most clearly in the behavior of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in defense of the Bulgarian Jews. At the same time two other events, however, reveal its controversial image that caused it a severe damage. In recent years, many Bulgarians are seeking the moral dimensions of these phenomena that influence the spirituality and morality of the younger generations

    Insect assemblages and their preference for Lupinus albus and L. luteus

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    peer-reviewedWhile lupin has undergone extensive research to ascertain its suitability for growth as forage or grain legume crop, the present trend is for research to be centered on its applicability in the seed protein and oil industry. Study of the literature showed that no intensive study of the lupin insect fauna had been carried out in Bulgaria. The purpose of this study was to identify the insect assemblages associated with Lupinus albus and L. luteus, as well as the insect preference for them. Thrips sampling was made by the tapping-method, aphids were directly counted on the plants and the composition and population density of other species were recorded by sweepings. Insect fauna was studied for the first time in Bulgaria. The fauna was represented on L. albus by 64 species, belonging to eight orders, 28 families and 57 genera, including 23 beetles, 25 hemipteras, five thrips, three butterflies, three bees, one leaf aphid, two grasshoppers, one leafminer and one green lacewing. L. luteus had similar species composition but was less preferred by insects. The use of lupin cultivars with shorter and intense reproductive periods, with a lower content of crude protein and phosphorus, would give an environmentally friendly protection against insect pests, which would be suitable for an organic production system

    Stability of Vicia faba L. cultivars and responsible traits for Aphis fabae Scopoli, 1763 preference

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    The study aimed to evaluate the responsible traits of preference of Aphis fabae to Vicia faba cultivars and their stability in multi-environment field tests. The experiment was carried out at the Institute of Forage Crops (Pleven) during the period 2016 to 2018. Aphid infestation was assessed by recording the number per plant at the pod formation, while the chemical composition was determined by standard Weende system methods. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the aphid density was negatively correlated with the amount of rainfall and humidity until aphids were positively correlated with the temperature. According to GGE biplot analysis cultivar Fb 3270, followed by BGE 029055 and BGE 002106 were stable with a low density of aphids and were defined as tolerant. A significant negative correlation was found between the density of aphids and plant height (r = -0.447). The protein content showed a significant positive correlation (r = 0,686), while phosphorus and cyanogenic glycoside concentration were significantly negatively correlated with the aphid incidence (r = -0.411, r = -0.685, respectively). The results lay the groundwork for further analyses to finely dissect A. fabae tolerance in V. faba and pave the way for the development of methods to predict ..

    Оценка на вредата, причинена от Bruchus pisorum L (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) върху някои показатели, свързани с качеството на семената при сортове фуражен грах (Pisum sativum L.)

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    It was evaluated the damage caused by Bruchus pisorum L (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on the germination ability of pea farage varieties (Pisum sativum L.). Result of damage by Bruchus pisorum in seeds with parasitized larva was significant decrease of the germination by 16.4% percentage points, the length and weight of primary radicle by 16.8 and 24.5%, the length and weight of plumule by 12.3 and 14.1%, the vigor index of primary radicle and plumule by 32.5 and 32.8% as well as the germination index by 17.4%. The inhibitory effect was on average 17.8%. Essential significant changes in regard to the studied parameters were found for damaged seeds with bruchid emergence hole. In these seeds the gewrmination decrease by 58.3% percentage points, the length and weight of primary radicle by 34.1 and 36.2%, the length and weight of plumule by 31.8 and 34.3%, the vigor index of primary radicle and plumule by 81.1 and 82.1% as well as the germination index by 83.1%. The inhibitory effect was on average 58.3%. It was found that the damaged seeds with parasitoid emergence hole provided better possibility for growth and development of plants whereas the damaged seeds with bruchid emergence hole had significantly low germination, vigor and sowing characteristics. These seeds could not provide the establishment of well-garnished stand and stable yields. As tolerant to damage by Bruchus pisorum was distinguished Glyans variety for which the values of parameters related to germination and vigor of seeds were influenced in the lowest degree from the damage unlike the sensitive Pleven 4 variety. Dominant factor influencing germination ability of seeds for all analyzed parameters was the type of seeds compared to varietal appurtenance.През 2012г. опитното поле на Института по фуражни култури – Плевен е изведен опит с 5 сорта пролетен фуражен грах Глянс; Модус; Камертон и Свiт (украински сортове) и Плевен 4 (български сорт, стандарт). Направена е оценка на вредата, причинена от Bruchus pisorum L (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) върху кълняемата способност на сортовете грах (Pisum sativum L.). Резултат от вредата на B. pisorum при семена с паразитирана ларва е доказнано намаляване на кълняемостта средно с 16.4%тни единици, дължината и теглото на първичния корен с 16.8 и 24.5%, дължината и теглото на кълна с 12.3 и 14.1%, индекса на жизненост на първичния корен и кълн с 32.5 и 32.8%, както и индексът на кълняемост със 17.4%. Инхибиращият ефект е средно 17.8%. Съществени доказани промени по отношение на проучваните показатели се установяват при повредените с прозорче от имагинирал зърнояд семена, при които кълняемостта намалява с 58.3% тни единици, дължината и теглото на първичния корен с 34.1 и 36.2%, дължината и теглото на кълна с 31.8 и 34.3%, индекса на жизненост на първичния корен и кълн с 81.1 и 82.1%, както и индексът на кълняемост със 83.1%. Инхибиращият ефект е средно 58.3%. Установено е, че повредените с прозорче от имагинирал паразитоид семена осигуряват по-добра възможност за растеж и развитие на растенията, докато повредените с прозорче от имагинирал зърнояд семена са с доказана ниска кълняемост, жизненост и посевни качества. Тези семена не могат да осигурят създаването на добре гарниран посев и стабилни добиви. Като толерантен към повредите от B. pisorum се очертава сорт Глянс


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    During the period 2012-2014, in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria, the side effect of neem and pyrethrum products on banded thrips, Aeolothrips ntermedius Bagnall (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and the seven-spot ladybird Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) adults was defined. Treatments were carried out at the beginning of the flowering stage of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in the second intercut. Sweeping with an entomological net was used to collect specimens. It was found that the biological insecticides NeemAzal and Pyrethrum were nontoxic with respect to Coccinella septempunctata adults, and in almost 70% of cases were harmless to Aeolothrips intermedius. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) regarding product toxicity on predatory species demonstrated that the factor B (type of insecticide) had the strongest effect – 89.1 and 82.5% of the total variance for C. septempunctata and A. intermedius, respectively. Tested plant insecticides showed no negative impact on the predatory species and they can be applied in organic seed production of alfalfa

    Modern morality that gives life to vices: Glimpses of the image of moral decay in Bulgaria

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    This article examines phenomena that lead to the manifestation of modern morality in Bulgaria and how aspects of this morality broke down during political changes. Included here are not only the assessments of the dramatic changes after 1990, but also the impact of globalisation on the social, political and Christian life in the country. The article considers debates surrounding the cause and effect of the moral deficit in the society. From the perspective of Christian ethics, the phenomena, political changes and its effects are assessed. This is done by considering both the European context and Bulgaria’s own history

    Stem formation at alfalfa varieties and correlative dependences with some main parameters

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    During the period 2006-2009 in IFC-Pleven were studied 9 alfalfa varieties: Europe, Prista 2, Prista 3, Prista 4, Obnova 10, Pleven 6, Dara, Multifoliate and Dama. In the first year of its development alfalfa formed on average 1.42 number of stems per plant. During second and third year their quantity increased to 2.14 and 3.83 number whereafter during fourth year they decreased to 3.28. In all years (except the first year) was found a trend of increase in stem number from spring to autumn regrowth with average values 2.11, 2.85 and 3.05 respectively. Average for the four-year period the greatest number of stems (over the average for the nine studied varieties – 2.67) formed the Multifoliate variety followed by Europe, Prista 4, Obnova 10 and Dama. The varieties which are characterized by less density of stand (number of plants per unit area) had a greater number of stems per plant (r = -0.530). Correlations with mean and high positive value were found between stem formation and amount and distributions of rainfall during vegetation period (r = 0.989), year of alfalfa development (r = 0.861), nodulation (r = 0.763), weight of root mass (r = 0.411) as well as correlations with mean negative value between number of stems and percentage of damaged stems by Apion seniculus (r = -0.456)

    Research on the sexual culture of the students from 8th and 9th grade of the Emilian Stanev high school in Veliko Tarnovo

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    Сексуалната култура на учениците е важен фактор за доброто физическо и психическо здраве, развитие на индивида, възпроизводство, предпазване от полово предавани болести и нежелана бременност, раждане на извънбрачни деца и преждевременно напускане на училище. Цел: Да се проучи нивото на сексуалната култура на учениците от VIII и IX клас на СОУ „Ем. Станев“, гр. В.Търново; да се установят познанията им относно полово предаваните болести и информираността им за методите и средствата за предпазване от тях. Материали и методи: За целта на настоящото изследване през месец март 2017 г. бе проучено мнението на 123 ученици (69 момичета и 54 момчета) от VIII и IX клас на СОУ „Ем. Станев“, гр. В. Търново. Използвани са документален метод, анкетно социологическо проучване и графичен анализ. Резултати: Дефицит от познания относно болестите, предавани по полов път. Ниска възрастова граница на първите сексуални контакти - 22% от учениците на възраст между 14 и 15 г. вече имат сексуален контакт, 78% дават отрицателен отговор. При наличието на проблем от сексуално естество 53% ще търсят решение чрез интернет, на приятел ще се доверят 21%, 16% от анкетираните посочват родител, а едва 10% ще се обърнат към медицинско лице.Изводи и препоръки: Ниската начална възраст на сексуалните контакти на учениците и дефицитът от познания относно болестите, предавани по полов път, налагат повишаване на тяхната информираност и сексуална култура. За формиране, изграждане и повишаване на сексуалната култура на учениците решаваща роля трябва да играят семейство, училищна среда, медицински специалисти, педагози, психолози, институции и цялото общество.Introduction: Students’ sexual culture is an important factor for the good physical and mental health, development of the individual, reproduction, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, birth of extramarital children and early school dropout. Aim: The aim of this paper is to study the level of sexual culture of the students from 8th and 9th grade from the Emilian Stanev high school in Veliko Tarnovo; to establish their knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and their awareness of methods and means of prevention. Materials and Methods: For the purpose of this study, in March 2017, 123 students (69 girls and 54 boys) from 8th and 9th grade of the Emilian Stanev secondary school in Veliko Tarnovo were surveyed. Documentary method, sociological survey and graphical analysis were used. Results: We have established deficiency in knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases; low age limit of first sexual contacts - 22% of students aged 14 to 15 have already had sexual contact, 78% gave a negative answer. If there is a problem of a sexual nature, 53% will seek a solution via the Internet, 21% will trust a friend, 16% of the respondents point to a parent and only 10% will seek medical help. Conclusion: The low starting age of the students’ sexual contacts and the lack of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases require an increase in their awareness and sexual culture.The family, the school environment, medical specialists, educators, psychologists, institutions and the whole community must play a decisive role in shaping, building and enhancing the sexual culture of students


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    The trial was conducted with spring forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) from 2011-2013 in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops, Bulgaria. The effect of three insecticides was studied:  NeemAzal T/S®, Pyrethrum FS EC (botanical insecticides) and Nurelle D (synthetic insecticide) applied alone and in combination with the growth regulators Polyversum (biological growth regulator and fungicide) and Flordimex 420 (synthetic growth regulator); and an organic foliar fertilizer known as Biofa on Thrips tabaci population density. The treatment was conducted once (at budding stage) and twice (at budding and flowering stages). Between the studied biological insecticides against Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Pyretrum FS EC was distinguished by its higher protective effect and fast initial activity, while NeemAzal-T/S exhibited slow initial activity and a relatively weak increasing after-effect. Combined use of the bioinsecticides with the organic foliar fertilizer Biofa and growth regulator Polyversum established synergism. The synergistic effect was more pronounced in combinations with Biofa. The highest efficacy among the organic products was found under combined use of Pyrethrum FS EC and Biofa whose protective effect approximated that of Nurele D Chlorsyrine 550 EC. The double treatment of plants (at budding and flowering stages) with Pyrethrum and NeemAzal reduced the density of thrips by 28.9% and 20.1% respectively compared to the single application, without consideration of the method of use. The most efficient combination among organic products was the use of Pyrethrum with Biofa where the density of thrips decreased by 53.7%, followed by Pyrethrum with Polyversum (by 44.0%) and NeemAzal with Biofa (by 39.5%) irrespective of the stage of treatment