378 research outputs found

    Advanced Centaur explicit guidance equation study Final report

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    Generalized equations and in-flight computer requirements for Centaur guidance and control and advanced mission plannin

    Dynamic Micropatterning Reveals Substrate-Dependent Differences in the Geometric Control of Cell Polarization and Migration

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    Cells are highly dynamic and adopt variable shapes and sizes. These variations are biologically important but challenging to investigate in a spatiotemporally controlled manner. Micropatterning, confining cells on microfabricated substrates with defined geometries and molecular compositions, is a powerful tool for controlling cell shape and interactions. However, conventional binary micropatterns are static and fail to address dynamic changes in cell polarity, spreading, and migration. Here, a method for dynamic micropatterning is reported, where the non-adhesive surface surrounding adhesive micropatterns is rapidly converted to support specific cell-matrix interactions while allowing simultaneous imaging of the cells. The technique is based on ultraviolet photopatterning of biotinylated polyethylene glycol-grafted poly-L-lysine, and it is simple, inexpensive, and compatible with a wide range of streptavidin-conjugated ligands. Experiments using biotinylation-based dynamic micropatterns reveal that distinct extracellular matrix ligands and bivalent integrin-clustering antibodies support different degrees of front-rear polarity in human glioblastoma cells, which correlates to altered directionality and persistence upon release and migration on fibronectin. Unexpectedly, however, neither an asymmetric cell shape nor centrosome orientation can fully predict the future direction of migration. Taken together, biotinylation-based dynamic micropatterns allow easily accessible and highly customizable control over cell morphology and motility

    Whom to blame for metastasis, the epithelial-mesenchymal transition or the tumor microenvironment?

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    Changes in the tumor microenvironment (TME) can trigger the activation of otherwise non-malignant cells to become highly aggressive and motile. This is evident during initial tumor growth when the poor vascularization in tumors generates hypoxic regions that trigger the latent embryonic program, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), in epithelial carcinoma cells (e-cars) leading to highly motile mesenchymal-like carcinoma cells (m-cars), which also acquire cancer stem cell properties. After that, specific bidirectional interactions take place between m-cars and the cellular components of TME at different stages of metastasis. These interactions include several vicious positive feedback loops in which m-cars trigger a phenotypic switch, causing normal stromal cells to become pro-tumorigenic, which then further promote the survival, motility, and proliferation of m-cars. Accordingly, there is not a single culprit accounting for metastasis. Instead both m-cars and the TME dynamically interact, evolve and promote metastasis. In this review, we discuss the current status of the known interactions between m-cars and the TME during different stages of metastasis and how these interactions promote the metastatic activity of highly malignant m-cars by promoting their invasive mesenchymal phenotype and CSC properties. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Fluctuation-Based Super-Resolution Traction Force Microscopy

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    Cellular mechanics play a crucial role in tissue homeostasis and are often misregulated in disease. Traction force microscopy is one of the key methods that has enabled researchers to study fundamental aspects of mechanobiology; however, traction force microscopy is limited by poor resolution. Here, we propose a simplified protocol and imaging strategy that enhances the output of traction force microscopy by increasing i) achievable bead density and ii) the accuracy of bead tracking. Our approach relies on super-resolution microscopy, enabled by fluorescence fluctuation analysis. Our pipeline can be used on spinning-disk confocal or widefield microscopes and is compatible with available analysis software. In addition, we demonstrate that our workflow can be used to gain biologically relevant information and is suitable for fast long-term live measurement of traction forces even in light-sensitive cells. Finally, using fluctuation-based traction force microscopy, we observe that filopodia align to the force field generated by focal adhesions

    Negative regulators of integrin activity

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    Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane adhesion receptors composed of alpha- and beta-subunits. They are ubiquitously expressed and have key roles in a number of important biological processes, such as development, maintenance of tissue homeostasis and immunological responses. The activity of integrins, which indicates their affinity towards their ligands, is tightly regulated such that signals inside the cell cruicially regulate the switching between active and inactive states. An impaired ability to activate integrins is associated with many human diseases, including bleeding disorders and immune deficiencies, whereas inappropriate integrin activation has been linked to inflammatory disorders and cancer. In recent years, the molecular details of integrin 'inside-out' activation have been actively investigated. Binding of cytoplasmic proteins, such as talins and kindlins, to the cytoplasmic tail of beta-integrins is widely accepted as being the crucial step in integrin activation. By contrast, much less is known with regard to the counteracting mechanism involved in switching integrins into an inactive conformation. In this Commentary, we aim to discuss the known mechanisms of integrin inactivation and the molecules involved

    Lymphatic endothelium stimulates melanoma metastasis and invasion via MMP14-dependent Notch3 and b1-integrin activation

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    Lymphatic invasion and lymph node metastasis correlate with poor clinical outcome in melanoma. However, the mechanisms of lymphatic dissemination in distant metastasis remain incompletely understood. We show here that exposure of expansively growing human WM852 melanoma cells, but not singly invasive Bowes cells, to lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) in 3D co-culture facilitates melanoma distant organ metastasis in mice. To dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms, we established LEC co-cultures with different melanoma cells originating from primary tumors or metastases. Notably, the expansively growing metastatic melanoma cells adopted an invasively sprouting phenotype in 3D matrix that was dependent on MMP14, Notch3 and β1-integrin. Unexpectedly, MMP14 was necessary for LEC-induced Notch3 induction and coincident β1-integrin activation. Moreover, MMP14 and Notch3 were required for LEC-mediated metastasis of zebrafish xenografts. This study uncovers a unique mechanism whereby LEC contact promotes melanoma metastasis by inducing a reversible switch from 3D growth to invasively sprouting cell phenotype

    Loss of ADAM9 expression impairs beta 1 integrin endocytosis, focal adhesion formation and cancer cell migration

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    The transmembrane protease ADAM9 is frequently upregulated in human cancers, and it promotes tumour progression in mice. In vitro, ADAM9 regulates cancer cell adhesion and migration by interacting with integrins. However, how ADAM9 modulates integrin functions is not known. We here show that ADAM9 knockdown increases beta 1 integrin levels through mechanisms that are independent of its protease activity, in ADAM9-silenced cells, adhesion to collagen and fibronectin is reduced, suggesting an altered function of the accumulated integrins. Mechanistically, ADAM9 co-immunoprecipitates with beta 1 integrin, and both internalization and subsequent degradation of beta 1 integrin are significantly decreased in ADAM9-silenced cells, with no effect on beta 1 integrin recycling. Accordingly, the formation of focal adhesions and actin stress fibres in ADAM9-silenced cells is altered, possibly explaining the reduction in cell adhesion and migration in these cells. Taken together, our data provide mechanistic insight into the ADAM9-integrin interaction, demonstrating that ADAM9 regulates beta 1 integrin endocytosis. Moreover, our findings indicate that the reduced migration of ADAM9-silenced cells is, at least in part, caused by the accumulation and altered activity of beta 1 integrin at the cell surface

    Bone turnover markers are correlated with total skeletal uptake of 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP)

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Skeletal uptake of 99mTc labelled methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP) is used for producing images of pathological bone uptake due to its incorporation to the sites of active bone turnover. This study was done to validate bone turnover markers using total skeletal uptake (TSU) of 99mTc-MDP. METHODS: 22 postmenopausal women (52-80 years) volunteered to participate. Scintigraphy was performed by injecting 520 MBq of 99mTc-MDP and taking whole body images after 3 minutes, and 5 hours. TSU was calculated from these two images by taking into account the urinary loss and soft tissue uptake. Bone turnover markers used were bone specific alkaline phosphatase (S-Bone ALP), three different assays for serum osteocalcin (OC), tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5b (S-TRACP5b), serum C-terminal cross-linked telopeptides of type I collagen (S-CTX-I) and three assays for urinary osteocalcin (U-OC). RESULTS: The median TSU of 99mTc-MDP was 23% of the administered activity. All bone turnover markers were significantly correlated with TSU with r-values from 0.52 (p = 0.013) to 0.90 (p < 0.001). The two resorption markers had numerically higher correlations (S-TRACP5b r = 0.90, S-CTX-I r = 0.80) than the formation markers (S-Total OC r = 0.72, S-Bone ALP r = 0.66), but the difference was not statistically significant. TSU did not correlate with age, weight, body mass index or bone mineral density. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, bone turnover markers are strongly correlated with total skeletal uptake of 99mTc-MDP. There were no significant differences in correlations for bone formation and resorption markers. This should be due to the coupling between formation and resorption
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