9 research outputs found

    Institutional approach to establishment of a structural model of the russian academic environment development

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    The purpose of the present article is to generalize and unify the approaches to improvement of the institutional environment that ensures optimal functioning and sustainable development of the Russian academic sphere. The following conclusions and results have been obtained through presentation of the materials in the article: Improvement of the institutionalization of science and education must be reviewed in the context of evolutionary transitions that advance new demands for academic and human resourcing of state administration, financial and economic activities, and social development; Russian (just as Soviet) academic sphere is described by structural imbalances, which can be regarded both as a consequence of the shocking transition to market relations and as a consequence of imperfect institutionalization; Solutions proposed in the article are primarily aimed to unify the goals, tasks and results of interaction of the actors integrated into the institutional environment of the Russian academic sphere; Formalization of the structural model of development of the Russian education and science on the basis of the institutional approach (using the triple helix mechanism of H. Etzkowitz) can serve as a basis for the development of practice-focused concepts (as targeted programs, roadmaps), which will detail the specific measures; Realization of these measures will ensure the structural balance of the national academic sphere, which in turn can be regarded as a cognitive and intellectual potential of the transition from industrial to post-industrial economic formation of society. © 2017 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o. All rights reserved

    Institutional approach to establishment of a structural model of the russian academic environment development

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    The purpose of the present article is to generalize and unify the approaches to improvement of the institutional environment that ensures optimal functioning and sustainable development of the Russian academic sphere. The following conclusions and results have been obtained through presentation of the materials in the article: Improvement of the institutionalization of science and education must be reviewed in the context of evolutionary transitions that advance new demands for academic and human resourcing of state administration, financial and economic activities, and social development; Russian (just as Soviet) academic sphere is described by structural imbalances, which can be regarded both as a consequence of the shocking transition to market relations and as a consequence of imperfect institutionalization; Solutions proposed in the article are primarily aimed to unify the goals, tasks and results of interaction of the actors integrated into the institutional environment of the Russian academic sphere; Formalization of the structural model of development of the Russian education and science on the basis of the institutional approach (using the triple helix mechanism of H. Etzkowitz) can serve as a basis for the development of practice-focused concepts (as targeted programs, roadmaps), which will detail the specific measures; Realization of these measures will ensure the structural balance of the national academic sphere, which in turn can be regarded as a cognitive and intellectual potential of the transition from industrial to post-industrial economic formation of society. © 2017 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o. All rights reserved

    Innovative approach to the development of the logistics system of supply of the Arctic region space

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    This article reviews the basic methodological approaches to the arrangement of the logistics supply of manufacturing, research or tourism facilities based in the Arctic. The main purpose of this article was to optimize the processes of supply the Arctic territories with the use of high-tech approach, which integrates the concept of “green” logistics technology (reverse logistics, in particular) and methods of economic and mathematical modeling for inventory management and planning the purchase of resources necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the Arctic facilities. Taking into account the fact that the Arctic holds interests of many countries and corporations, as well as taking into account the fact that further development of the Arctic must be environmentally responsible, the integration of traditional and new approaches to the arrangement of supply of the Arctic facilities through the use of reverse logistic technologies of economic and mathematical modeling using the correlation-regression analysis were proposed. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Development of Russian venture entrepreneurship by activating project financing of innovation activity

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    The goal of this article is to substantiate the reasonability of using the project financing (as a new and the most progressive form of investments) for stimulating the entrepreneurial activity in the Russian venture segment. Based on the materials stated herein, it is possible to formulate the following basic conditions: • Innovation activity and development of venture entrepreneurship are the most principle conditions that provide the macro-economic stability and balanced economic growth, • Venture entrepreneurship in Russia has not yet been sufficiently developed, which is related to including the incomplete process of forming the innovation infrastructure required for implementing progressive innovation ideas, • Insufficiency and in some cases non-availability of investment resources seriously hinders the activation of innovation activity in the entrepreneurial segment, • Project financing is an optimal form to attract investments in the innovation activity, as well as in commercially successful programs and projects offered for the implementation by venture entrepreneurs, and • Becoming of the institute of project financing requires changing approaches to crediting small and medium-sized entrepreneurship by Russian commercial banks and other financial and investment structures. Besides, project financing requires changes in the state economic and financial and credit policy, which is important to pursue now. © 2017

    Professional competences of personnel as a factor of forming intellectual capital of business entities

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    This article considers theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the term "professional competences" and states theoretical and empiric interrelations of the personnel's professional competences with the level and cost of intellectual capital of business entities. Based on the stated materials, the following conclusions have been made: 1. Firstly, it has been defined that the personnel's professional competences are a core cognitive resource absolutely required for competitive development and balanced economic growth of business entities, 2. Secondly, based on the analysis of large amounts of statistical information, the data that the contribution of the personnel's professional competences in forming intellectual capital is as important as the contribution of the business talent in the development of a competitive business model has been obtained, and 3. Thirdly, there are five most important parameters (knowledge productivity, activity in obtaining new knowledge, openness to changes, quality of managing the development of a business entity, and competences maturity), whose dynamics allows to veraciously determine the business entity's ability to accumulate and intensively use the intellectual capital. © Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd

    Professional competences of personnel as a factor of forming intellectual capital of business entities

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    This article considers theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the term "professional competences" and states theoretical and empiric interrelations of the personnel's professional competences with the level and cost of intellectual capital of business entities. Based on the stated materials, the following conclusions have been made: 1. Firstly, it has been defined that the personnel's professional competences are a core cognitive resource absolutely required for competitive development and balanced economic growth of business entities, 2. Secondly, based on the analysis of large amounts of statistical information, the data that the contribution of the personnel's professional competences in forming intellectual capital is as important as the contribution of the business talent in the development of a competitive business model has been obtained, and 3. Thirdly, there are five most important parameters (knowledge productivity, activity in obtaining new knowledge, openness to changes, quality of managing the development of a business entity, and competences maturity), whose dynamics allows to veraciously determine the business entity's ability to accumulate and intensively use the intellectual capital. © Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd

    Innovative approach to the development of the logistics system of supply of the Arctic region space

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    This article reviews the basic methodological approaches to the arrangement of the logistics supply of manufacturing, research or tourism facilities based in the Arctic. The main purpose of this article was to optimize the processes of supply the Arctic territories with the use of high-tech approach, which integrates the concept of “green” logistics technology (reverse logistics, in particular) and methods of economic and mathematical modeling for inventory management and planning the purchase of resources necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the Arctic facilities. Taking into account the fact that the Arctic holds interests of many countries and corporations, as well as taking into account the fact that further development of the Arctic must be environmentally responsible, the integration of traditional and new approaches to the arrangement of supply of the Arctic facilities through the use of reverse logistic technologies of economic and mathematical modeling using the correlation-regression analysis were proposed. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Development of Russian venture entrepreneurship by activating project financing of innovation activity

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    The goal of this article is to substantiate the reasonability of using the project financing (as a new and the most progressive form of investments) for stimulating the entrepreneurial activity in the Russian venture segment. Based on the materials stated herein, it is possible to formulate the following basic conditions: • Innovation activity and development of venture entrepreneurship are the most principle conditions that provide the macro-economic stability and balanced economic growth, • Venture entrepreneurship in Russia has not yet been sufficiently developed, which is related to including the incomplete process of forming the innovation infrastructure required for implementing progressive innovation ideas, • Insufficiency and in some cases non-availability of investment resources seriously hinders the activation of innovation activity in the entrepreneurial segment, • Project financing is an optimal form to attract investments in the innovation activity, as well as in commercially successful programs and projects offered for the implementation by venture entrepreneurs, and • Becoming of the institute of project financing requires changing approaches to crediting small and medium-sized entrepreneurship by Russian commercial banks and other financial and investment structures. Besides, project financing requires changes in the state economic and financial and credit policy, which is important to pursue now. © 2017