45 research outputs found

    From lean to green management

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    The article is devoted to testing the hypothesis of Melnyk et al. that companies implementing principles of Lean Management System are more environmentally friendly than those that do not implement them. Melnyk tested his hypothesis in North American companies, where Lean Management System and Green Management System are introduced almost simultaneously. Russian production practice is significantly different from the American one, and Lean manufacturing is significantly ahead of Environmental management principles. To test the hypothesis, a formed sample of a number of Russian manufacturing companies was rather small, but the results were fully confirmed

    Aprotinin ‐ a new multi-target drug candidate or "magic shotgun" for the therapy of COVID‐19

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    Aprotinin showed high efficacy and safety in a prospective study of combination therapy for hospitalized patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 pneumonia

    Aprotinin - a New Drug Candidate for The Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

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    The efficacy of Aprotinin as prophylactic treatment of Covid-19 was studied in the hamster model of SARS-CoV-2 and in the health care personnel working with Covid-19 patients in hospital. High efficacy of Aprotinin in pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 was demonstrated

    Aprotinin is a potent multi-target drug for the combination therapy of moderate COVID-19 cases

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    Objectives. COVID-19 is a contagious multisystem inflammatory disease caused by a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We have studied the efficacy of Aprotinin (nonspecific serine proteases inhibitor) and Avifavir or Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) combinations for the therapy of COVID-19. Methods. Three prospective single-center (cohorts 1 – 3) studies included participants with moderate COVID-19-related pneumonia, laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 and admitted to the hospitals. Patients received combinations of intravenous (IV) Aprotinin (1,000,000 KIU daily, 3 days) and HCQ (cohort 1), inhalation (inh) treatment with Aprotinin (625 KIU 4 times per day, 5 days) and HCQ (cohort 2) or IV Aprotinin (1,000,000 KIU daily for 5 days) and Avifavir (cohort 3). Results. In the cohorts 1 – 3, the combination therapy showed 100% efficacy in preventing the transfer of patients (n = 30) to the intensive care unit (ICU). The effect of combination therapy in the cohort 3 was the most prominent and the median time to SARS-CoV-2 elimination was 3.5 days (IQR 3.0 – 4.0), normalization of CRP concentration was 3.5 days (IQR 3 – 5), of D-dimer concentration - 5 days (IQR 4 – 5); body temperature - 1 day (IQR 1 – 3), improvement in clinical status or discharge from the hospital - 5 days (IQR 5 – 5), and improvement in lung lesions of patients on 14 day - 100%. Conclusions. The administration of Aprotinin combinations prevented the transfer of moderate COVID-19 patients to the ICU for mechanical ventilation (ALV) or non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and by shortening of their hospital stay

    AVIFAVIR for Treatment of Patients with Moderate COVID-19: Interim Results of a Phase II/III Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial

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    In May 2020 the Russian Ministry of Health granted fast-track marketing authorization to RNA polymerase inhibitor AVIFAVIR (favipiravir) for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. In the pilot stage of Phase II/III clinical trial, AVIFAVIR enabled SARS-CoV-2 viral clearance in 62.5% of patients within 4 days, and was safe and well-tolerated

    Analysis of johnson polyhedra using projective geometry techniques ПРОЕКТИВОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ МНОГОГРАННИКОВ ДЖОНСОНА

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    The authors analyze the capabilities of projective geometry techniques based on the method of tracing for diagrams, as applied to problems of Johnson polyhedra and formation of convex polyhedral structures. Johnson polyhedra, known as Johnson solids, demonstrate a specific type of symmetry. Each polyhedron can serve as the core for varied shapes capable of preserving their properties. The authors believe that the research into clusters of Johnson solids have a stronger potential than any research into a single Johnson polyhedron. The paper shows how the change of parameters (rotation angles, axis of symmetry, and number of facets) can be preserved for a variety of shapes; this is a very lucrative property in terms of architecture and design. Specialized computer software is used for the practical implementation of the method.<br>Проведен анализ возможностей проективографического аппарата, основанного на методе следовых эпюров, в применении к многогранникам Джонсона в задачах формообразования выпуклых многогранных структур. Рассмотрены многогранники Джонсона, для которых указаны типы симметрии. Каждый многогранник может являться ядром одноэпюрной или многоэпюрной системы. Показано как при изменении параметров (углов поворота, осей симметрии, количества ядер) можно получать многообразие форм, интересных с точки зрения архитектуры и дизайна. Для практической реализации метода применена специально разработанная компьютерная программа


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    The authors present the main properties of the planar configuration of Desargues, which open the possibility of its widespread use in architectural design and the design of complex volumes, consisting of a series of simple overlapping forms. However, the computer implementation of Desargues configuration construction is associated with certain difficulties caused by the fact that the monitor can only discretely represent the graphical information. In this article we identified and analyzed the properties of Desargues configuration, the use of which allows overcoming these difficulties and solving the problem of the limited capacity of monitors in the development of complex architectural forms with the help of computer graphics. Along with this, the use of the allocated properties allows predicting complex effects of the perception of architectural forms, for example, the difference of perception of architectural objects near and afar with account for perspective distortion, and they are also the basis for the development of the algorithm of construction sequence during design

    On the use of polar coordinate system in the projective graphic drawings

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    Projective graphics is a polyhedra simulation method, which is based on the use of trace diagrams of initial polyhedron. Previously developed computer software allows using Cartesian coordinates. In some cases it is advisable to use polar coordinate system for description of projective graphics drawings. Using the example of icosahedron the authors analyzed the advantages of using projective graphics drawings in the polar coordinate system. The transition to the polar coordinate system is a tool that allows using certain patterns of projective graphics drawings in the process of calculation. When using polar coordinate system the search of Polar correspondence for the directs is simplified. In order to analyze the two lines in the polar coordinate system it is enough to compare the corresponding coefficients of the equations of these lines. The authors consider a diagram of the icosahedron in polar coordinates, and a corresponding fragment of calculation program in the Mathematica system. Some examples of forming based on icosahedrons are offered. Optimization of computer programs using polar coordinate system will simplifies the calculations of projective graphics drawings, accelerates the process of constructing three-dimensional models, which expand the possibilities of selecting original solutions. Finally, the authors conclude that it is appropriate to use the polar coordinate system only in the construction of projective graphics diagrams of the planes system having rich symmetry. All Platonic and Archimedean solids, Catalan solid possess this property

    Automatic receipt of projective geometry drawings of Johnson bodies

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    The article analyzes the possibilities of polyhedral structures’ formation basing on the automated construction of orthographic drawings (trace diagrams) derived from Johnson bodies. Projective Graphical method makes it possible to simulate the new multi-faceted forms with the help of the trace diagrams selected as a basis of a polyhedron. The computer program developed for this aim allows receiving both trace diagrams and diverse visual images of newly created polygonal shapes. Due to the large number of possible solutions it is proposed to use trace diagrams themselves (based on their degree of symmetry) as a tool to assess the feasibility of using this or that Johnson body as a basis for further shaping

    Assessment of implementation and functioning of the ecological management system

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    The relevance of the presented research is determined by the absence of any generally accepted methodology for assessing the economic results of the implementation of ecological management at the Russian enterprises. The introduction of the environmental management system at the enterprises is due to the demand of the world market, which main prerequisites are the tightening of requirements for goods, caused by the globalization processes by foreign consumers. The authors have defined the types of effects obtained by the industrial enterprise as the result of the implementation of the environmental management system. Three main types of effects were analyzed: social, economic, ecological. The research assessed the existing methods of calculating the economic efficiency of environmental measures and determined the possibility of their application for calculating the economic efficiency of the implementation of the environmental management system at the industrial enterprise. The author ’s hypothesis on the existence of an image component of the economic effect in the implementation of the environmental management system at the enterprise is proposed. Prerequisites for implementation of environmental management are considered and comparative analysis of environmental management and environmental control is carried out. The model of the system of implementation and confirmation of environmental management is proposed