96 research outputs found

    Ökad anvĂ€ndning av raps och Ă„kerböna i slaktkycklingfoder

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    Idag tĂ€cks proteinbehovet i europeisk slaktkycklingproduktion till största del av importerat sojamjöl. SojaanvĂ€ndningen inom animalieproduktionen Ă€r kraftigt ifrĂ„gasatt, och att ersĂ€tta sojan med inhemska proteinfodermedel Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att stĂ€rka svensk kycklings varumĂ€rke. Raps och Ă„kerbönor Ă€r tvĂ„ av de proteingrödor som Ă€r odlingsbara i Sverige och det finns stora möjligheter att öka anvĂ€ndningen av dessa i kycklingfoder. Kanske kommer det i framtiden att vara möjligt att jĂ€mte vete tillsĂ€tta fler hemmaproducerade rĂ„varor till ett koncentrat – Ă„kerböna och raps kan dĂ„ vara tĂ€nkbara kandidater. Ett litet gissel med i stort sett alla inhemska proteingrödor Ă€r att de innehĂ„ller en del Ă€mnen s.k. antinutritionella substanser (ANS) som kan störa nĂ€ringsupptaget hos fjĂ€derfĂ€n. Det finns dock möjligheter att genom förbehandling, med exempelvis vĂ€rme, förstöra flera av dessa oönskade substanser i rĂ„varan innan den blandas in i fodret. Dock saknas information om hur förbehandling med vĂ€rme pĂ„verkar möjlig inblandningsnivĂ„ i slaktkycklingfoder. För att undersöka detta har tvĂ„ försök, ett med raps och ett med Ă„kerböna, utförts pĂ„ Lövsta forskningscentrum, SLU

    Effects of toasting, inclusion levels and different enzyme supplementations of faba beans on growth performance of broiler chickens

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    Faba beans (Vicia faba) are an alternative protein source that likely can be used to a higher extent in broiler diets. White-flowered faba beans contain antinutritional substances (ANS) such as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), trypsin inhibitors, and lectins, which might limit its inclusion level. Lectins and trypsin inhibitors are heat labile and previous studies have shown that steam-pelleting and enzyme treatment improves the nutritional value of faba beans. However, alternative to pelleting would facilitate for farmers to add faba beans on-farm. Currently, there are machines available for toasting faba beans on-farm, which might be used for broiler mash diets. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of inclusion level (0, 10, 20 and 30%), toasting (140 degrees C 5.5 min) and different enzymes (xylanase + phytase vs. xylanase, phytase, amylase, protease) of faba bean diets on growth performance and organ parameters in broilers. To test this, 2 experiments 34 and 35 days, using a total of 480 chickenswere performed. Feed intake, body weight (BW) and feed conversion ratio were registered weekly, in addition, organ and carcass weights were registered at slaughter. The results showed that inclusion of 20% faba beans is possible in a pelleted diet with maintained broiler growth performance. When 20% was included in a mash diet, feed intake and BW decreased compared to chickens fed pelleted diets, irrespectively of pre-toasting of the beans. It can be concluded that toasting cannot replace pelleting. Supplementation of protease and amylase in addition to xylanase and phytase did not improve the nutritional value of faba beans

    Effects of algal supplementation in feed to broiler breeders on transfer of nutrients and antibodies to chicks and quality of hatchlings

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    Breeder nutrition is an important factor for chick quality since the chick embryo relies on nutrients available in the egg for growth and development. In addition, the egg is providing the chick with important antibodies that are vital during the first weeks of life. Brown algae contains several bioactive compounds, and dietary supplementation with algal extracts have shown improved gut health and immune responses in both pigs and poultry. The aim of this study was to investigate if feeding the brown algae Saccharina latissima, intact or as an extract, to broiler breeders can affect breeder hens' antibody responses to vaccination, egg quality and transfer of antibodies and nutrients to the egg and thereby improve the quality of newly hatched chicks. Forty-five hens and nine roosters of the parent lines of the fast-growing broiler Ross 308 were included in the experiment where hens were 31 weeks at the start. The hens were housed individually and fed one of three dietary treatments for seven weeks; (a) control, (b) addition of 0.6% algal meal or (c) addition of 0.08% algal extract. The hens were given a booster vaccination against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) 21 days after the start of experiment. During experimental days 32-42, hens were naturally mated every 5th day and hatching eggs were collected. A total of 255 chicks were hatched, and chick quality was assessed. Moreover, on chick day three, blood was collected from 48 focal chickens and total immunoglobulin Y levels and specific titres to IBV in serum were determined. The results showed that feeding the brown algae Saccharina latissima, intact or as an extract to broiler breeders did not affect egg production, egg quality, antibody responses to vaccination or transfer of antibodies from hen to chick. However, feeding intact algae significantly increased the levels of iodine and decreased the level of selenium in the eggs and resulted in a lower proportion of chicks with maximum quality score. Interestingly, algal feeding, both intact and as an extract, increased the abdominal fat pad in broiler breeders by about 17% without affecting BW. In conclusion, supplementation of broiler breeder diets with algal extract from Saccharina latissima, but not intact algal meal is a promising dietary strategy to increase the abdominal fat pad without causing any adverse effects on nutrient level in eggs or chick quality. CO 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Tillskottsutfodring av smÄgrisar under digivningsperioden

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    Weaning is one of the most critical events in the piglet production with problems such as growth check and post-weaning diarrhea as a result. The lighter the piglets are when the growth check occurs, the harder they have to get back to normal growth rate. Creep feeding of piglets is used to reduce the problems by increasing the weaning weight and adapting the digestive tract to a starter diet. Hodge (1974) showed that the sow's milk can not provide enough nutrients for maximal growth rate. Artificially reared piglets showed a growth rate twice that of the sow-reared piglets. The potential to increase the growth rate during the suckling period is high and so is also the interest for creep feeding. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect on production results when piglets are fed the milk based creep feed Parvel, which is fed dry during the suckling period. The report also includes a review of known effects of creep feeding. The review showed that one of the main issues with creep feed is a low feed intake. It is also important to remember that the digestive tract of the piglet is adapted to the components of the sow's milk and the ability to digest starch and vegetable protein is low. Therefore, a creep feed should be based on milk-products. The development of the digestive tract is dependent both on age and nutrient supply. It is specially the production of pancreatic enzymes that are affected by nutrient supply and increases if creep feed is offered. The ability to digest starch and vegetable protein is therefore also increasing. The weaning weight increases if creep feed is offered, but the effect of creep feed is very low two weeks after weaning. Creep feeding does not either affect the incidence of diarrhea caused by coli bacteria. My own trial was performed at two farms, the creep feed Parvel was fed mixed with peat to 15 litters in each farm. 15 litters in each farm were used as control and fed peat only. The litters were weighed when the piglets were 4 and 32 days in both farms and also when the piglets where 55 days in farm A. The hypothesis of the trial was that the piglets fed Parvel should show a higher growth rate, lower mortality and less variation in weight within the litter compared to the litters fed peat only. The results did not support the hypothesis. There were no significant differences due to treatment. But the results showed a significant effect due to farm and also a significant interaction between farm and treatment on piglet mortality. The variation showed significant differences due to age for the first weighing and due to the number of piglets in the litter at the second weighing. The conclusion of the review and the trial is that Parvel is a good supplement to litters with many small piglets and also to litters where the sow's milk production is low. These litters often contribute to a major part of the piglet mortality and also show a low growth rate. Extra effort on these litters may therefore be well invested money.AvvÀnjning Àr en av de mest kritiska hÀndelserna inom smÄgrisproduktionen. Det Àr stor risk att smÄgrisarna drabbas av en tillvÀxtsvacka och avvÀnjningsdiarré veckorna efter avvÀnjning. Ju mindre smÄgrisarna Àr, desto svÄrare har de att ÄterhÀmta sig. Tillskottsutfodring till smÄgrisar anvÀnds för att minska problemen genom att öka avvÀnjningsvikten och förbereda smÄgrisens digestionsystem för avvÀnjningsfodret. Det visades redan av Hodge (1974) att suggmjölken inte ger en maximal tillvÀxt hos smÄgrisar. Han uppmÀtte dubbla tillvÀxten hos smÄgrisar som föddes upp artificiellt jÀmfört med smÄgrisar som enbart diade hos suggan. FörutsÀttningarna för att öka tillvÀxten under digivningen finns alltsÄ och intresset för tillskottsutfodring Àr stort. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera effekterna pÄ produktionsresultat vid utfodring med det mjölkbaserade tillskottsfodret Parvel som utfodras torrt under digivningsperioden, samt att göra en litteraturgenomgÄng över kÀnda effekter av tillskottsfoder. Litteraturstudien visade att ett av huvudproblemen med tillskottsutfodring Àr att smÄgrisarna ofta visar ett lÄgt intresse för att Àta torrfoder. Det Àr Àven viktigt att tÀnka pÄ att smÄgrisarnas digestionssystem Àr anpassat för komponenterna som finns i suggmjölk och att kapaciteten för att smÀlta stÀrkelse och vegetabiliskt protein Àr lÄg, dÀrför krÀvs ett mjölkbaserat tillskottsfoder. Utvecklingen av digestionskanalen pÄverkas bÄde av Älder och typ av nÀringsintag. Det Àr framförallt utsöndring av pankreasenzymer som utvecklas tidigare om tillskottsfoder erbjuds. DÀrmed ökar Àven smÄgrisens kapacitet för att tillgodogöra sig stÀrkelse och vegetabiliskt protein. AvvÀnjningsvikten ökar vid intag av tillskottsfoder, men effekten tvÄ veckor efter avvÀnjning Àr oftast lÄg. Tillskottsutfodring har heller inte visat ge nÄgon större effekt pÄ avvÀnjningsdiarré orsakad av kolibakterier. I fÀltstudien som genomfördes i tvÄ besÀttningar gavs tillskottsfodret Parvel blandat med torv till 15 kullar per besÀttning och enbart torv gavs till 15 kullar. Kullarna vÀgdes vid fyra dagars Älder och vid 32 dagar i bÄda besÀttningarna samt Àven vid 55 dagar i besÀttning A. Hypotesen för fÀltstudien var att kullarna som fick Parvel skulle ha en högre tillvÀxt, en lÀgre spridning i vikt och en lÀgre dödlighet Àn kullarna som enbart fick torv. Resultatet visade att sÄ var inte fallet. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader i produktionsresultat med avseende pÄ behandling. Det fanns dÀremot en signifikant effekt av besÀttning och en samspelseffekt mellan besÀttning och behandling för dödlighet mellan vÀgning ett och avvÀnjning i besÀttning A. För spridning fanns en signifikant skillnad för Älder vid vÀgning ett och för antal smÄgrisar vid vÀgning tvÄ. Sammanfattningsvis tyder studien pÄ att Parvel Àr ett foder som Àr bra att anvÀnda till kullar med mÄnga smÄ grisar och till kullar dÀr suggan ger lite di. Dessa kullar stÄr ofta för en betydande del av smÄgrisdödligheten och har ofta en lÄg tillvÀxt, dÀrför kan det vara mödan vÀrt att lÀgga ner extra resurser pÄ dessa

    Use of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) hulls as substrate for Pleurotus ostreatus – Potential for combined mushroom and feed production

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    A circular concept involving use of faba bean hulls for production of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm.) and the post-harvest residues for feed purposes was evaluated. Faba bean hulls are a waste remaining after the beans are dehulled to decrease the content of anti-nutritional factors and increase the food value of the beans. Faba bean hulls proved very suitable as substrate for production of oyster mushrooms, with biological efficiency of 109 ± 28%. The fruiting bodies produced were comparable to commercially sold mushrooms in terms of morphology, protein content, protein quality, and chemical composition. After mushroom harvest, 48.4 ± 0.6% of initial dry weight (dwt) of the substrate remained and showed significant changes in proximate composition, with an increase in protein concentration from 207.9 ± 8.6 to 346.6 ± 16.5 g kg−1 dwt and a significant increase in 14 of 16 amino acids analyzed, including methionine. Concentrations of the anti-nutritional compounds vicine and convicine were below the detection limit after mushroom harvest, while their initial concentration was 5.7 ± 0.1 and 1.4 ± 0.04 g kg−1 dwt, respectively. Tannin concentration was reduced by approximately 50%, to a final level of 9.0 ± 1.6 g kg−1 dwt. Comparison of the spent mushroom substrate with a commonly used feedstuff for pigs indicated potential for the spent substrate to be a valuable protein source in pig diets. This study demonstrates the potential for achieving complete circular use of agro waste and has implications for development of production systems well suited in the biobased society

    From sewage sludge ash to a recycled feed phosphate-digestibility of precipitated calcium phosphate in broiler chickens and growing pigs

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    Today, EU is largely (-92%) dependent on the import of phosphates as most mines are located outside Europe. Because of the limited availability, phosphorus (P) is included on the list of Critical Raw Materials. Precipitated calcium phosphate (PCP) recovered from sewage sludge ash is a novel and sus-tainable option to replace mined P as raw material in feed phosphates, e.g. monocalcium phosphate (MCP) or dicalcium phosphate, but the digestibility has not yet been tested in vivo. The aim was therefore to determine PCP and MCP apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of P in broiler chickens and apparent (ATTD) and true (TTTD) total tract digestibility of P in growing pigs. A chicken study comprised 240 Ross 308 chickens that were housed in groups of eight from day 21 to day 28. Five diets were used, a basal diet and two test diets, which contributed either 0.075% (low) or 0.150% (high) additional P for each of the test sources (MCP and PCP). The basal and test diets were composed to achieve increasing levels of P and AID was calculated with regression analysis. In the pig study, eight individually housed pigs were used in a change-over study with two experimental periods. The pigs were fed a basal P-free diet in a preperiod to be able to estimate endogenous P losses and then two different diets in two periods using a change-over design, where MCP and PCP were the only P source, providing in total 0.33 (basal diet), 4.42 (MCP) and 3.53 (PCP) g kg-1P, respectively. The AID of P in PCP and MCP for chickens was 58.4 and 75.1% (P = 0.166). The ATTD and TTTD of P in PCP for pigs were 58.4 and 67.2%, respectively, which was lower (P < 0.001) than the corresponding values for MCP (82.1 and 89.1%), respectively. The digestibility of calcium (Ca) did not differ in the chicken diets with high inclusion levels of PCP and MCP (54.7 and 55.3%, respectively, P = 0.535), but was lower for PCP than MCP in the pig study (57.8 and 70.8% respectively, P = 0.001). In conclusion, the digestibility of P in PCP for chickens did not differ from conventional MCP, whereas for pigs, it was lower, but could be a viable alternative to other common sources of P.(c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


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    SojaanvĂ€ndningen inom animalieproduktionen Ă€r kraftigt ifrĂ„gasatt, och att ersĂ€tta sojan med inhemska proteinfodermedel Ă€r en av de viktigaste förĂ€ndringar för att minska miljöpĂ„verkan och stĂ€rka svensk kycklings varumĂ€rke. Raps och Ă„kerbönor Ă€r tvĂ„ av de proteingrödor som Ă€r odlingsbara i Sverige och det finns stora möjlighetet att öka anvĂ€ndningen av dessa i kycklingfoder. Ett litet gissel med i stort sett alla inhemska proteingrödor Ă€r att de innehĂ„ller en del Ă€mnen s.k. antinutritionella substanser (ANS) som kan störa nĂ€ringsupptaget hos fjĂ€derfĂ€n. I raps Ă€r det framförallt glukosinolater och dess nedbrytningsprodukter som utgör ett problem. Nedbrytning av glukosinolater aktiveras av enzymet myrosinas. BegrĂ€nsningen hos Ă„kerböna Ă€r för vĂ€xande djur framförallt tanniner och trypsininhibitorer, dĂ€r vitblommiga Ă„kerbönorna Ă€r i princip fria frĂ„n tanniner. SĂ„vĂ€l myrosinas som trypsininhibitorer Ă€r vĂ€rmeinstabila och det finns dĂ€rmed möjligheter att genom förbehandling med vĂ€rme, förstöra dessa oönskade substanser i rĂ„varan innan den blandas in i fodret. Dock saknas information om optimal tid och temperatur pĂ„ vĂ€rmebehandlingen och hur denna pĂ„verkar möjlig inblandningsnivĂ„ i slaktkycklingfoder. Risken med en för kraftig vĂ€rmebehandling Ă€r att proteinkvaliteten blir negativt pĂ„verkad. För att undersöka detta genomfördes fyra delförsök, ett labförsök och ett slaktkycklingförsök med rapsfrö och ett labförsök och ett slaktkycklingförsök med vitblommig Ă„kerböna. Labförsöken utfördes pĂ„ KungsĂ€ngens forskningscentrum, SLU och raps respektive Ă„kerböna torr-rostades i ugn i olika tider och temperaturer. För raps var enzymet myrosinas helt inaktiverat vid rostning 120 °C, 15 min samtidigt som proteinets kvalitĂ© var bibehĂ„llen. För Ă„kerböna sĂ„gs en sĂ€nkning av trypsininhibitoraktivitet och bibehĂ„llen proteinkvalitet vid rostning 140 °C, 5,5 min, och dessa temperaturer bedöms som optimala vid torr- rostning. Slaktkycklingförsöken utfödes pĂ„ Lövsta forskningscentrum, och i rapsförsöket testades 4 inblandningsnivĂ„er, 0, 8, 16, 24 % raps, samt effekt av vĂ€rmebehandling i form av Ă„ngpelletering. För de pelleterade fodren var 16 % inblandning möjlig utan att pĂ„verka foderintag, tillvĂ€xt eller foderomvandlingsförmĂ„ga (FCR) negativt. För de icke-pelleterade - mĂŒslifodern var FCR bibehĂ„llen vid 8 % inblandning, men vikt och foderintag var sĂ€mre Ă€n kontrollfodret och sĂ€nktes sedan linjĂ€rt med ökad inblandningsnivĂ„. I slaktkycklingförsöket med Ă„kerböna testades ocksĂ„ 4 inblandningsnivĂ„er, 0, 10, 20 och 30 %, dessa foder Ă„ngpelleterades. För nivĂ„n 20 % Ă„kerböna testades Ă€ven effekten av vĂ€rmebehandling och foderstruktur genom att tvĂ„ mĂŒslifoder tillverkades, i det ena var Ă„kerbönorna förrostade i 140 °C, 5,5 min i det andra var de obehandlade. Resultaten visade att foderintag, vikt och FCR var bibehĂ„llen vid 20 % inblandning, vid 30 % inblandning var FCR bibehĂ„llen, men foderintag och vikt var sĂ€nkta. I bĂ„da mĂŒslifodern sĂ„gs ett vĂ€ldigt lĂ„gt foderintag och dĂ€rmed lĂ„ga vikter, men bibehĂ„llen FCR. Som slutsats konsterades att vĂ€rmebehandling i form av pelletering möjliggör inblandning av 16 % rapsfrö och 20 % vitblommig Ă„kerböna i slaktkycklingfoder

    In vitro fermentation of substrates from Saccharina latissima by broiler chicken's caecal microbiota

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    This study investigated seasonal variations in the composition of the kelp species Saccharina latissima cultivated on the Swedish west coast and, using an in vitro fermentation system, evaluated the effect of fermented whole S. latissima biomass or biomass components on the gut microbiota of broiler chickens. Caecal contents of six Ross 308 broilers fed a standard wheat and soy -based diet were retrieved on two different occasions, with three birds sampled per occasion. Two in vitro fermentation batches (A, B) were established using caecal contents as inoculum, and whole S. latissima, ethanol -washed S. latissima, laminarin extract or inulin (control) as substrate. Total short -chain fatty acid (SCFA) content, gas production, pH and changes in microbiota composition were studied after 6, 12 and 24 h of fermentation. Analysis of seasonal variations revealed that S. latissima harvested in June had the highest laminarin content and lowest ash and crude protein content. Broiler microbiota, SCFA profile, gas production and pH mainly varied depending on fermentation inoculum, but there were also some variations depending on substrate. For instance, uncultured bacterium from Clostridiales_vadinBB60_group showed higher relative abundance (RA) in batch A, while Faecalibacterium showed higher RA in batch B. Whole and ethanol -washed S. latissima resulted in highest RA of unclassified Ruminococcaceae and Tyzzerella for both batches, while ethanol -washed S. latissima and laminarin gave highest RA of Erysipelatoclostridium. Inulin resulted in highest RA for the genus Subdoligranulum. Acetic, nbutyric and propionic acid were the main fermentation products and total SCFA level was higher in batch B. Within batch B, inulin and laminarin generated higher levels of acetic and butyric acid. When using inulin and laminarin, gas production was lower in batch B compared with batch A. In summary, this study showed that S. latissima is a good source of laminarin, especially when harvested in summer. Within the in vitro system, the microbiota was affected by different substrates, but inoculum source was identified as an important contributor to microbial community development during fermentation

    Social life cycle assessment of Swedish organic and conventional pork production

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    Purpose Sustainable animal food systems are increasingly important to society. Yet for pork, the most consumed meat product in Europe, there is no social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) in the literature. The breath and complexity of social issues and lack of data makes the task challenging. This study examines the risk of negative social impacts in Swedish pork production systems and includesworkers,farmers,consumers,local community,society, andpigsas stakeholders. Methods The objective was to assess the risk of negative social impacts for the production and consumption of 1000-kg pork (fork weight-bone free meat including cooking losses) originating from two different systems: organic and conventional pork production. Relevant social sustainability issues for pork production systems were identified through a literature search and a consultative workshop with experts. A life cycle inventory was conducted to collect data for activity variables and compute Social Risk (SR), a measure of the risk of negative social impacts related to a reference (here the average European social conditions). Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) was used to obtain weights for subcategories. The SR scores and the weights were used to calculate Social Risk Time (SRT) that relates the Social Risk to the functional unit by considering the 'exposure' to the risk, and the Social Hotspot Index (SHI), which relates the SRT to the worst possible situation for that system. Results and discussion The conventional pork system had 42% of inventory indicators with SR > 0.5 and the organic pork system had 32%. For all stakeholders, thepig farmhad the largest SRT in both production systems except forworkersin the organic pork system where the soybean farmhad the largest SRT. In the conventional pork system,societyas well asfarmersat thepig farmhad SHI > 0.5 slightly, meaning performing the same as European average. In the organic pork system, SHI < 0.5 for all stakeholders and subsystems. Conclusion Swedish pork production has lower risk of negative social impacts than the average European social conditions for most of the stakeholders:workers,pigs,local community, andconsumers.Farmersandsocietyat the subsystempig farmhave the same risk of negative social impacts as the average European social conditions. Due to the dependence of the results of the chosen reference level, the reliance on certification, and the indicators included, results should be interpreted and used with care

    Effects of access to feed, water, and a competitive exclusion product in the hatcher on some immune traits and gut development in broiler chickens

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    1. This study evaluated the effect of access to feed, water, and the competitive exclusion (CE) product Broilact((R)), administered in the hatcher, on broiler performance, caecal microbiota development, organ development, intestinal morphology, serum levels of IgY and vaccine-induced antibody responses.2. In total, 250 chicks were hatched in a HatchCare (TM) hatcher and divided into four groups, given access to feed, water and the CE product sprayed on the chicks (CEs); access to feed, water, and the CE product in water (CEw); access to feed and water (Cpos); or no access to feed and water (Cneg) in the hatcher.3. At the research facility, 10 chicks per hatching treatment were euthanised for organ measurements. The remaining 200 chicks were randomly distributed to 20 pens. On d 11, all birds were vaccinated against avian pneumovirus (APV). Three focal birds per pen were blood-sampled weekly for quantification of IgY and serum antibodies to APV. On d 11 and 32, two birds per replicate pen were euthanised for organ measurements and sample collection. Feed intake and body weight were recorded weekly.4. Delayed access to feed and water reduced weight gain and feed intake early in life. At the end of the study, no differences in body weight remained.5. There were some early effects on organs, with depressed intestinal development and higher relative gizzard weight for the Cneg group at placement. No treatment effects on the immune traits measured were detected.6. The relative abundance of seven bacterial genera differed between treatment groups at d 11 of age. The results suggested that chickens are capable of compensating for 40 h feed and water deprival post-hatch. Provision of Broilact((R)) did not have any persistent performance-enhancing properties, although different outcomes under rearing conditions closer to commercial production cannot be ruled out
